Alone Time

Serena slowly took Ash's hat and dropped it on the floor, revealing his messy, raven colored hair. Ash didn't mind. He was too busy looking into her eyes. "You're cuter without your hat," Serena complimented. Ash blushed furiously. He couldn't do anything but smile at her. Serena put her and up to the top of her hand and moved to towards Ash. Her hand landed just below Ash's eyeline. "You're taller than me now," she giggled. "Oh um-I-uh." Serena cut him off. "It feels right." "You're being pretty flirty," Ash grinned. "Well, I guess after kissing someone, you get braver around them," Serena responded. Ash couldn't help but move his eyes to her lips. They looked so soft and warm. He wanted to feel them against his again. "I missed you alot." Serena's words broke Ash from his trance. "I missed you too." Serena smiled at him. "Why did you kiss me?" Ash asked suddenly. The question caught Serena off-gaurd. "I-I, because," Serena composed herself. "I kissed you because I was going to miss you. I had never gotten a chance to show you my feelings. I really liked you." Serena finished. "Do you still like me? Like, do you do still hold those feelings?" Ash asked, hopeful. "Would it be bad if I still did?" Serena asked looking down. "I was hoping you did, because I have those feelings for you." Ash confessed. Serena looked up with tears in her eyes. "Ash. Do you really mean that?" Serena asked. "Yeah. I couldn't get my mind of of you." Serena threw her arms around Ash as she buried her face in his chest, crying her eyes out. This was the happiest she had ever been in her entire life. Ash returned the hug as he put his face on the top of her head. He smelled it's strawberry scent. Serena looked up at Ash, still crying. "Does this mean..." Serena trailed off. "What's wrong?" Ash asked. "I just don't want to get ahead of myself." Serena sobbed. "You can ask me anything, Serena." Ash assured her. "Does this mean that you want to be with me? As boyfriend and girlfriend?" Serena asked. Ash smiled down at her as she waited for an answer. "I do. I want to be with you, Serena. Through thick and thin." Ash gushed. Serena was now back to burying her face in Ash's chest, crying. Ash hugged her, holding her in his arms. Serena pulled her face from Ash's chest. "I love you so much!" She went back to sobbing into his chest. "I love you too, Serena."

Ash had brought Serena back to Kukui's Lab, where he offered for her to stay there. The new couple were watching T.V. until Serena fell asleep and her head fell on Ash's shoulder. 'She's so beautiful.' Ash thought to himself. Ash heard Pikachu yawn from the other side of the couch and decided it was time for bed. He didn't want to stop Serena cuddling with him but he had to. He picked her up and put her on one side of the couch while he went to the other side. Pikachu slept with Serena because unlike Ash, she was a gentle sleeper. Pikachu crawled in between her arms and slept. Ash thought to himself. 'I'm the luckiest guy in the universe.' And with that he rolled over and went to sleep.
