Untitled Part 110

  Xie Fengxing stood at the door waiting for You Ziqiu.

In the past, You Ziqiu was just a passer-by to him, but not anymore.

He looked at You Ziqiu, who was surrounded by his classmates and leaders, and thought about how he could block the emotional line between Ju Xiaobao and You Ziqiu's younger sister.

The classmates dispersed one after another, and You Ziqiu walked towards him.

"Are you eating at your restaurant?" You Ziqiu asked with a smile.

Xie Fengxing nodded: "Are you going?"

You Ziqiu said with a smile: "I have never experienced the canteens of domestic universities. If it is convenient, I can have lunch with you." "

You don't need to talk to the principal and the others ." Are you going to eat?"

"I already had dinner with them yesterday, and today I told you that I am free to move around, and no one should follow me."

Xie Fengxing said, "Then let's go. There will probably be many people watching, you have a Mentally prepare."

You Ziqiu looked at his watch and said, "It's already time, there shouldn't be many people in the cafeteria, right?"

Sure enough, as You Ziqiu expected, it's already past the meal time, and there are only bits and pieces in the cafeteria. For some people, Xie Fengxing took them to the teacher's cafeteria.

It is said to be a teacher's restaurant, but in fact, students eat there. Because the food is richer and more expensive, there are not as many people as the big cafeteria, and the business hours are relatively long. Xie Fengxing glanced back and asked, "Do you want to invite them over to eat together?"

You Ziqiu's bodyguards followed them from a distance, and they were all dressed in black suits, so it was hard to ignore them.

You Ziqiu smiled and said: "They will solve it themselves." You Ziqiu is very good at finding topics, and he basically doesn't stand

in the cold. He asked Xie Fengxing about the winter competition: "What number is the match?"

One round game."

You Ziqiu asked: "The first round? Isn't it a one-off competition?"

Xie Fengxing said: "There are a total of nine rounds in three sub-stations in the winter competition, which lasts until January, and are ranked according to the total points."

You Ziqiu He smiled and said: "I almost said that I must finish all your games. If there are so many, the time is really hard to arrange. I will see if there is time. If there is, I will definitely go to watch the game. Since After watching your game last time, I became interested in racing, you may not know, I went to the United States last month, and I went to meet the racing driver Rick, and I got addicted to riding in his car."

Rick is currently the number one racing driver in the world. You Ziqiu can see him and ride in his racing car, which shows that he has a wide network of contacts.

Xie Fengxing said: "I haven't met him in person yet."

"If you want, I can be the host. Please meet the two of you and learn from each other." You Ziqiu said.

"I'm still waiting to see him on the field one day." Xie Fengxing said lightly.

He was actually a bit crazy when he said this, because no matter how good Xie Fengxing was, he was only good in China, while Rick was the king of F1 cars, and the status gap between the two was huge. But Xie Fengxing's words made people believe that one day he would stand on the field with the king of cars.

Probably because he was too calm, that kind of self-confidence came from the bottom of his bones, and it didn't make people feel too arrogant.

You Ziqiu fell in love with Xie Fengxing at first sight.

But the so-called love at first sight was just falling in love with Xie Fengxing's face and temperament.

That face is beautiful and gorgeous, and that temperament is also unique, a very special cold beauty, but as he gets to know him better and gets in touch with him more and more, You Ziqiu finds that Xie Fengxing's charm is simply unstoppable.

Such a thin and beautiful boy, on the court, is so cool that it is eye-popping.

Sitting face to face with him now, looking closely, Xie Fengxing's skin is unbelievably smooth, like cold white jade, and the birthmark on his Adam's apple has a very strange beauty, rolling up and down as he swallows.

Probably aware of his gaze, Xie Fengxing looked straight at him.

You Ziqiu said: "The injuries on the face are almost invisible. When I saw it on the news, I was shocked. Has the other party been caught?"

Xie Fengxing nodded.

"In the future, we still have to pay attention to safety. There are everyone in society now." You Ziqiu said, "I was not used to having bodyguards at home at first, but I got used to it after a long time.

" Molecules are a minority after all, now there are people picking them up and going to and from school." Xie Fengxing said.

"I think your school's security is quite strict."

Recently, Hang Da University has not allowed outsiders to enter, and they have to swipe their cards to enter and exit.

Xie Fengxing's cell phone rang suddenly, he took out the cell phone and connected the call directly.

"Have you eaten yet?" Lu Chi asked.

"I'm eating." Xie Fengxing asked, "What about you?" "

I just finished eating too. Why did I eat so late today?" "

Our school had a meeting, and I was a student representative, so I also attended it." Xie Fengxing said .

"I saw the news. It's You Ziqiu who went to your school. Have you seen him?" "

He's eating with me now."

"Then you eat first. He finally came to Beicheng. Remember to pay, don't let him invite you." Lu Chi said.

"We are the school cafeteria." Xie Fengxing said.

Lu Chi was taken aback for a moment.

This You Ziqiu is quite good at playing close to the people.

Fortunately, Xie Fengxing has already been taken down by him, no matter how clever You Ziqiu is, he is facing Xie Fengxing who will never be pried away from the corner.

Lu Chi felt that if he was jealous, he would look too stupid.

"Then you guys talk, I'll hang up first, see you tonight."

Xie Fengxing said "Mmm" before hanging up the phone.

You Ziqiu asked with a smile, "Who is it?"

"Lu Chi." Xie Fengxing said.

"How does he know I'm here?"

"I heard it was on the news."

"Really? I borrowed your light." You Ziqiu said.

After the meal, You Ziqiu followed Xie Fengxing to deliver the dishes. When the dishes were handed over to the aunt in the cafeteria, he took a photo with his mobile phone and said to Xie Fengxing: "Today is really a rare experience, I have to post it on Moments .Aren't you going home at noon?"

"It's too troublesome to go back and forth. I usually go to the library." Xie Fengxing said.

"It's like this. I have a younger sister, my dear, who also goes to school in Beicheng, next door to yours. She begged me repeatedly, saying that she wanted to have a meal with you. I don't know if you can appreciate it. The time is up to you. Two days are fine." You Ziqiu said.

Xie Fengxing was stunned for a moment, and asked: "You Zirong?"

This time it was You Ziqiu's turn to be stunned: "How do you know her name?"

"I searched for your information." Xie Fengxing said.

You Ziqiu said: "Just like you, she is also a sophomore. She went to university abroad and was not used to it for a year. She transferred to China and is at Beicheng University next door to you." Xie Fengxing said: "Then

today Well, I finish class at six o'clock, and your sister's is probably about the same, you can ask her first to set a time." You

Ziqiu smiled and said, "Okay."

After school in the afternoon, Xie Fengxing had just come out of the teaching building when there was a The man in formal suit walked towards him: "Hi, Mr. You asked me to pick you up."

Xie Fengxing took the car directly to the restaurant that You Ziqiu had booked. He read the novel while in the car. As Ju Xiaobao's first woman, You Zirong appeared in the second chapter. The scenes were very concentrated and basically followed the fairy route. , the love line is the clichéd line of domineering gangsters and pure young ladies. Ju Xiaobao's greasy lines made him amazed.

And You Zirong basically always has "pretty face blushes", "almond eyes open", "body crisp" and so on. After knowing Ju Xiaobao for three days, she was soon intoxicated by Ju Xiaobao's masculine charm.

Half an hour later, he saw You Zirong in the restaurant on the top floor.

Just as he imagined, You Zirong is a very gentle and beautiful girl, who meets all the conditions of Bai Yueguang's first love, speaks softly and has an extremely pure temperament.

When he thinks that she was seen by Ju Xiaobao, a man who looks like Ju Xiaobao, who doesn't have much money to educate and who is a bit philandering, and still be lonely for this whole life, he feels a little... saddened.

Girl, you deserve better.

As written in the novel, You Ziqiu doted on his younger sister very much, which also paved the way for him to beat the mandarin ducks.

You Zirong didn't talk much, and blushed easily, saying that she went to Hangda Stadium to watch his performance during the National Day this year.

Everything seems to be preordained in the dark.

During the meal, You Zirong had to check his phone from time to time to reply a message. A simple girl like her can't hide her love at all. You Ziqiu reminded her: "Don't keep looking at your phone while eating with others, put it away."

You Zirong quickly put down the phone: "I'm sorry."

"Boyfriend Did you post it?" Xie Fengxing asked.

You Zirong blushed, but still nodded solemnly.

You Ziqiu said: "It's still the one you told me a few days ago? What do you do at home? Are you a student? When will you bring me here?

" would scare him."

Xie Fengxing thought to himself, if You Ziqiu knew what kind of boyfriend she had found, he would be the one who was scared.

After the meal, the three of them came out of the restaurant, and You Ziqiu said to Xie Fengxing, "I'll ask the driver to take you back first." "

My friend has already driven over." Xie Fengxing said.

He had sent Xiaoliu a message while he was having dinner, and he probably had already arrived by now.

You Zirong's cell phone rang suddenly, she went to the side and connected the phone, in the cold wind, she vaguely heard her explaining something to someone: "It's really my brother's friend." "The exciting moment has come,"

Xiao Ai popped up suddenly, "Ju Xiaobao is here!"

Xie Fengxing was stunned for a moment, and saw a tall man walking towards them.

You Zirong put down his phone and ran over in a hurry: "Why did you come here?"

"I miss you, let's take a look." As he spoke, he hugged You Zirong's shoulder domineeringly, and looked behind her You Ziqiu and Xie Fengxing.

He knew You Ziqiu, and he had seen it on the news before, and after confirming his relationship with You Zirong, You Zirong told him about her relationship with You Ziqiu, and because he knew about You Zirong's family background, he always kept in his heart Some low self-esteem, feel that they are not worthy of You Zirong.

He is poor and white, a poor boy from the valley, but You Zirong is a daughter of a famous family.

You Zirong is innocent and loves him. She tells him everything, such as which senior in school is chasing her again, and which rich second generation comes to send her flowers again. I heard from You Zirong that their family has been introducing partners to her recently, and those partners are naturally rich and young.

Ju Xiaobao was very jealous.

Today, You Zirong said that he was having dinner with her brother's friends, and he felt that it was not easy, so he set out the restaurant where they had dinner, and he came over to guard.

Smoked half a pack of cigarettes.

He just wants to swear his sovereignty in front of those rich and powerful!

But he didn't expect that the rich young master beside You Ziqiu was so good-looking.

And it looks a little familiar, like a big star.

You Ziqiu frowned: "You Zirong."

You Zirong immediately broke away from Ju Xiaobao's arm and said, "Brother, let me introduce you. This is my boyfriend...Ju Xiaobao. Xiaobao, this is my brother. The one next to him It's my brother's friend, Xie Fengxing, you know him, I've shown you his video." "I

think you should act quickly," Xiao Ai reminded, "When You Ziqiu successfully takes down Ju Xiaobao's hatred, you It's dead, you're really stuck."

He really had to hurry up, because he saw that You Ziqiu's usually gentle face was already very gloomy at this moment.

Everything happened a bit suddenly, and there was no time to make more preparations, but it is much easier to take down a person's hatred value than to take down a person's love value. Xie Fengxing looked at Ju Xiaobao, and met his eyes.

At this moment, a familiar Bentley stopped on the side of the road.

Xie Fengxing was taken aback for a moment, then saw Lu Chi open the car door and come out.

You Ziqiu was stunned when he saw him.

Lu Chi should have come here directly from the company, wearing a suit and leather shoes, and carrying a black coat in his hand.

Before Ju Xiaobao could recover from Xie Fengxing's beauty and temperament, he saw another handsome handsome guy, handsome and dignified.

Coupled with a handsome and gentle You Ziqiu, three rich and handsome guys stood in front of him, and he, who was already obsessed with everyone, felt instantly shorter.

Lu Chi and You Ziqiu shook hands: "Long time no see."

"Why are you here?" Xie Fengxing asked.

"I'll be your driver." Lu Chi said and handed over the coat in his hand, "Put it on."

Xie Fengxing took it and put it on.

There were no excessively intimate actions or words between the two, but You Ziqiu was stunned by the naturalness and tacit understanding.

Lu Chi had a panoramic view of You Ziqiu's expression.

Hey, he was showing mercy if he didn't put Xie Fengxing on himself.

He looked at You Zirong and Ju Xiaobao next to him again, and he was quite high-spirited: "Why don't you introduce me?"
