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But it wasn't what Luke told her.

Rushing inside to get away from the cold, Cherry was covered from head to toe in warm clothing that protected her against the layers of white that covered the entire town. Digging her face into her red scarf, it didn't stop Luke from recognising the blonde curls that spilled from beneath her fluffy hat.

"Hey, Cherry," Luke greeted the blonde, who took her seat next to the cashier as he cleaned some dishes. "Planning a trip to Mount Everest or something?"

She grinned, knowing she had excessively put way too many layers on. "Yup. Me and Bear Grylls are heading out tonight. I'll have to survive by drinking my own urine."

Scrunching his nose in disgust, he turned away. "How come you always find a way to turn a conversation to a weird point?"

"Ah, you should know better by now, Danes," wiggling in her seat, she leaned forward. "So . . . is my order ready?"

Suddenly remembering, Luke disappeared behind to the kitchen, returning in a few seconds with a big paper bag, placing it on the counter. "Two take-away burgers and two sodas?" nodding, Cherry grabbed the bag, muttering a thanks and paying before heading towards the exit. "Hey, Cherry?"

Swivelling around, she smiled softly. "Yeah?"

"Jess is back."

The statement caught her by surprise, her face frozen before going through multiple emotions. Ultimately, as Luke searched her face for a concrete reaction, the corner of her lips pulled upwards as she grinned. "Where is he, is he upstairs?"

"Cherry, I'm not sure if it's the best idea," Luke rubbed his face tiredly, hesitant against her excitement. "He's still figuring his life out, and I don't want him to drag you down alongside with himโ€”"

"Luke, where is he?"

Almost immediately, Cherry exited the diner, her hazel eyes landing on the car. Approaching slowly, she leaned down and rapped her knuckles on the window. Jess's eyes flickered open, widening slightly as he realised it was Cherry. Reaching out a hand, the window crept open. "You better get your ass out of this car right now."ย 

Hesitantly, Jess stepped out, unsure whether Cherry would be mad for the lack of a heads up. But she immediately wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. She muttered an 'i miss you', which made Jess nervous in case she could feel his thundering heart inside his chest. He uncertainly wrapped his arms around her waist, unaware that Luke had been staring through the window, shaking his head with a smile before walking away.ย 

"So . . . care to explain?"

Jess scratched the back of his neck. "I came to pick up my car. I was going to surprise you, but . . . well, me and Luke got into a fight and I thought maybe it was best to leave you alone."

"If I found out that you had visited Star Hollows and left without telling me, I'd push you into the lake again and let that swan attack you again."

He winced embarrassed. "Luke told you about that? I'm going to kill him."

"Don't worry Mariano, I'll take your secret to the grave," Cherry grinned, shifting her weight. "So, where are you staying?"

"Uhm . . ." Jess trailed off, knowing how Cherry would react. "In my car."

Cherry stared at him, waiting for him to crack and tell her he was joking. When he didn't, she scoffed. "There's no way I'm letting you do that. Come on, you're staying with me."

She went to grab the sleeve of his jacket, but Jess dodged her grip, raising his eyebrows as he took a step back. "Cher, no. I'm trying to pass through town without anyone knowing."

Knowing he wouldn't back down, Cherry crossed her arms over her chest. "Fine. Then I'm staying with you."

"No wayโ€”"

"Try stopping me," she interrupted, swinging the backseat door open and climbing in. Jess sighed, clenching his jaw in a mixture of annoyance at her stubborness and amusement. Glancing around and checking no one else was around, Jess followed and climbed in, meeting her gaze. "Want a burger?"

Stomach rumbling, he accepted her offer, the food still warm in the bag. Tucking in, Jess glanced at Cherry before swallowing his food. "Thanks, Cher. For everything."

She met his gaze, smiling softly as she dismissed the gratiousness. "It's nothing. Huh, and to think you didn't like me a year ago."

"Well, you know what they sayย โ€” you tease those you like," he retorted mockingly, leaning his head back on the seat while he stared at her. And then Jess grinned at her, that sarcastic troublemaker grin that had annoyed her for months, but she now found endearing. Turning away, Cherry dug her hand into the inside pocket of her jacket before pulling out a silver flash, wiggling her eyebrows. Jess chuckled in disbelief. "Why do you carry alcohol with you?"

"For moments like this, duh," she teased him, taking a swig and letting the whiskey burn her throat. "Stole it from my mom's not-so-secret alcohol stash under the kitchen sink."

"Damn," Jess replied, slightly impressed as he grabbed the flask for himself. "Looks like I've been a bad influence."

Cherry scoffed. "You wouldn't hurt a fly, Mariano."

"I will have to let you know, Doose," he mocked, "that I am actually very tough. See?" following his statement, he puffed out his chest in a manner of faux arrogance.ย 

Throwing her head back giggling, Cherry sighed. "Go on thenย โ€” tell me a secret."ย 

"A secret?" Jess said in a taunting voice. "What are we, in kindergarden?"

"Be serious!" Cherry protested, nudging his shoulder.

He stared at her, allowing a beat of silence to pass before answering. "I missed you. Not that I've kept that a secret."ย 

"Well, I've been doing some thinking."

Jess raised his eyebrows, correcting her. "Drunk thinking."

Cherry ignored his input, staring at the ceiling of the car. "Maybe I should stay here. I mean, it's beautiful."

"In Stars Hollow?" he asked increduously. "The small town where every road leads to the same place?"

She shrugged. "Yeah. What's wrong with that?"

Jess raised his arms in defence. "Nothing! But what will you do here, work as a cashier for the rest of your life?"ย 

"Maybe, I don't care. So long as I'm with you."

"Well, that's going to be a problem, because I'm not planning on staying here," Cherry sat up straight, frowning as she stared at him. Licking his lips, he leaned forwards. "Look, I'm heading to New York. Got some friends there and a place to crash. And I want you to come with me."


"Just think about it. You have so much potential, Cherry, and I can't let you waste away in this town. New York is a city with big opportunities." at her hesitance, Jess persisted. "What do you think?"

And Cherry didn't know whether it was the alcohol, her feelings for the boy in front of her or the sudden adrenaline pulsing through her veins, or a strange combination of all three, because she found herself answering:

"Yes. I'll go with you to New York."ย 

this chapter is giving me 'you are in love' by tay-tayย 
