Author's Note, again...

Umm, so first, thx for 200 reads idk how THAT happened, but I think it's really cool. :)

Anyways, I was looking at some of it and I hate my writing in this, especially the beginning, that combined with the fact that the entire plot I had set up for it has been thrown down the drain because my characters said so, and I really don't think I'll be adding to this in a while.

I no joke have no idea how to continue this rn, hopefully I'll find something later and if I do I'll continue the story, but for now, sorry.

I mean, I have some ideas, but nothing that could be developed to the point of a even a whole chapter, but like I said, if I can get anything, I'll continue, I just don't know when that will be.

I'm really sorry, I know how much it sucks to be reading a ff that ends on a cliffhanger because it's never finished.

I may even end up unpublishing it until I get to fixing the past writing, idk.

Once again, super sorry,
Thanks for existing ladies lords and nonbinary legends,

