Sloppy Mornings

     (Ok, I just got to Chapter 5 of The Raven King! I am so excited and my heart is pumped for what's coming up next!! Now onto the One shot;) )

Night time fell. The Fox's had a game the next day but stayed at a hotel for the time being. Since they were far off from South Carolina. It was a smart decision on Couch Wymack's part.
     Most of them buddied up. Neil decided not to because he wanted to make sure he was completely focused and ready. After changing into sweat pants and a large shirt. He plopped down onto the comfy bed. Breathing in the new smell and taking the 5-8 hour ride into lost memory. Not wanting to remember the agonizing ride of not getting to move around much. Neil reluctantly got up to move so his head was on the pillow. Not even bothering to put the blanket on top of him. He went into a deep sleep. That sleep didn't carry him that long into the night. A dream, no- nightmare had occurred in the young Exy player's head.
Neil's P.O.V.
~I was running from a couple of my fathers goons. Heart racing with only one thought. Survive. Bam! A gun shot echoed on the sides of the ally. All it did was make me run faster then ever before. Adrenaline pumping through my veins as I couldn't hear my own heart beat. Vision in and out of blurriness from time to time.
     I jumped over trash cans and turned a sharp turn. It almost made me fall so I had to put a hand down to stabilize myself. But that was one of the worst mistakes I made. Looking forward it was a dead end. My breathing caught and eyes started to tear up from frustration. But, they didn't fall for I made myself be brave. Turning around I saw two guys. I didn't get a good look at them because it all happened in a blink of an eye.
     All I heard was 'BAM'! Echoing everywhere and bouncing off everything. Like a Exy ball. I felt a hard amount of pressure. Afraid to look down to see if it hit me. A flash of light distracted me. Screaming..then silence... A white van stained with blood on the front. Or maybe it was my own eyes that are filling with blood. I touch them to make sure. Wet liquid caressed my cheeks. I looked down at my hand to see if the liquid was blood or tears. Thankfully they were tears. Meaning someone ran over the two guys chasing me down. A hand tugged my should to move. That hand belonged to my mother. She was yelling at me to do something but it was to muffled to hear. Instead she just yanked me into the back of the van with her. A stranger, probably one of my mom's friends, was driving.
     A look of worry spread across her face. Just as I was about to ask why. A pain of sheer realization finally reached up to me. I fell onto my mom. She laid my head down on her lap. My breathing staring to get hallow. I let out a pained groan and look down. A bullet shot me just what I thought happened. I couldn't tell where the bleeding was coming from and didn't know if this was my last day. For my own comfort I look up to my mom. Probably saying around the lines of 'I love you' before blacking out.~
Third Person P.O.V.

     Neil was pretty sure he woke up before his brain did but he didn't care. He lifted up his shirt and found a scar. Where the bullet hit him. Calming his breathing down to a reasonable rate he let out a heaved sigh. Putting his head back to catch up on time. Remembering that, that wasn't a nightmare nor dream..but a memory. A sick one that sometimes twisted back into his head.
    A groan was heard beside of Neil. Twisting fast towards the sound. He found a tired Andrew just waking up. Looking to his left, Neil was now eye to eye with Andrew. Neil got caught like a deer in head lights. Finding his courage Neil tried to move back some but was stopped by Andrew. Andrew caught onto Neil's back and his right arm to stop him moving back anymore. Neil let out a gasp that he knows he'll regret later on.
     "Wh-What are you do-doing in my room." Confusion took over Neil's face as much as he was shocked. "You were screaming last night so I was voted to check on you." "Obviously I payed the price." Andrew finished showing the fingerprint marks left on his arm. Neil winced hating that he did such a thing. Piecing together that his teammates must of got worried. And Andrew must of being the best choice for some reason to check on him. Probably because the last time this happened Nicky volunteered but ended up with a hurt shin. Andrew wouldn't think much of the bruises having he does spar with Renee and being a goalie you get use to it.
      It still didn't help with the guilt Neil still felt though. I guess Neil let his guiltiness slide onto his face for to long. After awhile of silence Andrew started back up again. "It's not a big deal. I'll still be able to play if that's what you're worried about or something." Neil frowned slightly more. Now picking up his gaze from Andrew's arm to his eyes. "That's not what I'm worried about." Andrew didn't answer much but of an 'Oh' expression and rolling his eyes. He turned back to Neil and said. "That's cute. That you care and all." A smile played on his lips. Neil went from his lips back to his eyes and faintly smiled. "Sorry about that. It was just a bad dream." Andrew stared down at Neil's shirt. "A bad dream that had to do with your scars?"
     Neil's smile departed and reversed to fear. 'What did he say?' Thoughts we're running everywhere you could imagine. 'Maybe I miss heard him?' Was wishful thinking. "Calm down. Being your boyfriend you should know I would find out soon enough." A smirk subsided onto his face. Reforming into playful mischief that made Neil blush crazy. "W-Well..." Neil hated that he was stuttering. Andrew just laughed softly and brought Neil into a heart warming kiss. Not something you'd expect from the ice bitten Exy player. Especially since they haven't told anyone of their relationship. They thought it was best for everyone else to just find out on their own. It felt good to show affection when they can like this. Filling up a wonderful but strange feeling in Neil's chest. Yet, Neil kissed back with the same amount of passion thrown onto him.
     Andrew laid Neil back down on the bed cautiously. Going on top of him. Neil put his hands on Andrew's chest not breaking the kiss. Only to break apart for a breath of air. To start again for another kiss. Sure they both had problems of their own but putting them together seemed to just make things a bit better. Neil looked at the alarm clock between kisses. The alarm clock read the time; 3:46 a.m. They still had some time to kill before game time. So they used their time to relax and talk. Steal a few kisses here and there. A few Andrew thought were annoying at times but secretly didn't really mind. Neil felt better and more comfortable. Knowing that he has people behind his back either physically or mentally.

Word Count: 1,293
