
America was a heavy sleeper so he was curled up in his hammock. His brother Canada was up and grumpy as he watched his brother sleep. Russia was waiting for them to get moving to their first class. England who was the grumpy sea wing. Canada finally gets up and shakes America awake.

" I'm up " America said scared as he jumped up and out of the hammock use to his brother shaking him awake when danger was near by so he was definitely not ready to be awake. Canada snorts. England huffs and quickly leaves

" took you long enough now let's go I won't be late because of you." The seawing called out from over his shoulder. Russia just smiled and walked after England. The brother walked behind them out of ear shot.

" they don't know right? That we are you know" America said nervously forcing his scales to stay black and his wings to keep the white specks. Canada turns to a nervous color as he looked at them.

" no I don't think so but me eating that chicken definitely didn't help did it" Canada said remembering the other day.

" we could just leave this seemed fun but I'm not sure I don't really want others to know it's none of the business." America said frowning. The scales at his feet shifted to red before America could stop them he quickly forced them back to black and glanced around.  The two in the front didn't seem to notice making America relax still forcing his scales to stay black.

" we could nothing keeping us here but let just see how today goes" they entered the meeting place for their winglet they where the gold winglet. They sat next to Russia. England was being harassed by a sand wing. A quiet mud wing set next to a stoic sky wing.

A rain wing came in behind them and smiled  but it quickly dropped when she saw Canada and America. She quickly walks by them and sits.

" okay hi I'm berry " she said and smiled " I'm your winglet leader for today".

" thank you for teaching us" the mud wing said quietly. The sky wing nodded his head in agreement.

" it's no problem really " she said back " since it's the first day introduce yourselfs " she nodded for the mud wing to being.

" my name is japan and I like " he stopped " I like art " he finished the sky wing opened his mouth but was cut off by the sand wing.

" I'm France! I love learning about history of other dragons " he said winking at Canada who frowns and shifted closer to America. England wack his head with a wing.

" don't be rude it wasn't your turn" England huffs and turns away and looked at the sky wing.

" I'm Germany my brother teaches here " is all the sky wing said looking at England.

" I'm England.  I have know France for moons " he said unhappily as France then winks at England which resulted in England smacking him with his tail.

" I'm Russia that's all you need to know " Russia said with a smile. Canada looks at his brother to see if he wanted to go first but America was looking right back. Eventually Canada won there little competition which means America went first.

" I'm American I like reading" he said nervously. Canada rolls his eyes

" I'm Canada " is all Canada said as he lift a claw and it changed to black to match America's before making it pale white like Russia. He shifted it to England dark green then to France yellow. Finally shifted it to the brown of Japan's scales then to Germany's red. " I like to make my scales match the other tribes colors " he mused. America rolls his eyes. Berry nervously cleared her throat. And started talking but Canada and America zoned out focus on their own conversation.

" why do stars sparkle like that?" America said in awe over the thought of stars. His brother just rolled his eyes.

" because they want too" he eventually said looking at his claws bored.

" okay then but why do your scales change colors don't you want to know?" America said looking down at his own scales forcing himself to not change his scales.

" they change because they can I don't know America " he said looking up at his brother.

" hmmm what about scavengers don't you want to just watch them and learn what they do?" America said knowingly. Canada has one secret he loved scavengers a lot and wanted to befriend one.

" actually yes I want that" he mused " but scavengers are dangerous ".

" so you gain their trust then they will start to trust you" America said glad he could get his brother interested.

" good idea America " he said going quiet to think about it. America just smiled and thinks to himself.

{ so this is fun to write but I'm putting dragons on hold for a bit along with hitman and  of wings and crowns so I can have time to write like two for each}
