
                      Adams pov:
I was scared here standing next to Carl in front of her and Rick I don't want her dead I hated her that's a fact but she went through tuff stuff to are dad died in when I was four. yes Connor is my step brother? But I love him no matter my mom got drunk and has sex and got pregnant with Connor she said he was a mistake and that I was her biggest mistake but she doesn't deserve to die we all get angry and some people just handle it better

So what was I going to do I don't know I looked at my- her she gave me this look that could only say 'I'm gonna kill you' then I look Rick he's giving me this look that says 'tell me the truth and only the truth' then I look at Carl there so much regret and sadness and happiness and it also looked scared his pupils were just plain grey but they still sparkled I knew what I had to do

"She........I......j-just........-" I feel a hand on my shoulder I look over to see Carl he's smiling at me in a way that could only say 'I believe in you' I suck in a big breath and say "yes she hurts me a lot but please just don't ki-" It hurt the ringing in my ear I've heard gunshots I've shot a gun but this one was different this one hurt not physically but mentally as I saw my h- no my mom I watched as Rick shot her right through the gut and her body went
