Chapter 14

EISA-Estalheiro Ilha shipyard, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.

Containers are being moved in to an old ship. Masked and hooded men were handling the cranes full of the EW Formula, setting them up to carry them abroad.

Two goons with growling voices were conversing.

-"Ei, qual é nessas fórmulas de qualquer maneira?" (Hey, what's in those formulas anyway?)

-"As células do sangue e do cérebro , praticamente tudo o necessário em genética para unir -los juntos." (Blood and brain cells, pretty much anything in genetics to splice them together.)

Out in the distance, a red Nissan 300ZX crosses by the front gate of the shipyard. Inside are Alan Green and Shane Ryder, with Alyssa Morano in the back.

-"We're here. That'll be $14 in Brazilian cash."

-"Shane, now it's not the time, bud."

-"Well sorry, I just needed a bit of extra cash, that's all."

-"How are you hanging back there, Alyssa?" He turns his head to Alyssa.

-"Well my arm isn't getting any better so I'm ok, I guess."

-"So we catch Caio and bring his ass down. That's the plan, right Alan?" Shane loads up his pistol.

-"Yep. Bring Anaconda down, and find the guys who distributed the Formula."

Alyssa looks at her laptop, which the satcom is giving away Caio's location and an airborne drone she deployed is scouting the area.

-"He is in this shipyard. Security's gonna be tight there boys, so I suggest you take the extra luggage in the back."

-"Oh joy, guns!" Shane sang.

Both Alan and Shane checked the trunk of the car. Bingo. Jackpot. Yahtzee. Full of pistols, smg's, rifles, shotguns, and various kinds of bullets.

Alan wore a vest designed to hold more than one gun in his back. For his arsenal he picked the H&K 416 assault rifle, the Mossberg 500 shotgun, and a pair of Beretta pistols. Shane on the other hand grabbed his signature Springfield M25 sniper rifle, another H&K 416 and a pair of Berettas as well.

-"Boys, Caio's inside the last ship on the left. Live feed from the drone is coming in and there are a few guards there..."

-"Well that shouldn't be a problem." Alan leans in to Alyssa's window to have a view of her screen.

-"And they look... Unarmed. Look at their arms, they're pretty loose."

-"Maybe some concealed weaponry I guess..."

-"Hey Alan?"

-"Yeah, Ally?"

-"How do you feel about the ASF?"

-"I don't have an opinion yet... I'm still not done with our first mission."

He cocks up his gun, glancing at Shane, letting him know that they are set for the mission. They run towards the left port. They take cover behind a container, looking at the guards.

-"Alan, how many you got?"

-"I see three hostiles... And I see what Alyssa means by unarmed."

-"What do you mean?" Shane has a peek, and sees all three of the guards... Mutated. -"Oh..."

-"All EW subjects. A lion, a frog, and a... Flower thing."

-"Flower monsters now?"

-"Hey, like I said, there are formulas with plant genes and animal genes."

-"Well that's just lovely. But hey, while the bastard's got flower power we got firepower."

-"Good point. But we aren't as powerful as they are, we gotta get past 'em."

-"How so?"

-"Follow me, you dumbass..."

Alan and Shane sneak past the mutated henchmen by staying behind containers and keeping out of sight. The beasts were still surveying the area, growling, croaking, moaning...

Alan and Shane get inside the ship.

-"Alyssa, move the drone closer. Tell us how to get to the captains bridge."

-"Alright, moving closer..." The drone moves in to the captains bridge. -"Guys, the bridge is empty, but target's in the storage room 2 flights down. Multiple hostiles with him."

-"You heard her Shane."

Alan and Shane proceeded to sneak in. They head inside the cabins and go downstairs. As they were heading close to storages inside the ship the lighting turned to a strange green. They went further inside and hit the jackpot.

An EW Formula laboratory.

This is it. Alan and Shane found what's causing those horrendous transformations. They saw animals such as monkeys, rabbits, lizards, snakes, rats, and plants such as cactuses, poison ivy, nightshade, and a large instance of the Corpse Flower encased in glass, as for some reason it's called the corpse flower.

-"Holy hell... This is insane... It's like a massive science museum or something."

-"Only it's a scientific nightmare. Look at this. All these plants are poisonous. And that giant flower is a definite red flag."

-"How come, dude?"

-"The stench of rotting flesh, that's why. And speaking of which... There has to be human subjects here."

-"Definitely... I mean look at this place, it's like Doc Jekyll wanted to make more people like his buddy Hyde."

-"Be on the lookout, Shane. And careful for any EW beasts."

-"And you too, Al."

The two split up, scanning the empty lab with their rifles aiming forward. Alan sees animal surgery tables with blood. He also finds vials full of blood and others with samples of animals brain cells. Alan had no second thoughts but bringing out his PDA and taking pictures of such attrocities against animals.

Shane on the other hand has been scanning the botanical side of the laboratory. He sees deadly plants, weeds and herbs that could easily kill a human being or worse... Turn them into a plant monster for weaponizing. He then finds large glass boxes with failed subjects. Humanoid bodies enveloped in plants and vines covering their altered, twisted bodies.

-"Alan... I guess the plant monsters are harder to make. Their bodies are bent and twisted... Even this guy's jaw is right now on the back of his neck."

-"I'll gather more data once I'm done here."

-"It's a creepy sight... But somehow cool."

A shadowy figure is seen above the laboratory, a clawed figure with a tail, silently hissing.

-"Well that's pretty morbid, Shane."

-"What do you make of these guys?"

-"Either low level gang members or enemies of Anaconda."

-"Woah, look at this one. His jaw is like spread wide open! Like it was gonna eat a big half pound burger!"

-"Shane, focus!"

Shane kneels down in front of the box to have a clearer look of the failed subject.

-"I would say smile wide... But I guess you're a pro at that by now. Hehe."

Then suddenly, its mouth opened wider, with several weeds growing out of it.

-"Oh hell."
