

       "HOSHINO!" I waved at Ruby when I saw her in the art room in school. I walked to her, smiling, "Why are you here?"

         "Oh, L-L/n," Ruby smiled nervously, "Um, I thought Aqua was here so,...."

         "Aqua-chan? Oh, he isn't here." I laughed, "He's at work, remembering? About the play thingy-i'm not sure."

          "O-oh..." Ruby nodded, "I'm leaving then."

          Just as I wanted to bid her a goodbye she ran off out of the artroom. I stared at in confusion, wondering what was wrong with her.


            I WORE A SIMPLE OVERSIZE WHITE T-SHIRT WHICH REACHES MY KNEES, COVERING MY BACK SHORT JEAN, I tied my hair up to small bun and walked to Aqua's work place, where his new play was.

          I was fetching him from work, my idea, which i didn't tell him.

         It was around 7ish or something . I walked to the office and opened the door without knocking. Everyone eyes were on me.

         I don't know if their shock from my beauty or i'm just a random stranger.

         I stood at my spot as everyone eyes were on me. I looked around and saw Aqua, whom was with Akane and Kana.

        "Er, who are you?" One of the staff asked.

        Aqua stood up immediately and walked to me. I didn't know whether his angry or shock, "She's with me."

         The staff  nodded and I smiled at Aqua, "Aqua-chan, surprise. I came to fetch you."

         Aqua's eyes soften at me, then chuckled softly, "Isn't that the man's job?"

         "I guess so." I joked around.

         Akane and Kana walked over at me. Both had shock look but Akane was more confuse and Kana looked more....Disappointed?

          "L/n, what are you doing here?" Kana tried to put a smile on her face.

          I smirk at her, knowing that I was the one Kana hated. I didn't mind since of course, her crush was into me instead of her.

           God, I'm evil.

          "I came to fetch Aqua-chan." I smiled childishly.

         "Hi, I'm Akane." Akane stretch her for me a shake. She was beautiful in my eyes. Beautiful and nice.

          "Y/n L/n." I smiled, shaking her hand as we both smiled, "You're Aqua-chan's girlfriend, right?"

          I knew they were a work couple since Aqua told me. I saw Aqua flinch a bit, not liking when I said that.

         "Yup." Akane smiled.

        I smiled back, a fake but nice one, "Wow, you're pretty." I wasn't lying on that one.

         "Thanks." She giggled.

        what a nice girl.

         I looked over at Kana, whom had a furious had a happy one. She's probably just trying to hide her anger. She's doing great considering her acting but I'm great at emotions so, haha.

        "Arima, hi." I wave at her, reminding her that she didn't greet me.

        "Oh, hi." Kana chuckled awkwardly.

        "Y/n, let's go." Aqua grabbed his bag, impatient as I nodded, waving a goodbye to the other two girls and walked to the exit with Aqua.

        I could sense a tint of jealousy from Akane but for Kana, she's really jealous.

       Hehe, I won. 

       "Want to stay for at my apartment?" I looked over at Aqua as we walked. Aqua had a shock look in his face but had excitement in it.

        "Why suddenly?" Aqua asked softly.

        "We don't have to if you're uncomfortable." I said, hoping he'll disagree with what i said.

      "I'll stay the night." Aqua said immediately.



       It almost became normal for Aqua to be this close with me despite not dating.

        I leaned on the bed, facing my left as my back face Aqua.

       "Y/n," Aqua poked my back gently, wanting my attention.

        I didn't respond, wanting to sleep. 

        "Y/n," He called out one more time.


          "Y/n..." He started becoming annoyed, "You're the one who asked me to stay the night and you're ignoring me."

         "I'm trying to sleep." I yawned.

        He raised an eyebrow. "Oh so your not giving me attention anymore?" He teased. He found himself pouting a little bit, like a kid. He was being very needy tonight, more then usual which in it of itself said a lot.

        I couldn't help but smile slightly.

       I could feel Aqua smirking slightly, like an idea just came into his head. I felt Aqua closing our gap and went closer to me.

       "Maybe I should punish you for being so mean" he teased in a huskier tone, his voice low and slightly sultry sounding. "How does that sound?"

         "Aqua-chan..." I puff my cheeks, turning to face him, "i'm trying to sleep. we have school tomorrow."

          "We can be late." He said before leaning in and kissing you deeply, his tongue searching for your mouth. He was really in the mood for a little making out.

         I mean, who could blame him if he's stuck the night with me.

        I didn't kiss back, not wanting to give in.

        Aqua broke the kiss after a few seconds, looking at you before speaking. "Come on, You should at least kiss me back."

       "It's the least you can do." He smirked slightly, his eyebrow raising as he waited to see what you would do.

        I turned around and blushed slightly, hoping it's dark enough so he wouldn't see the redness on your face.

        "Aww, are you annoyed?" Aqua teased, chuckling slightly. He saw that his teasing had bothered you, you being annoyed and ignoring him was like catnip for him.

       "Come on, give me a little kiss then I'll let you go to sleep - promise." He added before getting closer and whispering into your ear seductively.

        "fine." I went and kissed him gently on the lip, then pulled away, "done."

         "Good," he whispered before kissing you again, "Very good, now's the kiss?" He asked, his voice deep and somewhat husky sounding.

          "It's okay." i said, closing my eyes.

         He rolled his eyes and turned over to lay on his side, his leg still pressed up against yours as he glanced at you. 

        "What are you still doing here then? Go to bed like you wanted to," he teased, his voice sounding a little annoyed. "It's already late after all."

         He was still pouting a little, trying to hide it by laying on his side but it was still obvious to see his pout, despite his attempts.

        I sat up, looking at him with love. "Aww," I gently careless his cheek.

      He looked up at you as you touched his cheek, blushing slightly as his pout faded slightly.  

      "Alright alright...I'll forgive you." He whispered softly. "You win this time, but only because of your touch."His voice was deep and husky, sounding almost sultry as he teased you.

       I smiled at him, laying down on the bed and hugged him.

       I'm happier then ever with my life now.

