Untitled Part 94

  Xie Fengxing was going to sleep at first.

"It seems that I have to ask for leave tomorrow." He said.

What else is there to sleep on?

Since Lu Ben can't win this line, there is no need to waste the remaining dozens of love points: "Exchange them all. Let me see where he has gone." The weather is bad today, the

moonlight Almost nothing, but the autumn wind is a bit cold.

Huo Shouli drove most of the city cautiously, and only after making sure that no one was following him did he drive to the woods by the sea.

This area is sparsely populated and densely covered with forests. Now that it is autumn and the weather is getting colder, there is not even a single person left.

Huo Shouli really couldn't bear the torment in his heart.

He still couldn't figure out how the handsome man who appeared in the hospital knew about the crime he had committed. Obviously, they have lived in peace for more than ten years.

After thinking about it, there is only one possibility, that is, the bones of those two people were discovered.

Otherwise I can't explain it!

He couldn't bear such panic, he wanted to go to the scene to see it!

The car stopped in the woods without even turning on the headlights. He only took a flashlight and walked cautiously deep into the jungle. After walking a few steps, he turned off the flashlight and carefully listened to the movement behind him. The forest in the forest was dead silent, only the birds were disturbed by him, fluttering their wings and flying up.

He walked all the way to the place where his body was buried, where he planted two pine trees, and now the pine trees have grown taller. He circled the tree body twice, the roots of the trees were thick and stuck into the ground, and the weeds beside them were lush , without any trace of excavation.

He said, so many years have passed, and this area is so inaccessible, how could anyone find it!

Thinking of this, he felt even more creepy. He didn't know whether he hoped that the two bones would be discovered, or that they would not be discovered.

How did that person know?

He racked his brains but couldn't figure it out. There was a faint sound of waves coming through the woods. He sat down against the tree and found that he was already sweating.

He sat in the woods until it was light, and then came out of the woods.

All he had to do now was to find that person.

Or let that person come to him on his own initiative.

Huo Shouli drove directly to the fire brigade.

He remembered that the man had warned him to keep him away from Shen He.

The man seemed to know his own criminal mind well.

Thinking of this, he felt even more chills down his spine.

He bought a pennant, bought some water and food, and went to the fire brigade.

Seeing the pennant in his hand, people from the fire brigade received him very warmly. He smiled and said, "I want to meet the person who rescued me from the fire and thank him face to face." A few minutes later, he

met Arrived at Shenhe.

The anxiety and uneasiness that he was originally full of seemed to have been forgotten the moment he saw Shen He. Today Shen He is not as tightly wrapped as he was when he was rescued, and his face is free from smoke stains. It is cleaner than he thought, young, and handsome. When he smiles, he shows white and neat teeth, looking sunny and shy.

His heart suddenly burned, and his eyes seemed to be on fire.

If he wants to get him, if he can't get it, he will destroy him!

His soul screamed, directly waking Xie Fengxing up from his sleep.

Xie Fengxing sat up sleepily from the bed, he couldn't keep his eyes open.

"Emergency situation! In order to find you, Huo Shouli went to the fire brigade to find Shen He, trying to stimulate you!" Xiao Ai said, "But I didn't expect that when he saw Shen He himself, the fire of love would burn violently immediately , I really admire his perverted mentality, the coffin is about to be covered, and he still has a fantasy man!" "Don't guess about the

perverted mentality," Xie Fengxing squinted his eyes and sat on the bed, and said, "Guess what you want I can't figure it out."

Xiao Ai was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Are you trying to make me happy?"

Xie Fengxing was so sleepy, he rubbed his eyes, took a look at his phone, it was nine o'clock .

Today is bound to be a very busy day.

I don't know what happened to Lu Ming, did he wake up, Huo Shouli had another wonderful day.

Seeing Xie Fengxing's calmness, Xiao Ai also calmed down a lot. Anyway, Huo Shouli is a grasshopper after autumn, and after a few days of jumping around, they already knew where the two victims were buried.

"But how do you call the police now?" Xiao Ai said, "Facing Huo Shouli, you can hit a straight ball and say that you know everything. Regardless of whether he thinks you are a human or a ghost, he can't do anything to you anyway, but if you If you call the police, say that you found the victim's bones for no reason, they will definitely suspect you."

Xie Fengxing said: "There is no need to call the police now, and he hasn't tortured him enough."

He got up and went to wash up up.

After washing up, he got out of bed and had breakfast, but he didn't see Lu Chi and Chang Rui. Xiao Liu said they were still guarding the hospital.

"The person woke up, but he couldn't speak or walk. The operation situation seems not optimistic, and it will take a long time to recover."

Lu Ming will not be able to leave the hospital for a while, and for a long time, Lu Ming I am afraid that Chi will have to run both from the hospital and the company.

He had just finished eating when Lu Chi called.

"Have you arrived at school yet?" Lu Chi asked.

"No," Xie Fengxing asked, "Is your dad awake?"

"I woke up for a while, and now I fell asleep again. I'm going to eat now, and I'll go to the company later."

Lu Chi's voice sounded a little tired , Xie Fengxing said: "Did you not sleep all night yesterday?"

"I will catch up on sleep at noon." Lu Chi said, "Now the company is in turmoil. I have to go to the company to hold a meeting to appease everyone."

Xie Fengxing " Mmm," said, "Then you're busy."

"Go see An Ran when you have time." Lu Chi said, "I'll ask Chang Rui to pick you up after you leave school. Regarding Lu Ben's matter, he I should know about it."


After hanging up the phone, Xie Fengxing went to ask the school for half a day's leave, drove a luxury car from the base, and went to the seaside.

He walked through the woods, and even with the memory of last night, it took about two hours to find the pine tree. He walked around the pine tree and saw a place where the grass was firmly seated.

The pine tree grows very lush, and it makes people shudder to think of the truth. There are tall trees all around, covering the sky and the sun, and the whole forest looks gloomy. He walked around in the woods, then took out his phone and took a few pictures with a blank expression.

Huo Shouli must have recognized this tree.

"Are you going to send it to Huo Shouli?" Xiao Ai asked.

"We can't let him be idle, he just misses men." Xie Fengxing sneered.

Today is cloudy and very cold, Xie Fengxing is wearing a gray and white overcoat, he looks high-end and cold, at first glance, he looks like a policeman in a criminal investigation film.

Huo Shouli's house was completely burned down, and he suffered a huge loss in this fire.

After returning from the fire brigade, he was surrounded by excitement and anxiety. The excitement was because of Shen He, and the anxiety was because of the handsome man who suddenly appeared and then disappeared.

The old house needed to be redecorated, so he had no choice but to rent a house. Fortunately, there were renters in their building, and he was a good person and had a good reputation, so the house was rented without a hitch.

After renting the house, he went to the supermarket to buy daily necessities.

The money he had saved before was running out, and this fire brought him to the brink of bankruptcy. He pushed the car, and glanced coldly at the people in the supermarket, thinking that he might need to pick a rich man to earn some extra money up.

His eyes moved from the human-shaped standing sign on the counter next to him, his heart trembled, and he hurriedly looked back.

What came into view was an extremely handsome handsome man. He was holding a mobile phone. Although there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, he looked extraordinarily cold, but his face was very familiar, especially those maroon eyes. Let him never forget.

At that moment, he only felt goosebumps all over his body.

At this moment, his mobile phone suddenly received a message.

He hastily took out his cell phone and took a look. He clicked on it and saw that it was a photo sent by an unfamiliar number.

Before he opened it, he immediately looked around vigilantly.

The supermarket was full of people, messy, with a dazzling array of shelves, people walking back and forth, and noisy conversations, his face instantly turned pale.

He just opened a new account, how could someone send him a message!

He hurriedly clicked on the message, the picture was loaded, from top to bottom, he was startled when he saw the canopy of the tree, after the whole picture was loaded, he felt all the blood rushing to his body His forehead went blank, his mind went blank for a moment, he was even a little dizzy, he clenched his phone tightly, his eyes instantly became fearful and tense, he looked around, feeling dizzy, everyone was suspicious, as if everyone looking at him.

He was pushing the shopping cart and walked out quickly, even breathing became short of breath, and he was walking out with his head muffled, when the staff in the supermarket grabbed him, and he broke the man away violently, the staff Startled, he said, "Sir, please pay the bill first before going out."

He didn't even look up, seeing the shopping cart pushed aside, wanting nothing, and was about to rush out, but the staff grabbed him. He said: "Sir!"

"I don't want it!" He said anxiously.

But the staff refused to let him go. The people who lined up to pay their bills all looked at him, and a male security guard also ran over when he saw this. It became sullen and fierce, and the staff member took a step back in fright.

Afraid of attracting more attention, Huo Shouli grabbed the shopping cart and walked to the back to line up.

"What's wrong?" the male security guard asked.

"This person is a bit weird." The staff member said.

She suspected that he had stolen something from the supermarket, but such words should not be said casually, otherwise it would easily cause disputes. When encountering this kind of thing, the staff generally try to keep it as quiet as possible. After all, such people are a minority. She looked at Huo Shouli coldly with contempt.

Seeing his guilty face looking around, a man in his forties or fifties still does this kind of thing.

She despised him from the bottom of her heart.

Huo Shouli grabbed the shopping cart and kept looking around. His back was wet with sweat. After paying the bill, he hurried out with the shopping bag in his hand. After leaving the supermarket, he realized that it was raining outside. up.

The sporadic autumn rain, but it was extremely cold, made him regain his sanity a little. He carried his things and walked towards his new residence in the rain, looking back every step he took. He claimed to have been a mercenary. He always thought that his vigilance and observation skills were the best, but now he found Not to the man watching him.

Or maybe it's not a person, but a ghost.

Xie Fengxing, he saw his name.

Why would a big star who can shoot a mobile phone advertisement find him in person? Did he send this text message?

After returning to his residence, he locked the door. After checking the inside and outside of the new house, he closed the curtains and sat down in the dark. He stared at the text message for a long time, and the familiar pine tree almost made him linger.

With trembling hands, he dialed the number.

The phone didn't go through.

The other party seems to be turned off.

It was raining, and Xie Fengxing, who was doing physical training on the playground, ran into the nearby gymnasium with his classmates.

"Huo Shouli is going crazy." Xiao Ai said.

Xie Fengxing was doing nine consecutive kills with no expression on his face. Beads of sweat flowed down his neck to his face, and then dripped down. All the classmates surrounded him and looked at him in amazement.

Xie Fengxing can not only control the rolling time, he can even freeze it in any posture, just like at this moment, his body is fixed on the rolling wheel at 75 degrees without moving at all.

Only strong arm strength and waist and abdominal strength can do this, and the length of time he persisted today broke his previous record.

In the end, their coach couldn't stand it any longer: "Okay, okay, don't get hurt."

Xie Fengxing didn't do this effortlessly, his face was flushed, and he relied on his strong willpower. He had never seen such a hard-working person.

No wonder he is outstanding, he feels that with the willpower of a robot like Xie Fengxing, he can succeed in anything.

"Huo Shouli found your information, he is heading to Hangda." Xiaoai said.

As soon as Xie Fengxing loosened his arms, he jumped off the roller. He stood on the ground, breathing deeply while pressing his trembling hands to his knees. Zhao Wan hurriedly wiped the sweat off his face with a towel.


He stood up, drank a bottle of mineral water, and asked, "What does he want to do?"

"He wants to peek at you." Xiao Ai said, "He's anxious and scared now, and he probably hasn't figured out what's going on. , so you will not be in danger for the time being."

Huo Shouli got out of the taxi, and stood holding an umbrella on the road opposite the school gate.

The light rain was pattering down, and he was wearing a black mask and holding a big black umbrella, staring at the gate of Hangda University.

If you don't check, you don't know. After checking, you will find out that Xie Fengxing is a very famous star, and now he is studying at Hang University.

He didn't know when Xie Fengxing came out of school, he came here just to calm down his anxious emotions, if he stayed at home and didn't go out, he would go crazy.

He has to do something to calm down.

A big star, why did he notice him, how did he know about the person he killed more than ten years ago? !

Was it him who sent the text message?

He has too many questions in his mind. All these mysteries made him uneasy, and he wanted to confirm something.

On the campus in the rain, a student walked out of the school with an umbrella.

Xiao Ai said: "You are too courageous."

"A scum who can't jump around for a few days, there is nothing to be afraid of." Xie Fengxing said, "Even if he wants to do something, I can beat an old man. He's looking for his teeth all over the place."

His tone was extremely cold and contemptuous, and when he walked outside the school, he saw Huo Shouli across the road, and walked towards him directly.

Huo Shouli saw someone walking towards him, and vigilantly covered his face with an umbrella slightly, but the person got closer and closer, and finally stopped directly in front of him.

The raindrops hit the umbrella and made a pattering sound. He moved the umbrella up slightly and saw a familiar face.

He had never seen such a white man, with extremely distinct eyebrows, gorgeous facial features that were a bit scorching, and those maroon eyes were simply shocking.

The blood all over his body boiled instantly, like the adrenaline surge immediately before the prey was caught. In the past, he liked to treat others as prey, and liked to watch their struggles and fears before they died. He always felt that such torture was more exciting than pure killing.

Now he has become someone else's prey. He pursed his lips tightly, his face was pale, as if he had encountered a ghost.

"Who the hell are you?" he asked.

Xie Fengxing watched him calmly: "I thought you already knew who I am." "

What do you know?" Huo Shouli asked, "Was that text message sent by you?" "

If I were you, I would be honest Go to the police station, even though you are such a scum, it is useless even if you surrender...but at least you can suffer less." Xie Fengxing looked at him without evasive eyes, as if after knowing that he was a serial murderer He wasn't afraid at all, he didn't seem like a normal person at all.

Huo Shouli pursed his lips tightly, his face turned even paler, but he remained vigilant and did not say a word, he stared at Xie Fengxing closely, his eyes were gloomy.

Xie Fengxing suddenly took a step closer to him.

Huo Shouli took a step back.

"Huo Shouli, your time of death has arrived."

His tone was faint and his face was bright, as if he had come to inform his death god.

"If you had evidence, you would have called the police a long time ago?" Huo Shouli said in a daze, "You just suspect that you have no evidence.

" I can't do anything to you. So don't look for Shen He in the future, and don't appear in front of me."

His expression and tone became extremely gloomy, sick: "So now, go back to your home, shrink in it, and live forever. Don't come out again!"

Huo Shouli was suddenly aroused by him to kill, his lips were trembling, his eyes suddenly became dark, he glanced around, he used to be a mercenary, he was agile, this Xie Fengxing was so thin, he Maybe...

but not now, when he wants to pick Xie Fengxing not paying attention, maybe, he can sneak into his house.

Huo Shouli suddenly became excited.

He didn't need to be afraid, when Xie Fengxing became a dead person, everything would be over.

He must have tortured him hard.

Thinking of this, Huo Shouli turned and left.

"I suddenly thought of something," Xie Fengxing said to Xiao Ai: "He doesn't dare to call the police, can I beat him casually?"

Xiao Ai: "...Yes.

" Too much, I need to be discouraged." Xie Fengxing looked indifferent and sick, he pouted his nose, and put his schoolbag back on his shoulders.

Huo Shouli suddenly heard hurried footsteps behind him, he turned his head suddenly, and was kicked flying.
