Together Forever

"I didn't exactly know what you'd want on a date so I figured maybe a day on the beach would be nice?" Ash spoke, worried she wouldn't like it. This is the second date they've gone on, but Ash was still worried. "Ash, this is perfect. As long as I'm with you, everything just feels... right. Like it should be." "Serena, I feel the same way. I don't want to spend anymore time without you, but I don't wanna stop you from continuing on with your dream." Serena looked at Ash and immediately made up her mind. She kissed him on the cheek and said, "Ash, we can stay together and we can both continue our dreams. We can go to new regions and I can bring Pokémon Performances and compete in whatever they have there too! Just like how you can compete in gyms and whatever else they have too! We don't have to be apart to make our dreams come true." Ash looked at her with nothing but love and Serena took notice of this. She leaned her head on Ash's shoulder and Ash leaned his head on her's. "I'm sorry." Ash whispered sadly. "For what?" "For not picking up on anything back in Kalos. Looking back, I was pretty dense. Guess I still am. Bonnie picked up on it though." Serena giggled, "Well Bonnie was always trying to find Clemont a wife so she's all into romance." Ash chuckled at this. "Yeah. I just wish I'd noticed sooner. I feel like it might've hurt you." He sounded dejected and mad at himself. "Ash, you didn't hurt me. You were just so focused on your goal, and look at you now. I'm glad you did. I'm so proud of you. You came so far and pushed through and won. We're together now and that's what counts. I'm never leaving... I love you." Ash was falling deeper in love after every word she spoke. "I'm never leaving either, Serena. I honestly can't see a future without you. Maybe that makes me crazy being so young, but I really can't." Serena didn't say anything. She just snuggled up closer to Ash and let out a content sigh. Ash smiled happily. He had completed part of his goal of being a Pokémon Master, but he knew he had a lot more to do if he wanted to reach that goal, and if he was going to do it with anyone, he wanted to do it with Serena. The person he loved most.
