13 - She Didn't Exist

TRIGGER WARNING: gore, needles, blood

Nico Pov

I walk into the room to see Ash sitting up in the bed, looking straight through me as if she didn't notice I was there.

"How you feeling?" I said weakly, breaking the tense silence. Her eyes focused on me for the first time since I entered the room.

"oh... hi. I'm fine, don't worry about it." As she spoke she turned her head away from me, looking down at her arms.

"Ash, how can I no-"

"Stop. We aren't doing this shit." I was surprised at her words, not that she cursed, but that she was being so hostile. "I get you helped me, and thank you for that," She looked back up at me but her stare was icy. "but I'm not doing this. You've barely known me a day, you don't know what's going on, so don't pretend you do. Now, Imma just be honest, the only reasons I'm still in this fucking bed is one, I have two needles shoved into my arms, speaking of which, Kayla? Would you mind helping me out with these?" She rose her arms a bit as she spoke to Kayla, her voice was softer and warmer then when she addressed me, which was probably good for Kayla considering she was just standing to the side of the room looking shocked.

Kayla shook herself out of her daze and gave a quick nod before walking over and taking out the needles, rearranging the bandages on her arms. "Thanks." Ash spoke with a smile, then refocused on me, and gain back her cold tone. "And two, I need to talk to sunshine boy back there, I own him that much." Her face fell to her lap and her voice grew quiet and weak as she spoke about Will, what happened between them?

"What's up about me?" Will asked as he walked into the room, cleaning his hands off and throwing the wipe into a trash can in the corner. Some how he still wore a smile, he really is special.

"Ash here wanted to talk to you, I should get going though, I'll check in later." I don't know what was up with Ash, but she sure as Tartarus didn't want me around right now, so I left, I should talk to Percy anyways.

Will POV

"Ash here wanted to talk to you, I should get going though, I'll check in later." Nico walked out as Kayla finished with Ash's bandages. Ash stood up and rubbed her bandages awkwardly.

"Um... I just wanted to say... thanks, first, I means, you're really good at your job, and second... I'm sorry." She spoke softly and slowly, like she knew this was important and didn't want to mess it up. Like she was scared of ruining something. Something I didn't know was at risk right now, apparently, as I had no idea why she was apollogising.

"Why?" I finally blurted out. Wow. Son of the god of poetry, no wonder my speech is so elegant.

"What do you mean?" She looked up to me for the first time since she woke up.

"Why are you sorry? Trust me, I've dealt with much more trouble some patients. Just ask Nico, he's a regular here." She laughed a little at my joke and I was glad to relive some of the tention.

"It's been a year, so I guess it makes sense you don't remember me. I let you think I was dead for a year, I know how much you struggle with not being able to save all your patients... Here let me show you something." She said when she saw I was still confused.

She pulled at the neck of her t-shirt, Turing around slightly, allowing me to see the back and top of her shoulder. (AN: scandalous I know) There a saw an odd scar. It had matching circles at three points on the top of her shoulder, with thick lines connecting them to similar circles on her back, these lines grew wider as they reached the top of her shoulder, as if something was being teared from the flesh. It was then that I remembered her, the girl who didn't exist.

(AN: I kinda wanna end it there but I wont, you've waited long enough for an update (:)


The entirety of Camp Half Blood was in one of the most important battles in our lives, and the last one for some. My job was to keep that number down as much as possible. As a son of Apollo, I may not be good with a bow, or music, or poetry, or any of the other fifty thousand things my dad is the god of, but I'm a pretty flippen good doctor.

I spent my time in the battle of Manhatten trying to heal as many campers as I could, running around everyone to get to those who needed me.

At some point during the battle I saw a little girl surrounded by monsters and I emetetly rushed over to help. She was cornered, her back to what was left of a building and at least five monsters in front of her, all of them no smaller then double her size.

I didn't know how to get to her, but that problem was solved when she came to me.

She somehow managed to kill all of them, this kid was impressive, but she did get pretty scraped up. The worst wound was very apparent as I saw a three clawed bear like creature jab it's claws into her shoulder, then tear it's arm up, ripping away chunks of her flesh.

Yet somehow, she didn't scream. At least, not how I thought she would.

Instead of an ear piercing shreek of pain, she let out a loud, low growl while waving her arms above her hear to scare it away. As it turned she slashed her blade across it's back, effectively killing it.

I rushed up to her to tend to her shoulder, when she pushed me away.

"I'm fine, there are other people who need your help, go to them." She spoke with authority and an aura of calmness around her. So many of my natural instincts as a doctor told her to shut her up and heal her, but I could tell by the look in her eye I was getting no where near her.

So I turned, and I ran to the next injured camper, not willing to waist time trying when I knew I would fail.

After the battle I couldn't stop worrying about the little girl. I can't handle it went any of my patients die, and that's when I've done everything I could possibly do to help them, but this sweet kid was there all by herself, and I just left her. Without a second thought I literally turned my back on not just a demigod in need, but an injured child. How could I live with myself if she wasn't okay?

I asked all around camp, giving as detailed of a discription as I could from the little I remembered, and no one recognized it. I started with all my siblings, nothing. Then all of the pacients currently in the infermary, and that was a lot of people, no one. I spent an entire day running around to all the cabins, anyone I could find, asking if they new anything about the little girl I failed to save.

I spun into a depression after that, I don't have the best mental health but with this, and all the pacients in the infermary, and being the head of the Apollo cabin, I was in a dark place. I kept a smile on for most people, but I couldn't get anything past Kayla. Eventually she helped me threw it, I would never forget the girl, even if my memory faded a bit, but there was nothing more I could do.

As far as anyone knew, she didn't exist.

1348 words

sorry for not uploading, and all the mistakes, I can't fix them rn but maybe later.

I had a plan but my characters vetoed it without my consent so I got some major writer's block for this story.

On the plus side, I have a new story focusing on people from the dream smp and an of I made, also named Ash (we don't need to talk about why)

I also have a short story book that is very short but sometimes I have stuff I want to write but no other place to put it.

You lords ladies and nonbinary royalty and amazing, thanks for existing.

