Another Surprise

Everyone gathered in the living room after we ate. Some of the teens had to sit in the floor, because there weren't enough chairs.
I counted the people in the room. There were twenty-five family members crowded into the small area.
I suddenly felt claustrophobic, and I went outside to get some space.
When I left the house, I took a deep breath of fresh air. It was calm and quiet outside. Those are two things that I've always liked.
I heard the door open behind me. I turned and saw Elias.
He asks to me, "Was it too many people for you?"
"Yeah." I reply.
Then I quickly tell him, "I think... I'm going to go see Sarah. My mom said in her letter that she is my grandmother."
Elias nods, "Do you need me to drive you to her house?"
"No, that's fine. You can stay here and visit with your family. She doesn't live far from here, does she?" I ask.
He points down the road and says, "No, her house is right down there. It's a short walk away."
I smile at him, "Okay, I'm on my way."
I turn and start walking, but I tell Elias before I leave, "I'll come by later. Also, could you tell your mom that I said thanks for letting me visit?"
"Sure, and I might drop by Sarah's too. She's a good friend of mine, and I'd like to see her before we leave tomorrow." He says.
"Okay, see you later." I wave and walk through the yard.
I go down the road for a few minutes, and I easily find Sarah's house.
The house isn't very big, but the yard is well kept. The grass is cut, and many various flowers are growing in different places around the front yard.
I quietly walk to the door. As I near the house, something behind the house catches my eye.
I look closer and notices that it is a person walking into the woods. The person is obviously Sarah.
I wordlessly start to pursue her. I decide to not shout to get her attention, because it might scare her.
I go into the woods and follow, but I immediately lose her.
Wait, where did she go? I literally just saw her walk this way.
An unsettling feeling filled me. I shifted to a dragon to make myself not so vulnerable.
What if Drake is here?
The strange disappearance had made me on high alert as I continued deeper into the woods.
I dared to not say a word. There could be danger lurking about, and my voice would only attract it.
I sniffed the air as I look three hundred degrees around me. The woods were completely silent.
I was on edge and tense. I turned to glare at a group of pine trees.
Then without warning, I heard loud paws running behind me.
I whipped around as a tan body slammed into me. I roared as I was thrown against the only rock in the area.
I immediately recovered, and spun around with my wings partly open. The creature tried digging its claws into my scales, but its attempt was useless.
I kicked the furred animal in the stomach. I quickly backed away to get a look at my attacker.
It was a large lioness with dazzling golden eyes.
I suddenly recalled the time I saved Neil from a mountain lion. That was different though. This was the type of lion you would see in Africa.
The lioness growled at me. I stared deep into eyes as we circled each other.
Those eyes... they're too bright, and why would a lion be at the beach?
I suddenly figured out that this really wasn't a normal lioness. It was a shapeshifter.
The large cat pounced at me again. I dodged its blow, but I didn't lash out at it this time.
"Stop." I said to it.
The lioness paused, but didn't let down its guard.
"I'm a shapeshifter just like you." I added.
It looked at me strangely then said in a familiar voice, "Prove it."
I took a step back, and shifted back to human. I glanced back at the lioness. A completely shocked expression was on the cat's face.
Without a word, the lioness shifted.
I watched as she shifted and asked me, "Anada, did I hurt you. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"Sarah?" I stuttered unbelieving.
Sarah was a lion. She was a shapeshifter the whole time and I never guessed it!
She walked to me then wrapped her arms around me as she continued to ask if I was okay.
"I was taking a walk in the woods, and something was following me. I was only protecting myself. I had no idea. You know that I would never hurt you, Anada. Are you sure that you're okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Are you okay?" I asked her.
Sarah looked down at me with a smile, "Oh, yes. Never been better."
She then asked, "You're a... dragon?"
I smiled, "Yes."
"Well, I never would've thought it. How about we go to my house, and tell me how you've been since we last saw each other." She said to me happily.
I walked with her and said slowly, "That's why I came back. I need to talk to you about... something."
She looked at me curiously, and I continued, "I... um... I found out some interesting information. It may be more shocking than finding out I'm a shapeshifter."
"What's that?" She asked as we walked to the back of her house.
I took a deep breath then said to her, "I think... you're my grandmother."
