

      "SO WHAT YOU'RE SAYING IS...." Kana's eyes widen slightly, "He confess?"

       "Yup...." I nodded, drinking my juice. I was having lunch with Kana and Ruby. Ruby was more distance than usual but i brushed it off, "About four days ago."

       I could feel Kana trying not to smile, knowing that if I accept the confession or tell Aqua any of this. Me and Aqua ends.

       "Four days?" Ruby eyes widen, sudden by how long it has been.

       "I mean, I'll just have to turn him down either way..." I chuckled slightly, putting my juice down.

       "Wait, you're turning him down?" Ruby sounded....unsure and weird about it. I could also see Kana having the same expression but a more disappointed one.

      "yeah..." i gave her a sus look, "I mean, I don't even know him..."

      "Have you talked to Aqua about this?" Ruby gave a worried look.

       I flinched. Aqua would surely kill the guy who confess to me. "er....he probably will make fun of me..." I gave an excuse.

       "Really? surely not..." Kana gave me a sus look this time.

      "I just got a feeling." I awkwardly laughed, "besides....when the person confess to me...he looked pretty serious...I just don't like the idea of turning him down for no reason."

       The two slowly nodded in understanding, then Ruby looked at me. Her eyes widen. I was confuse, she wasn't looking at me. She was looking at someone behind me,

       "Turn down who?" I heard a deep voice from behind.

        I turned to my back, seeing a blonde headed man looking down at me, glaring and have a murderous glance.

        Oh shit.

        "A-aqua-chan." I smiled nervously, "what are you doing here?"

        "I went to find you in the art storeroom but i couldn't find you means you came to the entertainment department." Aqua stated.

        I looked at Ruby and Kana whom had a shock look too but didn't say anything. kana had a small smile while Ruby had a nervous one.

      "Um, how long have you been standing there?" I tried to put on a smile.

      "Hm...." Aqua trailed off, "When you said someone confess to you and it would be bad to turn them down for no reason."

        "O-oh..." I nodded slowly.

       "So, what are you going to do?" Kana asked.

       "I'm not sure..." I laughed awkwardly, unease with Aqua's presence.

        "Why not ask someone to pretend be your boyfriend?" Ruby suggested suddenly.

       "But that's to troublesom-"

       "I'll do it." Aqua cut me off.

       "Wait, seriously?" Kana gave a look of suspicion and jealousy as Aqua nodded, looking at me as I looked away immediately.

       "Y/n?" Aqua asked once again, "That's fine right?"

       "Er, yeah sure." Not like I could reject him.



       YOU AND AQUA WAS AT AN ALLEYWAY AT SCHOOL. You already told the boy who confess to you where and when to meet you.

        It was currently after school and Ruby and Kana, whom desperate wanted to see who it was, couldn't since they have something about their idol group which needs them back at Strawberry production.

       There was silence between you and Aqua as we waited for the boy. You didn't to Aqua at all and he didn't at all.

        You could tell he was mad but I didn't do anything.

        "I'll say you're my girlfriend and tell him to back off." Aqua spoke first, still not making eye contact with you.

        "You don't have to say anything." You chuckled softly, "Just act. I'll do the talking."

       "Why? you are my girlfriend to me. In real life. But you just don't see me as your boyfriend." Aqua stated calmly, "remember? i said back then I'll act as though we're dating and when you fill out you're feelings, then tell me your feelings."

         You remembered, your heart ache as you remember you are leaving him. You knew you should tell him anytime sooner but you were scare.

        There was a boy from a distance running to you guys. He was the same age and was in the entertainment department. He had a good looking face though.

       "Sorry i'm late, L/n," The boy(not yanagi) chuckled, then turn to see Aqua, "er, who's him?"

      "Oh, he's-"

       "Boyfriend." Aqua finish my sentence, faking a smile.

       Drop dead. You thought to yourself after seeing Aqua smile.

       "You have a boyfriend?" The boy scoffed, "I don't remember you having a boyfriend." The boy hands reached out to him but Aqua grabbed it.

       "Sorry, I don't share." Aqua glared at the boy, eyes darkening as the boy gave a scare look, nodding.

       You looked at Aqua, whom was currently pissed, as he let go of the boy and the boy apologize and walked away.

       "You didn't have to scare him...." You said, looking at Aqua.

       "He deserve it. He doesn't deserve you." Aqua simply stated, "I do." He mumbled that last, blushing slightly.

       You smiled softly, patting his head, "I guess so..."

        Aqua's face soften as he leaned into your touch. His eyes softly close as his hand softly held your other hand.




