team rocket's blasting off again

Kurogiri stands behind Tomura, keeping an eye on the portals and the many players on the board. Tomura likes to use video game jargon to talk about their plans, but the two of them know that all of this is closer to a game of chess. Intelligence, patience, and cleverness are the keys to winning.

Of course, this attack is more of a test run than anything. Just a small siege to put themselves on the radar and to test out the nomu. Tomura, despite playing the overzealous villain, is keeping a sharp eye on how the creature is reacting. Any observations will go to Dr. Tsubasa after they retreat. Because they will retreat. This nomu is but a prototype—while it possibly could defeat All Might, they don't want it to yet. All For One and his prodigy want his demise to be a spectacle.

Due to Tomura's distraction, Kurogiri is the one who notices a student break from the cover of a few brushes, sprinting their way. He slows to a march before Kurogiri decides to portal him away to prevent an attack, and stops a good fifteen feet away from Tomura, who has noticed him by now. The student isn't in a hero uniform, just soaked civilian clothes, and he has a tight grip on a bottle of bleach.

Tomura makes a small motion when he turns to face the dripping boy, directing Kurogiri to watch the nomu in his stead. The two of them eye each other.

"Monologue at me." The student demands, voice unexpectedly low and rough, as if he's putting on a voice. Tomura tilts his head, glaring now. "What's the point in killing All Might?"

"The point? The point is his death! A pillar of peace, forced to crumble!" Tomura hisses, advancing on the student, hand coming up to scratch furiously at his neck. Kurogiri, despite himself, sighs. This is an unrehearsed speech—Tomura has enough anger and hate for the number one hero to rant on without them needing a script. "And once he's gone, society will crumble along with him!"

The two of them are closer now, a mere five feet apart, and Kurogiri has half a mind to warp one of them to stop whatever conflict is brewing. Tomura doesn't have the time to be distracted right now, and the student doesn't seem like he is going to cower away any time soon.

"Midoriya!" The pro hero pinned by the nomu calls out roughly. Kurogiri is a bit impressed that he's still conscious enough to watch what's happening. "Get out of here!"

"So that's all?" Midoriya questions, blatantly ignoring Eraserhead and stepping forward. Kurogiri sends out a warp gate to stop a girl in the bushes from jumping out, delivering her back to one of the USJ's many zones, and in the process he misses Midoriya subtly unscrewing the bleach bottle. Tomura, however, doesn't.

Kurogiri turns back to see his ward's hand strike out, wrapping itself around Midoriya's neck. The student, startled, drops the bleach. The skin on his neck begins to flake off and disappear into dust, before stopping abruptly, leaving only blood to attest to the fact it had even happened. Both Tomura and Midoriya stop and stare, until Tomura laughs.

"You're really cool, Eraserhead!" Tomura praises without turning to look at the glaring, still pinned hero. Not even a moment later, the nomu slams Eraserhead back into the ground, effectively cutting off his quirk. Tomura's decay starts again.

Midoriya retaliates by kicking Tomura in the crotch.

Tomura curses, releasing Midoriya, who scrambles a few feet away. Kurogiri starts to open a warpgate, but Tomura holds up a hand, stopping him. He straightens up after a few seconds, lifting his head to stare at Midoriya, who is watching warily.

"You're fucking annoying. Nomu!" Tomura spits out venomously. Midoriya has just enough time for a flicker of alarm to cross over his face before the nomu is there, backhanding him with an oversized hand. The force behind the hit is enough to send the student flying, only stopping when he collides with a wall. Midoriya's head lolls forward, hanging limply, when he slides down to the ground. The nomu gives chase, and Kurogiri steps up to Tomura's side again. The nomu looms over Midoriya's limp body and raises a fist to finish him off. 

The USJ entrance doors burst from the walls, kicking up a cloud of dust. Tomura turns, barking out an order for the nomu to abandon Midoriya and return to his side. All Might steps through the crowd with a furious sneer in place of his iconic smile.

"Have no fear! FOR I AM HERE." He booms, leaping into the plaza and dispatching the few lackeys still there. He stops by Eraserhead and scoops the pro up, standing tall and proud. He fixes his gaze on Tomura, then past him, on Midoriya. All Might speeds past them, a blur that grabs the student and reappears near the doors, handing off the two injured to the hero students gathered there.

"He was fast. I couldn't follow him with my eyes. And yet..." Tomura's voice echoes around the USJ as All Might steps up again, ready to attack. Tomura pauses, a grin spreading under 'Father.' "He wasn't as fast as I expected. So I guess it's true. All Might is weakening, huh, Kurogiri?"

"Don't go underestimating me now!" All Might shouts, launching backs towards them. He pulls his fist back, ready to deal a devastating blow. Tomura makes no move to budge from his spot, and Kurogiri stays where he is behind him. "CAROLINA.. SMASH!"

"Nomu!" Tomura calls at the same time. The nomu springs into action, blocking the blow. All Might tries again, and Tomura chooses that moment to speak up again. "Listen here, All Might, because I am seriously pissed off! We're all either heroes or villains, but at the end of the day, violence is violence! The only difference is who society rallies behind! Symbol of Peace? Give me a break! Violence breeds violence, and you're a fucking rabbit! This special nomu with shock absorption will take care of that problem!"

"Shock absorption, eh?" All Might echoes. Kurogiri gets ready to open a gate. The retreat, signaled by Tomura sharing their nomu's weakness just as planned, was near. But of course, to All Might it just seems like Tomura has carelessly revealed information that will be his downfall. 'Father' hides the smirk on Tomura's face when All Might visibly begins to hit harder and faster. "You should keep your anti-social views to yourself! If that's all it is, I can take care of this easily!"

Kurogiri and Tomura watch without interference until, with one last uppercut, All Might sends the nomu flying through the domed roof of the USJ. 

"Shigaraki Tomura, perhaps it is time for us to take our leave." Kurogiri suggests when the symbol of peace turns his attention back to them. Tomura shakes in what seems to be rage. 

"Fine!" He hisses back. "But you'll pay for using such blatant cheats, pillar."

The last thing they see as the readied warp gate swallowed them is All Might's proud, pained smile.
