tmnt_addict: Movies!!

Question: Natsu and happy! What'r your fave movies?

Natsu: We don't watch many movies.

Happy: Lucy made us watch some though.

Natsu: That one about the boat that sunk was okay. :/ Titania or something...

Happy: You mean Titanic?

Natsu: Yeah.

Happy: You liked that, Natsu?

Natsu: Yeah, so. 

Happy: That's right... You cried when the guy died.

Natsu: I DID NOT!

Happy: You really are a baby... :3

Natsu: Peh! *crosses arms* >.>

Happy: Well I liked Frozen! :D

Natsu: That one reminded me too much of Miss-strips-a-lot to enjoy...

Happy: Elsa and Gray or nothing alike.

Natsu: The music was good though... 

Happy: Aye!

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