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"We're back, bitches! The Dooses are back!"

Cherry's excited scream, with her arms in the air, went unheard by the rest of the town. Their usual weekend market was displayed, and it appeared the bystanders were too occupied trying to get their daily bargains. Pouting disappointed, she brought her arms down as she glanced towards her mother, Bethany. "It's like they never even noticed we left."

The two female Dooses had spent the summer at Boston, doing the Freedom Trail, going whale watching and watching baseball at Fenway Park despite not being interested at all in any shape or form of sports. Through-out the summer, her and Jess had shared a few calls, in which Bethany had teased from the background with kissing noises. Slowly, Cherry had found it in herself to trust Jess again, now aware that the boy didn't like her like that.ย 

Speaking of the devil. "I didn't know your friend Jess had a girlfriend."

Confused at her mother's statement, Cherry turned around to follow Bethany's gaze. Pushed against a tree was the familiar raven-haired boy, too busy lip-locking with a blonde girl to even realise Cherry was back. Frowning slightly, Cherry pursed her lips. "Neither did I. I'll be right back."

Making her way towards the making out couple, Cherry paused to grab her grandfather's air horn that he often abused in town meetings before finally approaching. The air horn made such a shrill noise that even Cherry slightly winced, as the girl jumped apart from Jess. The boy frowned confused, before his gaze settled on Cherry and he rolled his eyes amused.

Shane, who Cherry recognised from passing in the hallways, widened her eyes. "What are youโ”€ Jess!"

Jess shrugged under Shane's bewildered gaze, who humphed before stalking away, half expecting Jess to follow her. When he didn't, she blushed embarrassed and disappeared, making Cherry turn towards Jess with a raised eyebrow.

"Really, Cher? An air horn?"

Cherry smiled sarcastically. "Really, Jess? Did I miss a chapter, or what? Why didn't you tell me during our phone calls that you were dating the blonde of the block?"

Jess hesitated. It was only a recent development. He could lie, and say that it was to make Rory jealous, as she had returned two days ago. But even he knew, deep down, that it wasn't true. Sure, he was annoyed that Rory had ignored him all summer long after kissing him, only to still be dating Dean. But with Cherry coming back, he had suddenly felt the sudden urge to find someone to have a thing with. Jess was also aware that Shane looked slightly like Cherry, after Luke had pointed it out. That was a fact that was totally unintentional from Jess's side.ย 

"I'm pretty sure you're the iconic blonde of the block." Jess joked, attempting to deviate the topic of conversation elsewhere. When Cherry narrowed her eyes at him, he sighed. "Fine. Rory's dating Dean."

Cherry's stern gaze dropped into a softer one as her arms dropped to the side. "I'm sorry, Jess. Have you spoken to Rory yet?"

"Nope." Jess retorted, the 'p' popping against his lips as he proceeded to grab an apple from a market stand and sunk his teeth into it. Cherry hurridly threw some coins onto the stand and caught up with Jess. "Look, I don't really want to talk about it. I'm with Shane now."

A judgemental look crossed Cherry's face. "Butโ”€"

"But nothing." Jess interrupted. "Not every relationship has to be an Amy and Laurieโ”€"

Cherry tilted her head. "I would say you and Rory are more like Laurie and Jo, but go on."

"โ”€me and Shane are more like Joey and Rachel. Or perhaps Chandler and Janice, I think that's better suited."

Laughing, she had to slightly agree. "Okay, you have a point. Also, when did you watch friends?"

"Since you wouldn't stop going on and on about it in your phone calls." Jess paused, leaning his arm on the wall behind him before a twinkle of mischief shone in his dark eyes. "Anyways, forget all of that. I have a surprise for you. A welcome back sort of thing."

An excited grin appeared on Cherry's face as she slightly bounced on her toes. "Waitโ”€are you serious? You are officially the best. Forget anything I've ever insulted you with before in the past."

"I'll see you at seven, okay? I've got to sort some things out first." after agreeing at a time and place, Cherry walked away, a giddy look in her eyes as she strolled around Stars Hollow. Turning the corner, she suddenly spotted Rory Gilmore exiting the bookstore, a troubling look on her pale features. Before thinking it through, Cherry made her way over, standing in front of Rory who looked up surprised.

"Cherry! I didn't know you were back."

Taking a deep breath, Cherry said "I know you don't have cruel intentions, but all this stringing along both Jess and Dean isn't cool. They both don't deserve to be treated as dirt as they are the sweetest, and most caring boys you might ever meet. And Jess may not show it as easily, but he still has feelings. And if you can't make your mind up, perhaps it's better just leaving both of them alone so they can find someone who will truly be able to love them as they should be loved. It isn't fair on you, and it isn't fair on them."

Rory widened her eyes, standing slightly agape as Cherry finished her speech. When the brunette kept quiet, Cherry nodded. "Okay. Thanks for listening."

And with that she left.

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Cherry felt a bit conflicted when Jess told her to put a blindfold on. She had joked that it must be a king of Jess, who in response had nudged her in the ribs. But she did feel a bit worried to where Jess was leading her to. She tried wracking her brains to any occasion where she had wronged Jess, and this might be his payback.

She could think of a few.

"You can take the blindfold off now."

Cherry chuckled nervously. "You better not be lying naked on a couch with some weird, ironic object hiding your genitalia."

"You wish." Jess muttered. "Besides, who even says genitalia anymore?"

"I guess you would only need car keys to hide yours." Cherry retorted, making Jess roll his eyes and pull the blindfold off her. Wincing at the sudden light, Cherry rubbed her eyes before taking a look around. The sight made her stand agape.

Jess had hung a sheet from the trees, with a projector shining on it, screening a film. His car was parked in front of it, with a picnic blanket drapped on top with a basket filled with food. He nervously stared at her, awaiting a response. "Jess, this is . . . "

"Have I rendered the Cherry Doose speechless?" Jess joked.

Turning to look at him in disbelief, Cherry nudged him. "You made this all yourself?"

"Luke helped." he muttered, scratching the back of his neck. "I rented My Best Friend's Wedding because I knew you like that oneโ”€"

Jess was interrupted as Cherry wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. Hesitating, he smiled softly before hugging her back, the smell of her lavender shampoo seemingly intoxicating and addicting. Pulling slightly away, Cherry looked up at him through her eyelashes.

"Thank you." she whispered, and Jess was left breathless.


i'm thinking of changing cherry's faceclaim to either julia stiles, reese witherspoon or michelle williams

i'm leaning towards michelle williams, what do y'all think? she's in dawson's creek and i think she fits cherry's character the most
