Kissing Cam~Part 2~

(Continuing off of Kissing Cam~Part 1~)

Neil thought one more question couldn't could it..?🧡

As Neil was turning around to give the reporter an answer Andrew caught hold of his arm. "You're an idiot." He told Neil. "You don't even know what I was going to do."
"I have a pretty good idea." Andrew retaliated. Neil rolled his eyes and playfully shrugged Andrew off to be fully turned towards the buzzing mess of flashes. "Wedding bells you say?" Neil started. All of the reporters shouted or nodded their heads rapidly up and down. "I don't know. Hey, Andrew would you marry me?" He turned to see Andrews reaction. Andrew glared at Neil's lop sided grin with a fiery passion. Anymore angry it might make his head explode. Ok, maybe..Neil was taking a step to far but it was way worth it. His emotions just seemed to take over randomly. Anticipation seeping off on all of the press was not helping Neil's situation either. Andrew had enough and sighed with clear annoyance then walked away.
     Neil knew he would have to fix this mess up later. Right now he turned back and gave the reporters a wink with a continuing say, "You got your answer; have a good night." With that Neil walked away from the swarm of questions to only walk into a swarm of anger and pride. Nicky was the first to come up and give him a hug. A little longer than usual probably given he couldn't hug Andrew. "I'm shocked! Like I think I have goosebumps Neil. What the hell were thinking!?" Nicky ended laughing. Giving Neil a slap on the back. "Ooh, you are so screwed when Coach Wym-"



     Neil walked into the foyer with Nicky trailing in behind him. Once inside, Neil thought to run when Wymack sent him a infuriating look. Right now told him if he did he would be off the team if he even tried. Andrew was leaning on the side of the wall next to Coach while the rest were spread out. " got a good explanation for any of this? Either of you two?" Wymack asked. Neil went next to Andrew and leaned on the wall.
Wymack moved so he could see both of their faces. "Well..?" Neil looked over to Andrew but his gaze was set on Wymack's. Which Neil wasn't expecting any help after what he did. Neil looked back to Wymack and said with a straight face. "I did what you asked didn't I?" A short lived laughter was heard in the crowed of his team mates. "Yeah, and what you do? You still seem to screw things up!" Wymack takes a moment to sigh; putting his index finger and thumb at the bridge of his nose . "That's it, I'm signing you up for a marathon next week. Nicky will be joining you as well."
Nicky gawked at coach. Any remembrance of a cheeky smile was wiped away. "Wait-What!?? Why me coach? I wasn't even in front of the press!" Nicky exaggerated. "Ahuh, great, now tell me why I saw you skipping that extra lap I told you to do? I instinctively remember saying if you missed it you'd be doing a marathon." Nicky's face got pale and he grabbed his shirt to fan himself. "Aaa..did it just get hot in here or is it just me..?" Nicky awkwardly glanced around. Wymack retorted a grunted sound. "Exactly, now get a move on it!" Everyone fled into the locker rooms with much needed cold showers. Definitely not wanting to get on Coach's nerves.
Each Fox safety got out the bus and headed for their respected cars. This time Neil went with Andrew. It was a quite ride besides Nicky talking to Aaron about a car he saw. Leaving out the parts of the really hot dude who owned it and I'm talking Andrew Garfield hot.
     The auburn haired mess was thinking of ways to apologize. Saying 'sorry' was out of the equation. Nothing came up so he decided that his instincts would work it out for him. He has no experience with this kind of stuff. But, what more hope does his instincts have than him?
Andrew stopped the car and got out last; following behind the group. Neil slowed down so he could be side by side with him. The lot went to their room but Andrew took the stairs up. Neil not that close behind him. The fresh air hit Neil like a train head on. Soothing some of his worry but to his defeat it didn't help much. Especially with the conversation he's bound to have with Andrew. Yes, he knows he went a little over board with the entire marriage thing. Yes, he couldn't stop replaying the glare Andrew sent him. Yes, it hasn't occurred to him that marriage was still a thing where it's represented by actual love. Yes, he hopes Andrew took it as a joke but at the time does he? Yes, he's afraid the next thing he'll hear is no.
Neil carefully watched as Andrew stood on the edge of the roof looking out to the drowning colors of red, orange, pink, and indigo with a hint of blue. It matched well with Andrew's features. Yet again, Neil thought everything matched with Andrew well. Neil went to Andrew's right side still looking at him. Neil held his breath not wanting to hear things he's already heard before. Obviously in different situations but this one might be the worse.
"Maybe." Andrew's voice whispers through. Being shocked was an understatement. Neil's breath was sucked out. What is he referring to?Maybe Andrew was talking and simply answering his own question for Neil to be too stuck in his head to listen. "I wasn't listening." Neil said. Grimacing, Neil prepared for what's to come. "Maybe." Andrew repeated with more authority. "To what?" Neil took a step back from the edge. Not really feeling to be more on edge, if possible.
He turned around so his front was facing Neil. Looking into his eyes with determination and a bit of annoyance Andrew sighed almost defeatedly. Andrew continues, "You asked 'Would I marry you?' and I'm saying maybe." Neil sweared his stomach just did a somersault then dropped. His heart skipped a beat and he forgot how to breath. In and out isn't as easy as yes or no at the moment. Out of the two, Neil thought Andrew would be the one to want to take it slow. Neil so badly wanted to ask why but he didn't want to press anything. "How? I mean why? No, I mean-" Andrew rolled his eyes and grabbed Neil's apparently moving hands and roughly kissed him. Instantly Neil melted into their kiss. It always felt like the first time with Andrew.
Somewhere in between the passion grew more. Andrew grabbed Neil's hips to deepen the kiss. Neil snaked his hands into Andrew's hair. Making everything seem possible. They pulled away slowly gazing into each other eyes. Neil knew at this point there was no way he could hide the sparkle in his eyes. Andrew's face stayed the same except right now Neil saw the rare emotion of something. A glimmer of what Neil was feeling..a light.
"How or what could I do to change your answer to yes?" Neil panted slightly. Feeling butterflies blossom in his stomach and a twist in his chest. "Ask again and we'll see." Gulping down all his nerves Neil bent down on one knee. Still not believing any of this is happening. The big question on the tip of his tongue getting ready to spill out. Neil took Andrew's hand and questioned Andrew silently if that was ok. He nodded so Neil carried on. "Andrew Joseph Minyard, will you marry me?" Neil said as endearing as he could. Hoping that Andrew forms some kind of a response to a yes. "In two years, maybe with a ring." All Neil's questions fluttered into utter confusion. All that built up energy scattered, hitting Neil more than a sucker punch could ever do.
Andrew started to walk away but Neil held onto his hand and got up quickly. "Why two years?" "That's when I'll be out of college." Andrew drawled and quirked an eye brow with that know it all face of his. "That's a yes though right?" Neil tenderly smirked and got closer to Andrew. "You want to be engaged for two years with me?" Andrew asked. Neil thought it sounded like a challenge and of course he could never not take up any challenge. "If that means the rest of my life with you? I'll take my odds." Fearlessness creeping on each word Neil chose. Neil let Andrew see that in every movement he took. "You're taking some risky odds." Andrew looked down to Neil's shoes and back up to Neil's striking ocean eyes. "Aren't I always?" A smile tugged on the corners of Neil's mouth. Andrew just shook his head. The small gap between them became smaller and smaller until there wasn't a gap anymore.
     A few years ago Neil never knew that this kind of thing could exist when him, himself, barely did. Now he couldn't imagine ever existing without it. If it ever went away Neil- he couldn't even think of it not existing. The mere thought shook something violent inside his heart.  A dark thought that he never wished to recognize again. "You're crying," Andrew spoke; swiping a tear away. He looked at the liquid thoughtfully like he's never seen a tear before. Then wiped it away onto Neil's coat.
Neil knew if he talked he would crash into waves so instead he stayed quite. Hoped that Andrew could get the telepathic message across. Not wanting to cry anymore then what he's already cried for. Without hesitance Andrew said, "I'd never leave." Neil sighed. Content with his answer he leaned in one more time. Andrew tolerated it for only a second longer before pulling away again. Neil followed like a puppy in a daze. Andrew rolled his eyes and opened the door for his new fiancée.
(I know the dorm mates are wrong but just go with it.)
     Neil popped his door to his shared dorm open and fell onto the couch. A smiley daze fell onto his face that for the life of him couldn't be explained other than pure happiness. Almost like a relief. The last time he felt this way was when he found out he was "free". That he had the future he dreamed of. Matt came out of their shared room and checked out the smaller boy on the couch. "What happened to you? I've never seen you so um..?"


"That's one way to put it."

     That got Neil's attention. He sat up with a jolt giving Matt a bit of a startle. "What other way?" Matt scrunched up his left corner of his mouth with a thoughtful gaze. Like he was trying to figure out to how to explain it. "You look like the first time Dan said yes to dating me." Matt putted it triumphantly. "I'm guessing this has to do something with Andrew." Matt knowingly questioned. Neil quirked an eye brow. "How'd you know?" Matt laughed lightly coming down to sit next to Neil. Once he got settled in he continued, "You've got the same daze I had with Dan. And the only person I, know for you to be interested in, is Andrew if it weren't obvious." They laughed in unison. "So, what happened?" Neil focused his gaze on the T.V. in front of him. Still holding that same goofy daze.
     "I'm pretty sure I just proposed to Andrew." Matt did a double take then almost fell out of his seat. The only reason why he didn't fall was because he held onto the arm rest. If Matt was drinking he would of spit it out. "Sorry, but you proposed!?" Matt blinked at him carefully watching him. "Yeah, and I think he said yes..." Neil bit the inside of his lip, smiling a bit to himself. "He said yes?" Matt doubtfully questioned. "Are you sure?" Now don't take it that Matt was unhappy about it. He was astatic that one of his team mates found love but once Dan found out about this? All he'll hear is wedding bells and not exactly for Andrew and Neil.
     "Andrew said he would marry me after he graduates college; two years. Don't worry, Dan and you still got some time." Neil said. He scratched the back of his neck knowing what Matt's shock was partly about. "Wow.., props to you man. I mean the fact you even proposed was guts enough as it is!" Matt clapped Neil's shoulder. "Thanks. Oh, and please don't tell anyone yet. No one knows except for you." Neil swallowed down any fear he had left. Knowing he can trust Matt. Matt smiles kindly, "No worries Neil, you do you, just remember to invite me to your wedding." At that Neil smiled knowing he made the right choice. "I'm heading out on a date with Dan. Good luck on telling the rest of the foxes though haha..." Matt left.
     Neil knew Matt would probably tell Dan and Dan wouldn't tell anyone. She would just demand for details before everyone else gets them. Of course if Neil was willingly to tell detail by detail. Which was fine for Neil. All he knew was that he was in love and dumb. Dumb for taking so many risks. In love for living through all of them..because what he saw at the end of the tunnel was definitely not his intention. Yet, nothing really was now, was it..? 🧡
