Chapter 10

Pavaozinho favela, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.

-"AGH! God!"

-"There, I got it out. Now let's patch it up."

Alyssa was gripping on her bedsheets as Alan extracted the bullet from her arm. He brought out the trauma kit that was on one of the kitchen's shelves. He grabs the sewing kit, but Alyssa held his hand.

-"No. You're a jarhead, I went to med school, I can handle this."

-"You sure? Cause stitching someone else is much different than stitching yourself."

-"I'm an educated woman, Alan. I studied medical field in the army and I got to learn about self-stitching."

-"So it wasn't the first time you got shot..."

-"Unfortunately, no." Alyssa starts piercing the needle into her skin, with the threads tightening, covering the wound. -"Being a medic in the field also has its cons."

-"Yeah, like sucking at dancing."

-"Oh God... You too?"

-"Don't get me wrong. You look fantastic. Like wow... Any guy could easily fall for you first time they see you, but then your dancing it's just so..."

-"Don't even say it Alan." Alyssa cuts the thread and puts the needle aside, now that her wound is stitched. -"I was... Never really good with dancing. Been so busy with life, you know. Medical, agency, and training recruits... It's tough."

-"Not as tough as some people. There are still ways you could dance."

-"Really?" Alyssa keeps on treating her wound. -"Well if I had the time... Now I'm thinking of taking courses."

-"Try Zumba, that would help."

-"What's Zumba?" She looks at him in confusion.

-"Oh wow... Someone is definitely behind in the fitness stream, haha!"

-"Alan, ugh, my life is a big pile of work, ok?"

-"Well you need to breathe a little. And what better place to do it in than Rio De Janeiro? We got the beaches, the Christ, paragliding, wildlife..."

-"Kids who steal you blind and painful lap dances."

-"So you do know about the lap dances..."

-"I saw it in a video. Brazilian lap dances are an excuse of women to break a mans nose and balls with just her ass."

-"Haha, true deception indeed."

Alyssa puts a bandage with alcohol on her wound. And sighs.



-"What made you get in the army?"

-"Well... It pretty much seemed interesting to fight for your country... But then you realize you do a lot more. Defending refugees from insurgents, saving fallen soldiers, a lot of things that people don't understand about us. We may not be heroes in most people's eyes, but we do our best to be one."

-"I like your philosophy... You see the good in the army instead of the bad."

-"Thanks. What about you? What made you join?"

-"Seeing the world. I love to travel. And with the ASF I can travel to more places than being in the army."

-"Yeah, amen for free travel passes, haha!"

-"Yeah... Sure." Alyssa stands up and walks to her computer, taking a glass of water.

-"How'd you get your recon skills though? I though you were just and intel officer but not a medic."

-"I researched and trained for a while on computers, it helped with my skills."

-"I see... But there's no better research than that of body language."


-"Like you for example. You seem... Timid."

-"Oh, I'm timid?"

-"Yeah, like the way you danced. You seemed like you got trouble socializing. I mean, sure you talk a lot but only as a professional. As a person well... Not so much."

-"Huh... Never thought a jarhead would be this smart..."

-"See? I'm a smart boy. A very smart boy."

Alyssa laughs, smiling a bit after Alan read her. She then turns to her computer.

-"Well... There's an abandoned warehouse in Cidade De Deus. That's what I found from his cell."

-"Yep, bet he's got some pretty heavy forces around."

-"Caio must have placed some sentries in these buildings. I mean the warehouse is in the middle of the vicinity, he has to have sentries in these buildings." Alyssa points at potential vamtage points around the warehouse.

-"Not to mention the amount of firepower they have... And maybe a couple of EW beasts lurking around."

-"We can go there tomorrow to check the place out... Just no shooting."

-"Too risky, Caio knows what we look like, so he must've told them about our faces."

-"Damn... So how do we get close? It's a far closed area with minimum chance to survive if we go in."

Alan, looks up and sighs, backing off from Alyssa.

-"What is it, Alan?"

-"I got an idea, but I'm not so sure if you can handle it."

-"If it's even more flirting then I'm sorry."

-"Well... Not from me."


-"Thing is, I know someone... But you gotta survive this guy."

-"Well... Who is he?"

-"One of the best snipers in God's green Earth."
