Ch. 550 - Ch. 559

Ch. 550:

After chatting with Su mu in this way, the mother and daughter basically reached an agreement that Xiaoai and Fang Xiaoshi would not be allowed to play in the future. A few hours later, Tianci and Xiaoai hugged each other and fell asleep in Su Mu's room. Ye Yu and the man in leather also agreed on the details of the attack. Fang Shuyi took everyone back, and everyone began to prepare, Because the operation is more confidential, Ye Yu only informed his several special forces brothers, the rest of the people do not know.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, in order to be afraid that Xiaoai and Tianci would sleep too long and would not go to bed at night, Su Su was going to ask Xiaoai to get up. Su Su Su stopped her and only let her get up with Tianci and go to chuoshijia to play. She let Xiaoai sleep until six o'clock in the afternoon. Xiaoai was full of energy and woke up.

Then Su Su and Ye Yu, and all of us had a quiet dinner. At 9 o'clock in the evening, Su's mother had already coaxed heaven's gift to sleep. Xiao AI was still bouncing and energetic. Su's mother began to complain about Su Su Su, saying that Su Su Su would not arrange the time, so that Xiao AI would not go to bed at two or three o'clock this evening.

Su Su just smiles, but doesn't refute Su mu. She lets Su Mu and Su Fu go to bed. Then at 11 p.m., Su Su drives to the North District with Ye Yu, King Kong, GA Zi and Li Xia in her arms.

Before we got to the front of the military defense in the North District, we heard an explosion. The sudden explosion woke up the whole spring city, and made the zombies outside the wall a little excited. In the dark and boundless snow night, a mushroom like fire cloud soared into the air, and the whole North District was in chaos.

Li Xia, who is in charge of driving, stepped on the gas pedal and drove the car on the street of the North District. As soon as the speed was fast, Xiao AI screamed with joy. Su Su Su began to check her waist stool tied to her waist. The sound of gunfire rang out. You come and I go. When it became more and more dense, Li Xia had already driven into an underground garage.

There are many soldiers standing in the underground parking garage. They seem to have already stood here, waiting for Su Su and others. Lixia stops the car in front of a wall. The wall is painted a big red circle by the group of people. Ye Yu gets out of the car, flies two golden lasers in his hand, and starts cutting along the big red circle.

Behind the wall is chunzhengzong's laboratory under the military defense. Of course, the wall is very thick, very thick. It is impossible for idle people to open the wall with any tools and enter the laboratory from this very tricky angle.

But ye Yu can, his laser can cut all materials, a very, very thick wall, for him, it's not any problem.

At the time of cutting, everyone had prepared the blasting tools. Su Su was holding a waist stool on his waist. Xiao AI was sitting on the waist stool, facing the front, holding a toy style pocket pistol in his hand, and comparing it to the wall. It was quite like the gesture of shooting. Su Su Su was holding Ye Yu's two sabres, one hand and one hand, wearing a sports suit and a sports cap on his head, Standing at the back of the crowd, waiting for Ye Yu to open the wall, she rushed in with Xiao AI.

When ye Yu decided to bring Xiao AI here this time, she didn't ask Su Su for anything. Su Su is not acting by force today. Ye Yu said that her main task is to take Xiao AI to see the world and protect Xiao AI by the way.

At this time, their heads, as if there were thousands of troops passing by, had been rumbling, far and near the gunfire in an endless stream, about 10 minutes later, Ye Yu cut eight walls, finally revealed the white light of the laboratory.

At this time, the scientific researchers in the laboratory were still holding all kinds of test tubes, documents and research materials. They were wearing white biochemical protective clothing and looked at the suddenly collapsed wall. Before they could react, a group of people ran out of the wall hole and surrounded them with weapons in their hands.

As for the attack plan, Fang Youmao means that as long as he an and Hua Hua are killed, the rest of the scientific research personnel who are small soldiers will be kept and sent to Bafang village to take care of them. After all, they are all talented people. Killing those who are not good at heart and keeping these high IQ scientific research personnel will also support the scientific research work after the end of the world.

Su Su naturally has no objection to this. People are in her hands and controlled by her. Naturally, there will be no such phenomenon of doing human experiments with living people. The purpose of Ye Yu and others here is to kill he an and Hua Hua besides helping the soldiers cut the wall.

The soldiers were sent by Fang Youmao to help Ye Yu capture the scientific researchers. After they came in with weapons, they began to capture the scientific researchers. They took the scientific researchers they had captured out of the wall hole, handcuffed with their hands, and got on a criminal cart used to escort the criminals. Some people were responsible for cleaning up the scientific research materials, Like bandits, they rushed into the white world, where all the researchers, papers, computers, test tubes, etc. had to be emptied, loaded and sent to Bafang village.

Ye Yu is responsible for cutting the doors. Although the doors in the laboratory are made of special metal, no matter how hard they are, they will be over when they meet Ye Yu's laser. Scientific researchers run around, soldiers with weapons yell and even raise guns to warn. In the chaos, King Kong, Lixia and Gazi behind Ye Yu, as well as the children are tied up, Su Su, holding double knives, follows Ye Yu through the destroyed doors and goes directly to the interior of the laboratory.

Although they don't grab people or things, they are also very busy. Sometimes, zombies or other mutated animals will come out of the cut door, and King Kong, Lixia and Gazi will follow them to kill monsters. Few doors are cut, and they will find that there are several children inside. Most of the time, Ye Yu won't take care of them any more. Su Su goes forward and stands by the door to have a look, It's not dangerous to see these children, and I don't care about them any more.

Some brave children will run behind Su Su's buttocks as if they were seeing a savior. Then they will drive all the children to run with them, crying. The whole laboratory seems to be in an unprecedented catastrophe, full of crying, swearing and things breaking.

In the front, Ye Yu takes the lead and cuts open the doors. King Kong and others run behind Ye Yu. There are more and more children behind Su Su's buttocks. She also runs forward in a hurry. Then she suddenly stops and looks at a man tied to the bed naked in a door. What she says is a painful "ah" sound.

Ch. 551:

Su Su thinks about it, and sees that Ye Yu only cares about breaking through the door and killing monsters, leaving the survivors running around. She doesn't care about the naked man tied on the test bed at all. Su Su Su, with little love, walks into the room and looks at the man tied on the bed.

Wow, how ugly!

This is Su Su's first reaction. Looking at this man's face, I don't know what Hua Hua and he an have done to him. All the facial features are on his face, but the bones on his face seem to be missing a lot. The whole face collapses seriously, just like a bowl. It collapses like this!!!

His tongue seems to have been cut off, and his throat seems to have been destroyed. He just lies on the bed in pain, barking, leaning his head, staring at Su Su with a pair of very bright eyes.

"Are you all right?"

Su Su looked at the ugly man, frowned, stretched out her hand, and pulled the metal strap that tied the ugly man's hands and feet. But the metal strap was very tough. She frowned and turned to the door,

"Ye Yu, come here and do me a favor!"

Ye Yu ran to the front of the old man and couldn't help Su Su. She looked back at the ugly man on the bed and saw that the ugly man suddenly quieted down, opened a pair of bright black glasses and looked at her. Her eyes seemed to have something to say to Su Su Su, full of thousands of words. Su Su Su just laughed and comforted her

"Don't be afraid. I'll save you."

She raised the knife in her hand and cut the metal belt on the ugly man's hand. The little love sitting in her arms was giggling. She looked very happy.

With a little effort, the metal belt is made of no material. It's just holding Ye Yu's two sabres, but it hasn't been cut open. Su Su breathes a sigh and looks at the ugly man lying on the bed. Then she turns to look at the metal belt that binds the ugly man. Su Su Su smiles and says to herself:

"I'm so stupid. Isn't it untied?"

On the bed, next to the ugly man's hands and feet, there are two switches. Su Su presses once, and the metal strap that binds the ugly man's hands and feet automatically opens. But in addition, there are some belts wrapped around the ugly man's body. Su Su puts Ye Yu's saber in the other hand. As soon as her heart turns, a thin and hard ice scissors condenses out.

The scissors made of ice flew up into the sky. With a few clicks, the belt on the ugly man was cut. Looking at the ugly man's silent face, Su Su asked strangely,

"Hey, why don't you get up?"

Then she saw some needle like thread inserted into the ugly man's brain, and some instruments nearby were flashing, much like a power suppressor of the future.

The so-called power suppressor is probably to insert a few needles into the brain of the psionic person to limit the psionic person's ability to mobilize the body's power, which also achieves the purpose of controlling the psionic person.

Otherwise, in the laboratory, there is no way to successfully do experiments with the psionic. In other words, the ugly man lying on this bed is actually a psionic?

Su Su curls her lips. It has nothing to do with her whether the ugly man is a power. She reaches out her hand and carefully pulls out the needles on the ugly man's head one by one. Then she looks at the ugly man lying on the bed and finally has the strength to sit up. Su Su Su holds little love and leads a group of children behind her buttocks out of the door, No matter the ugly man sitting on the bed, she went after Ye Yu.

Ugly man's limbs are moving. He can't believe he's out of trouble. He looks at Su Su's back with complicated eyes. After thinking about it, he jumps out of bed. Because he hasn't been walking down for a long time, ugly man can't grasp his balance well and falls down on the ground directly.

Regardless of the pain of his body, he tried several times, and finally stood up, pulled a white suit like the one used by the hospital patients, put it on his body, and went barefoot to chase Susu.

It's very easy to find Su Su's trace. She is followed by a group of children. Some of them are still very young and don't run fast, so the ugly man can see several crying children all the way after him. After that, he finally catches up with Su Su Su and takes two steps. Just as he is about to express something with Su Su Su, Ye Yu cuts a door in the front, He an and Hua Hua, who are sorting out the documents inside, are exposed.

They have taken off their biological clothes. They seem to know that the laboratory has been attacked. They are in a hurry to take away some documents and destroy some documents at the same time. On one side of the computer, they are reading a note. While Hua Hua is sorting out the paper data in her hand, she is transmitting something to the person on the other side of the computer.

Su Su stands behind Ye Yu, glances inside, and just sees the face of Hua Hua and he an. Their faces are full of shock and panic, but before Su Su and Ye Yu can react, the ugly man who originally fell behind Su Su suddenly burst out fierce hatred in his eyes. He yells and two dive, From Su Su and Ye Yu body side rushed into the door.

"Wait a minute...!"

As the ugly man rushes in, he an and Hua Hua fall into two fireballs in an instant. Su Su raises her hand. Before she can stop them, he an and Hua Hua are already burning fast and have no human form.

In vain, she put down her hand. She felt that it was a pity. In fact, she wanted to ask he an and Hua Hua what Chunzheng wanted to do with Tianci? In addition, we need to ask he an, where is the serum taken from Bafang village now?!

However, this ugly man's fire power, at least, has three levels or more, which is no different from the original Ye Yu. It is also very destructive. After a while, he an and Hua Hua were burned to ashes. The fire spread quickly, and the whole room began to burn.

"Forget it, just burn it."

Looking at the paper documents in the sea of fire, as well as the computer, the computer in the sea of fire seems to have finished transmitting its documents. Then it can't stand the soaring temperature in the room. It explodes and there are no bones left. Su Su Su thinks that there are still many researchers alive anyway. If you want to ask God's gift, you can directly ask those researchers at that time.

She turned her head and began to organize the group of children who had been running behind her ass to go back.

After a long walk, people with good looks came to take over the children, because the previous order was that all the people found in this laboratory, except he an and Hua Hua, had to get on the car and send them directly to Bafang village. Therefore, these children who did not know what they had experienced also got a car for them, The soldiers carried the children directly to the car. When the car was full, they went to Bafang village.

Ch. 552:

There are some soldiers outside the uniform, wearing a white coat, finishing up the dilapidated laboratory. They are collecting the scattered materials. Su Su holds Xiao AI and stands with Ye Yu to watch. By the way, he and the leader who is responsible for escorting to Bafang village explain the problem of heaven's gift.

She means that, in any case, only when the researchers in this laboratory settle down in Bafang village, they must immediately tell them about all the research projects in this laboratory. Su Su wants to know if she can find out some things about heaven's gift from these research projects.

Just talking with the person in charge, several soldiers came forward and wanted to catch the ugly man standing behind Su Su. The ugly man was also one of the people who wanted to be sent to Bafang village.

But the ugly man screamed and resisted fiercely. When he saw that someone was going to catch him, his hands burst into flames. He was so excited that he was about to kill the people who came to catch him. Su Su opened his mouth, looked back at the ugly man's tense and shaking posture, and said to the soldiers:

"Come on, he may be mentally stimulated, and his mood is not very stable. It's OK. If you are busy, let him go."

"However, the order from the top is that all the people in this area need to be sent to Bafang village. There are likely to be successful people who have been vaccinated against doomsday and need to be sent to Bafang village for detailed study."

The soldiers who came to catch the ugly man looked embarrassed. Although sending these people to Bafang village for research, they would not be tortured as inhumanely as they are here, it is obvious that they were once ugly men in vivo experiments. He didn't think so. He only felt that what these people said was that if they wanted to send them to study again, they would not do anything.

Just in front of the ugly man, suddenly a wall of fire rises. The temperature is hot and baking. Su Su has no choice but to frown and hold Xiao AI. Ye Yu goes through the wall of fire and is about to clamp down on the ugly man. Outside the wall of fire, the ugly man has turned and run away. The speed can't be stopped by others, and Su Su Su and Ye Yu Kong and others have no intention to stop him.

But a poor man, what do you want him to do?

When we got here, because of the ugly man, there was a small wave in the whole task, but it didn't affect the overall situation. The whole action plan was finished little by little according to the original process. After all the people and materials found in the laboratory were loaded to Bafang village, Su Su Su, Ye Yu and others returned to the ground in the car, Gallop back to the east side.

After receiving the news of Su Su and others' safe evacuation, Fang Youmao's offensive force on military defense began to withdraw little by little. Before, because of the heavy firepower, Chun Zhengzong's people were resisting all the time, and they didn't have time to take care of the laboratory under their feet. At this time, Fang Youmao's people withdrew. Chun Zhengzong was about to take people to chase him, but his subordinates were carrying a gun, In a hurry, he runs over and shouts to Chun Zhengzong, who is about to get on the bus and go after Fang Youmao's troops

"Report to the chief, the underground laboratory has been attacked!"

Chun Zhengzong immediately stood in the same place, one foot stuck in the car door, the other foot standing outside the car door, his eyes wide open, looking at his subordinates, he asked in disbelief:

"What?! Tell me again, where was the attack? "

"The underground laboratory... Was attacked!"

The upright subordinate was flying bullets over his head. After repeating this sentence, he felt that Chun Zhengzheng's face was not right now? He reached out to help chunzhengzong, and asked with concern,

"Chief, are you all right?"

"Where's Hua Hua? What about Huahua Chun Zhengzong felt a little dizzy. The foot stuck in the door pulled back from the car and cried with his eyes closed.

The upright subordinate immediately straightened out his position and said, "report to the chief! The laboratory has been surrounded by fire. Hua Hua and he an have died! In vivo experiment, no omission! All the research materials were ransacked. "


Chun Zhengzong stares at the subordinate, and the light in his eyes looks like Fang Youmao. He raises his gun, points to the head of his upright subordinate, and angrily says word by word:

"Go away! While I can control myself now, get away from me! "

"Chief, calm down!"

On one side, an adjutant of chunzhengzong came over with worried face. Chunzhengzong slapped the adjutant and slapped him in the ear. He angrily said:

"The whole underground laboratory has been destroyed. It's clean. Fang Youmao is an old man. I don't think he's crazy today. He ran to the North District to challenge me. His real purpose is here. Here it is!"!!! How can I calm down? How can I calm down? "

He was so angry that most of the people around him who stood in the same place were aware of his anger like character. They all stepped back a few steps and waited for Chunzheng's anger to pass in the sound of gunfire.

Chunzhengzong was angry for a while. Originally, he wanted to chase Fang Youmao to the west district to have a big fight with Fang Youmao. Now chunzhengzong was not in the mood. He just waited for Fang Youmao to withdraw from the North District to the West District, and he didn't get on the car that was going to fight.

Chunzhengzong had no other way but to be angry. Now, what else could he do? Hua Hua is dead, not even a corpse left, that is, chunzhengzong seized Tianci, let go of Tianci's blood, it is impossible to revive Hua Hua.

The bustling night, a little bit deeper, sporadic gunshots sounded, and finally gradually calmed down. In fact, the battle in the North District, Fang Youmao did not win much. We all lost a lot of people, but the original purpose of Fang Youmao was not to capture Chunzheng's military base, so as long as the laboratory was removed, it was also a kind of victory.

However, this inexplicable attack has made all the teams in Chuncheng nervous. Most of the folk teams are watching, afraid that the weather is getting colder and colder. Now, Fang Youmao and chunzhengzong will lose both sides, and the officials are busy fighting. The strength of defending Chuncheng will be weakened, so it is necessary to Send a folk team.

But all the non-governmental teams, whether large or medium-sized, are weighing up. They don't think of people to devote their energy to guarding Chuncheng. The reason is very simple. Their combat power needs to be concentrated to prevent other teams from robbing the territory. If they take out their combat power to defend Chuncheng, they will encounter other teams to rob the territory, The situation will be very bad for them.

Ch. 553:

The whole folk team in Chuncheng is nervous. They are quietly waiting for the second big fight between chunzhengzong and Fang Youmao, and they are actively working offline to fight for their best interests. As a result, after waiting for a few days, the originally thought big fight didn't happen. It seems that chunzhengzong and Fang Youmao have negotiated, By chance, they all sent more troops to the wall.

Everyone is a little confused. We agreed that the civil war would not be fought?

Spring is so atmospheric a person, how to decide to stop?

Not only all the folk teams are confused, but also the Eastern District's Chun Lai Chun you Yue and others are confused. They only know that Su Su and Ye Yu and others, who have super fighting power, went out for a few hours the other night. They probably guessed that they were going to help Fang Youmao fight, but what happened after the fight?

Originally, Chun Lai thought that Fang Youmao and Chun Zhengzong would fight a civil war, and would the Eastern District take part in the war or not? Su Su has a grudge against Chun Zhengzong. Naturally, he won't help Chun Zhengzong, but if he wants to help Fang Youmao, it seems that the Eastern District doesn't have the strength.

After all, the burden of the eastern district is the biggest of the four districts. 200000 ordinary people now live on their own by raising some mutant fish at home. Occasionally, they can go to the grocery store to buy some materials of Bafang village that spring has entrusted Fang Youmao to buy. However, there are not many people like that. After all, not everyone has extra crystal cores in their hands.

The main food they live on is their own mutant fish. Of course, the Eastern District has encountered some small problems recently. For example, Chunlai has been thinking about how to collect the crystal nuclei in the hands of ordinary people as soon as possible. It's not enough to sell the materials of Bafang village. He has to think about several policies.

He thought, why don't we organize some people to go outside to catch zombies and come back? The government will kill the zombies, then cut them, chop them, sell the broken zombie meat to the ordinary people, and let the ordinary people buy the crystal nucleus and take it back to feed the mutant fish, and then let the mutant fish reproduce and kill them for the ordinary people.

Although this work is very simple, the workload is very huge. If it is carried out, basically all the soldiers in the eastern district must devote themselves to the work of catching zombies, cutting them, and then they will not have the fighting capacity to participate in the civil war.

So Chun Lai is worried about how many heads Su Su should take if she wants to take part in the war. As a result, day by day, Su Su doesn't seem to make persistent efforts. She still takes her baby for a walk every day. She can live whatever life she wants to live. She doesn't have any preparation before the war.

The snow is getting heavier and heavier. Gradually, in the streets and alleys of the Eastern District, some members of the folk team who insist on writing big character newspapers and pasting banners can't stand it. It seems that the hot water and floor heating in the eastern district is about to popularize the whole eastern district. However, the area occupied by these folk teams is still as cold as an ice hole. Occasionally, one is not careful, Can also freeze to death so one or two weak team members.

Finally, a team couldn't carry it. They thought it was better to follow Su Su's banner, so they sent over their wooden and water system powers. There were not many people. There were two water systems, one wooden system and such a big team. There must be more than these wooden and water systems.

But Su Su doesn't care if the team conceals it, because she is the first team to hand over the wood and water powers. In order to encourage other teams, she bought two wood powers and one water power with half a ton of materials. The deal is actually quite cost-effective.

Of course, after detaining the head of the team, Su Su still didn't fulfill her promise to put it back. She just transferred half a ton of frozen chicken from Bafang village to the team, and then she didn't say anything. No one asked, so she deliberately pretended to be stupid and didn't mention it. She just waited for the team members, when she couldn't help it, He ran to her and asked when the head of the regiment would release it.

Let's talk about it then!

When it comes to this, even if it's officially the prelude to cracking down on the civilian team, Su Su will send the first team to the wood system and water system, and then integrate the 12 wood systems and 13 water system powers in the spring army. The greenhouse planting in the eastern district started under Su Su Su's supervision.

But now, the weather is so cold, no matter how much floor heating there is in the greenhouse, there is no way to let the vegetables and grains mature on a large scale by the natural growth law. All the growth of food and vegetables is driven by the powers of the wood powers. In a moment, the more than a dozen wood powers who are responsible for the greenhouse's production of vegetables and grains become the big eaters of nuclei.

Most of the crystal cores in the eastern district are to be taken out to Fang Youmao to buy the materials of Bafang village. The other part is to be kept for the officers and soldiers. The rest is to be provided to the wooden powers in the greenhouse. In a few days, when the reservoir is built, the water system powers will soon join the ranks of the big families who eat crystal cores.

Therefore, the eastern district is much poorer than the other three districts in Chuncheng. They are so poor that they sigh and dream about how to earn crystal nucleus.

With the first team that turned in the wood and water powers, there was a second team, a third team and a fourth team. Soon, all the folk teams turned in different numbers of wood and water powers, and the team that spawned vegetables was growing, but it was not enough.

Su's courtyard was full of people in military uniform. Finally, some team members could not afford to wait and began to tangle with several people. They ran to Su Su's courtyard and stood outside. They wanted to ask Su Su that they had turned in the wood and water powers. When would Su Su release the detained leader.

At this time, Su Su was in the yard, leading Su Mu's task to sweep snow for the yard. Her hands were flat on both sides of her body, and there was a little silver light shining on her palms. The snow in the yard was under her feet and began to float one by one.

The knock on the door was just at this time. Susu was wearing a pair of woolen slippers. She didn't even wear socks in the slippers. With her fingers moving, the snow in the yard quickly gathered together and piled up beside her, forming a snowman without eyes, nose or hat.

After sweeping the snow, Su Su put her hands in the pocket of the short down jacket. The zipper of the down jacket was open, and inside was a pair of pajamas and pajamas for autumn. She walked to the door, opened the door of her yard, looked at the 20 members of the folk League standing outside, and asked:

"What's the matter?"

Ch. 554:

"Well, Su Su, you see we have turned in the wood and water powers. When can our leader release them for us?"

Some people pluck up their courage and feel a little cautious. Recently, they have been tossed about by the Spring Festival. The whole spring city, even under the houses of some ordinary people, has been paved with hot water and floor heating. The area occupied by these folk teams is really cold and wet, and they don't care whether their folk teams live or die.

There's no way. The folk team turned in one or two wooden and water system powers at will. They are still the ones with the lowest level. They didn't wake up for long. They wanted to make a perfunctory effort to let Chunlai lay the floor heating for them and redeem their leader by the way.

As a result, after all the folk teams handed in the wooden and water system powers, they asked Chunlai about the floor heating. Chunlai gave them a stack of drawings and let them do it by themselves!!!

The leader is not at home. Many things can be dealt with by these non-governmental teams at the beginning, but after a long time, each team will have some unpleasant internal strife. Some people are dissatisfied here and there. Without the leader, they can't even reach a consensus on such things as floor heating.

It seems that everyone has their own interests to consider, and there are also small groups in the team. In the past, when the team leader was there, these small groups were pressed by the team leader and couldn't fight for their interests. Now that the team leader is gone, the small groups have come forward one after another. Some people feel that they have done too much work and ask the team to lay more floor heating pipes for their families, Some people think that the reason why others can lay more pipes is that they should be taken care of by the team because of their large population and heavy burden.

As a result, it has been several days since Chunlai came there to get the drawings back, and the private team has yet to find a way to get the floor heating.

In the end, someone finally responded that the main reason why they have been struggling so far is that they have no leaders. The top priority is not to lay more floor heating pipes or not, but to get their own team leader back to preside over the overall situation in a very short time.

Su Su, however, smiles and stands inside the door, looking at the group members with eager faces, and says:

"You see, I've been very busy in the spring, preparing for the business of processing zombie meat, and urging the wood powers to produce vegetables. In addition, I want to build a large reservoir in the eastern district. The number of wood and water powers is not enough. Your team leader has excellent ability, so they volunteered to kill zombies outside."

"Ah?" The member in charge of the regiment, who didn't believe Su Su's words, opened his mouth and asked, "Su Su, don't cheat us. There are so many of you. How can you need our leader to go out and kill zombies?"

"That's right, Su Su. We've turned in the wood and water powers according to the requirements. As you said, as long as we turn in the wood and water powers, we'll release our leader. Now we can't keep our word."

"Our whole team is going to be in a mess now. You can let our leader go."


More than 20 members of the delegation who came to petition began to speak out. Although they didn't believe Su Su's appearance when they heard Su Su say so, now they are the fish on Su Su's chopping board. They can only let Su Su chop. They can resist, but they can't resist too strongly. So although we don't believe Su Su Su's words, no one yells at Su.

They were quite calm and pleaded for Su Su, but Su Su shrugged her shoulders and pushed the ball to Chun Lai, who was in a hurry

"Spring, you come just in time. These people don't believe that their leaders are going out to kill zombies. They have to pester me and ask me to give them their leaders. Can you tell them that the original leaders, with sincere words, must take the initiative to kill zombies?"

"Ah, yes, they said I wouldn't let them go out to kill zombies, so they just ran into the wall."

Chun Lai has an anxious look on his face. He talks along Su Su's words. He exaggerates a little bit. But at this moment, Chun Lai is obviously not willing to entangle with these League members. After finishing this sentence, he winks at Su Su, indicating that he has something to do with Su Su Su.

Urgent, urgent!

Su Su nodded in the door, turned around and walked into the yard. Spring came three or two steps and went up the steps. A group of League members behind him saw it. Looking at it, it seemed that the conversation was over? In response, of course, everyone refused to work. A courageous member of the League stepped up the steps and seemed to chase Chunlai into the courtyard, but he didn't want to. After Chunlai entered the courtyard, he turned back and pushed his hand, and the gate was closed.

"How come?"

"Well? Will our team leader let it go, when and why he left without saying anything? "

"Susu, Susu, we haven't finished talking yet. Come out!"

"Is our leader dead? Have you been killed by Su Su? "

The members of the League were a little anxious, and their emotions were all excited. Later, chunyouyue immediately took on the heavy responsibility of appeasing the members. He raised his hands and said:

"Don't be impatient, don't be impatient, don't worry, don't panic. Your leader is living well now. They are willing to go out to kill the zombies. If you really miss your leader, you can send a team out at 8 a.m. every day to help them kill the zombies. You can't see your leader."

"I don't believe it. Are you going to trick our team into going out and killing zombies for you?"

"I tell you, there is a moon in spring, and there is no way. Our regiment will not send people out to kill zombies unless we hand over our leader."

"Well, that's not good. You see, Chun youyue is quite like that. If he's not sure, he can say that we can see the commander when we get out of the city?"

"That's right. Let's go out and have a look. Let's wait until we see the commander."

"If you go, I won't be fooled."

Before chunyouyue could say anything more, the 20 members from the seven regiments had already come out with different opinions. In front of chunyouyue, they began to argue about whether it was true or not. What's more, when they got to the point of urgency, they all had a trend of fighting.

Ch. 555:

In the spring, with a smile on his face, he stood up to make a comeback, put on a very understanding expression and said to everyone:

"Don't fight or quarrel. People who believe in this matter can send someone out to have a look. At 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, everyone will gather at the gap on time. I don't force those who don't believe in it. When those who have gone out to see come back, you will know whether we are telling the truth."

After a pause, the Spring Moon saw that the crowd had calmed down, and then said: "also, we really can't help you with your hot water floor heating, so previously, we had to let you lay your own floor heating. In this way, if you are willing to let us help you lay your floor heating, everyone, go back to count how many gold, fire, and power players there are in each team, And how many water system powers are left in your hands? Draw up a list and call all these gold, fire and water system powers to me. I promise that in 48 hours, let your rooms be warmed up. Everyone is warm and ready for the winter. "

"Good! Spring has a month, with you this last words, we are at ease

There are team members who have been standing in the ice and snow for a long time. The cold weather makes him reluctant to walk any more. Since spring has month proposed to help them lay the floor heating, it's not important whether the team leader will come back or not. The reason why they want the team leader to come back is to lay the floor heating. They want the team leader to play a leading role in laying the floor heating as soon as possible.

Now there's no need for the commander. Chunyouyue has promised to help them lay the floor heating, so hurry home and draw up the list of gold, fire and water powers. What are you doing here?!

If the first league member should have a month with chunyouyue, there will be a second one. With chunyouyue's repeated assurance, we all have the dream of using hot water to warm the floor after 48 hours. We have to withdraw one after another. The remaining League members who insist on the return of the head of the regiment are also lonely. After a while of entanglement with chunyouyue, we have to turn around.

Just wait for the last member of the regiment to walk away with all the vicissitudes on his face. Chun youyue's smiling face suddenly collapsed. He turned around and went into an alley and entered a very humble house. Seven people came from inside. They were all handcuffed and footcuffed. Two soldiers stood behind each person's back, holding guns and facing their backs, Looking at these seven disheveled people, Chun youyue said with a smile:

"Heads, heads, you have suffered. You have suffered!"

King Kong, sitting on the roof of a house next door, saw the play from the beginning to the end. Seeing that Chun youyue had put forward the seven folk leaders who were secretly imprisoned, King Kong didn't say much, but just stood on the roof and pursed his lips and laughed.

There is a team leader, his face is full of resentment, and he gnashes his teeth at chunyouyue: "what suffering or not? Spring has a month, you TM less put such a pair of skin smile meat do not smile face, I see disgusting

"That's to say, has our team turned in the water and wood powers? Are we redeemed? "

"Good you have a month in spring, good you Susu, I'll see if you have good fruit to eat when I go back this time."

"Your behavior is forcing us to revolt!"

Because he was locked up for a long time, although Su Su didn't starve them or freeze them, the freedom of not seeing the sun for a long time made all the seven commanders full of anger. The anger was all over Chun youyue. If there were not a circle of soldiers with guns standing in the yard and two guns on their back, they would kill Chun youyue on the spot.

Chun youyue just smiles. He doesn't retort even though the seven regiments are full of anger. Instead, he goes out of the courtyard door, finds several cars, takes the seven regiments into the car and drives directly to the direction of the gap.

At the gap, Chun youyue comes down from the front car, walks to the side of the other cars, and smiles at the leader in one of the cars. He stands outside the window and looks down at the leader's face. Chun youyue is very understanding and says:

"To tell you the truth, I'm sorry to have locked you up for such a long time. Su Su has already said that he wants to let you go. No, your league members miss you very much. As soon as they turn in the wooden and water system powers, Su Su Su says that he will give you back to your league members. Here you go. Today is the day when you are free again."

The head of the group heard the speech and looked at the zombies outside the gap in horror. Now the gap in the Eastern District will open all day. Outside the gap, some people have already begun to kill the zombies. What do you mean when chunyouyue said to let them go? Not to the east side, but to the outside of the gap?

He didn't understand the meaning of chunyouyue. The driver in front of him stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped out of the gap. People who killed zombies along the road looked up and looked at the cars curiously. They had no intention to stop, and rushed out of the gap~~~

Seeing these cars disappear out of the gap, Chun youyue seems to have finally put down her heart, breathed heavily, clapped her hands, as if she had knocked off the dust in her hands, and went back home with ease.

Although it's not sure whether these leaders who are going to be thrown into the zombie heap will be able to come back alive, if they come back to the Eastern District alive, the whole civil team in the Eastern District will certainly be suppressed from the original civil team.

On this side, Su Su's yard, rushing into the spring of the yard, brought a very bad news to Su Su: the bad news came that one of the eight planes sent by Fang's family to Bafang village was attacked by the mutant birds in the air and lost contact.

Early in the morning, Chun Lai came to Su Su in a hurry to report the incident to Su Su. At this time, Su Su was sitting in the side room made by Su Su's mother, eating pickled mustard with white rice porridge. Hearing the news from Chun sitting opposite, she shook her chopsticks and frowned

"What about Bai Heng?"

"Bai Heng came back with the news. I'm fine. Maybe I heard you read more. As soon as I saw a black patch coming in front of me, I drove the plane to the ground. His plane hit the building on the ground, and the wing was seriously damaged, but I'm fine."

In front of Chunlai, there is also a bowl of white rice porridge and a small dish of pickled mustard, which Su Mu just made for him. But Chunlai now has no idea how to eat. He is very anxious. He only thinks that eating and drinking are small things. Mutant birds finally live up to the expectations of the public. This is the biggest thing.

Ch. 556:

In recent days, the colder the weather is, the more worried Su Su is about the appearance of mutated birds, because when the weather is warm, these mutated birds have insects to eat, and they won't go to human gathering places to attack humans in large areas. But when the weather is colder, mutated birds have nothing to eat, and they will run out in groups to attack humans.

So Su Su kept talking about it when she saw Bai Heng. Seeing that Bai Heng didn't listen to her, she insisted on running to Bafang village. Su Su changed her way. She taught Bai Heng that if he was in the air, if he was far away, he would run to the ground no matter how far away he was. He would find a cover to hide and not make any noise, Don't try to run out of the bunker to attack the mutant bird. The mutant bird will always fly past. Only when it flies past can it run out of the bunker.

Now it seems that Bai Heng also listened to her words and knew that when he saw the mutant bird, he would fly to the ground. It was not in vain that Su Su was like a Tang Monk and had read to him for so long.

"It's OK. What about the rest of the planes?"

Su Fu on one side breathed a sigh. Eight planes, Bai Heng's, fell to the ground and were damaged. One was attacked by a mutant bird and lost contact. Then there were six more planes. Did they fly back or to Bafang village?

"There are six planes left, and they have arrived at Bafang village without danger."

When he said this, Chun Lai's face was very ugly. He was not lucky that there were six planes arriving at Bafang village safely, but the source of this worry. Since the appearance of mutant birds, it was doomed that the plane flew to Bafang village. How could it fly back? Will you come back with mutant birds? That's the point.

Su Su's face is not as ugly as that of Chun Lai. She has known for a long time that this kind of situation will appear today. She has also mentioned in front of Fang Shuyi that all the transportation modes of Fang's family should not be on the empty road. At that time, she will open up a safe and effective land road.

As a result, if you don't listen to her, if you don't listen to her at all, or if you listen to her, you always take a chance and think that it's a trip to fly. If you can pull a plane's supplies from Bafang village, you can pull a plane.

"What can we do if the plane is attacked by mutant birds on the way back?"

Su's mother at the dinner table said this possibility anxiously. Chun Lai's face turned white and looked at Su Su. Everyone in the room looked at Su Su and saw that Su Su Su was eating her own porridge and slowly looked down and said:

"What can we do? Let's mobilize all the powers in the eastern district. Let's tighten our belts and live. We can't live any longer. In the four districts of southeast, northwest and northwest, let's get rid of the burden and burden. Let's leave Chuncheng from now on, and let's go. "

"Su Su, talk well. You're frightening people to come here in spring."

Su's father frowned and looked at Su Su's understatement. Don't think that everyone here didn't hear it. The irony in Su Su's tone is obvious, but who is Su Su Su? If she could survive in such a cruel environment at the end of the world, she would be able to create a paradise like Bafang village.

As soon as Su's mother heard Su's father say this, she urged her to say, "yes, baby, you must have a way. Tell us quickly. Don't make us flustered."

Su Su, who is drinking white rice porridge, looks up at Su Mu and doesn't say anything. Of course, she has a way back, but the way back is reserved for her family, not including the 200000 people in Chuncheng. When it comes to the end of life, her mother, a high-level wood power, will definitely make this family hungry.

Then Su Su glanced at Chunlai again. Chunlai's face was full of expectation. Su Su said to Chunlai seriously, "what I'm telling you is the back road in my hand. Now that greenhouse vegetable and grain cultivation has begun to take shape. For the sake of 200000 people in the Eastern District, you can't be soft hearted any more. Those wooden talents are all treasures, that is to rob, We're going to grab people. "

"OK, I'll do it now."

Chun Lai immediately nodded and thought along Su Su's words. There was a layer of cold sweat on his back. If Su Su hadn't been prepared and worked hard to squeeze out several wooden talents from the folk team, today's eastern district would be in an unprecedented chaos.

After all, the materials purchased from Bafang village are sold in Mei Shengnan's grocery store. People in the Eastern District used to raise mutant fish in every family, so they don't need basic food and clothing. Only those who are a little idle or don't want to breed mutant fish will buy the materials from the grocery store.

The output of grain and vegetables planted in the greenhouses has been raised. If you concentrate more wood powers, you can't use the materials of Bafang village, and the whole eastern district can produce and sell by itself.

But other districts may not be as lucky as the eastern district. The western and southern districts, which are most dependent on materials in Bafang village, bear the brunt. Just after Chunlai left Susu's house to search for the wood talents hidden in the folk team, Fang Shuyi drove from the western district to the Eastern District and boarded Susu's house.

As soon as he entered Su Su's house, Fang Shuyi didn't have time to exchange greetings with Su Su. Instead, he directly asked Su Su, "Su Su, do you know about the appearance of mutant birds?"

"I see." Su Su stood in the yard, holding Xiao AI in a small down jacket in his hand, looking at Fang Shuyi and said with a smile, "now there are few people who don't know about it, right? Are you already in trouble in the western and southern districts? "

"Well, it's on!" Fang Shuyi's brow was tightly twisted. He was wearing a dark blue ski suit today. He still looked fashionable, but his face was full of sadness. Then he asked, "how do you plan to solve this problem? I mean, about mutant birds in the air

"There's no solution. I've tried my best to plan for the Eastern District, but people's hearts are always evil. I guess it's more difficult for Chuncheng to get through this difficulty without any cost."

Su Su shakes her head. There is a sense of numbness on her face. She is not a God. In the face of such natural and man-made disasters, what can she do to solve them? Last life, when spring city came in winter, it starved and froze a large number of people. This is the force of nature, and she can't fight it. The key is that the dead body will eventually attract mutant birds.

Ch. 557:

In her life, Su Su has tried her best to turn the tide around. She tries to reduce the death toll in the Eastern District, but in addition to the Eastern District, there are three districts: the Western District, the Southern District and the northern district. That's not the situation she can control. There will be some dead people, just more dead than dead.

In her hand, Xiao'ai is standing in the same place, walking on the snow in the yard. She leads Su Su step by step to the door of the yard. Today, it's snowing again. Xiao'ai has been at home for two days. She must go out to play today, so Su Su can't. when talking with Fang Shuyi, she can only open the door of the yard and lead Xiao'ai down the steps.

Behind him, Fang Shuyi was silent for a moment. He followed Su Su and Xiao AI down the steps. Looking at the distance, a beggar came slowly. He bowed his back and his clothes were thin and ragged. Fang Shuyi felt uncomfortable. He followed Su Su and Xiao AI and said:

"Su Su, I'll give you the bottom line now. If... I mean if the situation goes on like this, my second uncle means that Bafang village can absorb some ordinary people, and we will also actively operate to transfer some ordinary people to the capital base."

Fang Youmao hopes to convey to Su Su through Fang Shuyi that if Chuncheng can't get through this difficulty, and the location of Chuncheng is stuck between the capital base and Bafang village, there is no other way. He can only evacuate ordinary people from Chuncheng to the capital base and Bafang village.

Xiaoai, who is just a little big, is wearing a purple children's down jacket and black tight cotton trousers on her two legs. Su's mother also specially wears a black shaggy skirt for Xiaoai. She wears two feet of gold boots and jumps into the snow from the last step. Then she releases Su Su Su's hand and staggers on the snow. She is very happy to move forward.

Su Su, thinking about Fang Shuyi's words, follows Xiao AI and watches Xiao AI pass by Hua Zi. She glances at the ragged beggar at random, but she doesn't want to. The beggar's face is full of inferiority. She lowers her head and hides it. It seems that she doesn't want to teach Su Su Su to see him.

But Su Su still saw the beggar's ugly face, just like a bowl. Her collapsed face was as ugly as it was. She stood in the snow and looked at the ugly man and asked strangely:

"Why?! Why are you? Where have you been these days? "

The ugly man shrunk his shoulders, lowered his head, and did not answer Su Su. Su Su could not see the answer from the ugly man, so he remembered that the ugly man seemed to have his tongue cut off and his throat destroyed by he an and Hua Hua. He had no way to answer Su Su.

So Su Su said with a smile, "OK, I won't ask you any more. Aren't you a fire power? I think your power level is still very high. Chunlai is recruiting fire power people there. At least they can mix clean clothes and eat well. You can report to him. "

In the snow, the ugly man lowered his head and shrunk his shoulders with low self-esteem. He didn't listen to Su Su's words and didn't know if there was something wrong with his ears. He just looked at Su Su and quickly lowered his head. Leaning against the frozen wall, he sat down with his hands on his knees and quietly looked at the gate of the orphanage.

Su Su turns his head strangely and looks at the door of the orphanage along with the ugly man's eyes. Just in time, the door is pulled open. Shi Xin, with a big stomach, looks like he is out of breath. He holds his hand beside the door and looks at Su Su Su breathlessly.

"What's the matter with you? Isn't it going to be born? "

Su Su looks at Shi Xin like this. She is so frightened that she runs forward two steps. She catches Xiao AI who has been walking forward and takes two steps in the direction of Shi Xin.

Behind her, the ugly man who had been sitting in the corner suddenly stood up and rushed to Shi Xin, but he was thinking of his ugly face. He suddenly stopped, retreated, and retreated to the wall. His eyes were full of sadness and anxiety.

Shi Xin, with a pale face, stood on the doorframe and shook his head. There was a layer of sweat on his forehead. He said to Su Su feebly: "it's OK. My due date has not arrived yet. Doctor Zhuo said that I have pseudo contractions. It doesn't matter. Doctor Zhuo asked me to take a walk every day, which is helpful for the smooth delivery."

"Yes, you have to give birth naturally, otherwise according to such a living environment, the risk of cesarean section is too great."

Looking at Shi Xin like this, Su Su picks her eyebrows and laughs. In her impression, Shi Xin should always be a character like a pretty girl. A little pain can make her cry for a long time. It has to be the kind of tofu that the whole family holds. In order to give birth to her children, such a woman follows the doctor's advice every day, insists on walking, and does not dare to slack off. This is maternal love, Great or not?

The ugly man behind Su Su squats in the corner with tears in his eyes. Then he looks at Shi Xin and walks down the steps step by step. Along the corner, he moves his fat body forward. At this moment, the ugly man suddenly stands up and runs away like crazy.

Also looking at Su Su, who is walking hard for Shi Xin's sake of giving birth, he looks at the ugly man's back strangely. Suddenly, a very complicated feeling rises in his heart. I can't tell why, but I feel a little sad.

Then Fang Shuyi stood beside her and said, "according to the geographical location, there is a direct highway from Chuncheng to the capital, which may be easier to go than to Bafang village. However, in the capital base, it is not as concerted as it is rumored. Although it is now a base, my father, Fang Youli, is in the capital base, I don't have much to say. "

When he said this, Fang Shuyi was deeply sorry and helpless. Fang Youmao was the one who proposed to withdraw. Why should Su Su's pupa town accept those useless burdens? According to this idea, in fact, the capital base should accept all the survivors of Chuncheng.

However, there are 400000 people in the whole spring city. The 400000 people are beyond the control of the Fang family. If the 400000 people follow Fang Youmao on the road, the Fang family will be responsible for the 400000 people. However, if they drag 400000 people on the road from afar, the people in the capital base will attack the other family.

Now every place is afraid of the burden. The burden of 400000 people is enough for the Fang family to drown in the spittle of all the people in the capital base.

Ch. 558:

Su Su frowns and listens to Fang Shuyi's explanation. She doesn't interrupt or indicate her attitude. She says that she is willing to accept some ordinary people. She just thinks that it's not impossible for her to accept all the 400000 people and move them to pupa town. In any case, pupa town lacks people to farm and raise chickens, but how many lazy people are there among the 400000 people? How many people muddle along?

Many people may have been protected by chunzhengzong since the end of the world. They may not even come out of the gate of Chuncheng. If such people go to pupa Town, they will only have endless complaints. Su Su is not willing to take such a big deal.

If Chuncheng really has to move its population, if it really wants to absorb some people, Su Su thinks, it will take Chunlai and his wife, chunyouyue, who are soldiers, and those with extraordinary powers, as well as those who are ordinary people with outstanding survival ability.

"Su Su, don't blame us either. My second uncle's idea may not come true one day, but you can see that the wall of spring city has been broken for hundreds of years. It's been repaired, repaired, and broken again. I'm afraid that one day, the wall can't be repaired any more. What should the people in the wall do? It will be too late to withdraw on that day. "

Looking at Su Su's silent appearance, Fang Shuyi doesn't know why, but he feels a little desolate. Their surname is Fang, not Chun. They are originally outsiders. They say they want to leave, but they can leave at any time. The reason why they have been here is that Fang Youmao thinks that there are so many innocent people in Chuncheng, but when the crisis really comes, Fang Youmao, They don't really care about ordinary people.

It's very unrealistic to say that we will stick to the spring city!

Then Su Su silently nodded his head and said to Shu Yi in a low voice: "try to keep it. If you can't keep it, evacuate ordinary people immediately. In pupa Town, I'll let Muyang take full charge of it. But I'll make friends with you first. Pupa town won't want it. I'm not a big traitor, but I'm not a philanthropist, If I want to absorb some people, they have to have the ability and courage to go to pupa town. I will not be responsible for their safety all the way. "

"Well, with you, I'm relieved."

Fang Shuyi's face finally showed a light smile. Although Su Su said that he would not bear the safety of those people, it was also very good. After all, it was the time for each of them to fly in such a disaster. Even Fang's family could not bear the safety of those survivors. When they left Chuncheng, they should follow the saying of survival of the fittest, He raised his hand, touched Su Su Su's little love, and sighed

"Su Su, thank you. They all say that you are a cold-blooded and heartless person, but I know that you have never been."

Su Su smiles at Fang Shuyi, shakes his head and says, "it's because of you. I've never seen my madness."

The snow in the sky, as if it had never stopped, fell between Su Su and Fang Shuyi. After their conversation, Fang Shuyi went back to Fang Youmao, and Su Su Su, holding little love, went to see Ye Yu to pass on the news.

The watch in Ye Yu's hand can send messages to the brothers in pupa town. Su Su asks Ye Yu to convey Fang Shuyi's words to Muyang. She wants to ask Muyang, can pupa town be expanded now?

At ten o'clock in the evening, I received a reply from pupa town. The land route was blocked, so I couldn't receive a large number of ordinary people to enter pupa town.

The so-called impassable land route is because there is a river between Chuncheng and Bafang village. There were several bridges on the river, but two of them broke down after the end of the world. The other bridges are full of pupae and zombies. If you take another road and walk over another bridge, you might as well send all the people in Chuncheng to the capital base, At least it's near. It's safe.

If you have to go to pupa Town, it's not impossible. Kill from the bridge and fight with zombies and face pupae to the end. Muyang will send someone from the other end of the bridge to meet you. But maybe the bridge will collapse at any time. People who have no courage and ability should not try.

Of course, the problems mentioned by Muyang soon spread to Fang Youmao. There was no alternative but to stick to Chuncheng. If they could not, they took the remaining survivors and went north to the capital base.

Such a decision is naturally very tragic. What remains after sticking to it is that after starving, thirsting, freezing, or being killed by zombies, the remaining survivors represent a large number of deaths in Chuncheng. The remaining survivors are the only ones standing on the corpses.

However, this is not the most urgent thing now. The most urgent thing should be the hearts of the people in the spring city. The incident that Fang Youmao's eight airplanes encountered a mutant bird in the air soon spread in the spring city. At the same time, the plan to open the land route was not very smooth.

As a result, despair, with the spread of the news, quietly blossomed in people's hearts. People's hearts were floating in the society. In addition to the perennial wave of corpses outside, almost all the folk teams began to support Fang Youmao and take people to leave Chuncheng and go north.

Now! go up north!!

"It's said that the Southern District and the Western District have been very noisy these two days."

On the snowy road, Su Su leads Xiao AI to walk on the icy road with Mei Shengnan, and then says to Mei Shengnan beside him:

"Things haven't reached the most desperate time, but the folk team in Fang Youmao's jurisdiction is in a hurry to leave. What do you think of this?"

"What do you think? Only when people's hearts are floating, can you not hold on to your appearance. Naturally, you have to advance the plan of going north. Maybe before he moves, there will be a non-governmental team to take the lead. "

Mei Shengnan is holding an umbrella, and his face is full of condensation. Now Fang Youmao wants to stick to the spring city, but the folk teams in the southwest two districts don't let Fang Youmao stick to it. Fang Youmao is also very helpless about this. Although he tries to persuade these people's teams who are deeply in fear that as long as they gather their strength, things are far from the end, But will those folk teams listen?

According to the latest news Mei Shengnan has learned, early this morning, two medium-sized civilian teams in the Southern District began to snatch each other's supplies. Fang Youmao sent soldiers to suppress the situation, which made it difficult for the bad situation to continue to spread. However, people's hearts were dispersed. If this continues, the infighting will become more and more exaggerated, and the civilian team has the wooden water system ability in hand, At the end of the day, you won't listen to Fang Youmao.

Ch. 559:

Su Su silently listens to Mei Shengnan's words. In front of him, Xiao AI suddenly squats on the ground, looks at a snowball on the ground, and studies what it is very carefully. Not far away from Xiao AI, there is a ragged beggar in the corner. Su Su Su takes a close look. Hey, isn't this the ugly man who has run twice?

Why did he come back? Also squatted in the door of the orphanage, in the cold weather, curled up body playing pendulum.

So Su Su chuckled and motioned to Mei Shengnan to look at the ugly man. He said to Mei Shengnan, "it's really a strange man. It's clear that a high-level fire power has such a power level. Why do you have to come here to suffer from hunger and cold when you come there last spring

Following Su Su's sign, Mei Shengnan looked at the ugly man and said with a smile, "maybe people like this, just like you. They like being a mother. It's a way of life."

"Well, hum!"

Su Su shrugged. It's true that some people like to be mothers, so they have to have children in the end of the world. Some people like to be hungry and frozen. Even if they have the ability to make a prosperous life, they have to be hungry and frozen. These are other people's lifestyles. What do they care about?

Despite some strange feeling in her heart, under the influence of Mei Shengnan, Su Su didn't get to the bottom of this ugly man's life style. Instead, she saw the coming spring. She raised her hand and called on Chun Lai. Several people stood in the alley and chatted.

The expression on Chunlai's face seems to be getting more and more difficult day by day. Seeing Su Su and Mei Shengnan with little love, they are walking in such an icy and snowy place, so they ask:

"Su Su, do you know something happened in the Southern District today? There were two teams fighting for supplies, and it is said that many people died. "

"Plum told me just now."

"Now all of their folk teams are clamoring to leave here and go north to the capital base. You say the capital base is really so good?"

Behind Chunlai, chunyouyue comes up and stands beside Chunlai, watching Su Su start to nag. They don't understand. It's clear that things are not so bad. Those folk teams all have wood and water system powers, and they don't lack food. Why do they run out to grab supplies?

Just because Fang Youmao's eight airplanes met with mutated birds, the business of purchasing materials from Bafang village in the air was interrupted? But this is not the most important reason for the floating of people's minds.

If you want to leave the spring city and go to the capital base, there will be food, drink and warm weather in the capital base? Spring city has not been damaged by the tide of corpses outside, it will be damaged by these folk teams inside.

Su Su sneered and asked Chun youyue, "when you have the chance to be full, will you be half full? Once you didn't have to go out to suffer from hunger and cold, and you could lie on a soft pillow in a high bed and play with women. Now you have to eat some rice and vegetables every day, but you can't eat too much. After eating, you have to go out to kill zombies in the snow and ice. Do you want to do it? "

"I'll do it!" Spring has a waist, back has been, back way: "I've never eaten very full, also never in the high bed soft pillow play women."

"That's because you're a special case!"

Mei Sheng Nan covered his mouth and laughed. There are few men like Chun Lai Chun you Yue in the world. Most of them want to be better when they have good ones. They are too comfortable in the spring city. As soon as they hear that Fang Youmao wants to stick to the spring city without supplies, they are afraid that they will be the one who died in the war, Of course, I have to leave Chuncheng in a hurry.

Mei Shengnan laughs at Chun youyue. His face turns red and white. Young man, facing Mei Shengnan, a veteran in love, he doesn't know what to say next.

Spring is frowning, toward Su Su approached two steps, look more serious between Su Su, whispered: "Su Su, I think for a long time, today, just want to ask you, do you... Have the mind to withdraw?"

"Yes!" In the face of spring, Su Su doesn't want to lie, "and I probably won't be able to wait until the end of spring city. For example, Youmao leaves early and goes back to Bafang village."

"Can I ask you something?" Chun Lai lowered his head, his eyes twinkling with a touch of deep nostalgia and pain, "can you take my wife and children and leave Chuncheng together, I know, they all say that the road to Bafang village is very dangerous, but I..."

"I'll take your wife and children, and you?"

Su Su interrupts Chunlai's seemingly very painful words. His wife and children are all handed over to Su Su and brought back to Bafang village. What about Chunlai himself?

"I stay in Chuncheng and stick to Chuncheng until the last moment."

When he said this, the nostalgia and pain in Chunlai's eyes gradually dissipated, and replaced by a touch of blood and perseverance. On one side, chunyouyue stood up straight, and with a very serious expression, she saluted Su Su. Her voice was sonorous and powerful

"Spring has a month, vow to follow the team leader, do not leave, until the city of spring is broken, also want to fight with the monster outside to the end!"

It seems that these two people are not going to leave Chuncheng!

Mei Sheng Nan, who had a funny look on her face, now looks very serious. At such a solemn moment, she is not suitable to stand up and speak.

Su Su was stunned. She looked at Chunlai and chunyouyue, and finally nodded slowly. In fact, she meant to take Chunlai and chunyouyue, and the soldiers guarding the Eastern District, and kill them back to Bafang village. However, she still respected Chunlai and chunyouyue's thoughts. In case the situation could not be controlled, she would take Chunlai's wife with her, And that pair of children, leave spring city!

The ugly man curled up on the ground, shivering, raised his head, looked at Su Su, opened his mouth, and looked at the gate of the orphanage. It seemed that he had something to say to Su Su Su, but it seemed that he thought of something, and finally said nothing. Seeing Su Su Su and spring leave, he stood up helplessly and looked at the gate of the orphanage with worry in his eyes, The eyes seemed to be worried.

Now everyone is thinking about the future for himself. What should Shi Xin do? Shi Xin is a stupid person. At such a critical moment, he only cares about his children. He doesn't know how to ask Su Su to take Shi Xin's mother and son away when Su Su Su goes.
