Forest Days

(This one shot will be starting right after book one. I haven't read The Raven King just yet but hey. Whatever. They are still in Nicky's house except now it's the morning after.) 

Neil's P.O.V.
     I woke up startled. Trying to remember of last nights events. Columbia, home, and Seth. Ok, now remembering what happened my heart beat slowed a bit.
     I look around the place. I took the same bed I did last time I was here. Since everyone was busy last night..grieving..I just decided to take the most familiar room. I sit up slouched; my hands to my face. Hoping to get last nights events to go away. Knowing that couldn't ever happen I started to get up. Only half way off the bed do I notice Andrew by the door.
     "How long have you been there?" I ask. "Long enough to see your little panic attack." He says with that smile of his. He must of already took his pills. "Who wouldn't if you woke up in a unfamiliar place. Especially one where last time it wasn't exactly the best wake up call." Andrew just shrugs.
There's awkward silence between us. I feel like I should say something but yet again I may say something wrong. After a quick hesitation to finally speak Andrew beats me to it. "I'm going out if you want to come. I'll give you 5 minuets." I nod in agreement. "Sure, but we could just go now. I'm still wearing the clothes you gave me." He nods and leads me back to the car. I hop in the front since everyone else wasn't going. We back out of the driveway and set onto the road.
"Where are we going?" I ask. Still a bit wary of Andrew. I mean can I even trust him to protect me? "You'll see." That wasn't very reassuring but I held back on saying anything else. Focusing on where we're at. A couple of comforting, silent minutes past before we come up to a dirt pathed road. I give over Andrew a suspicious look. All I saw was an indifferent look before covering up into a my poker face. Trying not to think over head of myself. What would Andrew have to gain for killing me anyway?
We finally took a complete stop. Looking ahead of us was a decent little creak under full grown oak trees. There were some undergrowth too but, it was mostly covered up by stacks of leaves. Without noticing, Andrew was already out of the car, going towards my side. He opens the door and says "What? Never seen trees before?" With a devilish smile that soon faded away. I got out and took in the fresh air. The humidity sucks here but the scenery is all worth it. "Why are we here?" Andrew steps closer to me. Toe to toe you could even say. "I go here to smoke and breath in the fresh air." He pulls out a pack of cigarettes from who knows where. I'm not that sure he even has any pockets. I need to look out for that. Once he takes one out and lights it we're moving again.
Andrew starts walking to a dry place by the soothing creak and sits down on the leaves. I stand against a tree about a foot or two away from him. I chuckle and shake my head a bit once Andrew let's out smoke from his cigarette. "What's so funny?"
"Oh nothing, just the fact that you come out here for fresh air-to smoke." Andrew had a faint smile on but it was gone just as fast as it came. It was cute per day, not gonna lie. We just stay there in content for what seemed like time had stopped. But it didn't. I would still need to run and no longer be Neil Josten. I move to sit down next to Andrew but before I could. In one swift move Andrew was on his feet pushing me back to the tree. I could feel the bark grade into my back. Not enough to hurt but enough to feel.
     "Huh..?" I give out a confusing look towards Andrew. Now noticing how close we are. About 10cm. away from my face. Usually I would be pushing the other person off me but it's like I couldn't move. Every muscle in me was screaming to run. So I try but fail when Andrew puts his body close up to me where I can't move. One arm on either side of me. Trying so hard not to freak when he looks down to my lips. My breath hitches and I fall deeper into some kinda trance..lust? No, it's definitely not that; something else. He moves his hands to my waist in attempt to hold me still. "I wouldn't want you to run off again now would I?" He tauntingly mocks. I whisper "No."
      What else could I say? "I hope you mean no to running off again." He whispers back looking up to me. Giving me the same look I'm probably giving him. Remembering I got around 3 in. on him I turn him around where his back is to the tree and I'm blocking him. Showing I'm not someone to mess with. He gives me a smirk that makes me get aggravated. What's his play at this? If anyone I thought he'd be playing these tricks on Kevin. You just don't know with Andrew. I'll find out though. Later... I sink more into him. "Yes or no?" He asks. "What?"
"Will you run off again?" He hisses. "No. Of course not." I ty to read off his body language but nothing. "Good" Andrew says pulling away from me. Oh, no way is he going to do all that and just walk away. I grab him by the arm just in time and kiss him. He grabs the small of my back while I do the same. Except I put one of my hands to his cheeks. Feeling the softness of the kiss and the tugging on my shirt.
     We slowly end the kiss. Not caring to cover the shock on my face, Andrew laughs. "I hate you." I grumble still not moving from my position. "No you don't." Andrew leans in again and I don't hesitate to kiss back. This one with more passion then the first. He let's go of me and smiles. "Glad your staying." Walking away from me I touch my lips. What just happened? "Come on, Neil we don't have much time." I nod and drop all confusion and focus on the one thing I do know besides staying alive and exy. I focus on my heart for one moment. 🧡

Word count 1,139
