Ch. 50 - Ch. 59

Ch. 50 :

Looking at the current situation, Xie Yaoshi is obviously bitten by a zombie. He will either become a zombie or become a psionic, and the latter is very likely. Looking at Xie Yaoshi's expression of waiting for death, he is clearly unwilling to die, but he keeps a submissive attitude and is very sad.

"Do it, don't hesitate."

After a long time, Xie Yaoshi closed his eyes and opened his mouth in a hoarse voice. He thought that Su Su's delay was because Su Su thought he was an acquaintance and didn't have the heart to do it?

Su Su smiles like a fan, takes back the knife in his hand, and says easily: "I think you still have the strength to speak, and your thinking is very clear. You don't have to become a zombie. I won't kill you now. I'll come back in an hour. If you become a zombie, I won't show mercy. If you don't change... Remember, you owe me a life! If there's anything I'm going to ask you to do in the future, remember that today I'm not going to kill you. "

After that, Su Su turns around, walks out of the supermarket, takes a bag of melon seeds on the shelf, and stands between the supermarket and the building materials store. While knocking melon seeds, she protects Su's father and mother. Seeing the zombies wandering to the supermarket, she goes forward to solve them.

She ran to kill zombies at both ends. From time to time, she went into several clothing stores next door to pick up some clothes, moved some grain and oil into the supermarket, and occasionally stopped to eat melon seeds. Su's father and mother, who were busy moving cement to the pickup truck, glared round their eyes. In the supermarket, they could see Su Su Su's resolute face through the shelf, Also slightly moved.

Although this is a girl with a bad mouth, on the surface, regardless of his life or death, she is still stationed outside the supermarket for him. All the zombies who smell blood and come by are blocked by Su Su Su. At that moment, Xie Yaoshi feels Su Su Su Su's back is much softer.

Zombies come and go in this street. Su Su looks at the time on her watch. An hour later, her father and mother go to the building materials store next door to make trouble. She goes back to see Xie Yaoshi, but there is no sign of becoming a zombie. She squats down and asks:

"We're leaving. Will you come with us or stay here?"

Naturally, they want to go with Su Su. If they don't, will they stay here to feed the zombies? Xie Yaoshi gave Su Su a smile. Because of the change of Su Su's state of mind, there was something spoiled in the smile that he didn't realize. He pressed the palm of his neck to loosen it, looked down, and crooked his neck. In addition to some pain, the wound bitten by the zombie didn't feel much pain.

Supporting the shelf, Xie Yaoshi reluctantly gets up. Seeing that he is too slow, Su Su can't help reaching for his arm and ready to help him. However, she suddenly feels a tingle in her tentacles. She is shocked. She quickly retracts her hand, takes a step back and looks at Xie Yaoshi, "you..."

Xie Yaoshi's face changed. He seemed to feel that something was wrong with his body. He stood up straight and spread out his hands. A purple electric flower jumped out.

Suddenly, in Su Su's surprised eyes, Xie Yaoshi clenched his hands. The purple electric lace floating on his palm was put into his fist. He loosened his hand again. After several times, he seemed to find a way to control the electric lace on his palm. He raised his head and gave Su Su a smile,

"What is this?"

He asked Su Su, but seeing Su Su's surprise, he didn't expect Su Su to answer. Instead, he calmed down and walked out of the supermarket door. Facing the zombie wandering not far away, he threw the electric flower on his palm. Then he saw that the Zombie's head was surrounded by a purple electric flower bag, and his body was obviously in the same place.

Su Su, who is standing behind Xie Yaoshi, is more and more surprised. Xie Yaoshi makes the zombie stand in the same place. That's because his electric power is not so powerful, so he can only temporarily paralyze the Zombie's brain nerve. In time, when Xie Yaoshi becomes stronger and stronger, the zombie will die.

This is the last world's first master. He is the last world's first master. Others awaken the five series basic powers first. What he awakens directly is the lightning power

Then Su Su saw that Xie Yaoshi came to the zombie, holding a dogleg knife in his hand, and cut off the head of the zombie with one knife. He did the same. Then he dealt with the following zombies, and slowly squatted down, split the head of the zombie, and picked up the crystal nucleus.

The growth speed of this man is faster than Su Su, the reborn!

"Su Su, what are you looking at? Let's go. "

Su Su's father drives a pickup truck to Su Su's side. Su Su's mother sits in his co driver's seat. The body behind the pickup truck is full of cement, construction glue and some commonly used building materials.

Su's mother, sitting in the co driver's seat, sticks her head out of the window and holds back retching. She glances at Xie Yaoshi, who squats on the ground and digs crystal cores from his brain. Then she looks at Su Su. Su Su also retches a few times. Su's mother urges:

"Hurry up, Su Su. You drive your own car. The zombie will come again later."


Su Su nodded, turned around and jogged to his jeep. He opened the door and got on. He drove the jeep to Xie Yaoshi. He frowned and asked him, "are you going or will you play a little longer?"

When she saw Xie Yaoshi, she seemed to be more energetic than she was in the supermarket. Maybe she just found that she had awakened her powers and killed zombies to the point of selflessness. But Su Su was tired and sleepy, and she wanted to go to bed. She was still very hungry. Now she was a pregnant woman, and her pregnancy reaction was getting worse and worse. She had to go back for a day after a few hours of activity.

"I'll drive myself back later." Xie Yaoshi approached Su Su's jeep and looked at Su Su yawning. On his cold face, he said with a smile, "go back to have a rest. I'll bring you some supplies tomorrow."

"No, we have enough food at home." Even if it's not enough to eat, I don't want yours!

Su Su picks her eyebrows, glances at Xie Yaoshi, steps on the gas pedal, and directly follows her parents' pickup truck into the gate of the villa area. After returning to the villa, it's getting brighter. Su Su and her parents go back to the room to change their dirty clothes, and Su's mother urges her to eat a bowl of noodles, so she goes to sleep.

Ch. 51 :

This sleep is to sleep until three o'clock in the afternoon, Su Su was hungry to wake up, but after getting up, he grabbed the toilet and vomited in the dark, even the acid water in his stomach all vomited out, this is too uncomfortable, even more uncomfortable!

Her thin claws, holding the washing table, stood up feebly and put some water into the basin. While washing the filth from the corner of her mouth, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her messy long hair was very obvious and her face was pale. The only advantage of the whole face was that her skin was fine, smooth and elastic, Like a boiled egg, Su Su threw up on the wash basin again.

It has been an hour since she finished her work. Su Su walks out of the bedroom and comes to the kitchen. When she sees that the electric cooker in the kitchen is still plugged in, she opens it and sees that the whole pot is full of rice. Su Su's mother must have understood that she was too tired to kill the zombie last night, so she left some food for her to eat.

Su Su felt his hungry stomach, took out clean bowls and chopsticks, filled a bowl full of rice for himself, and sat alone at the table, without a dish or anything. He ate the rice one by one.

After eating a bowl, Su Su felt that she was not finished. She got up and filled another bowl. Only half of the second bowl was eaten. Su's mother was covered with mud and wore two sleeves on her arms. She walked into the kitchen from the back yard. As soon as she entered the kitchen, she saw Su Su Su eating hard with a bowl of white rice, and she was so angry that she laughed,

"I didn't wake up until the afternoon. I didn't make a sound when I woke up. I'm eating white rice here alone. Is it delicious?"


Su Su puffed her cheeks and nodded her head seriously. She was so hungry that she felt like vomiting more and more, so now everything she ate is delicious.

By the kitchen door, Su's mother turned back and "bang" closed the door leading to the backyard. It's too cold. Although it doesn't rain any more, after staying outside for a while, she would feel that the whole person had fallen into an ice hole. It's still warm in the villa. The floor heating and heating of the villa have not been cut off since the end of the day, so it's naturally warm.

Su's mother turns around and takes off her dirty sleeve on her arm. She starts to choose vegetables and fry meat. She is going to get Su Su a fried meat with water bamboo melon. I don't know if it's Su's illusion. She always feels that Su Su Su's food intake is getting bigger these days. As long as Su Su Su is awake, she can see that her mouth has not stopped. She is either vomiting or eating.

The zombies outside are really disgusting. Not only Su Su can vomit, but Su Mu and Su Fu vomit every time they see each other. They vomit everything in their stomach. They always have to find something to fill it. In this way, Su Su Su's performance in recent days makes sense to Su Fu and Su mu.

"By the way, Su Su, when you were asleep, Xie Qingyan came again. This time he brought us a lot of biscuits and mineral water. Your father and I didn't want them."

While cooking, Su Su's mother gossips with Su Su. Su Su listens and sneers. Where did Xie Qingyan get the biscuits and water? It must have been Xie Yaoshi who worked hard to get it back in the supermarket yesterday. Xie Qingyan really knows how to borrow flowers and offer them to Buddha. He just doesn't know what it's like for Xie Yaoshi to keep Xie Qingyan like this.

As a matter of fact, Xie Yaoshi didn't love the biscuits and mineral water Xie Qingyan took out as Su Su thought. He had the idea of bringing supplies to Su Su Su's family for a long time, so he always packed the back seat and trunk of his Volvo and drove back to the villa.

In the face of the food enough to eat for many days, Xie Qingyan wept with joy and begged Xie Yaoshi to let him take some to Su Su. Xie Yaoshi didn't mind either. Although he thought about Su Su's words and her saying that their family had enough food, Xie Qingyan said it very sincerely, so Xie Yaoshi nodded his head generously and agreed. Then he went back to his room to sleep, Let Xie Qingyan dispose of the goods and materials.

At that time, Xie Qingyan specially picked up some sandwiched biscuits that Su Su loved to eat and sent them to her. However, she was blocked by Su's father and mother and touched the ash on her nose.

Just when Su Su Wo was vomiting in the bathroom, Xie Qingyan turned back from Su Su's house in frustration. Before he took a few steps, he received a phone call from Feifei, saying that she had arrived at the gate of Apple villa, but there were a lot of zombies around, so he rushed to the gate to open the door for them.

Carrying biscuits and water, Xie Qingyan runs to Xie Yaoshi's villa, finds the electronic key to open the door of Xie Yaoshi's villa, and drives Xie Yaoshi's Volvo towards the door. At the gate, Xie Qingyan opens the door of Apple community from a long distance. He sees that Feifei is here, but he is driving a bus.

The bus was full of survivors, most of whom were classmates, many alumni of Hunan University, and some social people who didn't know where to pick them up.

Then Xie Qingyan was a little silly. No one on the bus got out of the car to clean up the zombies. They all hid in the car waiting for Xie Qingyan to save them. The windows and doors were all closed. The zombies clapped and yelled around the bus, but no one dared to move them, so that some zombies climbed onto the top of the bus.

Their bus came all the way, originally followed by a bunch of zombies. When they got to the street of Apple villa, the number of zombies increased sharply. They finally got to the door of the villa and waited for Xie Qingyan for such a long time, so there were more and more zombies. When Xie Qingyan opened the door, the number of zombies had reached a terrible level.

Xie Qingyan's first reaction was naturally to close the door of Apple villa, but it was too late. Feifei's bus had rushed in, and the zombies around had already run in N, not to mention those behind the bus and those on the bus body.

The bus crowded in, and the door of the villa was closed at the moment when the bus came in, but there were so many hungry zombies behind the bus that it was hard to close the door of Apple villa. Finally, several zombies were stuck, leaving a big gap for the zombies to climb in and out freely.

Originally, there were few people living in this villa area. On the first day of the last life, the zombies wandering outside were cleaned up by Su Fu and Su Su, who secretly protected them. The rest of the zombies were still locked in the villa. As long as no one was free to open the door of the villa, there was no possibility of running out.

That's why Xie Qingyan promised Feifei that she could be provided with a safe place. But now, is this place safe? Even if it used to be safe, it's not safe now.

Ch. 52 :

Looking at the zombies surging in front of him, Xie Qingyan has no time to check whether the door of the villa is closed or not. He casually presses the close button on the electronic key several times, drives around and runs to Xie Yaoshi's villa. It's better to enter the villa than to stay outside, and the bus full of survivors follows Xie Yaoshi and runs wildly.

Su Su is still eating meat. Su Su's mother cooks a dish for her and starts to prepare dinner again. Su Su's father is still in the yard fighting with the cement he got back last night. He plans to start strengthening the wall today.

All of a sudden, this peaceful world was broken by a group of people crying for help, and a group of zombies who went into the villa. Su's mother stopped cooking, Su's father ran into the house, and Su Su was still eating!

"Su Su, do you hear something?"

Based on Su Su's performance last night, Su Su's mother completely put her heart down. In such an emergency, she no longer asked Su Su's father, but turned to seek Su Su's protection. Su Su's father, too, looked at Su Su Su still eating and asked:

"Su Su, why is it so noisy all of a sudden?"

"Simple!" Su Su was full, put down the bowl and chopsticks, "there are survivors coming in, also put the zombie in!"

This kind of thing is often seen in the end of life!

"Who is so wicked?" Su's mother got very angry and scolded the man who put the zombie in. She turned around anxiously and looked at Su Su, "what should we do now?"

"Don't do much, mom, you keep cooking, Dad, close the doors and windows, I'll go out and have a look."

Su Su orders her parents in an orderly way. She goes upstairs and puts on a short black down jacket. She goes downstairs with a watermelon knife in her hand. She just stands at the entrance to change her shoes. Her father and mother stand in the living room. They look at her anxiously, as if their daughter is going to die, but they are helpless.

Su Su couldn't help but look up and smile with such tragic and sad feelings. "Don't worry, just fight at this point. It's OK. You stay at home. The doors and windows are closed. Don't go out. Don't drag me down!"

Su Su's words are absolutely true. In the last 12 years, she stayed in no less than eight bases, and experienced hundreds of corpse tides. But just a few zombies ran into the villa area. How many can there be? hundreds? Tens of thousands??? Ha ha Da, Su Su is totally ignored.



For fear that Su Su would miss them, Su Su's father and mother nodded quickly. They couldn't drag Su Su down. Taking care of themselves at this moment is the biggest support for Su Su.

Su Su was quite satisfied with their obedience. She put on her flat boots, carried a watermelon knife, took a chair, opened the door and walked out on the thin snow. As soon as she went out, the air-conditioner poured in. Su Su shrank her neck, dragged the chair out of the yard, found a place with a better view, sat down and waited for the zombie to come.

Because Xie Yaoshi's villa is not far away from Su Su's villa. There are only five or six villas in the middle. However, Xie Qingyan's escape direction is to Xie Yaoshi's side. The bus that attracted most of the zombies also ran with Xie Qingyan. So Su Su sat on the chair and waited for a long time, No zombies have come to her yet.

Su Su was a little bored. She stood up and took the initiative to move forward. She turned around a villa and finally saw the shadow of the zombie. She was very happy to rush over with a knife, one by one, one by one. She couldn't help thanking the person who put the zombie in. This was to send the zombie to her door.

But Xie Qingyan, who was appreciated by Su Su, was not so happy as Su Su. He panicked and opened the iron door of Xie Yaoshi's villa and drove the car into the villa garage. He didn't want to turn back and close the door. After falling down the garage door, he shivered and hid in the car. He didn't dare to get off the car. The bus behind him ran in the villa area.

Originally, the bus wanted to follow Xie Qingyan into Xie Yaoshi's villa, but the driver still had some brains. He found that there was an iron fence around Xie Yaoshi's villa, and the yard was not big enough to accommodate their bus. If the bus was driven into the yard, the zombies would still siege it, What's the difference between them in this villa area and outside?

Therefore, the bus can only stagger Xie Yaoshi's villa and drive around the villa area, trying to get rid of a bunch of zombies hanging on the roof of the car. The zombies also live up to their expectations. As the bus drove all the way, the zombies scattered all the way, and the zombies who moved up continuously began to surround Xie Yaoshi's villa.

Is Xie Yaoshi still awake? He angrily opened the curtains of his bedroom and looked around his villa. A lot of zombies had entered the courtyard. Xie Qingyan had a forehand but not a hindhand. The iron doors of the villa yard had not been closed, and some zombies had already climbed to the front steps.

Xie Yaoshi hurried downstairs, picked up the dogleg knife at the entrance, opened the gate, threw out a flash of electricity, solved the zombies at the gate in three or two seconds, then flashed into the door and blocked the rest of the zombies who heard the sound outside. When he adjusted his breathing, he continued to open the door, lost the electricity, killed the zombies, and closed the door, In the chaos, he began to clean up the zombies around his villa.

Su Su, not far away, moves much faster than Xie Yaoshi. She kills zombies and goes to Xie Yaoshi's villa. According to the number of zombies, the more she goes to Xie Yaoshi's villa, the more zombies there will be.

When Xie Yaoshi in the room occasionally looks at the zombies outside through the window, he sees Su Su's killing. The slender figure stretches gracefully in the zombie procession. Xie Yaoshi's floating heart suddenly seems to have taken a reassuring pill. He opens the door and starts to kill the zombies with Su Su Su, They were quite invincible and gradually joined together.

From Su Su's point of view, there are not a few zombies around Xie Yaoshi's villa, about a dozen of them. However, there are zombies after another. They walk very slowly. They have to walk from the gate of the community to Xie Yaoshi's villa, and they have to wander to other places on the way, which makes them feel like an endless stream.

Ch. 53 :

Su Su looks at Xie Yaoshi's villa and finds no sign of Xie Qingyan everywhere. The guy is always greedy for life and is afraid of death. Now he must be hiding in Xie Yaoshi's villa and dare not come out. She thinks about it. She just wants to find a way to support Xie Yaoshi and comes back to kill Xie Qingyan.

So Su Su planned to walk on another path with several zombies. When Xie Yaoshi saw her, he followed Su Su Su and frowned

"Don't you go to the gate? There must be more zombies over there than here. "

"No, you go. I'll go to my parents first to make sure they're safe."

Su Su finds an excuse. Xie Yaoshi nods, separates from Su Su on the path, and turns to kill him at the gate. It may be because Xie Qingyan presses the electronic key to close the gate of Apple villa, or it may be because the apple villa is really a high-end community, and the developer makes the gate firmly.

By the time Xie Yaoshi reached the gate, the gate of Apple villa had been closed for more than half of the time. There was only a small hole on which several zombies were fluttering, and the zombies were crawling in from that small hole, just like the queue.

Seeing this scene, Xie Yaoshi sneered and raised his hand. He held a crystal nucleus in his hand. He didn't know how he studied it. Anyway, his genius always thought of something unexpected. With the crystal nucleus in his hand, it suddenly broke into powder, and a stream of energy penetrated into his body. Xie Yaoshi lost the dogleg knife in his other hand, The purple electric flower in the palm weaves a big net and goes to the zombie net stuck on the gate.

A moment later, the zombies stuck on the gate were covered by such a strong power grid, and the gate that could not be closed was closed. Xie Yaoshi, as if very tired, knelt down on one knee, spitting out a mouthful of blood and a sad smile.

It's his brother's fault. He put the zombie in. No matter how much he paid, he had to mend the basket for Xie Qingyan. Now the basket is mended, but his body absorbs and releases energy because of overload, and his meridians are just like broken into small pieces. The pain is appalling.

However, in this way, Xie Yaoshi still had to rest. He reluctantly picked up the dogleg knife on the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, raised his hand and killed the zombies. The door of the villa was closed, but many zombies were put in.

He originally wanted to use lightning skills, but now when he activated the powers in his body, his whole body was like being bitten by countless ants, which made him heartbroken.

As a result, Xie Yaoshi has been supporting herself at the gate of the villa area. In the villa area, Su Su killed the zombies very well. Hi, she really killed all the way back to her villa. After cleaning up some zombies who were about to touch her villa, she turned to Xie Yaoshi's home.

After cleaning up a few zombies in Xie Yaoshi's yard, Su Su kicks open the door of Xie Yaoshi's villa and goes up and down to find out where Xie Qingyan is. She is angry. At this critical moment, Xie Yaoshi will come back at any time. Where is Xie Qingyan hiding?

"Xie Qingyan?!!! Xie Qingyan, come out and I'll save you! "

The zombie outside is gradually attracted by Su Su. While she shouts Xie Qingyan's name, she cleans up the zombies who come over on her own initiative. Until there is no zombie to kill, Xie Qingyan has not come out yet. Su Su Su is a little frustrated. Has this boy changed his mind and gone out to kill the zombie???

"Kuang Kuang..."

Just when Su Su was puzzled, the garage door rolled up slowly, revealing a silver Volvo inside, which was Xie Yaoshi's car. The garage door opened for a long time, and Xie Qingyan on the car observed the situation in the yard. It seemed that there were no zombies, so he carefully opened the door and got out of the car.

He was hiding in the garage! Su Su looks at Xie Qingyan getting out of the car. Her eyes are shining. She goes forward with a knife. Without waiting for Xie Qingyan to speak, she grabs his arm and drags Xie Qingyan out. Su Su Su's plan is very good. First, she drags Xie Qingyan out and finds some zombies to eat the scum.

"Susu, Susu, what are you doing? It's dangerous outside

Xie Qingyan is yelling. The bus, which has been far away, comes back. Maybe it has thrown away the zombie, and someone dares to open the window. Then he hears a woman lying beside the window, screaming at Su Su:

"Su Su, what do you do? Let go of the monitor

Piantou, following the cry, Su Su looked back and didn't know the girl. Maybe she was a classmate? Or alumni, how else would you know her name? No matter how the girl yelled, she dragged Xie Qingyan to the gate of the community and kept searching for zombies along the way. There were so many zombies just now, but now none of them was found. She killed them all. Su Su Su cursed herself for being cheap. What did she do so quickly?

At this moment, Xie Yaoshi came back. He was wearing a black sportswear. His face, hands and body were covered with blood and meat foam. His face was a little pale, but he didn't show any difference. He was carrying a dogleg knife and walked to Su Su Su and Xie Qingyan. Su Su Su was stunned. He didn't expect Xie Yaoshi to come back so soon, so he stopped, In his hand, he still holds Xie Qingyan, who is constantly struggling.

Behind them, Feifei, with a big bag on her back, came up breathlessly, hugged Xie Qingyan's arm and roared at Su Su: "you are a crazy woman. You killed Bai Luoluo, and now you want to kill the monitor?"

"Feifei, big brother..."

Xie Qingyan's other hand is dragged by Su Su, but it doesn't prevent him from showing the expression of grievance and guilt to the public. At this time, Xie Yaoshi has come to the front of the three people, heard Feifei's words, and looks at Su Su in silence.

With a sneer, Su Su shakes Xie Qingyan's hand and looks at Xie Yaoshi. Then she looks back at the bus that has stopped. Many survivors on the bus are like refugees, carrying big bags and small bags, waiting in the same place.

"Xie Yaoshi, how do you open the gate of the villa?"

There's no need for Xie Yaoshi to answer. If you look at Feifei's gesture, you can see that Xie Qingyan opened the door. Su Su thought with her toes, you can see that Xie Qingyan is acting like a good man again. Before the end of the world, he used to release goodwill everywhere, and he took Su Su Su Su to do volunteer work. Now it's the end of the world. Xie Qingyan just wants to save a few more people and establish some prestige, How many survivors are you fooling to support him?

Ch. 54 :

Don't think Xie Qingyan is stupid. He is very smart. Otherwise, in his last life, he was just an ordinary man. What's more, he didn't have Xie Yaoshi to protect him. How did he live for two years in his last life? Isn't it Su Su Su, Bai Luoluo, this and that?

If Su Su hadn't killed him, he would have lived forever!

When Xie Yaoshi's black eyes looked at Xie Qingyan without hair, the expression on Xie Qingyan's face became more guilty. He lowered his head and apologized sincerely, "sorry, brother. I thought there were no zombies outside. When you came back last night, didn't you say that all the zombies outside were killed by you and Su Su Su? I'm sorry, they are all my classmates. I can't help them when they die. "

"You don't have to apologize." Feifei grabs Xie Qingyan's arm and looks at Su Su. It's like looking at a vicious villain. She says sarcastically, "Su Su, do you think everyone is as cruel as you? There is nothing wrong with the monitor. He has saved a lot of people and all of us! "

He saved a lot of people, all of us! This sentence made Su Su smile. She held the knife tightly in her hand, and the blade was still stained with zombie bone foam. She looked at Xie Yaoshi, who was a little white, but still could not see any expression. Then she looked back at the survivors standing by the bus, who saved these people? Who is it?

"Well, Xie Yaoshi, you can protect such a coward and work hard to protect him. You are killing zombies outside. What is he doing? He's hiding in the garage! I just want to take him out to kill a zombie. It's the end of the world. What's wrong with that? "

"You're bullshit, you're bullshit. You once told the monitor that you would kill him. Bai Luoluo was killed by you. What else in the world do you dare not do?! You don't want the monitor to kill the zombie at all. You want the monitor to be killed by the zombie. "

Feifei says the truth, grabs Xie Qingyan's arm, steps back and looks at Su Su with a face of accusation. When Xie Qingyan hears the words, he looks shocked and hurt. He mumbles his lips and explains in a low voice

"Feifei, Su Su won't do this to me."

In fact, all the people in Xiangda know that Su Su hated Bai Luoluo after he was framed by Bai Luoluo. Later, he almost strangled Bai Luoluo. The day before the end of the world, Su Su went to the hospital to kill Bai Luoluo. Bai Luoluo's parents knew that they were going to the hospital to see Bai Luoluo for the last time, but it was a pity that the end of the world came, The plan did not come true.

"Bai Luoluo had become a zombie at that time." Xie Yaoshi, who had never opened his mouth, saw that Xie Qingyan was silent and spoke for Su Su. "Qingyan, you were bitten by Bai Luoluo at that time, don't you remember?"

If Xie Yaoshi couldn't understand Su Su at first, why a person with a little white rabbit's personality would really kill people, now Xie Yaoshi can make sense. Bai Luoluo bit Xie Qingyan. At that time, seeing the wound on Xie Qingyan's neck, he bit off a small piece of meat.

A normal person, who will bite people's neck for no reason?

So when Xie Yaoshi thought about it, he knew why Su Su had to kill Bai Luoluo, because Bai Luoluo had become a zombie.

"I..." here, I feel the weight on my arm. Suddenly, it's gone. Xie Qingyan looks at Xie Yaoshi with some complaints. He turns to Feifei and explains, "no, I'm ok. I haven't become a zombie. Look at my wound. It's almost OK."

Feifei can't help but get away from Xie Qingyan, but she still looks at the bite on Xie Qingyan's neck, and it's almost better. She thinks about the credibility of Xie Yaoshi's words, so she is stubborn

"Even so, it's time for all of us to make it clear. It's not too late to kill again. It's also the end of the world. If it doesn't come, Su Su Su will become a murderer."

"Oh, I'll kill a zombie, and I'll call you to watch first!" Squinting at Feifei, Su Su doesn't mess with Xie Qingyan's fans. She just looks at Xie Yaoshi and nods, "OK, it doesn't matter if you want to keep Xie Qingyan. Let's keep those behind."

Some gleefully pointed behind them, and there were many people on the bus. After a long time, some people were getting off the bus. After so many words, the survivors on the bus were not finished, and soon they were all over the terrace in front of Xie Yaoshi villa.

Su Su smiles and looks at Xie Yaoshi's slightly changed face, turns around, raises his hand and makes a "goodbye" gesture to Xie Yaoshi. He walks away alone. Now when he sees Xie Qingyan again, Su Su feels that he is not in a hurry to let him die. As for Xie Qingyan's character, Xie Yaoshi is also a white man, and I don't know how long he can bear it.

She went to the theatre!

"Big brother." Xie Qingyan still didn't know what he had done. He took Feifei by the hand and went to Xie Yao's world. "Since saving classmates is saving, saving alumni is saving, saving some social people is also saving. Saving one life is better than building a seven level floating butcher, isn't it?"

"Thank you, brother Xie, thank you!"

Feifei is also a little smart. After Su Su said that kind of ironic words, she also looked back at the survivors on the bus. There are indeed a lot of them, but now there is no other way. They have no other way to go except to seek the protection of Xie Qingyan and Xie Yaoshi.

Looking at all this, Xie Yaoshi had an unpredictable expression on his face. His tight lips never opened again, and his eyes were shining. He was just passing away. After looking at Xie Qingyan's gratitude, he took all the survivors back to his villa

Look at the appearance of the survivors. They are really like refugees coming out of the refugee camp. When they enter Xie Yaoshi's villa, they go crazy and look for food everywhere. They don't get Xie Yaoshi's permission, and they don't even fight Xie Yaoshi.

"Thank you, monitor. We haven't eaten for several days. Thank you, monitor!"

Holding a piece of bread and chewing it while thanking Xie Qingyan is Xie Qingyan's classmate, Wang Fan. Beside him stands a petite girl, who is also drinking the water from a mineral water bottle. Her eyes are filled with tears of gratitude. Looking at Xie Qingyan, this girl is Ang Lee.

Ch. 55 :

Not far from Li Anxin, there is Li Xiaoyu sitting. Li Xiaoyu doesn't look like others. As soon as she enters the house, she will look for food everywhere. She is a little shy and embarrassed to occupy other people's space and eat other people's food, so she makes an excuse with Li Anxin and runs out of Xie Yaoshi's villa.

Following Li Xiaoyu, there are two survivors in police uniform. One is strong and has a little sign of getting fat, and the other is tall and thin. They are all unwilling to accept the gift from Xie Qingyan.

Xie Yaoshi stood by the kitchen's banished platform, arms in his hands, and his eyes grew colder and sharper. He looked at Xie Qingyan, who was surrounded by people and said thank you words. The smile on Xie Qingyan's face was just like that before the end of the world. Lang Lang felt his short hair and tried his best to appease those people who gobbled up,

"Don't worry. Take your time. I have more here!"

When he said that, he didn't look back at Xie Yaoshi. He didn't think that Xie Yaoshi almost put his life together to get these materials back, but Xie Qingyan was the only one who everyone was grateful for.

After watching for a while, Xie Yaoshi turns around and walks upstairs from the kitchen. He goes back to the bedroom and finds a backpack, which is equipped with some sports clothes that are easy to stretch out. Now he doesn't want to talk to Xie Qingyan. He takes the spare key of the car and drives out of the door.

It's just that Xie Yaoshi didn't get out of the apple villa. Instead, he was the first to drive to the door of Su Su's villa. Sitting in the car, he just saw a girl wearing suspenders, followed by two policemen, standing outside Su Su Su's villa, talking to Su Su Su.

So instead of rushing over, Xie just got out of the car and leaned on the side of Volvo, waiting for Su Su to notice him.

Su Su soon noticed Xie Yaoshi. She said with a smile to Li Xiaoyu and the two policemen behind Li Xiaoyu, and then raised her hand to say hello to Xie Yaoshi. Xie Yaoshi put her arms in her arms, raised her eyebrows and nodded her head, indicating Su Su Su to go out of the yard to speak.

After that, she opened the iron door and went out. She was wearing a long black down jacket and a pair of slippers on her feet. She came to Xie's world and asked:

"What for?"

"What do they want from you?"

Looking coldly at the three survivors, including Li Xiaoyu, Xie Yaoshi's eyes flashed a sense of killing that he didn't even notice. He didn't forget that Xie Qingyan had put them in. He thought they couldn't get food in his villa, so he went to Susu to get food.

Su Su looks back at Li Xiaoyu and explains to Xie Yaoshi, "Li Xiaoyu, they see my father building a wall, so they come to ask if they can help. They just need to pay for a meal. I promise to let them help my father build a wall and manage three meals a day."


Hearing this, Xie Yaoshi nodded and let go. In his mind, this group of survivors harassed him. If they harassed Su Su, Xie Yaoshi would not be so polite to the group of people in his room. After a pause, Xie Yaoshi lowered his head and locked Su Su Su's face,

"I'll go out for a few days, together?"

"What to do? I'll go back to find supplies with you to support Xie Qingyan! "

Su Su laughs, with an obvious sarcastic look on her face. Xie Yaoshi purses her lips and looks at Su Su without saying a word. In her eyes, Su Su Su says such straightforward words again and again, which is obviously irritated.

But Su Su is not afraid. She shrugs her shoulders indifferently. "I can't do it these days. See, that policeman is said to be the champion of Sanda in Xiangcheng. His name is Peng Yuzhong. I want to learn some moves from him. Go by yourself."

Su Su points to the stout policeman behind him. He is walking into the yard and standing beside Su Fu. Looking at how Su Fu builds the wall, Xie Yaoshi looks in the direction of Su Su Su's fingers. The policeman's figure is indeed a little strong, close to obesity, but it can't hide Peng Yuzhong's feeling of family training. Xie Yaoshi nods and thinks for a while, He also said to Su Su:

"Well, I'll go alone."

After that, Xie Yaoshi turned to open the car door and looked back at Su Su, who looked like leisure. He suddenly said, "Su Su, anyway, can you save Xie Qingyan's life?"

"Ha ha ~ ~"

Su Su was stunned and immediately laughed. Just now, she really thought that Xie Yaoshi was driving here to join her team to kill zombies and find supplies. The most important and real intention was that Xie Yaoshi was afraid that after he left, Su Su Su would kill Xie Qingyan.

She does think so.

This Xie Yaoshi seems to say nothing on the surface. In fact, he knows more than anything in his heart. He is very smart.

"I mean, you should understand that Qingyan and I grew up. His parents have nurtured me. No matter how much trouble he's caused, I've dealt with him from childhood to adulthood. Su Su... Since the day I met you, I've always regarded you as my sister. I also see how you and Qingyan used to be, but I hope that before you kill him next time, Look at my thin face... "

"Well, come on, don't say any more." Su Su raised his face and looked at the man in front of him. He sneered coldly. His expression was tough that he had never shown before. "Since everyone is so frank, I'll be more straightforward. In the apple villa area, if he doesn't come in front of me and take the initiative to seek death, I won't move Xie Qingyan. It depends on your face. As for the future, let's see the real chapter."

Xie Yaoshi is still a good person. On the first day of the last life, she was willing to run out to save her. When Xie Yaoshi asked, Su Su would sell Xie Yaoshi's face. In the apple villa area, she didn't move Xie Qingyan, but Xie Qingyan would not stay in the apple Villa area for a lifetime.

She told Xie that Su Su could never give up killing Xie Qingyan. The best thing she could do was to let Xie live longer. Xie had the ability to protect Xie for a lifetime. She just didn't want to be an enemy to Xie, and she wasn't afraid to be an enemy to Xie. If she really fought for Xie in the future, Her Su Su is not necessarily worse than Xie Yaoshi.

After looking at Su Su for a while, Xie Yaoshi's face is heavy. He nods and turns to get into Volvo. Now, he and Xie Qingyan are probably the only two people left in the Xie family. No matter how Xie Qingyan died, Xie Yaoshi has to give Xie Qingyan's life to his uncle.

As for the future, Su Su is determined to go his own way and really kill Xie Qingyan... Of course, Xie Yaoshi hopes to avoid such a thing, but Su Su is not as easy to talk as before. Now he is also seriously injured. To stop Su Su Su, he must wait for his injury to recover. Therefore, it is urgent for Xie Yaoshi to find a place where he will not be angry by Xie Qingyan and take good care of his injury!

Ch. 56 :

There was a layer of gray snow on the bushes and evergreen trees, and the sky was going to be dark again. The petals of snowflakes in the sky were bigger and denser. The silver Volvo gradually drove away, turned a corner, and disappeared completely in Su Su Su's vision. She looked at the empty road, as if she could hear the laughter in the distance, The laughter came from the direction of Xie Yaoshi villa.

Su Su's eyes were cold. She turned and entered the iron fence of the villa. Bang closed the iron door tightly and entered the warm room.

At this time, Su Mu's meal had already been finished. She washed her hands, put on her dirty clothes, and ran to the yard to build a wall in the wind and snow. Her and Su Fu's biggest wish now is to quickly build the wall. Just now, a bus rushed past the villa, and several zombies fell from it. Although Su Su Su ran back and killed them, the danger was very high, Also in time to the father and mother of a wake-up call.

The building of the wall can't be delayed any longer. In such a safe villa area, such dangerous things will happen. It's hard to guarantee that there won't be zombies besieging in the future, so you can do nothing and build the wall overnight.

Su Su has already sat in the kitchen to eat. While she is eating, she looks at Li Xiaoyu and the two policemen who are working outside. At the beginning, they don't know how to build walls. Later, after Su's father taught them several times, they try their best to build walls. They don't fish in troubled waters, and they don't stray. They do what they should do very seriously.

After a while, Su Mu Xu felt hungry. She turned to open the glass door and glared at Su Su, who had begun to eat. As she put her chopsticks on the table, she said casually:

"Su Su, I think the three children are good. Help us build the wall. We can provide them with a few meals, but our family's supplies are limited, and there are only a few rooms to sleep in. Let's not let them sleep in our family."

Forgive me, Virgin Mary! Su's mother prayed with some guilt in her heart. Now it's the end of the world. She's just an ordinary woman. She has a husband and a daughter. Although she used to be a member of the neighborhood committee, it's this time of year. If she doesn't be selfish, it's unfair to her husband and daughter.

Although the food is enough, it will be eaten up sooner or later. They take in a survivor, and countless survivors will crowd into their house. Su Mu is selfish. She looks at her daughter and kills zombies so hard, but no one is willing to jump off the bus to help her. Su Mu feels that she is not willing to let her daughter work hard to protect this home, Squeeze in some strangers.

"Who said they should sleep in our house?" Su Su looked at Su Su's mother strangely, and pointed to a villa in the shadow of trees on the opposite side with chopsticks. "That villa is empty. Let them go to sleep."

Along the direction Su Su's chopsticks pointed to, Su's mother craned her neck and looked through the kitchen window. Behind the swaying trees, there was a villa. Su's mother immediately put her heart down and stroked her chest,

"It scared me to death. I thought you were going to take them in. I worried about me for hours."

"Mom, I thought you would give full play to the kindness of your aunt of the neighborhood committee and take in these people. I worried about me in vain."

Su Su looks at Su's mother and tells the truth. When she hired Li Xiaoyu, she thought about this problem. She was afraid that her mother would not help it. She warmly welcomed Li Xiaoyu to live in their home! But Su Su still decided to hire these three people. First, she thought Li Xiaoyu was good, but she didn't want to get something for nothing. Second, she deliberately planned to make things ferment, so as to educate Su Su.

At the end of the world, the most important thing is the survivors. They are like falling into the sea. Once they catch a life-saving driftwood, everyone will surge in until they drag the driftwood into the deep sea.

This kind of thing is now playing out around Xie Yaoshi. If Su Su's parents are not allowed to experience it, Su Su is worried that in the future, her parents will cause some disasters that can't be dealt with because of their kindness.

Now it seems that Su Su is completely worrying about the world. Su's parents are not unaware of the interests involved. In the face of natural and man-made disasters, they think very clearly.

Outside the warm and bright villa, Li Xiaoyu's hands were red with cold. The policeman next to him, Peng Yuzhong, who said he used to be the champion of Sanda in Xiangcheng, could not bear to see him

"Xiaoyu, take a rest. I'll help you build your part."

Next to Peng Yuzhong, the tall and thin policeman nodded, "yes, it's OK. Let's move faster and finish this part soon."

"No, you haven't eaten in a few days. Everyone is the same. Don't help. Hurry up. You'll have something to eat."

Li Xiaoyu shakes his head, rubs his frozen hands warm, lifts the plastic bucket full of cement on the ground, and starts to build it again. Su Fu sits on a chair under the eaves, observing the three people while smoking. He is just busy and tired, and sits down to have a rest.

With a click, the glass door of the kitchen behind Su's father opened, and Su's mother came out with three big bowls of rice and three pairs of chopsticks. The rice was covered with fried meat with green and red peppers, and there were two fried eggs under the meat. She warmly welcomed Li Xiaoyu,

"Don't be too busy. Let's have dinner first. The villa next door is very safe. There is no one and no zombie. You go to eat it, and then you can rest and come back tomorrow."

"Oh, thank you, Auntie!"

Li Xiaoyu, who was almost in tears because of the smell of the food, left the work he was doing and took the sea bowl from Su's mother with both hands. It showed that Su's family was sincere. In fact, they had worked for less than two hours, so Su's family took out the rice. One bowl was enough for two or three people.

Peng Yuzhong and the tall and thin people were also moved. They bowed their heads and took over the sea bowl without saying a word. After thanking Su's father and mother with Li Xiaoyu, they couldn't wait to leave Su Su's villa. They ran to the next door to pry the lock of the villa and went to eat.

I can't help it. I've been starving for several days. Although most of the survivors on the bus carried backpacks with food in them, Li Xiaoyu, Peng Yuzhong and tall skinny people belong to those who didn't bring food with them, so they can only watch others eat. No one has the kind heart to share food with them when they are in short supply.

So suddenly there is such a bowl of rice, can they not be in a hurry?

But after a while, Li Xiaoyu took the sea bowl and ran out of the villa. Taking advantage of the night, she ran to Xie Yaoshi's villa. She left the sea bowl outside the villa, and then knocked on the door of the villa. She went in to find Li Anxin.

Ch. 57 :

Although Xie Yaoshi's villa is very big, it seems a little crowded with so many survivors. Only a few days after the end of the day, this villa area belongs to a high configuration community with its own power generation system. Therefore, despite the chaos outside, this villa area still has power supply, not only power supply, but also heating.

When Li Xiaoyu goes in, Xie Qingyan is distributing quilts and clothes to the survivors. It's impossible for so many survivors to sleep in bed. Everyone has already packed the upper and lower floors of the villa with bunks head to foot.

Li Anxin and Feifei are following Xie Qingyan, helping to distribute quilts and supplies to the survivors.

"Peace of mind, you come here."

There is no way to enter the villa. Li Xiaoyu stands at the entrance and waves to Li Anxin. When Li Anxin sees him, he turns to Xie Qingyan and Feifei and tells them. He steps on the gap on the ground and walks to Li Xiaoyu. Before Li Xiaoyu can speak, Li Anxin lowers his voice and says:

"Where did you go just now? I've been looking for you for a long time. There's no food for you here. The monitor said that his elder brother is missing. He should have gone out to look for supplies. You can bear it. When the monitor's elder brother comes back, I'll try to keep some for you."

"No, peace of mind, I'll tell you..." Li Xiaoyu pulled Li Anxin out of the door and stood outside the cold wind to prevent more people from hearing what he wanted to say. "Peace of mind, we shouldn't put our hope on the monitor's elder brother alone. All the food and drink were bought by the monitor's elder brother in exchange for his life. I've found one..."

"Xiaoyu, don't dream any more. Now we don't depend on the monitor and his elder brother. Who else can we rely on? What's the world out there? You don't know. Do you think you're going to go out and get paid now or before the end of the world? "

Without waiting for Li Xiaoyu to finish, Li Anxin impatiently interrupted Li Xiaoyu's words, and perhaps felt that his voice was too harsh. Looking at Li Xiaoyu's head, Li Anxin eased his mood and comforted him

"Don't worry, Xiaoyu. Now we are safe. Just now the monitor said that if we all pick up firewood, we will always find a way out."

"How are you going to make a living?"

"Well, let's wait for the monitor's elder brother to come back, and then we can add up."

"All right."

Li Xiaoyu nodded in disappointment. She wanted to bring some food for Li Anxin. By the way, she told Li Anxin that she could build a wall for Su Su's house to exchange food. But before she finished, Li Anxin interrupted her. Inside and outside, she was waiting for Xie Yaoshi's straw to come back.

If Li Anxin is the only one here, Li Xiaoyu will surely finish his words. But inside the door is a room full of survivors, and Li Anxin is determined to follow Xie Qingyan to the dark. If Li Xiaoyu tells Su Su about building a wall, he may bring some trouble to his family.

So let's not say. When Li Anxin is so hungry, she will come to her and find a way. Then she will take Li Anxin to build a wall at Su Su's house.

"Why? Xiaoyu, where are you going? " Seeing that Li Xiaoyu turned around and went out, Li Anxin was a little worried. He followed Li Xiaoyu for a few steps and yelled, "you'd better come in. There's electricity and heating inside. It's cold outside."

"No, I see a lot of villas are empty, casually looking for an idle building, don't want to squeeze together with you to play the floor."

Li Xiaoyu said angrily, but he didn't look back. He quickly walked out of the yard to get the sea bowl he had left outside. After listening to Li Xiaoyu's words, Li Anxin immediately stood still, reached out and patted his forehead, and realized:

"Why didn't I expect that there were so many villas left vacant, why must they be crowded in the monitor's house?"

After that, Li Anxin turned around in a hurry and wanted to discuss the matter with Xie Qingyan. There are so many vacant villas that everyone is scattered and comfortable. Only when people have a good rest can they have the spirit to plan for the future.

When Xie Qingyan and Feifei listened to Li Anxin's proposal, they just hesitated for a moment, and then began to organize the survivors who had already laid down to go to those vacant villas. However, these survivors have been worried and flustered for a long time these days, and they are not hungry. Most of their luggage contains materials. The reason is that they are robbing Xie Yaoshi's materials, It's because everyone wants to keep their own food. If they eat others' food first, they can keep their own food at the last critical moment.

Now that they have enough food, heating and peace of mind, many survivors prefer to lay on the ground instead of leaving.

For such people, Xie Qingyan three people can only let them, after all, we are not easy these days, can understand some, or understanding some.

"Now we have more than 70 survivors here. It's easy to make trouble when there are many people. Before elder brother Xie comes back, we have to make sure that they won't make trouble."

On the second floor, a light was still on in a room. Feifei's words came out from the door. They often organized class meetings. After most of the mumbling survivors went out to find empty villas, the three held a long meeting overnight. The content of the meeting was how to manage these survivors.

On the edge of a desk, Li Anxin takes out a notebook and a pen and records what Feifei says. Then she and Feifei look at Xie Qingyan. At this time, Xie Qingyan sits in the back of the desk, on the boss chair of Xie Yaoshi. He nods and agrees with Feifei,

"Tomorrow, my elder brother will bring back the supplies. When we have enough to eat, we will register the names, ages and genders of the survivors, who live in which villas, all of which have to be registered. At the end of the day, no one can hide food and drink. We have to hand over all the supplies we have, So that we can all survive. "

Feifei immediately echoed: "yes, that's right! What the monitor said is reasonable. "

"I remember that just now on the bus, I saw a family in the yard, as if they had made a vegetable shed. Do you want them to hand it in?"

Li Anxin asked Xie Qingyan with a pen in his hand. He looked up at Feifei and Li Anxin, and explained:

"That's Susu's house."

Ch. 58 :

Originally, Xie Qingyan was dragged out by Su Su today. His heart was a bit empty. It might be the instinct of human beings to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. He didn't know why he was afraid of Su Su. After listening to Feifei's words, he couldn't help wondering whether Su Su Su really wanted to kill him? But when he thought that he was now shouldering the survival well-being of so many survivors, and Su Su used to love him so much, he became fat. Then he said:

"If Su Su wants to survive in this villa area, their vegetables will naturally be handed over. No one can be an exception, neither can Su Su."

Now Xie Qingyan also regards himself as the monitor before the end of the day, just like a class leader. Li Anxin and Feifei in front of him, like Xie Qingyan, are unwilling to wake up from the comfortable dream. They nod their heads seriously, and hope for the future slowly rises in their hearts.

It doesn't matter if the world is destroyed and their home is gone. They can slowly reshape a small human society by hiding in a safe place like paradise. The danger will gradually go away from them. The experience that used to be like a nightmare will eventually become the past

As Xie Qingyan has said before, there are almost no other people living in this villa area. Some people have become zombies and were killed by his elder brother, so the survivors can live in any building they want.

In the snowy night, many survivors came out of Xie Yao's family to pry the locks of the vacant villas. Outside Su Su's house, there were several groups of survivors. However, when they saw that there was a light inside, they all kept their restraint. They just looked inside the wall, but they didn't break through.

Warm light, clean kitchen, and two newly reclaimed vegetable greenhouses in front of the villa, how can such a family not teach the survivors of natural and man-made disasters to yearn for it? They didn't rush in today, but they didn't rush in today. It's hard to guarantee that they won't rush in tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Only one person will make a start, and all people will rush in without their lives.

Su Su is well aware of the mentality of these survivors, but she has been angry with them for their misfortune since her last life. She asked her to lead these people and organize them like Xie Qingyan. Su Su Su could not do it. She did not have the heart and the goodwill, so she told Xie Yaoshi that it was a fake for her to follow Peng Yu, the champion of Sanda, in the middle school, It's true that those survivors outside don't come to her house to rebel.

"Su Su, I think something's wrong."

On the sofa, Su Su's father has been building a wall all day and is soaking his feet. Although his cold feet are comfortable in the hot water, he can't hide the worried look on his face. Su Su Su, sitting on the single sofa, sneers and wipes her knife,

"Don't worry. Let's set an example to those people who dare not kill zombies."

She said that there was no hesitation in her eyes when she killed someone. If she often did this, she would be killed by a knife. It was no different from killing a zombie. She could see that Su Fu, who was sitting beside him, had cold hair standing up all over his body. She could not help sighing in her heart. The end of the world really urged people to grow up. Su Su, who had never dared to step on an ant to die, was unconscious, I've grown so much.

But who can say that Su Su is wrong in doing so? In the face of such a grim situation, the vegetables in Jiping greenhouses of the Su family are just like those in Jinshan and Yinshan before the end of the world. If there is no strong protection measures, the three members of the Su family will become the targets of public attack. By then, the three members of the Su family may be starved to death.

So Su's father didn't say anything in the end. His feet in the hot water moved, nodded, and his mouth just "eh".

But Su Su's mother thought more than her father. She was running back and forth between the kitchen and the living room. Let alone her worry. As soon as Su Su finished wiping a dogleg knife, she heard Su Su's mother say:

"What's the use of making an example? We don't have many supplies. Besides vegetables, how long can we eat the frozen meat in the refrigerator? How long can rice last? In a few days, I'm afraid the power and gas will be cut off. Sooner or later, we have to go out to look for supplies. Who will look at the house when we go out? "

"Oh, Ma, it's OK. It's OK." Su Su couldn't stand Su's mother walking around and stood up. "When we want to go out, we open the door of the villa and let the zombies come in. Those cowards dare not come out and wander."

"But there will be courage..."

"I'm really brave. Hehe, I'd like to know someone like this. What's the point of giving such a person some vegetables, some frozen meat and rice?"

It's not Su Su's stinginess, nor Su Su's inhumanity. She bought thousands of pieces of frozen meat in the refrigerator and stuffed the three refrigerators full. A lot of meat that couldn't be stuffed could only be refrigerated and eaten by herself. She had enough rice for a family of four to eat for two years and locked it in the warehouse.

It's all right for Su Su to take out some of them as a gift, but she doesn't have enough people to swallow the elephant. Once she gives them, she will give them a second time. Once she gives them, a second person will come out and ask for them.

Su Su thinks that the survivors have no courage to go out and kill zombies. When the external environment is safe, they have the courage to ask for something. For such people, she will never give in. She is always very stingy with the materials in her hand and will never give such people a grain of rice. However, some people are willing to risk their lives and kill zombies and come to her house to grab food. Su Su thinks highly of such people, It's nice to see.

Su Su's father and mother don't talk about anything any more. Now Su Su seems to be the head of a family. Her parents, who used to walk with her before the end of the day, are now in a rampage after the end of the day. Even so, Su Su's father and mother are willing. As long as they are together, it doesn't matter what kind of life they live or who they listen to, As long as they are together, as long as they can live together, none of them is indispensable.

The next day, Su's father got up early and began to build his wall. Two policemen from the next building and Li Xiaoyu also came to help. Su's mother specially made some breakfast with meat for the four and sent it to the yard.

Li Xiaoyu took the sea bowl from Su's mother, took chopsticks gratefully, sat under the eaves and began to eat. He asked Su's mother as he ate,

"Auntie, where's Su Su? Isn't she coming down for breakfast? "

"She's still sleeping." Su's mother handed the sea bowl to two policemen and Su's father. She looked at Li Xiaoyu with some embarrassment on her face. "Su Su in our family is very lazy, but not as diligent as you."

Ch. 59 :

"Ha ha, Su Su is specialized in art. She can kill zombies. She doesn't need to do all the hard work."

Li Xiaoyu's face is smiling, but what she said is not polite. That day, she was on the bus, watching Su Su outside the bus slash a zombie's head, and her heart was also envious. In fact, Li Xiaoyu also wanted to kill Su Su Su, as long as she could kill zombies, as long as she dared to kill zombies, the supermarkets full of materials on the street were still so far away?

"Uncle, I discussed with erhu last night, but I won't come this afternoon." While eating, Peng Yuzhong, the champion of Sanda, looked at Su Fu and pointed to the tall and thin policeman named Er Hu. "The opposite side of the community is the police station where we used to work. I want to get some guns there."

Peng Yuzhong, the champion of Sanda, looks like he's only in his thirties. He's much taller than erhu. The policeman looks much more stable and solid. He's eating a bowl of rice and looks like he's a bit of the same. He explains to Su Fu:

"If I have a gun, I will not panic. After taking the gun, I want to find my wife and children..."

When he said this, Peng Yuzhong's face was obviously lonely. In the last few days, he just ran and ran. He didn't come back to God, and he didn't have time to go back and forth. Yesterday was the best night for him to eat and sleep. Then Peng Yuzhong came back to God. He didn't feel safe, What about his wife and children? He had to go to them.

"You used to work in the opposite police station?"

Su Su's words suddenly came with a trace of joy and accident. They looked up and saw on the balcony on the second floor that Su Su was wearing a pair of woolen slippers and a long black down jacket. He was lying on the railing to talk with them. Peng Yuzhong could not help nodding his head. Su Su Su on the upstairs said with a smile:

"Before that, you had a murderer named Zhuo Shijia from the head. Do you know where he went?"

"The best in the world? It's a familiar name. " Erhu raised his head, frowned and thought about it carefully. Suddenly, he asked, "is she a doctor? The one who quarreled with her husband and pushed him downstairs? "

"Yes, yes." Su Su nodded, just like a chicken pecking rice. The smile on her face was even more serious. "Where is she? Dead? Or a zombie? "

"Not dead, not zombies." Erhu shook his head, sighed, and continued: "that woman is very serious. We took her to escape. She had already settled down in the library of No.1 middle school, but she said that there were still many newborns in the incubator in the hospital. She wanted to go back to save the babies, but she refused to stay and ran with a man named pigo."

Shit! Su Su couldn't help but utter a rude remark in his heart. Chou Shijia actually went to the hospital. He didn't have to guess which hospital he went to. It must be the hospital Chou Shijia worked in before the end of the day. This is really an unusual doctor!

In the distance, there are trees, water, gray sky, and endless zombies. The big hospital where Zhuo Shijia works is now a zombie concentration camp. Is she going to save the babies in the incubator Baby.

Su Su is a little moved. She's not crazy. She's a child's mother, but she wants to be crazy. What should I do??? Those starving babies have been starving for many days now. How many of them haven't turned into little zombies? How many did not starve to death? Even if there is only one baby left, it is worth saving!

But it's such a thing in the apple villa area. It's not easy to go back and forth to the zombie camp in the hospital in just a few hours. If Su Su left her parents in the apple villa area, she was worried that her parents would "eat" the survivors. But if she took her parents away with her and went back to the villa, I'm afraid she would have been swept by the survivors for N cycles.

Otherwise, we can only wait for a while, and wait for her parents' powers to be stronger. However, Chou Shijia may not be able to afford it, and the babies in the incubator may not be able to afford it.

"Let me take care of something. I'll go out with you tomorrow and the day after tomorrow." Su Su bowed his head and said to Peng Yuzhong, "of course, if you are really in a hurry, you can go first."

At this time, while Su Su was talking to Peng Yuzhong, Li Anxin and Feifei came out from the corner of a forest on a distant road. They were holding a form in their hands, followed by a large group of survivors with dishes on their faces.

Su Su, together with Su Fu, Su mu, Li Xiaoyu, erhu and Peng Yuzhong, who are having breakfast in the courtyard on the first floor, all raise their heads and watch Li Anxin and Feifei come with the large group of survivors.

"Li Xiaoyu!"

It seems that Li Xiaoyu is sitting on a pile of stones eating a delicious breakfast. Li Anxin yells angrily. These people have saved their food. They have been waiting for elder brother Xie to get back supplies since last night. As a result, this morning, elder brother Xie hasn't come back, and everyone is hungry. Li Xiaoyu is good, When everyone was about to starve to death, she hid here to eat alone?!

No, Li Xiaoyu is not the only one, except Su Su who is lying on the balcony on the second floor with a smile on his face. Everyone in the yard is holding a sea bowl in their hands, sea bowl!!! A big sea bowl is enough for two or three people!

Li Xiaoyu heard Li Anxin's angry call and shook his fingers with chopsticks. He immediately put down the sea bowl in his hand, stood up, walked to the edge of the wall which had been built to his knees, looked at Li Anxin and asked:

"Don't worry, you're here."

"Li Xiaoyu, I think you are my best sister and best friend all the time. I didn't expect you..." you have something to eat. If you don't give it to me, it makes me hungry all morning!

In the last sentence, Li Anxin is a little proud of herself. She doesn't say it directly. She just wants to be Li Xiaoyu's sister for so many years. Li Xiaoyu will understand her meaning.

Li Xiaoyu looked at Feifei and the group of survivors behind her, and her eyes dodged. She didn't take the initiative to invite Li Anxin to dinner. Instead, she bowed her head and chose to be silent. She didn't want to make trouble for Su Su Su. In this case, she said more and less. Anyway, it's wrong. It's better for everyone to think that she is the kind of delicious food, Just hide and eat.

It has to be said that Li Xiaoyu has courage and wisdom, but he lacks discipline and is naive. In this case, the Su family is obviously surrounded by survivors. Li Xiaoyu sits in the Su family's yard to eat again. Not only Li Xiaoyu is eating alone, but everyone sitting in the yard carries a bowl and enjoys it there.
