3- Family

Ash's Pov

As I lead Nico to a nice spot to talk in the forest, I got a better read on him, there is only so much you can tell about a person from far away.

I could easily tell that he was better with quick smart attacks rather then brute strength battles, and seeing as I had already proven my skills to him in a small way, I felt certain I was safe from an attack, at least for now.

"Aight," I sigh out as I sit against a tree, one leg outstretched and my other knee supporting one arm as I run my hand threw my poof of hair, in a small, very aesthetically pleasing might I add, clearing that I enjoy hanging out in often, "as long as you wont go spilling my shit to peeps out there, what do you want to know?" He seams intrigued but still cautious of me, as he sits against a tree a couple meters away.

"Well, for a start, what's your name? And why can't I tell people about you?"

"My name's Ash, and in truth, I wish you could, but..." I trail off a bit, lost in my thoughts of what I'm doing here, but come back to reality as he clears his throat with a questioning look on his face. "Sorry, um, my brother is out there, in the camp, and... I guess I feel bad? I dont really know. I haven't seen him in forever, and he would either have completely forgotten about me, be fucking pissed at me for leaving him, or blame himself for my leaving."

"You have brother on the moral side? And he's here?... Who is he?... Why don't you want to see him?..." He rushes out to fast for me to catch all of them, one after another.

"Woah, chill out dude. Um, yup, mortal side, yea, you probably wouldn't believe me if I told you, I want to see him just dont want to hurt him again, ...what where your other questions?" He looks shocked at my last answer, though I couldn't imagine why.

"Why... Why are you scared of hurting him again? Wouldn't seeing him again just make him happier?" He said it as if he could think of having no other reaction to seeing a long lost sibling.

"My brother is very... loyal, I guess, by now he probably thinks I'm dead, especially if he has figured out I'm a demigod, and if he knew I was out here, and he wasn't constantly searching for me, helping me, or, as mush as it annoys me, protecting me, he would tear himself apart with guilt. I don't- I can't be the reason he goes threw that."

"As someone who has lost a sister, believe me, nothing could make him, whoever he is, happier then seeing you again. No matter what else comes with it, no matter what happened in the past with you two, the fact that your alive and well, would be the best news he could hear. Who is he? Maybe I could help." His words made me think, wondering if he was right and it sounded like he was saying that last part with what... hope.

"Like I said, you wouldn't believe me-"

"Try me, you'll never know until you do."

"I mean, I guess you have a point? His name is Percy Jackson, sound familiar?" I let out a snicker as his jaw dropped and the wonder and curiosity in his dark eyes grew.

"Well- I- I certainly wasn't expecting that... uh... what?" I laughed a bit more as he pulled himself together. "So, are you a daughter of Poseidon then?"

"Uh- technically I haven't been claimed, but I'm pretty sure I'm a daughter of Hades, I don't really know how or why I ended up with the Jacksons, just that Sally adopted me after my mother died."

"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss, what makes you think you a daughter of Hades?" From the way he said it, I could tell he doubted me, but I was tired so I didn't wanna do something big. Fun fact, you dont need to have been claimed to use your demigod powers.

I let out a quick, breathy, laugh as I changed my silver ring with black vine and leaf details and a blood red gem-like button in to my stygian iron knife. I used the blade to cut a small circle into the ground, the earth in the center of the circle crumbled, or, melted into liquid-like shadows which I then drew up and into my weapon, the lines etched into it glowing with a dull, dark, purple.

Nico was the fist to speak after a solid minute of just sitting there. "I guess that does... wow. Well, if you haven't been claimed yet, how old are you?"


"Om my gods, really?!" He said not believing I didn't know off the top of my head.

"Ok, shut up! how old are you?" I waited a bit for an answer and when none came, I reveled in my victory. "that's what I though!"

"Ok, I was stuck ageing at some weird pace for a while in a weird magic immortality hotel trap! Its different!"

"Yea, and I've been separated from the rest of humanity for most of like five years or something!"

"Tha- wait, five years? Like, the second titian war time?" He said, calming down.

"Yea, that's when I found Camp Half Blood, or, I found you guys by the Empire State Building and followed you back here. How do you think I ended up in these woods?" I said as I calmed down myself.

"You've been here that entire time? Through all of the second giant shit and everything!" He looked confused, angry, and in complete disbelief all at the same time.

"Ye-Yea, dude, I-I've been trying to help out, here and there, I-I'm sorry I didn't do more..." As I trailed off, both my knees to my chest, my arms hugging them as close to myself as I can.

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