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"Was that really necessary?"ย 

Cherry glanced down at her camera, her feet dangling from the stool at the bar in Luke's Diner, as her mother sat next to her amused. The two had decided to get breakfast on that Saturday as a treat. "Oh, man. You do not photograph well. Have you been getting sleep?"

Luke rolled his eyes, snatching the camera to look for himself. "I'm pretty sure I have a 'no photographs' policy."

"That doesn't include me." Cherry gave him a bright grin.

"Whatever. It was a bad angle and a harsh light. A soft light would have helped with the thing in the eyes." he handed back the camera, placing his hands on his hips. "Hey, Jess mentioned some party this weekend. Are you going?"

Bethany Doose looked up from her menu to look between Luke and Cherry before settling her gaze on her daughter. "You're going to a party?"ย 

"Yeah, if that's okay." Cherry smoothed (or at least attempted to) out her blonde curls. "Lane's band are playing their first gig."

"That's fine by me. Just don't get up on any tables to dance. It will haunt you for the rest of your life, trust me. Been there, done that."

Cherry raised an amused eyebrow at her mother. "Wow. Very Kat Stratford of you."ย 

Crossing his arms over his chest, Luke raised the question. "Who?"

"Never mind." Cherry muttered, waving a hand of dismissal. Shrugging, Luke refilled their coffee mugs before walking away attending other customers. Bethany watched her daughter carefully as she sipped the dark liquid that scorched her taste buds. When she realised she was being stared at, Cherry turned to return the stare. "What?"ย 

"Both you and Jess going to this party, huh?"

Cherry blushed, looking away as she cleared her throat. "Yeah, I suppose . . . "

Rolling her eyes, Bethany rolled her eyes before scooting closer and leaning her head on her hand. "Cut the bullshit. I know something happened. So, spit it out already."ย 

"Mom!" she protested, nudging her away. Shaking her curls, her light eyes were trained on her reflection in the muggy surface of her coffee. "Nothing happened." at her mother's expectant look, Cherry sighed. "Fine. We may have . . . kissed."

"What?" Bethany exclaimed loudly, ignoring the looks of bypassers as she stared agape. "When? How? Did he initiate it? Isn't he dating Roโ€”"

Cherry pressed her hand to her mom's lips, making sure no one overheard anything. "Sh! You want the whole town finding out?" sighing, she dropped her hand away and hid her face. "I know he's dating someone. Everything is so complicated and I don't know what he's thinking, because it's Jess fucking Mariano and no one ever really knows what he's thinking."

Her mother raised an eyebrow. "You didn't think to ask him what the kiss meant?"

"Well, I'm sorry I didn't think of asking when his tongue was in my mouth!"ย 

Scrunching her nose, Bethany sipped her coffee. "No need for such detail. You should get more friends your age."

"Ha ha." Cherry retorted. "Do you actually have any advice or did you just want the gossip?"ย 

"Talk." Bethany answered simply. "I know, what a cliche. But really, you're graduating soon. See if your paths lead the same way. Then figure out what each of you actually want."ย 

The solution tossed over Cherry's mind the next few days. Could it be as easy as that? As to share a few words and set the record straight? It seemed something impossible for the two. Yet she was willing to try. That's why Cherry Doose ended up attending the party. It was already packed by the time she arrived, having to squeeze through the crowd that danced to Lane's band. Though they seemed to have finished their first set, and Dave was storming away from Lane.

Approaching slowly, Cherry dug her hands into her pockets. "Hey Lane, everything alright?"

"Yeah." the dark haired girl breathed out. "Dave's just frustrated because prom is in two weeks and my 'boyfriend' hasn't broken up with me yet."ย 

Cherry raised her eyebrows. "I thought Dave was youโ€” never mind. It sounds chaotic."

"It is." Lane agreed, chuckling slightly. "So, what did you think of our band?"

"I only heard a bit, but it sounded really good! You guys must have practiced a lot."

"We did, I mean I practically lived in Lorelai's garage."ย  Laughing, Cherry's eyes searched the room. "Looking for someone?"

The blonde pressed her lips together. "Actually, I am. Have you happened to see Jessโ€”"

Her question was interrupted as she was slightly pushed forward by collision. Frowning, she turned around ready to shout, when the view of Dean and Jess wrestling and throwing swift punches to each other. Horrified, she didn't spare Lane a glance. "I . . . I'll be right back."ย 

The fight took itself outside as others attempted to separate the two, who seemed insistent on getting the last punch. Wrapping her jacket around herself, Cherry stormed down the front yard. "Hey! What the hell are you two doing?"

Hearing her voice, Jess pulled backwards, the rhythmic pulse of the police sirens illuminating his face in red and blue. He was surprised to see herย โ€” he had thought this wouldn't be her scene. Staring at her, breathing heavily, he turned around and stalked away.

Glancing back, Cherry soon made the impulsive decision to follow him. "Jess, hey! I know you can hear me."

He suddenly turned around, his stare gazing intensely into her. "I'm leaving to California."

"What?" Cherry breathed out, her smile faltering. Goosebumps peppered her pale skin, the distance between the two providing no warmth under the blanket of stars. "What has brought on this decision?"

Jess chuckled, but a bitter laugh escaped his lips. "Where to start? I've flunked out of high school. Luke has pretty much kicked me out for flunking. This town hates me. I'm pretty sure Rory hates me for being in love with you."

She stared at him. "Wow. That was a lot in one sentence." as Jess pressed his lips in an attempt to not be vulnerable, Cherry took a few steps forward and pulled him into a hug. It took a few seconds for him to respond, but his arms tightened around her waist as he dug his face into the crook of her shoulders. "Why California?"

"My dad. He lives there."

She slightly nodded, and Jess could feel her smiling before she asked the next question. "And you're in love with me?"

"Shut up." he groaned as he pulled away, yet the corner of his lips tugged upwards. "I didn't mean to say that."ย 

"Yet you did." she teased. A flutter of silence stole away the slight amusement as Cherry shifted her weight. "Last time you left for New York, we weren't speaking."

Jess shuffled awkwardly. "It's different this time. I'm going to call so many times every time you hear the ring tone you'll groan."

"I don't think it's possible for me to get sick of you." nudging him, Cherry swayed on her feet. Despite the fact he was leaving, they were talking. It made her happy, giddy. "I know you've got your heart set out in being a monster, but I'm sorry to say you're not."ย 

He gazed at her. "You are a walking cliche."

She smiled. "One you're in love with."

"Oh, shut up!"

did y'all like the playlist?ย 

this fanfic has become one of the little joys in my life i really enjoy writing itย 

next chapter will be act three!
