The Abysmal Plan

I held back a growl as my enemy continued to speak calmly, "Oh, I'm sure you'd love to know how I'm going to accomplish such a feat."
I glance at the team. Worried looks covered their faces.
Drake has always won in some way. But he won't this time!
Drake starts again, "Well, let me start from the beginning, Anada. Before you were even born."
Drake was talking specifically to me. He used to be obsessed with extinguishing the team, but it looks like his ultimate target shifted to me.
"Many years before I ever fought your parents, I lived peacefully here in Salt Tide City. I was a millionaire and still am. Anyway, I was married and my daughter, Victoria, was seven years old. Then one night a man broke into my house and shot my wife. The man escaped and for weeks the police searched for this man, but never found him. I even hired a private investigator. He was useless."
I swallowed as he paused.
Drake then continued his story, "Months past and I decided to find the killer myself. I knew he was still in the city. So I started my idea. That plan of mine will finally be accomplished today."
He paused once more then said, "But your parents disrupted my plans, Anada. You also tried, Anada, but too bad you failed."
I had had enough of this man. He was about to get a mouthful of words from me too.
I finally stood and shouted, "So all of this has been about getting revenge?! You killed my parents! Don't you realize that you did the same thing that killed your wife? You're no better than the person who shot your wife!
But no! You instead try destroying an entire city because of just one of its citizens."
Smoke and sparks are coming out of my nose. I could feel my spines and talons heat with my anger. My blood burned with fury and heartache.
A small look crossed Drake's face. I couldn't identify what it was, but it lasted less then a second.
"Whatever. I've waited nearly seventeen years to do this. Not even a dragon shapeshifter can stop me." Drake intimidated.
We'll see about that.
He starts to speak again, "I guess I'll tell you my plan since you'll be dieing anyway."
Drake laughs then puts his hands inside the pockets of his jeans, "You see this behind me?"
I glance behind him and see a railing behind Drake. There's no floor beyond that and it looks to be a deep drop.
"Well, this whole building is hollow, and it also goes many yards deeper than the ground level."
What would someone need with a hollow building?
Drake points toward something outside the room we are in, "You can't see it, but there's a rocket pointed down at the ground. Once my voice activates it the rocket will shoot straight down. It'll then go below ground level and explode."
I hold back a smile as I say, "So you're going to blow up the city? Don't you realize you'll be destroyed with it?"
He starts to laugh and I frown as he looks at me amusingly, "Aw, this is my favorite part though. The rocket won't destroy the city. It'll go deep in the crust of the earth and explode. And, according to my scientists, it will cause a new fault line underneath the city. That fault will then connect with the fault above Charleston, South Carolina. Once they meet, everything from Salt Tide City to Charleston will fall into the ocean."
Wait, that means Elias's town and his family will be affected! My grandmother will too. Then my house will also be destroyed!
Drake adds in, "The rocket will make the fault, but it will take ten minutes for that fault to connect with the one in Charleston. During that time, I'll be riding my helicopter to safety."
"What if I told that I just burned the wires in your escape machine?" I question.
Fear covers his face for a millisecond, but he replaces it with a calm expression, "I have connections, Anada. I can find any transportation I need with a snap of my finger."
"You won't get away with your schemes, Drake." I say to him with venom in my voice.
That's exactly when Drake's men began shooting. By the time my team started to shoot back, Drake had vanished.
I watched the enemy men fall slowly, but I knew we had no time. Drake was starting his plan.
I tell Elias over the loud gunshots, "I'm going after Drake! Cover me!"
"I'll come with you." He shouts back.
I gently push him back and say, "No, it's too dangerous, Elias!"
I didn't wait for his answer. I ran as fast as lightning across the room. The place was like a war-zone. Bullets flying overhead and piercing crates. The loud sounds hurt my head, but I ignored them. I could feel bullets whiz by me and barely miss me.
I kept my eyes on the wide doorway, but it was quickly closing. I was nearly there when a bullet shot through the thin membrane on my wings. A cry escaped my throat and a stream of fire shot out along with it. The fire struck the man who had shot the bullet. He fell to the floor with a loud scream.
I continued toward the door with my wings folded against my body. The bullet wound was bleeding, but I knew that I could still fly if I had to.
I slide through the doorway as it was close to shutting. I glanced back at my teammates one last time, but instantly regretted it.
I watched as Alex stood and shot a few rounds. Then one bullet flew through the air and made contact with his chest.
As the door finally closed, I screamed as my teammate and dear friend fell to the floor.
