
"W.. what?" I ask Mr.Liam in disbelief.

He smiles, "You must be Amelia and Travis's daughter. They always said you'd be special."

I just look at him.

"Did you say that I wasn't the first shapeshifter that you have met?" I asked him.

"That's right." He nods with another smile.

Alex, Neil, Westen, Reina, and Elias walk around me. They've heard everything that has been said between us.

Mr.Liam continues, "I was able to come early, and I thought I could come on over. I now see what you wanted to talk about."

I was still in shock by his other words.

Others shapeshifters? I've never met anyone like me before! They're really out there?!

I'm brought back to the present when Alex says to Mr.Liam, "Actually, we weren't planning on telling you about her being... a shapeshifter."

"That's okay." Mr.Liam smiles once again.

I never thought that Mr.Liam would be like this. I always though he'd be a stern and serious man, not a glad and understanding man.

Reina suddenly mentions, "We have a lot of explaining to do. How about we go inside and talk?"

Everyone agrees, and we go inside the cabin. A wave of cool air greets us as we walk through the doorway.

I decide to not sit on the couch since it tried eating me alive this morning. I instead grin when I see Neil sink into it like I had.

Once we had settled down, we all turned to Mr.Liam. He sat in one of the large recliners. My excitement was hard to contain. The answers to all of my questions were going to finally be answered.

Mr.Liam says to us, "Before I begin, how about you explain how you met Anada. Or should I say how Anada met you?"

So we told him the whole story of how me and the team met, and how I had been doing missions with them. We told Mr.Liam everything that had happened in the past month we had known each other. Everything.

Alex concluded the story by saying, "Mr.Liam we know that Anada isn't old enough to be part of our team. We understand that having an unauthorized minor being part of a team is illegal. We hope you understand, and we do know that this is a punishable crime."

Sometimes I forget that I'm not legally part of the team. I'm fifteen. I have to be sixteen to be able to join them, legally. The team can be broken apart now since Mr.Liam knows about me.

I'm afraid of what Mr.Liam may say next. Would he really break the team apart?

Mr.Liam's reply is, "Anada may not be old enough to join your team, but I see that she already is. But, I knew her parents and she's a shapeshifter. Those are two things that I can deal with. I was extremely close to her mother and father, and I know they would want me to take care of her. She's also a shapeshifter, and I do know a few shapeshifters already. I know what that's like."

Mr.Liam smiles as he continues, "I have nothing against Anada for being on your team."

Elias asks, "So you'll let her officially be part of the team?"

"Yes." He says simply with a smile.

Mr.Liam was allowing me to continue being with the team. That was the one thing I had always wanted.

The Mr.Liam turns to me, "I'm sure you're wanting to know about your parents."

I nodded.

You bet I want to know about my parents!

He starts, "We were on a team together, but you already knew that though. Anyway, we had been a team for a few years, and Travis and Amelia were very close. They eventually got married and had you. We hadn't had any trouble from Drake for two years. We never could stop him, but he threatened to stop us whenever he saw us again. Then one day Travis and Amelia came to me, and told me they had seen Drake. They knew that you might be hurt if they kept you with them. You were only a few months old then. We knew Drake wouldn't stop until he had destroyed us all. So they decided to put you in an orphanage at a secure place where Drake could never track you down. Me and my teammates knew about this, but not where you were at. It would be too much of a risk if anybody knew."

Mr.Liam catches his breath and continues, "We all promised Travis and Amelia that we would tell you about them if something happened to them. Well... something did happen. Once you were at the orphanage, we all decided to go and stop Drake ourselves. The mission didn't go well. Travis and Amelia didn't make it through."

He stops talking for second then says, "Travis was the team captain. He was a great friend and teammate. Amelia was just the same. She loved her work. I see that you're the same way, Anada."

I nodded. I didn't know what to say.

Then Mr.Liam says to me, "Your parents left more for you then that letter."

I give him a questioning look.

"They had a house. A beachfront house. They wanted me to give you the keys, but I never thought I would. I always thought they would be able to reunite with you, and give you the house themselves. I don't think they had any living family of their own to keep the keys." He says sadly.

We remain quiet for a few seconds. The only thing that could be heard was our breathing.

Mr.Liam quietly says, "I will make sure that you get the keys. They're in my safe, and I will bring tomorrow."

He then stands. I'm suddenly reminded of something he said earlier.

"Excuse me, Mr.Liam?" I say.

He looks at me, "Yes, Anada."

I slowly say, "You mentioned something about knowing some shapeshifters. I... I've never met another shapeshifter before."

"Really?" He asks surprised.

My reply is a nod.

"Let me guess. You want to meet them." He smiles.

"Yes, I would." I say to him.

He laughs, "The first shapeshifter that I met doesn't live far from here. I'm sure that you could probably meet her today."

"Really? How did you meet her?" I asked without hesitating.

"Well, I'll just say that my son knows her. Her name is Misty."

He continued by telling me where she lived, and that I could go meet her right now.

My heart raced inside me.

I can't believe it! I'm really going to meet a shapeshifter! Living proof that I'm not the only one of my kind!

I looked over at Elias. He nodded and held his car keys up. I turned to Alex and the others.

Westen says, "Go ahead. We have some other business to do with Mr.Liam."

I literally ran out the front door with super speed. Elias followed behind, but I called for him to hurry up.

I jumped into his Mustang. Then he got into the driver's seat.

Elias started the car with a smile, and we left to meet a shapeshifter.
