



    SOMETHING WAS DIFFERENT ABOUT AQUA. Ever since he came back after the after-work drink out from the play with his co-workers...

     You were at Strawberry production with the idol group and with Aqua. You just tagged along since you were bored.

     They were discussing something about filming a new music video about a new song.

     You sat at one side, crossing your legs as Aqua sit further away from you.

     It was kinda obvious Arima wasn't too happy when you came.

    You saw Arima approaching Aqua but you didn't do anything about it.

     You figured Arima deserves some time with Aqua. Aren't you sweet?

     "i'm glad you guys found a good composer." Aqua smiled as everyone looked at him, "You should be excited."

     A disgusted face creeped up as you saw Aua smiled.

     This isn't like him.

     You squint your eyes, getting a better look at him. Shit, what happened to his....star?

     You can't be the only one who notices this, right?

     You were the only one.

    "You seem..." You stood up, walking to Aqua, "Somehow different...."

     Arima nodded too, "Yeah! You seem sorta warmer! I like it when you're like this, too!"

     Well, i don't. You gave Aqua a small glare before approaching Ruby.

     Aqua gave an offended and curious look as he watches you walked away.

     "I can't wait to sing it!" Ruby's eyes sparkled, lilting up the entire room.

     You smiled at her, nodding along.

    "However, even though i asked him to finished the song last month, he still hasn't sent it to us yet," Miyako chuckled awkwardly.

     Everyone gave a deadpan face as they walked to Miyako. You stood at one side, looking at them silently.

     "Y/n..." Aqua walked towards you, "Everything all right?"

     "yeah, why wouldn't it be?" You scoffed.

      "You seemed mad."

     "I'm not mad. this is my usual face." You rolled your eyes, looking down.

      Aqua paused for a moment, sitting down on the couch as you sat down next to him. You didn't have a smile on your face.

     You had your natural cold face which you rarely showed.

     "Must have fun to have support from others." You looked up to mem-cho, Arima and Ruby, talking with Miyako.

     "What do you mean?" Aqua looked at me.

    "Hoshino, Mem-cho, Arima are having hundreds of support from others to become an idol." You scoffed, leaning back, "seriously..."

    "So what?" He gave an eye.

    "What's so good and special about becoming an idol? when you become famous, you receive massive amount of hate and pressure. There's so much more than becoming an idol." 

     "It's their dream. Not everyone have to become one. If they want to go through that we can't stop them."

      You glared at him, "You're different now."

     "What?" His eyes widen slightly.

     "You're not the Aqua i know. You looked....softer like what Arima said." You gave a gross face.

    "Why are you hating me now?" He scoffed, glaring back but we kept out voice softer so the others won't bother.

     "I'm not." You stood up.

     "What's wrong?" Arima came into the scene, "L/n..?"

      "Hm?" A smile came to your face, attuite changing 360, "What do you mean?"

     "Are you guys fighting?" She looked at you.

     "No. I don't get it." You chuckled, faking a smile, "Everything's fine, Arima. Thanks for worrying."

      "O-oh..." She nodded, looking back at Aqua.

     Aqua wasn't looking at our direction. "Everything's fine..." He muttered.

      "See?" You clasped your hands together, "I'm a bother here, right? I should be leaving." You just had to leave right now. 

      "Oh, bye then." Arima smiled.

      Why were you being so paranoid? You walked to the door, opening the door before looking back at Aqua, "Aqua? Aren't you coming?"

     Aqua's head jerked back to you. His eyes widen. Weren't you mad at him like seconds ago and now you want him to accompany you home?

     Arima's eyes widen too, looking back at Aqua.

      "o-oh..." Aqua stood up, following you as you smiled at Arima, grabbing Aqua's hand, "Bye, Arima."

     You walked out of the room, closing the door with Aqua by your side.

     "Aren't you mad at me a few seconds ago?" He scoffed. He wouldn't admit it but he loved the fact you're asking him to follow you.

    "Shut up or you're going back to Arima." You sigh, walking back to your apartment with Aqua by your side.

      YOU SAT UP FROM YOUR BED WHEN YOU SAW AQUA WASN'T BY YOUR SIDE. It was night time and Aqua still wanted to stay the night but he's not on your bed with you.

     You rubbed your eyes, seeing your clothes changed.

     Oh yeah, you guys had sex right after you got back to your apartment. (Lazy to write smut scene. Sorry>)

     Aqua didn't like the way you were mad at him so he decided to have sex to make it up.

    Everything was clean. The bed, your clothes. He even bothered to change your clothes. Surprising how you never woke up after he did so much.

     You got off your bed, standing up, almost falling off but you grabbed something to support you.

     You walked out of your room, "Aqua..?" You looked around, walking towards the kitchen.

     Aqua was sitting behind the counter on the ground with a cup of water in his hands. He looked up to see you, "Y/n?"

     "What are you doing here?" You sigh, sitting down next to him.

     "I wanted water so i came to get it." He stated, "Are you okay? I felt like I went too rough."

     "I'm okay." You nodded as he lean his head on your shoulders.

    He nodded as he closes his eyes, "I should be the only one who knows you're true self....Right?"

     "My true self? As in my, selfish, annoying, faking smile self?" You scoffed.

     "Yeah...I know you hate it when people touch you without permission, ask about your family, expect good things from you, being more prettier than you, more popular."

    "yeah, i basically the mean bitch in every movie." You rolled your eyes, "I'm surprise you don't hate me for it..."

     "It's okay, that's what makes you a normal human." Aqua hummed, "it's okay...I don't mind you're negative traits..."

      You paused for a while, looking back at Akane and Arima, "You shouldn't love me. Akane or Arima is better...they'll treat you better....."

     Aqua sat up, looking at you with wide eyes, "Why are you saying that?"

    "I'm stating facts." You patted his head, gently, shifting your sitting position so that Aqua wouldn't see your face.

    "Are you not happy with me?" You could hear Aqua's voice breaking.

     "It's not that...i shouldn't be happy..." You sigh as you felt Aqua's hand wrapping around your neck, hugging you, "They're no way anyone could be fully happy."

      "If you give me your 100% you'll be happier with me." Aqua muttered as his hot breath brush against your neck.

     "I don't want someone to have my 100% and i don't want anyone to give me their 100%. Shining night armor prince to save you, happy endings..." You paused, "They're all just...."

      What was the word?

     You honestly did believed in them when you're younger but now...

     I can't believe I thought growing older, life would be better...

     "Just a fairytale."



