Chapter 13

Favela Cidade De Deus, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The area around the warehouse is populated with watchmen and sentries. On the roof of a northern building Shane crouch walks in with his silenced rifle and equipment. He lays down on his chest with his rifle aiming, slowly crawling to the edge of the building so he has clear sights. He turns on his earpiece.

-"Hamlet to Romeo, do you copy?"

-"Romeo here. Status?"

-"Yeah, you were right about the tight security. I have a good view of the front entrance and I see a lot of tangos. Some with AK's and a few snipers on the roof."

-"I'm going in from the eastern street. On your left. Do you see me?"

Shane looks up and sees a touristically dressed Alan come by. He gave out a wolf whistle.

-"Beautiful gun. M4?"

-"With custom silencer, yeah."

-"Stop moving. I got one, southeast. Watcher."

He moves his eye closer to the scope. Slowly aiming up the rifle to his head and pulling the trigger. The sentry falls down until he can't be seen through the window anymore."

-"He's down. Behind the dumpster."

Alan quickly slides behind a dumpster on Shanes sights. Shane aims at two other sentries on his right, breathing in and out, he shoots both of them.

-"Ok, go."

-"Shane. There's a sentry in your building." Alan whispers nervously as he runs behind the dumpster.

-"Wait, what?"

-"Fifth floor, right underneath you."

-"Thought this building was clear."

-"Well apparently they take every angle. I saw a ventilation shaft I can get in through, but I can't get spotted unless you take him down."

-"Got it, Al. Hang on a sec."

Shane picks up his equipment and marches on back to the stairs.

The sentry was drinking a beer while holding a Dragunov rifle. The sounds of samba music are heard as he had the radio on. He felt good vibes, felt like it was going to be a relaxing day on the job. He throws the can away and goes to the sofa chair facing the window. He aims at the direction the window is facing about, until he heard knocks on the door.

-"Olá? entrega de pizza, eu tenho o seu pedido." (Hello? Pizza delivery, I got your order.)

The sentry puts down his rifle, mumbling. He goes to the front door and opens it.

-" Ei, eu nem sequer pedir um-" (Hey, I didn't even ask for a-)

Shane kicks in through the door, knocking the sentry back. The sentry hits the kitchen counter and he grabs a kitchen knife, swinging it at Shane. Shane grabs his arm, punching the mans stomach as he drops his knife. Shane quickly threw the man into a column in the kitchen, knocking the man unconscious.

-"Whew... Thank you, Google Translate..."

-"Hamlet. Hamlet, do you read?"

He sits on the chair facing the window and sets his rifle up.

-"All clear, Romeo. Vent shaft is im the clear."

Alan moves in front of the dumpster and raises a thumb for Shane. He raises a wooden ladder he found to the vent shaft, and climbs inside of it.

-"That's it, Alan... Be a wallrat as usual. Hamlet to Macbeth. Do you read me?"

-"Macbeth here. Alan is in the vent shaft?" Alyssa speaks through her earpiece as she's finished eating an acai bowl.

-"Yeah, he's in. I think it's my time to switch spots, huh?"

-"You got it"


A knife lounges in Shanes chest. He quickly grabs the mans arm so it wouldn't go through. As the sentry presses on, Shane moves one arm away to grab his pistol, press the barrel against the back of the sofa chair and shoots the sentry. The knife drops onto his lap and the sentry falls to the floor.

-"Shane!? Shane, are you ok!?"

-"Yeah, Hamlet's fine... Just the host being an asshole."

-"Well... Alright... Just go west, you'll see me there."

-"I'll see you then, Macbeth."

Alyssa moves in through the western alley and sees two guards watching over the power box. Shane moves to an elevated eastern building where he could see the rest of the sentries. Shanr, growing tired, grabbed a bottle of water. Man, did he not expect that the job would require him to move around so much.

-"God... You guys owe me one, I'm working my ass off to be your eyes."

-"Shane, the mission."

-"Say... When this is over, Aly. You don't mind if we stay a bit longer in Rio. We could go for a drink, to the beach, maybe you could show off your bikini bod while I show mine... You know. See what happens. Kind of had a dream about you last night honestly..."

-"Yeah? Well I had a nightmare about you, honestly. Just focus on the sentries so I could take care of these jerkoffs."

Shane sighs, but smiles as he knows Alyssa's a fighter. He gladly aims his rifle to the other sentry by Alyssas alley.

-"You got it, babe."

He shoots the sentry.

-"And poof, sentry's gone. Alright, do your thing, sugarplum."

Alyssa grabs a laser pointer and aims it at the two gunmens eyes. The gunmen felt irritated, dropping their guns to rub their eyes as Alyssa fires shots from her silenced pistol, taking down the gunmen.

-"Electric box secured. Waiting on your mark, Romeo."

A masked Alan is still crawling through the dusty ventilation shaft. He looks around and sees the large amounts of guns in the garage. Gang members are packing them into the truck to ship out. Alan knew something was up, maybe Caio or Alonso are still in the building.

-"Guys. I'll be ready to breach at any moment. As soon as I say three, shut off all the power. Shane, you go in through the front door."

-"I thought my name was Hamlet."

-"Like you give a damn. Macbeth... Get ready."

-"Got it." Alyssa opens up the fuse box and holds on to the master power lever.

-"Ok... One... Two..." Alan raises his elbow to knock on the vent underneath him, Alyssa holds on to the lever, set to pull it down. -"Three!"

Alyssa shuts off the power. The gang members panicked as the lights shut off. Alan knocks on the vent as the power switches off, dropping to the floor. The gunmen are om high alert, aiming their AK's around. Alan puts on his night vision goggles to sweep through the area. He shoots the two gunmen inside the garage, and one gunmen who ran inside the room. The rest of the gang members panic as they hear metallic clanks, possibly because their fellow men fell. They head through the garage, but Alan shoots them first before they could even notice he was there. Alan runs through the club and heads up to the VIP section. One man in the VIP halls opens fire as he sees Alan's green goggle lights. He keeps on panic firing as Alan crawl on the floor, getting a good angke to fire. The gunman was swearing in portugues and when he got close, he got silent and fell as a 5 bullets went through his chest.

-"Lord... You're pretty mouthy."

Alan aims his gun back up and sweeps the rooms. Back outside, Alyssa and Shane meet up through the front door.

-"You alright, Alyssa?"

-"I'm fine. Just check on Alan."

-"You aren't coming in?"

-"Um... Hello?" She widens her eyes and lifts her arm swing as a reminder.

-"Oh right, well... Don't worry, cripple, I'll check on our boy."

-"I'm not a cripple!"

Shane goes in through the front entrance, sweeping across the club area. He barely could see, so he looked at something that look like stairs, possibly where the bosses are.


-"Goddamn it!" Shane opens fire at the direction of the sound.

-"Shane! Hold your fire, it's me!"

Shane stops shooting as Alan shakes his head with the goggles' green lights. Shane sighs, pretty much bothered.

-"Goddamn it, Alan! What the hell, I could have shot you!"

-"Haha! You really have sensitive nerves, huh? Wuss."

-"Hey, I won't be in your funeral if I were to be the one to kill ya."

-"Welp. This was a waste of time."

-"What do you mean?"

-"I found Alonso."

-"Well that's good news, isn't it? I mean we got the boss now, it's over!"

-"He's dead. Someone left his body in the pool."

-"Oh... Well then this was a waste."

-"Alyssa. Turn the power back on. We got something here to look at."

Alyssa moves back to the power fuse.

-"Got it. Hang on, Romeo."

The power comes back, Alan and Shane both look at the mess that they left.

-"Well someone's gotta do some serious cleaning."

All three head over to the pool area where they see Alonso's dead body floating in the water.

-"Wow... He never shaved his back... I can only imagine if he were to lay on me or something, that would have been a nightmare." Alyssa looks at Alonsos body in disgust.

-"And you said I was your nightmare." Shane gloats at Alyssa, as she looks at him in distaste.

Alan jumps into the pool to check on the body. He notices his bloated neck, so he pushes him into a wall of the pool and checks on it.

-"Well this is strange."

-"What is it, Alan?" Alyssa walks up to him, leaning down.

-"His neck... It's got two holes in there, like he was bitten."

-"Bitten by what?"

-"Something big apparently. Judging from the other bite marks it's just the bite of a man, but the fangs... The fangs are what dug into him. And yet no blood."

-"What are you suggesting? Something sealed up his wound quick?"

-"He bled here at first, but if you look at the outside of the pool there isn't much blood anymore. I guess his neck must have been bloated after the bite that he coukd hardly bleed."

-"Or breathe."

-"Snake venom!" Shane stands up from a nearby chair.

-"Excuse me, Shane?" Alyssa looks at him in curiosity.

Snake venom always tends to bloat someone pretty rapidly. From the distance of the two fang holes, I say it's a snake. And Alan. You remember those pictures you showed me? Of those manimals?"

-"Yeah, I remember."

-"What do you think the rest of the toothmarks are?"

Alan checks on the bite one more time. Maybe it was an EW beast that killed Alonso. It had to be. Snake bite mixed with a mans... Now they know the real danger it poses.

-"And there were still people around here... This building would have been empty if the boss was dead." Alan looks at his teammates.

-"Maybe they have a new boss. Someone who's more organized." Alyssa moves away thinking.

-"Caio... Maybe Caio sent the EW monster to kill Alonso and he took over Anaconda."

-"Great! We won Jeopardy! Now off to the bonus round." Shane boasts out. -"Now that the boss is dead and there's a new boss, then that formula thing is gonna be sold and spread around in black markets. Now how are we gonna find this Caio guy?"

-"Well... They were going to deliver something. Maybe move out the guns they had."

Alyssa raises her head in disappointment. -"And shooting everyone here was a mistake. Now we have no clear leads to where Caio is."

-"Hmm... Maybe we do. We just gotta get back to the safehouse."

-"Why so, Al?"

-"Maybe I shot the tracker to his shoe."

Looking back, Alan did succeed in shooting the tracker. As Caio slammed Alan into the stall he shot the tracker straight into his left shoes' heel when he was going for the right shoe.

-"I hope you're right, Alan... The formula is being spread around and we just can't risk having it spread across the globe."
