Ch. 570 - Ch. 579

Ch. 570:

The advantage of centralizing the population to live in is that there was an empty room here and an empty room there. The fire powers wanted to burn hot water, and once they burned, they would burn the whole area. But often in this whole area, many houses were empty, which caused a serious waste of resources.

Drive the rest of these old, weak, sick and disabled people to live in an area. If you can spare a few fire powers, you can also have more fighting power to kill zombies.

But in fact, it didn't add much defensive power to the Eastern District, because the first people who left Chuncheng were all able to stand up to hardships. Among these people, there were powers and some strong people. Many fire powers who were not controlled or strictly controlled had already run with the army, so they were responsible for burning hot water to supply floor heating, There are not many.

Su Su deliberately told Guo Chunlai to send someone to take strict care of those wooden and water system powers. She took these wooden and water system powers as objects of house arrest. What's the matter? What's the problem?

Facts have proved that Su Su's decision is not wrong. It is because of her deliberate advice that those wood and water system powers have no chance to leave the east side.

As a result, there are still rice and vegetables to eat in the eastern district. The remaining 150000 people raise their own fish and buy some rice and vegetables with the crystal core from the mutant fish. The general food and clothing is not a problem at all.

According to the statistics, there are 50000 people left in the Eastern District alone, and only 50000 people left in the two southwest districts of fangyoumao. So there are 150000 old, weak, sick and disabled people left in the Eastern District, and 100000 people left in the two districts of fangyoumao. The northern district is under the jurisdiction of chunzhengzong, and the population is the least. There is no door to leave the Northern District, so chunzhengzong's northern district, At present, there are still 50000 people, and the population will not increase or decrease.

In Chuncheng, 100000 people left to build their beautiful homes. Some of these people went north, some went south, some went east, some went west. They had different purposes and had their own differences. The whole social environment of Chuncheng, as Su Su expected, was quiet and stable, although the rest of them also complained about the current situation, But in the end, people who are not so fond of tossing, as long as you give them a bite, they are still at ease.

Later, a burst of ice particles with the size of marbles suddenly appeared in the sky. The weather was so bad that it was shocking. On the edge of the three broken wall holes in the Eastern District, the soldiers of the spring army killed the zombies very well. The soldiers had to keep moving to make their blood boil, while the zombies outside, because of the colder and colder weather, And a large area of the Eastern District stopped heating, one by one with the human like wooden piles, standing outside to kill people.

With a big knife, Chun Lai chopped off the head of a zombie. He turned back and yelled at the brothers around him, "let's work harder. While these zombies are frozen, let's work harder to clean them up. When spring comes next year, we may be able to get spring city out of the Siege of corpse tide."

"Come on, ah!"

"Good, good life is in spring."

"Ha ha ha, kill ~ ~"

Because of the thought of spring, some depressed soldiers who had run 50000 people in the Eastern District suddenly seemed to be given a heart tonic, and they became full of energy. Thinking that Chuncheng had been trapped by the corpse tide for so many years, it would be a happy event if Chuncheng could be freed from the siege of zombies because of this natural and man-made disaster.

In a hurry, it was the end of January of the next year. The colder the weather was, the colder it was. I don't know what happened to the 100000 people who left Chuncheng. Anyway, since they left, there was no news coming back. That's good. We're done. We'll never interfere with each other and never think about each other again.

Chuncheng's eastern district and Southern District's western district have canceled the barriers set between them, and the thick wall has been pushed down. Now in Chuncheng, except for a wall between the Eastern District and the Northern District, the other districts are interconnected, and people in the district can freely move around in the other districts.

But the weather is so cold, ordinary people will not casually run out, sometimes some don't believe that evil, just want to run out to do some free activities, often in the next morning, in a small corner, found their frozen bodies.

Sometimes in the last days, ordinary people are so difficult to survive, even if they avoid the zombies, they can not avoid the bad climate change.

Fortunately, because of the floor heating under the ground of every household in Chuncheng, the temperature inside the house is not so cold that it will freeze to death. As long as the ordinary people who are weak and don't die by themselves run around, hide at home, raise fish, grow some vegetables and so on, they still have hope to survive this winter.

Especially now in Chuncheng, except for the authentic North District of Chuncheng, the remaining three districts are old, weak, sick and disabled. They dare not toss around when they have nothing to do. Therefore, after one or two frozen corpses are found on the streets of Chuncheng, it is very difficult to see the dead again.

The greenhouses in the eastern district were rebuilt by Su Fu. After the planting area was expanded, the work of the wood powers became more arduous. However, Su Su was different from LV Yin when he was in Xiangcheng. LV Yin squeezed the wood powers naked, so the last time he saw Feifei, he was skinny.

Although Su Su has a lot of work, he still gives them time to eat, drink and take a bath. If he works for a few hours a day, he will take a few hours off. If he has nothing to do, he can also ask them to take a sick leave. For example, if a female wooden power comes to her aunt, she can take a few days off without having to give birth to vegetables.

In this way, the output of grain and vegetables should not be increased, but it doesn't matter. The Eastern District doesn't rely on the materials in this greenhouse to feed itself.

Slowly, the small wooden powers in the orphanage, the daily Chinese cabbage, have been able to meet the vegetable supply of the whole orphanage. Sometimes, if they can't finish eating, they can also send some to Susu's family. In terms of water purification, the orphanage has awakened two small water powers, so the orphanage has really realized eating and drinking its own, No trouble for the east side.

While chopping zombies in the Eastern District, a military vehicle drove directly to Su Su's courtyard. It was no one else who came down from the vehicle. It was Chun Zhengzong who wanted to shake hands with Su Su!

Ch. 571:

Chun Zhengzong looks like he is a teenager overnight. His gray hair is hanging on his scalp, which is almost half bald. His body looks very big, but in action, it can still be seen that he still has many old wounds.

Someone held a black umbrella for him. Chun Zhengzong raised his hand, pushed the man who held the umbrella back, walked into the snowstorm alone, and knocked on Su Su's courtyard door.

And behind the car he parked in the alley, a military car came slowly. It was the same model as Chunzheng's. The military car was parked behind Chunzheng's rear end. From the car, it was fangyoumao.

Fang Youmao follows Fang Shuyi. Fang Shuyi also wants to give Fang Youmao an umbrella, but Fang Youmao waves his hand, goes directly through chunzhengzong's car and his entourage, and stands outside Susu's courtyard with chunzhengzong.

The man who came to open the door was the ugly man who couldn't speak. Because the weather was so cold, Su's mother gave him some warm clothes and down jackets of Su's father, and he was wearing a melon skin hat that Su used to work. When he came to open the door, Su Su noticed that Chun Zhengzong and Fang Youmao were standing side by side, both of them in military uniform, and their waists were straight, The medals on their left chest are almost all over their left chest. Sometimes one or two medals can't be hung, so they can only be hung on their right chest.

In the face of these two men, Su Su's strange words can't be said. Maybe Chun Zhengzong is a person she hates, but she is not a person who can sneer and despise with her qualifications.

She can kill chunzhengzong, but she is not qualified to ridicule chunzhengzong. Su Su soon realized this. She picked her eyebrows, looked at chunzhengzong and fangyoumao, pursed her lips, stopped talking, and waited for chunzhengzong and fangyoumao to speak.

Maybe a scholar can be killed but not humiliated. That's what it means now.

It seems that knowing what's going on in this area, King Kong flies all the way on the roof, facing the wind and snow. In a short time, he lands in Su Su's yard. He originally intended to say a few words of reprimand, but when he is dazzled by Fang Youmao and Chun Zhengzong's medal, King Kong stands at attention immediately, with a posture that can't be more standard, He gave a military salute to Fang Youmao and Chun Zhengzong.

Some soldiers saluted them. Fang Youmao and chunzhengzong also saluted King Kong. Then they walked into Su Su's yard. Fang Youmao, who was familiar with Su Su Su, took the lead in saying with a smile:

"Come uninvited today. It's not disturbing the children's rest."

"No, they're playing with building blocks in the room."

Su Su flushes Fang Youmao with a smile, turns around and goes into the side room. Fang Shuyi, who enters the courtyard, comes forward and gives a sign to Fang Youmao and Chun Zhengzong to let them go in with Su Su.

Everyone who is familiar with the pattern of Su Su's family knows that Su Su's family's side room is a place for a big family to eat when there is nothing to do, and a place to talk about things when there is something to do. So Su Su didn't turn around and go back to Su's mother's room. Instead, she went into the side room to tell everyone that she can talk about things.

In such a small yard, suddenly two big tigers from the army came. Each tiger was decorated with medals, which made the atmosphere very awkward. Su Su, in particular, had a grudge against the big tiger chunzhengzong. She sat on the big round table in the side room and said nothing. She didn't speak. Chunzhengzong and fangyoumao, who came in later, didn't get round with each other, The whole Pianfang fell into a strange silence.

Or Fang Shuyi, just like a runner, greets chunzhengzong and Fang Youmao, sits at the round table with three people and three directions. Fang Shuyi does what Su's mother usually does. He takes the initiative to pour three glasses of water for Su Su, chunzhengzong and Fang Youmao, and then stands behind Fang Youmao and says with a smile:

"Su Su, don't blame us for coming here uninvited today. The main reason is that we didn't ask you to hold a meeting before. No, we are sincere when we come to the door in person. It's not worth talking about this past thing in the face of natural and man-made disasters. If you have any gratitude or resentment, let's go through this difficulty hand in hand."

"I didn't say no!" Su Su stares at Fang Shuyi. He talks a lot. He likes to be a good man. He likes to get along with others. "I said that if you want to talk about fighting, why do you come to me? I'm just a housewife and a village head in the countryside. There are so many people dead in my hands. I don't dare to say no. why do you have to talk to me? "

"You still have resentment in your heart!"

Chun Zhengzong is sitting on the chair, with his back slightly back. He is in charge of his own affairs. He points his finger to the armrest of the chair and looks at Su Su's eyes. He is also full of resentment. His voice is much bigger than Su Su Su's. listening to what he says, he feels a bit like roaring,

"I killed hundreds and thousands of people in your town, and you killed Hua Hua, my capable general! Just to get revenge for your town, how many people did Fang Youmao kill? Last time, the last time I killed Hua Hua, the soldiers who died in the military defense, together with the researchers in the laboratory, I also paid for the lives of the people in your pupa town. If we calculate this, we three can fight here tonight. "

Ch. 572:

Today, chunzhengzong is facing Su Su and Fang Youmao. He not only has a grudge against Su Su, but also has a lot of entanglements with Fang Youmao. Even in terms of human life and interests, chunzhengzong has a deeper grudge against Fang Youmao. They have known each other since the end of the world, and they have a grudge since the end of the world. Otherwise, why does Fang Youmao not occupy chunzhengzong's spring city?!

But today, Chun Zhengzong is willing to appear here, and can sit in Su Su's side room with Fang Youmao, which proves that both of them have put down their former gratitude and resentment, and they have the consciousness of sticking to the spring city. Then all the accounts before and after the end of the world, about human life, about interests, about those competing for each other, are actually not important.

Su Su, sitting diagonally opposite chunzhengzong, did not speak any more. She just dropped her eyes and looked at the table, as if she had fallen into some kind of meditation.

It's not that she doesn't want to guard Chuncheng. If Chuncheng can unite as one as Bafang village and pupa Town, she is willing to stay in Chuncheng. It's just that Chuncheng's people are too complicated. Let's not talk about the big teams and the small teams. There are only three people who can speak in such a small city. It's strange that Chuncheng can guard.

"I don't want to say anything else. You said I killed your capable general Hua Hua. You feel very sad when this man died, but Po also died. Po followed me from the beginning of the last life. He died in the explosion you started!"

Su Su raised her eyes, and there was a complaint against Chun Zhengzheng. She slowly shook her head, and suddenly sneered

"Chunzhengzong, we can never reconcile. Even if we are forced by the overall situation, we will have a truce with you for the time being, but we will not reconcile, we will not!"

Seeing Su Su's appearance, Chun Zhengzong sighed and stood up from his chair with an old sick body. With one move, the follower outside the side room came in and presented a document to Chun Zhengzong. Chun Zhengzong took the document in his follower's hand and took some heavy steps to Su Su Su along the edge of the round table. He put the document in his hand, In front of Su Su.

The cover of the document was blank and nothing was written, but the solemn attitude of Chun Zhengzong made it very important. Su Su was obstinate and didn't want to open the document that Chun Zhengzong put in front of her, but she couldn't control her curiosity. She raised her finger and opened the first page.

As soon as the blank cover of the first page was turned over, Su Su glanced at it. Her face immediately changed from indifference to shock. She looked up in a hurry at Chun Zhengzong, who was standing beside her. Then she got up with the document, ran to the door of the side room, and yelled at King Kong who was standing on the roof,

"King Kong, come down and have a look at this research material."

King Kong immediately flew down from the roof, covered with snow and wind. He took the document from Su Su's hand. At random, his face became very dignified with the speed visible to the naked eye. When he turned around in the snow, he turned into Su's room and went to find zhuoshijia with the document sent by chunzhengzong.

As the night deepens, Su Su stands in the snow. Her hair is covered with white snow. The ice particles are still falling, but the number is not as dense as before. More snow is like goose feather. The snow falls on people's heads, which is snow, but it falls on Su Su Su's head, just like a dancing spirit, There was also a faint silver light.

She looked back and looked at the orange warm light in the side room. Chunzhengzong's face was like a dry tree, emitting the last light and heat for his people.

He took two steps to the outside of the side room. The snow was a little slippery. His entourage handed him a crutch. Chunzhengzong took the crutch and walked to Su Su Su's side. With his still neutral voice, he said to Su Su Su seriously:

"If I can take out this document, it's enough to let you see my sincerity today. Su Su, I'm old and I can't live long. From the first day I sat in this position, it's my life to guard Chuncheng. If Chuncheng is broken, it doesn't mean much to me to live one more day or one less day. I'm working hard for Chuncheng. I'm so old, I'm still working hard. What I give you today is not a research document, but the rest of my life. "

The words are very emotional, because he is afraid that the wall has ears, and he is even more afraid that Fang Youmao will know the contents of the document, so chunzhengzong didn't tell Su Su what he said. He knew that Su Su Su had seen it clearly. Although he just turned a page, Su Su Su had seen it clearly. The content of the document was Hua Hua's research report, a research report on the heavenly power.

On the first page, Hua Hua clearly stated that heaven given blood has the effect of living dead and flesh and bones. What does this prove? It proves that Tianci is a Tang monk in the end of the world. Anyone who knows that Tianci's flesh and blood can live the flesh and bones of the dead will attract demons and ghosts from all walks of life in the end of the world. They will chase Tianci to the ends of the earth. The bigger Tianci grows, the more flesh and blood he has, and the more people can share his flesh and blood.

Therefore, with the growth of Tianci's age, there will be more people who approach him with various purposes and want to kill him to take Tang Monk's flesh and blood.

All doomsday vaccines are illusory. Doomsday vaccines still need to be studied. If they are successful, they are only for children. How can they compare with the living Tang Monk's gift? The doomsday vaccine is more ethereal, but the gift from heaven is alive. As long as you work hard to kill, you can get a panacea.

So Chun Zhengzong said that what he gave Su Su today is the rest of his life!

Because as long as he doesn't speak, the dead Hua Hua and he an won't speak, then there will be no fourth person in the world who knows God's power, and God's power is just a child. Su Su always fails to guard against it. As long as Chun Zhengzong is willing to work hard and go to Su Su Su's side, Chen Siyu dies, There will be a second and a third Chen Siyu, and there will always be an insider who steals the gift from heaven.

Now he tells Su Su the secret of heaven's gift, and Su Su tells King Kong and zhuoshijia. Chunzhengzong is bound to be unable to start with heaven's gift any more. He must have given up the idea of heaven's gift, and then he will give Su Su this research data.

So he said that he gave the rest of his life to Su Su, which is absolutely right.

Ch. 573:

Su Su nodded and took a look at Chun Zhengzong. Finally, she was willing to respond to Chun Zhengzong with a slightly serious attitude: "since you really show your sincerity, I will not create any obstacles for you any more. Why don't you tell me straight? You must pull me to talk about this cooperation. What is it for?"

"Chuncheng, because of natural and man-made disasters, I'm afraid it won't last long. There's a mutant bird behind it, and I don't know when it will come. What Fang Youmao and I mean is that we hope you can leave in the third group of the plan to go north and take our soldiers away at the same time."

The white hair on Chun Zhengzong's head floats with the wind and snow. He slowly turns around and walks back to the side room with crutches. Su Su follows him. After entering the warm door, she looks at Chun Zhengzong and Fang Youmao strangely and asks:

"In the plan to go north, there are only three groups of people to leave?"

"And the fourth, those who don't leave." Fang Youmao sat on the chair with a gentle smile on his face. Looking at Su Su, he explained: "the fourth group is the one that I discussed with chunzhengzong and added temporarily. Our soldiers, how to say, are all our children. They have defended and fought. There's no need to drag them to perish with Chuncheng."

"So you want me to take your soldiers?" Su Su frowned and stood by the door of the side room, looking at chunzhengzong and fangyoumao, "what do you take to guard Chuncheng?"

"Don't keep" Chun Zhengzong sat beside Fang Youmao. Two veteran soldiers with military achievements looked at Su Su. Chun Zhengzong said: "we are old, we can't adapt to the new society. We stay here and die with these monsters outside."


Su Su's heart trembled for a moment. She looked at Chun Zhengzong and Fang Youmao. They were nearly 100 years old, but they were so radiant at this time, just like the recruits who were about to set foot on the battlefield. They were full of great momentum. It seemed that what they said was not the words of dying together, but the young descendants of two newborn calves who were not afraid of tigers, I'm talking about a joke that has never happened before.

"It's not, it doesn't have to go that far."

Fang Shuyi, who has been standing outside the door, was also shocked. He came here today and really planned to hear a meeting about the joint efforts of the four districts of Chuncheng to tide over the difficulties. As a result, he heard this. So Fang Shuyi, with tears in his eyes, called out to each other: "you have a good look and Chun Zhengzheng."

"Spring City may not come to that stage, Su Su. You're right. We can follow your example in the eastern district. We can plant vegetables in greenhouses in the northern, southern and western districts, and catch all the trees and water system powers, or we can immediately sort out a road leading to Bafang Village, right? Su Su, what should we do? "


Su Su began to talk. Some of them didn't know how to organize her language, but Fang Youmao was smiling. In the smile, there was a sea of rivers, an insight into the world, and a smile to see the situation. He lowered his head, raised his hand to stop Su Su Su's words, and sighed,

"It's up to you, Su Su. I know you always tend to leave Chuncheng with the second group, but we hope you will follow the surviving soldiers of the third group. If you take them away, they are all children. Whether you take them north or go back to Bafang village, you can go as far as you can. You don't have to worry about Chuncheng any more. That's all. Being the leader for such a long time, It's the only thing we can do for our children. "

Su Su unconsciously nodded her head. She couldn't help nodding. The atmosphere of the meeting was so hot that she couldn't refuse the request of Chun Zhengzong and Fang Youmao.

With Su Su's promise, Fang Youmao and Chuncheng look at each other and feel relaxed. For nothing else, there is a Bafang village and a pupa town behind Su Su Su. Their soldiers can follow Su Su to Bafang village no matter how hard it is, instead of falling into the hands of some forces with ulterior motives, and finally jump out of Chuncheng, He went into the wolf's nest again. He was afraid of these soldiers. He was so driven that he couldn't find a corpse.

Soldiers are not afraid of death. What they are afraid of is that there is no place to die. In other words, for the sake of the country, for the sake of the people, it's OK to die in war. But for the sake of the interests of a certain force and a certain person, it's useless to wear this uniform.

In Chuncheng, Fang Youmao and Chun Zhengzong have all the soldiers in their hands. In addition, Chun Lai has 30000 soldiers who are full of money. If you deduct the heads that may be lost in the next few days, you will finally leave behind at least 20000 soldiers. These 20000 soldiers are a huge fighting force everywhere.

If you want to be able to command the 20000 people, you have to get the authorization from Fang Youmao and chunzhengzong. Too many forces will try their best to get the authorization from Fang Youmao and chunzhengzong in the process of the collapse of Chuncheng.

Su Su's character is obvious to all. She doesn't want to fight for power and profit at all. She's afraid that she's the only one who has the ability and influence in the world, but only wants to live a good life. It's their best destination to let the soldiers who have fought with Su Su Su go to the end of life.

It's better than they fall into the hands of some inexplicable people and are directed to make unnecessary sacrifices.

On the way back, the light shines on Fang Youmao's face. He and Fang Shuyi are sitting in the shaking car together. Fang Shuyi is still sad, leaning his head, and doesn't want to take care of Fang Youmao. He shows his angry mood at the moment with his posture.

Fang Youmao gathered up his army coat and looked at Fang Shuyi clearly. First of all, he broke the silence and said, "I have arranged that joss and Xiao Shi will be sent back to your father in a few days. Xiao Shi is the future of our Fang family. This child should be cultivated well. In the future, don't let your pedantic father spoil Xiao Shi too much."

Fang Shuyi tilts his head and looks at the scenery outside the car window. The night is quiet and people are scared. His tears slowly fall out of his eyes uncontrollably. Fang Shuyi doesn't want to talk to Fang Youmao. Yes, he agreed to leave Chuncheng with the third group and take him to defend Chuncheng. He can't defend Chuncheng, so he decided to leave, Now Fang Youmao has decided to stay and die with Chuncheng. What is the plan of going north? If the plan can be changed at will, what else can we make a plan ahead of time?

What Mingming said is good, and what Mingming has already said is good. Why did you hear today that it was not implemented according to the plan of going north?!

Ch. 574:

"Son, when you were a child, the second uncle wanted you to grow up and become a soldier, but your father didn't want you to. Anyway, you are also close to me. I feel the same pain as my own son. After that, the second uncle is gone, and the whole Fang family will depend on you. The second uncle will comb with you first. If the Fang family wants to stand firm in the end, there are several things we must do, To develop new energy, new weapons and doomsday vaccine, we should firmly grasp its promotion right. As long as you do these things well, it will be difficult for the Fang family to rise or not in the future, son... "

Fang Youmao is garrulous. He just wants to explain everything in one breath. He's afraid that something that can't be explained will make the future Fang Shuyi take many detours. Fang Youmao stops for a moment, and suddenly continues with a serious expression:

"Your father's good point is that his eyes are higher than the top, and his bad point is that he is arrogant. He always thinks that he has some money, and all the people in the world have to follow him. Son, when he returns to the capital base, he doesn't need to ask your father about many things. Second uncle tells you that if he makes a decision, he will be confused. If he does something wrong in the future, You don't have to worry about him, just let him provide for the aged ahead of time... "

"Second uncle, stop talking. Let's go back to the capital base together. Second uncle, the Fang family can't live without you! I, I'm a second ancestor. I can't do it. I can't do so many great things. Second uncle ~~! "

In the driving car, Fang Shuyi suddenly turns his head and looks at Fang Youmao, crying like a child. His second uncle is a giant, and the giant's eyes can always see far and far. It is because Fang Youmao is at the helm that the whole Fang family can reach today's height.

Now, everything Fang Youmao says is something that Fang Shuyi can't handle, including telling Fang Shuyi to send his father to provide for the aged in advance. Fang Shuyi feels that he can't do it all his life. Fang's family can't live without Fang Youmao.

"Marry Mei Shengnan into the Fang family!" Fang Youmao raised his hand and put his big hand on the top of Fang Shuyi's head. He made the final confession seriously. "If you can't be cruel and do these things, let Mei Shengnan make up his mind. She is stronger than Qiao Si and hotter than you!"

After finishing the final explanation, Fang Youmao put down his hand on Fang Shuyi's head. There was no more words. As the car left, the cry went away, but he left the sadness in the east side.

As soon as Fang's family left, Chun Zhengzheng left behind, leaving Su Su sitting alone in the side room. There was a lot of snow outside the door and orange light inside. She folded her legs and leaned back in her chair, thinking silently.

After a while, the ugly man walked into the side room and looked at Su Su sitting in the room. After thinking about it, he turned around and left. Soon, he came back with a stack of paper and a crayon used by Xiao AI for graffiti. He sat beside Su Su Su, two places away, and wrote on the white paper with crayons:

What's on your mind? Don't want to cooperate with chunzhengzong

The white paper was handed over. Su Su glanced at it, frowned, shook his head, stretched out his fingers, pinched his nose, and said, "it's not true. It's what people want to cooperate with Chun Zhengzong."

[but you look unhappy]

The white paper was handed over again. Su Su took it, looked at the powerful words on the paper, and looked at the ugly man again. He thought that the ugly man must have been influenced by calligraphy before the end of the world, and the words were more beautiful than Ye Yu!

Ye Yu's words are the same as chicken's!

"Do I look unhappy?" Su Su touched her face and laughed for a while. When she put down her hand, she sighed again unconsciously, "there's nothing unhappy about it. She just feels that the burden is too heavy. She worries about too many things. She's a little flustered. She's afraid that there are too many enemies, that it's hard to go in the future, and that it's hard to protect those who want to protect."

Once thought that after rebirth, as long as you take care of Xiaoai and her parents, you can protect the four members of the family by Su Su's four level powers in the last life. But you don't want to. More and more people need her to protect, and the burden is also increasing. Now, there are not only orphanages with turbid world, natural gift and Chunlai wife, but also tens of thousands of soldiers!

Although she promised chunzhengzong and fangyoumao to leave Chuncheng with their troops, what would she do to support tens of thousands of soldiers after leaving Chuncheng?

Although pupa town is poor and the rations in pupa town can support tens of thousands of soldiers, what should we do on the way from Chuncheng to pupa town? It's not only a few meters and thousands of meters away, but also only by land, not by empty road. What do these tens of thousands of people eat along the way?

[I will protect you, don't worry too much]

Looking at the ugly man, she wrote down these words on the white paper seriously. Su Su laughed, picked up the white paper, looked at the font, and said to the ugly man:

"What do you have to do with quartz? This font is very similar to that of quartz. "

Not to mention Su Su's suspiciousness, she has a quartz history book in her hand, which was snatched from Shi Xin's hands. When she has nothing to do, Su Su Su will also turn it over. In fact, it's very interesting. She means the history before the end of the world. In fact, it's very interesting to calm down and look at it.

Quartz, in particular, filled the history book with his opinions. There were more words in it than on the current page. Su Su would look back at the notes of quartz after turning the history book, so he could still recognize the handwriting of quartz.

Looking at Su Su shaking his head, the ugly man quickly took the white paper in Su Su's hand and lowered his head to write,

Why do you ask? I have nothing to do with him

"Oh ~ ~" Su Su smiles indifferently, looks at the ugly man's suddenly very nervous appearance, and says: "you don't have to be so nervous, I just ask, it doesn't matter."

Under Su Su Su's gaze, the ugly man only felt that he was sweating all over, and he couldn't talk any more this day. He hastily put away the white paper in his hand, folded it into several folds, left his seat, and hurried to the door.

As soon as he stepped out of the door, he heard Su Su behind him, cheering him, "quartz~~~ It's over, but what should I call you in the future? You have to have a name, don't you

When Su Su shouts out the word "quartz", the ugly man is so scared that he becomes stiff. As a result, Su Su still has something to say. Although this sounds strange, she doesn't break it. So the ugly man turns around and looks at Su Su Su's schadenfreude smile, full of mischievous look. The ugly man bows his head and shakes his hands, I wrote two words on the white paper in my hand with crayon,


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"Clown?" Su Su breathed from her nose, raised her eyebrows, looked at the ugly man's face, nodded and said, "what's the name of a clown? I think it's not easy for you to escape from the laboratory. Let's call it ah Chou. "

Then, Su Su's face turned like a book. It was like that fresh and sad girl turned into a hell ghost in an instant. She looked at the ugly man coldly, narrowed her eyes and warned, "you know what I mean, and cherish your hard-earned new life. If you dare to think about those children, I will defeat you, Teach you no second chance of rebirth

Ah Chou dropped his eyes, with some strange colors in his eyes. He nodded and turned to leave the side room.

Su Su didn't say who he used to be. If you can see it, you can't see it. If you can guess it, you can't guess it. In fact, it doesn't matter any more. As Su Su said, the past is over, and chunzhengzong can cooperate with each other. Everyone should only look at today instead of death.

When the ugly man left, Su Su was the only one left in the side room. She bowed her head and rubbed her eyebrows. She continued to worry about how to support tens of thousands of people. However, zhuoshijia opened Su's door and came out of the room.

Wrapped in an army coat, she trotted through the snow covered yard, entered the side room, and sat down beside Su Su Su. Her face was dignified.

"What's the matter?" Su Su supported his forehead with one hand, tilted his head, and looked at zhuoshijia. Thinking about the purpose of zhuoshijia's coming, he asked, "are you worried about heaven's gift?"

"Worry, mother, how can you not worry?"

Chou Shijia took a deep breath, got up and went to the side of the row of shelves in the side room, picked up two water cups from the shelves, went to Susu's side, and said to Susu:

"Pour the water."

"Ice, don't drink it."

Su Su waved and didn't pour water for the cup in the hand of zhuoshijia. Zhuoshijia, an ordinary person, would catch a cold if she drank her ice water in such cold weather.

The colder the weather is, the more blessings Su Su's ice powers get. Now she can't control the free conversion of her two powers. Sometimes she wants to put a glass of water, and the water comes out of the refrigerator. The ice makes people show their teeth. Once or twice, Su Su Su's water still contains ice flakes.

However, zhuoshijia suddenly became so red. Looking at Su Su, he said, "you see, I'm really just an ordinary person. My life is too fragile to protect my gift."

From this winter, the physical quality of the psionic has been highlighted from the ordinary people. As a psionic, he seldom gets sick or has a cold. In the future, he may live longer than the ordinary people.

How long can she live? How long can she protect God's gift? Originally, she thought that Tianci was weak and could live one day, so she would take good care of him in his lifetime. Now, the research report brought by chunzhengzong says that Tianci is a supernatural person or a Tang monk of the last generation. What does zhuoshijia do?

She is just an ordinary person. She may be killed by freezing, being eaten by zombies, or being killed by some natural and man-made disasters. How can she protect Tianci from going to the west to get that Sutra in this world full of monsters and ghosts?!

"You think too much." Su Su rubbed his eyebrows and looked at Chou Shijia's sentimentality. Then he comforted him: "you can't, I can't, Ye Yu, King Kong and 18 special forces. What do you think you are in a hurry?"

"Yes, yes, you are all Monkey King, yes!"

Chou Shijia wipes a tear and thinks about it. The expression on his face is much better. Su Su is right. Tianci's father is King Kong. King Kong has teammates and 18 special forces like Rohan. So Tianci is not alone. Even if she dies later, Tianci has grown up and has the ability to survive.

So zhuoshijia seemed to make up his mind and said to Su Su, "Su Su, in the future, where you go, our family of three will follow you. Now I also want to understand. You see, your little love is so good, because you often fight with little love, and we are given by heaven to grow up in the artillery fire just like your little love."

"Poof ~ ~ ~ ha ha"

Su Su couldn't bear to laugh, and then looked at Chou Shijia, and thought that she came to her tonight, as if to be funny. Chou Shijia looked at her hobbies, but Su Su felt that she was beaten and didn't know how to fight back, which was not good.

Maybe every mother has her own worries. If she worries, her head will turn white and her child will grow up.

"Don't laugh. I'm telling you the truth."

Sitting on the chair, Chou Shijia frowned at Su Su. Su Su looked like she had heard a very nice joke. She held her head up and laughed uncontrollably.

After Su Su finished laughing, he looked at Chou Shijia seriously, and didn't know what to say. He just waved his hand and said to Chou Shijia:

"OK, there are still many things to worry about in the future. It's a gift to cultivate. When we leave Chuncheng, I'll tell you in detail, ah ~ ~"

Just talking with zhuoshijia, Ye Yu comes back from a patrol, grabs a few meals in a hurry, and runs into Su Su's mother's room to see Xiao AI before he has time to say a few words with her. Then he goes out on patrol again. Su Su and zhuoshijia chat for a while, and zhuoshijia goes back to her room.

Because it's convenient for everyone to take care of it, Chou Shijia moved to Su Su's house from the opposite courtyard. He had to run or hide, and everyone was together, so that he could take care of it.

But it's not clear whether or when Chuncheng will run. Chuncheng went to the Eastern District in person in chunzhengzong. After a talk with Su Su Fang Youmao, the wall between the Eastern District and the northern district was officially opened.

Compared with the other three districts, the northern district has the smallest population. At present, there are 150000 people in the Eastern District, 100000 people in the western and southern districts, and 50000 people in the northern district. In the four districts, there are 300000 people in the whole spring city, including 30000 soldiers.

In addition, there are still some non-governmental teams that have not left, but these non-governmental teams are very difficult to deal with, because they did not decide to stay in Chuncheng, but wanted to take the command of tens of thousands of soldiers and the weapons and ammunition stored by them from Fang Youmao and chunzhengzong in the end.

Therefore, these non-governmental teams can not be recruited or expelled, and they can not be managed as ordinary people.

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The influence of these folk groups in Chuncheng varies, most of them are distributed in the western and northern districts. All kinds of people have been sent to the group to keep close contact with Fang Youmao and chunzhengzong. They are waiting for the two people to hand them the team.

There is no folk team in the eastern district. Long before the first group of survivors left Chuncheng to look for their Utopia, Su Su and Chunlai tried to suppress the folk teams in the eastern district. In these teams, some restless people were incited to follow the first group out of the city. Therefore, although the population of the eastern district is the largest in all the districts now, But it's also the best managed.

However, since we have said that we should work hand in hand to tide over the difficulties, what we are considering now is no longer the matter of one district and two districts. Instead, we should consider the issues from the general direction of the whole spring city. For example, how to make these 300000 people successfully survive this winter has become an increasingly urgent matter.

Chunzhengzong doesn't hide any more. Since he wants to join hands with Su Su and Fang Youmao, those wooden powers he collected before must be taken out without reservation.

The three parties decided to build a largest greenhouse in the center of the spring city to gather all the wood powers in the spring city and send them to the largest greenhouse to produce food and vegetables.

Of course, in the Eastern District, every household raises mutant fish, which can be promoted. In the southern and northern districts of the Western District, they are asking for mutant fish fry in the eastern district. Recently, the development of ordinary people's breeding of mutant fish has played a role. The mutant fish are raised in warm rooms, and the breeding speed is very fast. So the mutant fish fry is not a problem, the problem is that there is no bigger pot to hold these mutant fish.

In order to collect the crystal nucleus in the hands of ordinary people, Chun Zhengzong, Fang Youmao and Su Su specially set up a team, each of which had 200 people, forming a fish feeding team of 600 people. The fish feeding team didn't have to do anything every day, just went out to kill zombies and chop zombie meat.

In the morning, they went out to kill the zombies for several hours, dragged the dead zombies back to Chuncheng, and in the afternoon, they gathered the zombies on the square in the center of Chuncheng to cut and chop the zombies. The meat of the zombies was cut into small pieces, put in clean fresh-keeping bags, pasted with price tags, and sold to ordinary people who had psychological barriers to cutting and chopping the zombies.

This service of processing zombie meat, not to mention, has really filled the financial affairs of the whole spring city. The crystal cores collected from ordinary people are provided to those wooden powers, which enable them to ripen vegetables and grains day and night. At the same time, it also improves the powers of these wooden powers.

Looking at this hot look, everyone living in the spring city seems to have a kind of illusion, they think that the spring city can hold, the spring city can really hold.

As a result, everyone is full of energy. Except for some non-governmental groups who don't want Chuncheng to be able to hold on at all, everyone living in Chuncheng has made great efforts to live. They feel that since Su Su, Fang Youmao and chunzhengzong joined hands, this life seems to be more and more hopeful.

However, the crisis is far from over. It seems that there is no sign of warming up after a cold winter. The mutant birds in the sky don't know whether they will come to Chuncheng. Fang Youmao and chunzhengzheng begin to introduce Su Su Su's talents.

At the beginning of February, the heavy snow all day long suddenly stopped. Not only did the snow stop, but also the sun, which had not been seen for a long time, came out quietly. The golden sunlight, shining on the white snow, made the whole spring city covered with snow emit a layer of golden light.

It seems that the temperature is not so cold.

One morning, Su Su was stabbed in the eyes by the sunshine outside the window. She turned over and closed her eyes to touch her side, but she didn't touch Xiaoai's warm little body. Su Su suddenly opened her eyes, sat up, looked around, and looked in the quilt. Xiaoai was not there!

She jumped out of bed immediately, even had no time to wear shoes, so she directly opened the door to find Xiao AI. But when she opened the door, she saw Xiao AI wearing dark blue woollen clothes, with a pink wool cap on her head, holding her small face high, looking at a snowman in front of her very happily.

The snowman was piled up in the yard by Su Su earlier, and had no mouth, eyes and nose. This time, the ugly man stood beside the snowman, smiling and pasting eyes on the snowman. The eyes seemed to be made of two big black buttons. Every time he pasted one, Xiao AI would laugh happily. Beside her, Tianci was sitting in a baby carriage, and she split her mouth happily.

He was born the youngest. He was only a month old. He was held in the arms of Chou Shijia and didn't know anything about it.

Looking at this ugly man, she seems to like playing with these little farts very much. Su Su puts down her heart, turns back to the room, puts on her shoes, and goes to the side room. She looks at Ye Yu, who hasn't been home all night. She is sitting on the table and drinking a cup of hot tea

"Did you dress Xiao AI in the morning? I sleep so well? Why don't you feel it at all? "

"No, when I came back, I saw her dragging a dress, standing in front of her mother's room and knocking on the door." Ye Yu drinks tea, a face happy to Su Su said: "you see, my girl is sensible, know can't wake you, want to let you sleep more."

"Yes, it didn't kill her!"

Su Su white Ye Yu a look, happy what ah? In winter, a one-and-a-half-year-old boy, dragging a piece of clothes, ran out of the door. He must want to go out to play. In the future, the door can't be left for Ye Yu, so he has to lock it up. Otherwise, Xiao AI would run out in the middle of the night, and she would still be lying in bed dreaming! So Su Su said to Ye Yu:

"Later in the evening, I'll close the door, and you'll come back and turn the window in yourself."

"This???" Ye Yu looked at Su Su with a muddled face, "how can I say it well? I'm going to turn the window when I come back into the room?"

A man can never understand a woman's brain circuit. For example, when Mingming Xiaoai grows up, he knows he won't wake up his mother. As a result, Ye Yu has to turn the window when he enters the door. His brain is just a few more grooves. I'm afraid he can't connect the causal relationship between the two.

Su Su ignored him, gave him a glance, and went to help Su Su make breakfast. Before he was busy for a while, he heard that Tiansheng burst into tears. Su Su's mother pulled the soy sauce in Su Su's hand and said:

"Go and see if you're hungry again. I'll make the meal."

Ch. 577:

Su Su's mother drives Su Su away. Su Su has to walk out of the side room. When passing by Ye Yu, Ye Yu sits on the chair, raises her hand and slaps Su Su Su's buttocks. She turns her head and glares at Ye Yu angrily, but he laughs like a ruffian.

Just waiting for Su Su's foot, just stepped on the side room door, the originally fine sky, suddenly covered by a dark cloud, Su Su raised his head, suddenly a kind of bad feeling emerged in his heart.

When she looked up, the ugly man and Chou Shijia in the yard also looked up. She saw that the blue sky was like a piece of black cloth. She only heard Su Su Su yell, "no, it's a mutant bird, hidden!"

With that, she rushed to Xiaoai and picked up Xiaoai, who also looked up like an adult. She picked up Xiaoai with her left hand and the gift in the baby carriage with her right hand. Su Su rushed into the room. In the folk prescription, Ye Yu also rushed in. As soon as he ran to Su Su Su's side, Su Su turned to look at him and cried out anxiously:

"My parents, you look after my parents, I look after the children."

"Well, be careful!"

Immediately, Ye Yu turns around and goes to the side room to find Su Su's mother. He escorts Su Su's mother into Su Su's room, and then runs out of the yard to find Su's father. He pulls Chun Lai's subordinate, who is running outside the yard, to ask. Then he knows that Su's father is invited to the square in the center of spring city today to design a hot water heating system for the greenhouse, so he takes Chun Lai's car and goes to the square in the morning.

"Damn it

Ye Yu was so anxious that he stood in the same place, turned his head and looked at the sky. The birds formed a spiral shape and were spinning down. He looked back at the door of Su Su's yard, gritted his teeth and ran to the center of spring city.

In any case, he will give Su Su full protection of the family. This is his commitment to his woman as a man.

In the room, Su Su holds Xiaoai in her left hand and Tianci in her right hand. She anxiously walks back and forth in the same place for several times before remembering to put down Xiaoai and Tianci in her hand.

"It's all right, it's all right. Your dad will be all right."

Su Su's mother, sitting in Su Su's room, comforts Su Su with a worried face. Seeing Su Su Su's face, she is not relaxed. She probably knows that this time the situation will be more critical. But in troubled times, there are critical moments everywhere. Besides comforting Su Su Su, what can Su Su Su do?

Su Su didn't answer Su Su's mother. The surrounding environment was completely dark, just like it was at night. We could see how far the mutant birds were blocking the sky and the sun. Occasionally, three or two mutant birds flew down, as if they heard someone moving. With a "bang", they broke the window of Su Su Su's room and rushed towards the children on the ground.

The ugly man stood in front of Xiaoai, tiangeihe and Tiansheng. He pushed his palm forward and sent out a big fire. The mutant bird rushed into the fire, quacked twice, turned around and ran out of the window. But before he flew out of the window, he fell on the wall beside the window and died.

When people looked out of the open window, they could only see that in the black sky, countless mutant birds gathered into a big circle, circling and descending into the spring city. Soon, the streets and alleys of the spring city began to scream one after another.

“MD! Or you won't come. You'll come so much. " Su Su couldn't help but scold a dirty word. She bit her teeth and tilted her head at the ugly man. "Let's go out. We can't live at home. It's better to go out and kill him."

With that, Su Su turns to find a waist stool and ties it to her waist. She picks up Xiaoai who is inexplicably excited. In Su's mother's desire to talk, she ties Xiaoai on the waist stool and opens the door. When the ugly man sees this, Su Su Su is not afraid. What else can he do? Immediately also followed out of the door, turned around, stood outside the door, Su Su room door to close.

"You guard the window and I guard the gate. It's OK. Mutant birds have thin skin and little meat. They are easy to kill. Even if they have a large number and fast speed, they only have these two advantages."

Su Su pointed to the direction of the window and explained to the ugly man. He nodded seriously and took the initiative to walk to the direction of the window a few meters away. He laughed at the turbid world Jia and Su mu in the window. Without closing the window, he turned around and waited for the mutant birds in the sky.

In the distance, the sound of broken instruments rang out. It seems that many mutant birds rushed into other people's houses. Su Su frowned and looked up. There were cries everywhere in her ears. On her head, there was a huge circle of mutant birds flying down toward her yard in a spiral shape.

She tied little love around her waist, raised her hands flat, and her palms were shining with silver light. Because of the wind brought by the birds, her hair was flying disorderly. Su Su Su was falling towards the spiral variant birds in the air, and said angrily, "I'm worried that there is no place to vent recently. This ice power is just like internal secretion. I'm looking for you to make my power normal."

As a matter of fact, Su Su's silver light in her hand turned into two silver lights and went straight to the mutated birds falling from the sky. Above her head, it was like hail, falling a mutated bird that was frozen stiff. The frozen bird's whereabouts were very secret, which made the whole yard "Bang Bang Bang", even not just Su Su Su's yard, the orphanage next door, Meizi's small building, Su Su has been under the care of, have been under the rain of frozen birds.

Su Su saw it and laughed, "I thought I was holding it for too long, which led to the imbalance of ice power. As a result, I was promoted!"

Five levels, two systems of water and ice!

In today's world, there is only one person!

In the yard, the ugly man, who had been well prepared, didn't use any force at the moment. Not only that, he felt that his fire powers were imprisoned by Su Su. Originally, he could release a big fireball, but now he could only release a bunch of flames. So the ugly man immediately left Su Su Su Su's yard and ran to the next street to help others kill mutant birds.

The mutated birds in the sky have not been reduced because of the improvement of Su Su's ability. They seem to know that there is enough food in the spring city to cover the sky of the spring city for a long time. There are more and more birds that fall in a spiral shape. Su Su can only block a spiral shape in the sky of this area, and she can't take care of other places.

Next door's Chunlai's wife, holding the spirit of risking death, holding an umbrella, climbed up the wall and showed her head. She yelled at Su Su standing in the yard: "it's so dangerous. What are you doing with Xiaoai in your arms?"

Before he had finished speaking, the door behind Su Su opened. Zhuoshijia came out with a gift from heaven and sat down in the corridor watching Su Su kill birds. Chunlai's wife yelled to zhuoshijia:

"Do you have any brain problems one by one? Take the baby back quickly. "

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"Let heaven give you a sense of this big battle, and train the children. It's OK. Just take care of the children in the orphanage."

Chuoshijia smiles at Chunlai's wife. Chunlai's wife, who is lying on the wall, can't help it. She has to go back and release Su Su Su and chuoshijia. She takes her children to feel the battle!

Soon, some people saw the frozen birds near Susu's home. There were flying mutant birds pecking everywhere. The mutant birds near Susu's home were stiff and fell from high altitude, but the birds could freeze to death. It's conceivable how cold it would be in this area. The ice power released by Susu alone could make the temperature of this area drop several degrees.

But there's no way. If it's colder, it's better than being eaten by a mutant bird. Many people, wrapped in quilts, run to Susu's home with their families. The alarm sounds in the East, West, South and North districts all ring at the same time, and the sound of "wuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuw".

Because eight planes of Fang Youmao have been attacked by mutated birds before, Chuncheng has popularized the knowledge of how to escape and snipe after the appearance of mutated birds. The most practical and simple way is to hide in a completely hidden place, do not make any noise, and then wait for the mutated birds to fly by.

Of course, the most ideal place is the underground parking lot or cellar. Because there are so many mutant birds that they can scrape the ground three feet when they are gathered together, it's not so safe to hide in a house. The best way is to hide underground.

Su Su also put forward this point, and her opinions have been popularized throughout the spring city.

However, it is impossible for this city not to make any noise. Although the knowledge of escape has been popularized over and over again, mutant birds always have to cross the border. When they cross the border, they will always catch a few people who have no time to hide, or knock over something to make more noise, so as to attract more mutant birds to fly into the spring city.

So when there's no way to escape, we have to fight back like Su Su. In the face of this kind of mutant birds, they either hide so that they can't find them, or they are afraid to kill them. Otherwise, they will regard Chuncheng as a grain farm. They know that there is food here, and they will have to come next time.

The officials who used to kill zombies don't care about killing zombies now. They begin to deal with the mutant birds in the air together. However, few people have the same power effect as Su Su. Almost all of them are looking for a hiding place to kill the mutant birds that have fallen into the spring city.

Occasionally, several golden lasers will fly out in the air. Su Su frowns and sees them in the black storm created by the mutant birds. While releasing the ice power, she binds Xiaoyu to the roof and wants to see Ye Yu's position more clearly.

She has been strange, Ye Yu said to find her father, but never came back, now look at the location of the laser, it seems to have reached the center of Chuncheng, Ye Yu to find her father, found Chuncheng center? What's her father doing in Chuncheng center?

Standing on the sharp ridge of the roof, Su Su thought and looked around. As expected, when she stood high, her vision became broader. But ye Yu's laser never came out again, so Su Su could not help but feel anxious. She didn't know what happened to Ye Yu. She thought that Ye Yu would not absorb the crystal nucleus, and no matter how powerful his light power was, it couldn't last long, After a few laser blasts, the blue stripe is about to reach the bottom, but there are so many mutated birds that they can't be killed by beating them one by one with both hands.

What's more, Ye Yu is looking for Su Su's father. If she finds it, she has to protect her father.

At this time, the attack of the mutated birds had just warmed up. There was not much black in the sky. On the contrary, it became more and more thick. The whole spring city was like late at night. People could not see anything except the flying shadows. Su Su Su had to take care of the orphans and widows, so she couldn't go away to look for Ye Yu, And looking at her blue bar, I'm afraid it's also a little loose.

Su Su paused, one pointed to the sky, and continued to release ice power into the air. The other pointed to the yard. On the black bird corpse on the ground, he stood up five water men with a fruit knife in his hand.

Chou Shijia in the corridor looks at it and doesn't know what Su Su is doing when she comes out with five water men. As soon as she wants to ask, she sees the five standing water men in the yard, bending down, holding the ice skate in her hand, and starting to dissect the frozen bird's corpses and pick out their crystal cores.

"Su Su, you don't have enough powers?"

Zhuoshijia runs into the yard with Tianci in her arms. She looks up at Su Su standing on the roof and asks. Su Su looks down at her, smiles and doesn't speak. She is now concentrating on killing birds and controlling water people.

The mutant birds are almost the same as the pet parrots before the end of the world. It's hard to dig out the crystal nuclei. Their heads are very small. Su Su wants to control the water man and get the crystal nuclei in their heads. This fine operation is very difficult. It takes a long time and the effect is very slow.

Now that she has been promoted, she can absorb the crystal nucleus of this common mutant bird. In fact, she can't get a lot of blue back. She can get a little bit of blue back and use two. After a while, Su Su's blue bar can't make ends meet.

Nao Shijia took a look at Su Su and the water people in the yard, who are very slow in digging crystal nucleus. He ran back and pushed out a baby carriage from Su Mu's room. He put heaven's gift in the baby carriage. There was a top on the baby carriage to prevent children from being exposed to the sun when it was out of the sun, It can prevent the gift from being broken by the mutant frozen birds falling from the air.

When Chou Shijia put the gift into the pram in a hurry, she turned back, ran into the side room and took out the electric barbecue stove that had never been used before. It was the kind of barbecue stove that was often used by street vendors and night stands before the end of the world. However, the one Chou Shijia pushed out was not charcoal burning, but electric.

When she had to plug in the barbecue stove, Chou Shijia went back to her room, took out the scalpel she used for laparotomy, came to the baby carriage, shoveled the corpses of the frozen birds on the ground and thawed them on the barbecue stove. When the frozen mutant birds softened, Chou Shijia began to dissect the heads of the frozen birds one by one.

Most of the nuclei in the mutant animals are in their heads. The essence of human beings is in an unknown corner of their bodies. The nuclei of mutant plants are in their roots. This turbid world Jia has been walking for such a long time in the end of the world and probably knows something about it.

Ch. 579:

I saw Chou Shijia standing in the yard, putting on a serious posture of operation, dissecting one bird after another, using a small scalpel, and a professional tweezers to reach into the bird's head from the edge of the knife. With one easy clip, the crystal nucleus in the bird's brain can be clipped out.

The barbecue stove uses the most powerful fire. As soon as the mutant bird's corpse is put on it, it thaws for a few seconds, and zhuoshijia takes two or three seconds to get the crystal nucleus. Finally, the time she takes to get the crystal nucleus is much faster than the five water men.

Crystal nucleus is taken out and thrown into the already prepared operation tray by zhuoshijia. It's like losing a bullet. Crystal nucleus collides with the operation tray and makes a clang sound. The little crystal nucleus rolls in the operation tray with a trace of black blood.

After a while, zhuoshijia's crystal nucleus is about to fill up the tray. She looks up and just wants Su Su to take the crystal nucleus from the operation tray, but she doesn't want to. Mei Shengnan, with a few luggage, a small man and two pretty little girls, walks into Su Su Su's yard in a leisurely way, sniffs and says to zhuoshijia:

"Your roast bird is burnt. Don't waste it. I'll peel it for you!"


Su Su, standing on the roof, looks down at Mei Shengnan speechless. Mei Shengnan looks up and asks Su Su with a smile,

"The mutated fish can eat, the mutated chicken can eat, and the mutated bird can eat, according to the truth. Otherwise, those who run on the ground or swim in the water can eat, but those who fly in the sky can't eat. There's no such truth. Susu, can you eat?"


Su Su nods, and the little man behind Mei Shengnan comes forward, enters Su Su Su's yard and begins to roll up his sleeves. He grabs the body of the mutant bird which has been put on the barbecue shelf, roasted soft and taken away by zhuoshijia. He quickly peels the skin of the bird.

This little man, although he has always been with Mei Shengnan, just helps Mei Shengnan deal with some human relations. In fact, he is also a good hand in washing clothes and cooking. He can do a barbecue, the whole picnic and so on.

Only when the little man peeled the skin of the bird in his hand, he took the body of the mutant bird into the side room, found the water in the water tank, washed it, dissected the internal organs of the bird and washed it again. Then he found some seasoning in the side room, went back to the yard, put the body of the mutant bird on the barbecue shelf, roasted it again and sprinkled seasoning again.

After a while, the smell of roast bird spread to the roof, Su Su shamefully felt hungry!

The taste is really delicious, especially for those people after the end of the world. All day long, they are either mutant fish or mutant chicken, or they are vegetables, rice and sometimes a few fruits, which makes people's taste buds become dull.

The little man showed his hand and attracted all the children in the orphanage next door. Anyway, there was no danger in this area because there was Su Su on the roof. The children climbed up the wall with umbrellas and asked the little man what to eat

"Uncle, can you give me a bite?"

"Uncle, I want a bite, just one."

"Give me a bite, give me a bite!"

Su mu, who had been in the room to appease her natural son, was startled by this cry. She watched the little man with two hands, and finally roasted a mutant bird, which was not enough for the children on the wall. She came out with Tian Sheng in her arms, rolled up her sleeves, and helped the little man roast the mutant bird with one hand.

Some of the children are very sensible. They take the initiative to help Zhuo Shijia pick up the dead mutant birds on the ground, put them in a plastic bag, and specially send them to Su Su Su's yard, which also saves Zhuo Shijia's effort of bending over to pick up the mutant birds.

There are also some older children who want to roast birds, but it's not easy for them to think about the little man and Su Mu baking a bird. They are very restrained and help to get the crystal nucleus in the mutant bird's head. They are also very smart. It doesn't matter if they don't have a knife in their hand, and it doesn't matter if they don't have a heat source to thaw the mutant bird's body. They find a big stone and squat on the ground, Slap the head of the mutant bird with the stone in your hand.

This method of taking crystal nucleus is very simple and crude, but it can also get crystal nucleus. The ordinary mutant birds are very small, their skin is very crisp, and their meat is very little. Although they are frozen to death by Su Su, their whole body is stiff, as long as they aim at their heads for a few more times, their heads can also be broken.

The bird's head with ice bursts under the brick, and some nuclei will also follow the brain tissue. Some nuclei will stay in the small pool of brain tissue when the brick leaves. Some nuclei even stick to the brick. As long as you carefully look for them, you can always find the nucleus the size of a pomegranate seed.

"Ah, I found it, brother. I have a crystal nucleus here. I found it!"

"I found it, too. I saw a nucleus there!"

"We'll see who finds the most nuclei."

There are several younger children, as if playing some hide and seek game, in the yard of the orphanage, bouncing to find those crystal nuclei flying out of the bird's head. Those who find crystal nuclei are very happy, as if they have won the game. Those who don't find crystal nuclei bite their teeth and continue to stare at the crystal nuclei, I'm going to be the first one to find this nucleus.

Looking at these busy adults and children, Su Su's anxious mood has also slightly improved. She has been anxious because of Ye Yu and Su Fu, but at this time, there is no other way. At this moment, not only Ye Yu has not come back, but also King Kong, Gazi and Lixia have not come back.

Apart from the small area she is guarding in Chuncheng, she doesn't know how many people died or injured. This is the most terrible place for mutated birds. Whether human beings are prepared in advance or not, as long as mutated birds come, it's inevitable that there will be casualties. Even if everyone hides in the house, there will be mutated birds rushing in. Su Su Su can't help this.

It can only be said that if you see a mutant bird, you can run, or find a place to hide. That's the only way for ordinary people to deal with the mutant bird. Sometimes, even if you hide in time, you will be found by the mutant bird. Just like Su Su, she ran fast, but a mutant bird rushed into her house.

Although these birds are ordinary mutant birds, their level is even the same as the ordinary mutant maggots in Xiangcheng, but the maggots are crawling on the ground, and they can't jump over the mutant shrubs planted in Susu.

Under the ground of Bafang village, there are roots growing in mutated shrubs everywhere. If these roots can grow in the sky, the disaster brought by today's common mutated birds can also be avoided.
