two coffees and one pep talk, please

Every day of the week, Thursdays being the exception, Jotun opens up his convenience store at five on the dot. Most days, this early start accomplishes nothing. He merely sits behind the counter until the sun has fully risen and the normal people leave their homes. Rarely, he'll deal with an early bird robbery attempt.

Sometimes, one Izuku Midoriya will push open his door, the bags under his eyes darker than normal. Usually he comes in almost as soon as Jotun has flipped the sign, always collecting a pre-made boxed bento with katsudon in it before moving to the check out. He always looks more tired than he normally does on those days. Jotun does his best to cheer him up a bit and not feel guilty when it doesn't work.

Today, Jotun opens the store as he usually does. He waits an hour until he notices a familiar head of green approaching through the window. For once Izuku has his school uniform on-the whole thing, where he usually leaves the blazer and tie at home. He doesn't make a beeline for the bentos today, instead going to the first aisle, the one facing Jotun. He stands there, staring at the snacks lined up on the shelves, for a good ten minutes.

"Midoriya?" Jotun calls gently. Izuku doesn't budge or flinch or make any sign that he's heard. "Izuku."

This time he reacts, if only to mechanically reach out and pull something off the shelf. When he shuffles over and drops the two chocolate melon pan, Jotun makes no move to take them. Izuku doesn't look more tired than usual, but he seems conflicted over something. Jotun can see it in his eyes.

"You know, kiddo, school is a few hours away." Jotun starts casually, moving away from the register to the coffee machine next to it. "Think you're up a little early?"

"....Couldn't sleep." Izuku says after a pause, leaning against the checkout counter and closing his eyes. Jotun hums to show that he's listening. "Had something on my mind."

"Mind sharing?" Jotun slides a cup of coffee with just a bit of cream over to him. It takes a moment, as if Izuku is not entirely mentally there to react on time, but he does eventually open his eyes and takes the cup. Jotun lets him drink it in silence, content to wait until Izuku is ready to share whatever information he does. After a while of companionable quiet broken only by the sound of the AC, Izuku finishes the coffee and sets the cup down.

"I was invited to the hero course." He says, and the scowl that pulls down the corners of his mouth stops Jotun from offering a congratulations. "I have the choice to stay in gen-ed, but the principal made it pretty clear that if I do, I'll be abandoning my f-my friend to the wolves."

Izuku pauses. Jotun takes the moment to refill his cup. Izuku leaves it sitting on the counter.

"I feel-I just feel so-"

"Angry." Jotun finishes for him, recognizing the look on his face. Izuku's hands curl into tightly clenched fists, and he bows his head. Jotun jolts in surprise when he realizes that Izuku is staring at the counter with glassy eyes and shaking. "Izuku-"

Izuku raises his fists and slams them back down on the counter with a shout of rage, cutting Jotun off. The coffee still sitting there nearly falls over, but ends up just spilling a splash onto the glass counter. The shopkeeper stares with wide eyes, unsure of what to do with this show of emotion. He and Izuku are in uncharted territory.

"All these years-all these fucking years of telling me that I will never be worth anything-!" Izuku grinds out, shaking even more violently as he hunches in on himself. "And now they have the audacity to try and put me in the hero class!"

Jotun, after a pause, reaches out and places a gentle hand on Izuku's head. He stills, all but for a slight tremor in his arms and takes a deep breath. They stay like that for a bit, Izuku breathing carefully, and Jotun keeping contact to remind him that he is not alone. When he sees that Izuku has collected himself, Jotun speaks.

"I've always thought you'd be an amazing hero." He starts, voice soft. "But you shouldn't be forced into being one. It needs to be your choice. If you don't want to be in the heroics program, then I'm sure your friend will understand why you stayed in general education."

Izuku sighs, sliding down until he's barely hanging off the counter by one elbow, a hand over his face.

"Great advice from the retired pro." He mumbles, and really, Jotun can't even be surprised that Izuku knows about his admittedly short career. After all, Izuku is a hero wiz kid with an impressive array of trivia about any hero you ask about. Even if he acts like he couldn't be less interested in them. "Do you mind if I stay here until it's time to go?"

"Of course I wouldn't, Izuku. You're always welcome here." Jotun assures, ruffling his hair. "You're my favorite customer, after all."

Izuku lets out a half-hearted attempt of a laugh and the two of them once again lapse into comfortable silence. Izuku keeps his face hidden and Jotun switches back and forth from glancing at the clock and watching him. Izuku has come a long way in the two years that Jotun has known him. From a vegetable of a kid to showing some emotions, even if it's just a burst of anger so far. It fills Jotun with a sense of pride on his behalf.

The clock gets dangerously close to 8:45 and Jotun grabs one of the melon pans so he can check Izuku out. Izuku makes no move to react.

"So who are these for?" He asks. Izuku rises out of his position after a pause, pushing his hand up to run through his hair.

"They're for Hit-Shinsou. My friend." Izuku says, staring down at the other snack laying innocently on the counter uncomprehendingly. "He mentioned that he liked them, and I guess... I thought I was going to see him today."

"It sounds to me like you'd already made up your mind." Jotun remarks, scanning them. Izuku's shoulders slump and he sighs.

"Yeah, I guess I had." He admits. Jotun offers the bag to him and Izuku takes it, slipping the handles around his wrist. "Can I get another coffee? Black this time. I have a feeling I'm going to be late, and I need to win over a new teacher."

Jotun chuckles, already in motion.

"Bribing teachers already? I like your style, little green devil."
