|| BONUS ||

((I probably shouldn't be doing a bonus seeing as I still have.... *counts* 13 questions to answer buuuuut...))


➤ After the GMG Natsu would have nightmares of Lucy dying and would have to sleep at her house so that he could check on her whenever he woke from a night terror.

➤ Juvia also had nightmares of Gray dying, but unlike Natsu she would just stay up in bed and fret over him for an hour, rush to his house (she stalked him home one day) and would only check that he was breathing before she left.

➤ Natsu knew Lisanna's feelings for him and felt guilty that he never returne them once she died.

➤ Happy died saving Natsu in Future!Lucy's timeline

➤ Wendy and Lucy consider each other like sisters

➤ Romeo thinks Wendy is really cute (mainly because she is cute but also the only girl he knows who is his age)

➤ Natsu uses potion when he washes his clothes so that they remain fireproof

➤ Aquarius asking Scorpio for updates on Lucy's life "Has she gotten a boyfriend yet?" "She isn't abusing the power I gave her is she?" and actually caring about the answers

➤ Natsu expects everyone to leave him - everyone except for Lucy and Happy whom he trusts to stay by his side

➤ Edo Natsu and Edo Lucy already have kids

➤ Same goes for most of the Edo couples

➤ Freed is gay (I think most of us accept this)

➤ Cana and Bacchus aren't in any romantic relationship, but they have had a few drunken one-night stands

➤ Gildarts is gonna start bringing back exquisite and unnecessary gifts for Cana wehenevr he returns from a mission

➤ Natsu would never take advantage of Lucy when she was drunk, but he would dreadingly follow every order she gave him so long as it kept her from crying

➤ Lucy often writes about her adventures using pseudonyms for all of her friends

➤ Loke considers Aries too much like family to be dateable

➤ Sometimes Zeref would drop flowers by Mavis's grave and make up a story since he knew that both of them were lonely and it was a comfort to him to feel like he was doing something good

((Don't be afraid to share your headcanons below. *bows* That is all.))
