stinglunalushipper24: Nicest mum?

Happy: Who doyou think is a nicer mom , lucy or lissana and here have a big fish that I caught *gives big fish*

Happy: Lucy and Lisanna are both nice... And sometimes they aren't like my mum! Sometimes they are more like my sister! And... Lisanna is a lot nicer to me... *drained expression* She doesn't get angry at me like Lucy does...

Natsu: What if Lucy says I love you (in a romantic way) what will you say

Natsu swallowed a gulp, his eyes scanning her face as if it was all some kind of lie. But he knew it was true. He trusted her wholly. So why the sudden unwillingness to believe? She gazed back expectantly, her eyes caressing his face. He felt he might cry from the sheer power of those words.

"I love you, Natsu."

Words of confession uttered in front of the entire guild, against all odds.

"Lucy, I-" He had never done this before. He was crying. Those were tears in his eyelids and he knew it. He tried to hold them back, he had never cried in front of Lucy before. He hated the thought that it might start now. But her palm rested on his cheek, wiping the tears away before they had a chance to fall.

He couldn't handle it. His heart was on fire and his eyes were overflowing and she looked so...

A slow step forward nearly turned into a leap of faith as he threw himself into her arms, nearly pushing the celestial mage to the ground. "I love you too!" He exclaimed, unwilling to care that he might be setting himself up for more heartache. Lucy was here - and he would make sure she never left him.

He didn't care how clingy he would get.
