
{ about time I did one }

Jones was sitting on a rooftop watching with his sniper as a his target left a building he amid and froze. This wasn't his normal style but when he did stuff for the organization he worked for they wanted him not to be and he quoted 'not involved in the eye of  law' that meant  his normal way was out of the window. He shot and it was perfect it got the dude in the first try he watched the body crumble to the floor people started screaming and running. He quickly put his stuff away and sneaks away in the panic to the car that awaited him he got in and the car drove. He smirked at the drive as he got out saying a quick thank you to him before walking into the building that hid the people he works for. He quickly made his way to the meeting room dropping his bags in the ' fun room' as they referred to it. He opened the door and slide into the ongoing meeting his bosses were talking to a very important looking Russian dude.

" jones " boss 1 said half heartily as he glanced at jones. Jones nodded and sat on the table taking out a knife that was in a pouch on his belt and sharpening it look over at the Russian they all stoped talking and were looking at him.

" jones get off of the table " boss 2 says with a hand on his head " did you do it?" He asked quickly. Jones nodded

" yess I did~ check the news " he smiled wickedly " what a shame I couldn't bring him in " jones said sadly.

" what a shame indeed " boss 1&2 said at the same time both looked tired of dealing with jones already. Jones smiled as the tv turn on. What they have one In each room. The news lady was going on about how the case didn't make any sense and no trace of the shooter was found only the bullet which didn't match any guns that were opened to the public. Jones smirks and spins the knife

" of course it doesn't my guns are handmade " he sassy the news lady even though he knew she couldn't hear him. He looks at the Russian dude he was watching the news with interest. He looks back at his knife going back to sharpening it to the point it was perfect in his eyes he then put it back and pulled one of his hand guns out of it spot on his belt. He had identical one on his other hip. He quickly checked it over before get a rag from one of his many pockets on his belt and started to clean it up. His bosses went back to chatting but He felt eyes on his back. So he glanced up and joins listening to their conversation not very much liking it.

" we can let you barrow him for a year or so if you pay us half of what you make off of the deals you make for the kills." I narrowed my eyes at boss 1 boss 2 looked at him as well

" no way he's one of our best we can send someone else but we need him for a mission that will take a couple of weeks!" He argued I narrowed my eyes even more.

" I think you two are forgetting I can easily shot both of you and walk away IM NOT A TOOL " jones snarled they both looked over at him and glanced back at each other. The guy who saved him mister Ricky died and gave his children everything but he gave Alfred jones his weapons and secret weapons. Jones only stayed dude to loyalty to Ricky he wasn't a tool for his kids amusement. The Russian nodded at what jones had said

" he is right he isn't a tool for your use he could easily make it on his own " the Russian turns to jones " my name is Ivan Braginsky " he smiled softly. That really ruffled his bosses feathers and it made jones happy.

" Alfred jones " he smiled sticking a hand out for Ivan to shake " its been great meeting you " he smiled and turns back to his bosses after Ivan shakes his hand also secretly passing him a card with information on it and a note Alfred was expecting that but played it cool and slipped both into his pocket before spinning the gun and putting it in its right place. " but please excuse me I have things to do " as he left he felt eyes on his back as he left. He walks into the 'fun room' it was his office technically since he worked in here often he shut the door and looked down at his hand before getting the card and note and reading them. The card was a business card and the note read

' when you want to leave them call me - signed by Ivan braginsky' when did he have the time  to write that jones didn't know. He doubted he would use it.

7 months later

Alfred glares at the table in front of him he wasn't supposed to be here at the moment he was released earlier for no reason so he chose to stay and work on his weapons only to hear in the room next to him them holding a meeting with some mafia people about selling him to them. Hell no. He quickly got all of his stuff in some bags and put them around his body and quietly picked up the other bags and started walking to the back door where his personal car was he threw his bags in the trunk and got in and started it and drove out and away from that building. He glares at his phone and grabs it and puts a number in and it rings. He puts it on speaker and waits for it to be answered.

" hello this is Ivan speaking " he heard a voice he knew.

" is that offer still up " he said angry at what his bosses tried to do.

" Yes..... what happened might I ask" he asked curiously from the other side of the phone.

" they tried to sell me behind my back " he hissed " you seem more responsible then they do." He said slightly smirking before a ringing interrupted his conversation he glanced at his second phone..... yes he had two his work phone and his personal phone how could he forget they had a tracking device on it he quickly parked and spoke to Ivan " I don't care if you listen in to this conversation" he sighs softly " just stay quiet he answered the phone boss 1 voice ringing out

" Alfred you need to come back to the base we have someone who wants to meet you"

" no thanks kinda busy " he picks up the phone Ivan was called on hitting the home button which allowed him to use his phone and do other stuff he opened the text app and opened Ivan's contact and send him coordinates of meet up place.

" you will.... right now jones because we own you " he hissed at jones.

" you don't own me neither did your dad " he hissed back " I will be back eventually I'm busy at the moment " he ended the call and put down the phone Ivan was still on call with and tossed his work phone into the road as he started driving again. " those coordinates is where I will be hiding out from everyone it very hidden mister braginsky and you have to be the one to show up you can bring others I guess but you have to show up or I will kill them"he warned before letting Ivan speak

" okay mister jones I will see you there" he hangs up and Alfred was left alone with his thoughts as he ditched his car and stole a really old car and put the bags in the old car.

{ should I continue this story}
