Moving to the Finals

"And Decidueye is unable to battle! Torracat is the winner! Meaning the victory goes to Ash!" Shouted the announcer. "Ash advances to the Finals to battle Gladion, who had previously won his battle against Guzma!" Ash was psyched. This is the furthest he's ever been besides Kalos. He knew if he won his battle against Gladion, that he would be the first ever champion of the Alola League and the winner of an officially sanctioned Pokémon League. "Wow," exclaimed Hau, "I knew you were strong, Ash, but I never got to see your full power until now." Ash smiled, "Yeah! When it comes to a League battle, I pull out all the stops!"

Ash was laying on the couch at Kukui's house, staring at the ceiling. His Pokémon and Kukui had fallen asleep, but he was wide awake. It had been a year since Ash had left Kalos. He was now 14 and the main thing that had changed was his height. He now stood 5'5 and his body was more toned and slightly more muscular. He was still the same dense boy with the energetic, up-beat, optimistic spirit, but he had some confusing feelings start to show up. He was missing his Kalos friends. Serena in particular. He couldn't get his mind of off her. Her radiant smile, her beautiful sapphire blue eyes, her gorgeus honey-blonde hair, her strawberry scent, and her attractive body and face. Looks weren't all he was thinking about though. He was also thinking about how she was always kind to everyone, how she forgave and forgot, and how she always returned the favor of Ash encouraging her by encouraging him. To him, she was perfect. In every sense of the word.
'Why am I thinking like this?' Ash thought to himself. 'I've never looked at anyone this way before, let alone a girl. She kissed me. Does that... mean something?' He sat for a moment, processing what he just thought. He then spoke aloud. "Do I have a crush on Serena?"

It had been a year since Serena had left Kalos and kissed Ash. She was now 14, only being younger than Ash by two months, and she was still relatively the same except she had grown to be 5'2. Her breasts had grown (children grow and develop, get over it) and her butt had as well. She was still skinny. Her hair was longer now. It came down to her shoulders. She missed her Kalos friends. Ash in particular. She had fallen head over heels for him during their journey. Her crush blossomed into infatuation and was soon to be on the verge of love. She had competed in every contest and showcase in Hoenn and now had heard of the Alola Region. She was quick to learn that Alola did not have Pokémon Showcases or Contests. She decided to go to Alola in hopes to spread Showcases to other regions. Little did she know, that's where Ash was.
