Happy hurts

{ so this is song lyrics being thought
This is song lyrics being spoken
Normal is just the story and talking:) }

Happy hurts sometimes, oh' Alfred watched the other nations talk with a fake smile. 'Blame it on the monsters in my mind'. His brother looked at him and speaks.

" how have you been "

"I've been getting better ". Alfred said happily but in his mind finished what he truly wanted to say 'at slowly getting worse, oh'. Eventually the meeting ends and everyone leaves or so Alfred thinks Ivan was still there reading over notes totally not stalking.

"What's wrong with me when happy hurts?.....Happy hurts......This on again off again temperamental affection.....For my darling depression is making me go mad" Alfred said to himself shaking his head and leaving the meeting room heading towards the hotel not safe from his mind he continued thinking.
'I hear there's a fine line between crazy and sad......But I can't tell a difference up close........There's a lot of us you know, I'll and un-diagnosed....But I don't need a piece of paper to tell me what I already know'

"I'm not alright for tonight can we let that be alright? Pick up the battle again in the morning light And I'm fighting so hard to come out of the dark Trying to turn off the night finally let in the light Trying to make my misery just a piece of my history" Ivan followed and finally spoke up nervously.

" Alfred I heard what you said just now and in the meeting room let's talk?"

'A little less victim a little more victory' Alfred add in his head looking at Ivan quietly before choosing to tell him when he was brought to a park.

"Happy hurts sometimes, oh
Blame it on the monsters in my mind oh
I've been getting better at slowly getting worse, oh What's wrong with me when happy hurts? Happy hurts" Alfred said almost in tears before getting up and running unable to say anything else to Ivan who just sighs.

'So today I feel okay guess it was all just in my head I just need to try harder I guess' he said in his mind getting up and getting dressed and going to the meeting.

"Yeah everyone else in the world seems to be doing alright" Alfred mutters.

' "Yeah I'm alright" for tonight can we let the pain and the happy mix? Can the two coexist? The beauty next to the mess. Because I swear I have them both already beating in my chest
If that makes me crazy the numbers don't lie
But I don't call that crazy I call that being alive And I'm fighting so hard to come out of the dark  Trying to turn off the night finally let in the light '  he thinks then gets snap back to the meeting when he got yelled at by England he couldn't help it he fell apart.

"Trying to make my misery just a piece of my history A little less victim a little more victory please Happy hurts sometimes, oh
Blame it on the monsters in my mind oh
I've been getting better at slowly getting worse, oh What's wrong with me when happy hurts? "

' Happy hurts ' Alfred add in his mind as he blotted again to go hide why was it always him? He eventually finds that park and sits on the grass under a tree as he gets lost in his mind and started quietly crying

'If I had to pick between the way that I am and the way that everybody else seems to pretend
I wouldn't consider it not for even a second between psycho and sanity it's not even a question' he calms himself down and continues
'My favorite part of my self seem to make the least sense All the cracks in my skin they just let the light in' he smiled at the thought sometimes he could truly smile it was hard and rare but it could happen.

'My favorite part of my self make the least sense All the cracks in my skin let the light in' and as soon as it came it left and he started crying again

'Happy hurts sometimes, oh All I want's the one thing I can't find I've been getting better at slowly getting worse, oh'

"What's wrong with me when happy hurts?" He muttered

"What's wrong with me when happy hurts? I've been getting better at slowly getting worse, oh What's wrong with me when happy hurts? Happy hurts" Alfred says out loud only to be scared out of his mind when Ivan sat down next to him.

" maybe we can be hurt buddies " he offered and America just smiled.

" maybe "

{ this is a good song I love icon for hire so much good relatable songs also this brought to you by the I can't sleep gang at 3:00 am ....... wow I started writing this at 2:00 am .... my eyes hurt anyways the request one shot I'm working on should be out tomorrow or the day after:) }
