Untitled Part 26

 Xie Fengxing asked: "Why did you call me?"

"I didn't have a fever yesterday, I lied to you, my body temperature is higher than normal, and it's even hotter after drinking alcohol." Lu Chi said.

"Oh." Xie Fengxing said, "You are so boring."

"Just see if a cold person like you will take care of your boss."

After that, the two chatted without saying a word.

Xie Fengxing lost all his memory and didn't have much contact with Lu Chi, but he found that when he got along with Lu Chi, he wasn't embarrassed at all.

He wasn't embarrassed, and Lu Chi wasn't embarrassed either.

It is more comfortable and comfortable than getting along with Gou Xiaochuan.

He thought that this might be due to the fact that neither of them talked much, as if they were hiding secrets.

I don't know how long I sat there, Xie Fengxing got up suddenly, moved to the side: "You are really like a stove." Lu Chi didn't answer

him, he turned his head and saw that Lu Chi was lying on the stone, and fell asleep up.

Didn't you say that your sleep quality is not good? How come when you are with him, you are always sleeping.

Like not getting enough sleep.

As the morning approached, the wind on the sea became colder, so Xie Fengxing called Lu Chi up.

After drinking a lot of beer and getting off the big rock, the first thing Xie Fengxing did was to go to the bathroom.

This is a famous tourist attraction in Beicheng, and there is a toilet next to it. The two went in, when Xie Fengxing unbuttoned his pants, he suddenly thought of 189.

"Ah." Xiao Ai suddenly bubbled up.

"Fuck." Xie Fengxing said, "You scare people to death."

"Look." Xiao Ai said.

"Look for yourself."

"You are the host, if you don't look, how can I see it."

Xie Fengxing ignored him.

He's really not interested in this, he's simply remembered by the coquettish Xiao Ai talking too much.

When the two came out of the toilet, it was already light.

Both of them drank beer and couldn't drive, so Lu Chi called a valet driver. While waiting for the valet driver, Xie Fengxing saw that the rose flowers blooming better along the side of the road were idle and bored, so he went over to take a look. .

It is already the end of May, and many petals have fallen, spreading on the green grass.

Stepping on a loose brick, Xie Fengxing suddenly staggered and broke a flower branch with his foot.

The surrogate driver had already come over. He picked up the broken flower branch and walked towards the car.

Lu Chi called the driver over: "I'll see you off first."

Xie Fengxing nodded. Lu Chi looked at the rose in his hand. Xie Fengxing said: "I accidentally stepped on it and broke it."

"There are thorns." Lu Chi said.

Xie Fengxing looked at it by the light of the headlights, and a few more petals fell off.

He took the branch with him in the car too.

"What do you want it for?" Lu Chi asked.

"In a vase." Xie Fengxing said.

Lu Chi thought Xie Fengxing was really interesting.

It is said that he is indifferent, crazy, and occasionally reveals these small thoughts, as if the person has not completely changed, and still retains some of the past.

After getting in the car, Xie Fengxing became sleepy, and when he was woken up, he had already arrived at Xie's mansion.

He asked sleepily, "Didn't I say to send you off first?"

"I'll return the car to you tomorrow," Lu Chi said.

Xie Fengxing got out of the car, went straight back to sleep, and woke up at noon, when he received a photo from Lu Chi. Lu Chi soaked the flower in the nutrient solution.

"I asked the gardener at home how to make the flowers bloom longer, and the master told me that it can be grown." Xie

Fengxing replied, "Try."

Besides Lu Chi's news, there are many likes on the phone and information.

Gou Xiaochuan commented: "Where did you go wandering without sleeping in the middle of the night?"

Chen Xi also commented on him, and he could feel his tenderness through the screen: "It's so late and you haven't slept yet?"

He watched it in the likes When I arrived at Song Yu, I swiped into Song Yu's circle of friends.

Song Yu's circle of friends shared a song: "Can we not break up".

"Sent it to you, right?" Xiao Ai said.

"It's only visible to me." Xie Fengxing said.

Xiao Ai said: "Men are really careful when spending money."

Xie Fengxing thought for a while, then sent a message to Song Yu, inviting him to come to Mr. Xie's 60th birthday banquet.

"Started?" Xiao Ai asked.

"Well," Xie Fengxing said, "Listen to you, let's make it quick."

After the love value has increased by 100 points, let's see how he deals with him.

When Song Yu got out of the racing car, the first thing he did was look at his phone.

The first love in junior high school is not so nervous, looking forward to it.

He couldn't tell whether he was thinking about Xie Fengxing because he liked Xie Fengxing, or because he wanted to vent his anger.

Now that Xie Fengxing's side is a little turbulent, he just thinks wildly.

He posted two posts in Moments, one was set to be visible only to Chen Xi: "Insomnia, pain."

The other was set to be visible only to Xie Fengxing, revealing his regret for the breakup.

Facts have proved that his trick really works.

Although Chen Xi didn't reply him, Xie Fengxing did!

He was also invited to attend Father Xie's birthday banquet!

Flattered and pleasantly surprised!

After Song Yu came out of the competition, he went to do skin care.

When they meet again in two days, he must face Xie Fengxing in his best state and capture his heart again.

As a result, when he was doing SPA, an unfamiliar number suddenly sent him a text message.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Song Yu?"

His number is very private, and he seldom gets harassed by strangers, so he replied, "Who are you?" "

I'm Xiao Wang from Nancheng International Circuit. I helped you when you were here."

Song Yu sat up in a jerk.

The spa masseuse said: "Mr. Song, don't..."

Before he finished speaking, the masseur was too scared to speak.

Because Song Yu, who was talking with her just now about his yellow accent, suddenly seemed to be a different person. Without glasses, he looked so ferocious no matter how you looked.

Song Yu sat naked and typed a long string of words with both hands: "You sent it to the wrong person, I don't know you at all. What did you help me? I never knew Xiao Wang from Nancheng International Circuit The other party replied :

"You may not know that Xie Fengxing and the others found out that I had tampered with his racing car and fired me. They also offered a price of two million to let me tell the truth, but I didn't say it. At least not so far. But Mr. Song, in order to help you, I didn't get any money or work, so you should help me too, what do you think?" What does this mean

? Threats, blackmail? !

Song Yu got off the bed directly, and the masseur handed him the robe carefully, but he didn't answer it, so he walked to the window in such a loud manner, his eyes were red, and he called the other party directly.

The call got through, but the other party refused to answer.

Song Yu immediately called again, and his heartbeat became faster and faster. When the other party refused to answer again, he almost jumped into a rage.

Is this blackmailing him?

He immediately called Xue Cheng.

"Didn't you say you wouldn't find me? What's the matter with this person? He said that Xie Fengxing already knew?! How did he know??" Xue Cheng said, "Don't get excited, I'll let you know about this first.

" Find out more."

Xue Cheng asked someone to investigate, but Song Yu lost his mind.

He doubted that the other party had any evidence in his hand to blackmail him like this.

If this broke out, his career would really be over! !

Song Yu turned to Xie Fengxing's contact information, all the words were typed, but it has not been sent out for a long time.

Xie Fengxing just added himself back yesterday.

He also invited himself to attend Father Xie's birthday party.

It doesn't look like he knows that he has tampered with his racing car.

Maybe the other party was just trying to cheat him. Xie Fengxing didn't even know about it.

Or maybe, Xie Fengxing knew about it, but thinking about his old relationship, he still couldn't bear to destroy him.

After all, if such a scandal breaks out, if it is not handled properly, it will be a fatal blow to him!

Song Yu's palms were sweating, and he drove to Xue Cheng immediately.

But Xue Cheng told him a piece of news that he was least willing to hear.

That Xiao Wang was indeed the one who helped them in the finals.

"Didn't you say that the person you are looking for is reliable and foolproof?" Song Yu asked in a low voice.

Xue Cheng said: "There is nothing foolproof in this world. We have already found a person who is as reliable as possible and gave him 200,000 yuan. Who would have thought that he has such a big appetite? It is also because the people below are not good at things. They went to deal with it."

"He said that Xie Fengxing gave him two million, do we have to give him two million?!" "If it really

comes to that point, we have to give four million." Xue Cheng sneered and said: "He is extorting. If you give him four million, he must be able to eat it."

After Xue Cheng finished speaking, he looked at Song Yu: "After all, it's not because you insisted on comparing. When the incident happened suddenly, We are not fully prepared, and it is helpless to ask him to do tricks. If you are capable enough, how could you have fallen to this point."

Song Yuhui's eyes were red, and he was anxious: "It's already reached this point, you What's the use of talking about it! Otherwise, find someone to get rid of that little Wang!" "

This is a society ruled by law, what do you think I'm doing, a gangster?" Xue Cheng gave him a patient look: " Okay, it's not time for you to cry yet. When did your psychological quality become so bad. We are not the ones who contacted him directly, and it's not us who contacted him directly. I was in a mess first. With me here, what are you afraid of, I can ignore you?"

Song Yu felt even more uneasy after hearing this.

Who is Xue Cheng, he naturally knows, when the day comes, Xue Cheng will take care of him?

When Xue Cheng also abandoned him, he was really finished.

Song Yu took out a cigarette and lit it, took a few puffs anxiously, and walked to the window: "Xie Fengxing invited me to his father's birthday party today."

Xue Cheng said: "You also received the invitation? "

Song Yu turned her head while holding a cigarette.

"I received it too." Xue Cheng said.

Song Yu's heart turned cold, and she felt that this was not a coincidence.

Xue Cheng rubbed his chin playfully: "This Xie Fengxing, it's really interesting now."

He became more and more interested in him.

He had never seen such a unique person.

"He used to be very simple," Song Yu said suddenly, "He used to..."

But now he can't see through him, Xie Fengxing has become mysterious and charming. Sometimes he even felt that he was very strange, and couldn't figure out why he became like this overnight.

"Use your means and get him done." Xue Cheng said, "Leave Chen Xi alone first. His father's birthday party is a good opportunity. You can bring some birthday presents that you can afford to see if you can get along with him." If you continue the relationship, if you two reconcile as before, then everything will be solved."

Seeing his serious expression, Xue Cheng asked, "Can he be dealt with?"

Song Yu said, "It's hard to say."

But no matter what, He really needs to give it a try.

He will pull out all the stops!

Xiao Ai truthfully reported Song Yu's psychological activities to Xie Fengxing.

"He's going to attack you."

Xie Fengxing was walking around the mall with the prize money he got from racing. He bought a piano, a violin, some painting tools, and a tailored suit.

Looking at his radiant self in the mirror, Xie Fengxing said, "Let's see who will be the most aggressive." The

training results of the eight worlds will finally come in handy now.

Xie Fengxing felt that his advantage was still obvious. Song Yu couldn't do any new tricks, he was just an old dog dying, but so far he had only shown his racing skills. Among the eight martial arts, it is the most insignificant one.

He felt that it would not be difficult for him to become a world celebrity based on his current skills.

Think about it, it's still a bit cool, the future is bright and bright. He just needs to be so ruthless and desireless to overthrow all the scumbags.
