
Warning contains
-self harm

Carl's pov:
Max said that Adam would go to his old house probably I was taking the chance I needed to find him

-time skip-
We pull into this driveway to a small house we get out of the car and walk up to the door before I open ye don't I ask max "are you sure?" He answers with "positive" I open the door and raise my gun my dad outside watching if he hasn't got here yet there aren't any walkers Adam wanted to run away so he will run of he knows we found him

I walk upstairs I look in all the rooms but one I open the door to see a bag on the bed I look around a little more I can't believe I don't see it as soon as I opened the door

It was heart breaking it was Adam curled up in the corner with his knees to his chest his  wrist on the ground palms facing up and blood coming out of his wrist I ran to himself sat down behind him and wrapped my around my arms around his waist from behind and hugged him

He turns around and faces me and hugs me after pulling away from the hug he kisses me on the lips it felt perfect I kissed him back of course
