Dont look back

I poked the fire with a stick in boredom. I look across the dying fire to see Damien smoking a cig. He realized me blankly staring at him and sent me a glare. I cringed at the fact go something so useless was so unhealthy. "Want one kid?" He asked in a annoyed toned. "Umm no?" I replied in a confused and dumbfound tone. "Don't get you boxers in a twist. You were staring at mine like you wanted one" He said in a annoyed and monotone voice as if my answer was offensive to him in one way. "Oh umm sorry" I said in a sorry tone not knowing what to say.

He nodded "I'll take watch, get some rest" He took his bud and tossed it into the woods. "Oh ok, I can take the next watch if you want?" I asked as if to get permission. "No, get some rest. The plan is I help you find your group and then once your safe with them, I'll be on my way."

I nodded understanding the simple plan. I lay down on the leaf covered ground using my backpack as a pillow, still feeling guilty for not taking at least half of the night. Soon drifting off into dreamless sleep.

-One Week Later-

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me jumping over the occasional log. Bursting into the small wooden cabin hurtling the old rusty and creaky door towards the wall behind it. "Bandits on maple road, they saw me when I was trying to raid a car." Damien nodded stuffing all of the food and water, along with other pieces of supplies into a old backpack.

We opened up the door to be met with a sickening grin of some tooth missing scumbags. Ok maybe they weren't that bad of people it was just their appearance and I know you shouldn't judge a book by their cover. I just hated the look on their faces, they looked as if they just caught their trembling prey. I quickly pull out my knife ready to defend myself.

"I don't think so" one of the three men said taking the knife out of my hand."Were not gonna hurt you, we just want whatever and everything you have." said the one in the middle that looked like the leader well the other two nodded agreeing with him.

I stood still, waiting for Damien to make a move so I could follow in his footsteps not wanting to get Damien or myself killed. "Okay take whatever you want" said Damien. I looked at him with wide eyes like he was crazy I honestly thought the apocalypse got to his head and he was going insane for just letting these men take are hard earned supplies.

"Really?" Asked one of the men in a questioning tone not believing it either. "Alright, boys you heard the man start packing up anything you can find" said the leader.

Two of the men swiftly walked by us and went straight into the small cabin well the leader stayed outside with us. "Hands up!" He ordered. Damien did as told, as so did I as he started to pat the both of us down. He took my gun out of my holster and Damien's knife and pistol. "Okay kid hand over the backpack" I looked at Damien and he nodded. I shrugged the backpack off of my shoulders and handed it to the man who had a smug look on his face.

In the blink of a eye Damien had stabbed a small pocket knife into the mans chest and the man had shot Damien in the leg. Both of them falling to the floor well the other two men rushed out. "Run Adam and don't look back" Damien yelled, I followed the simple orders and ran off in some random direction.

I heard yelling coming from behind me as one of the men chased after me. I only ran faster jumping over logs and rocks. I stopped and looked around to see I had ran right into a neighborhood. I sighed In relief and comfort which soon disappeared as I heard the man run out of the woods still chasing me. I took off taking, a sharp turn into a alley way and coming out the other side well running straight into a big brick building.

I went into a small office hiding under a desk. I sighed, it seem i have lost him as I dint hear him come into the building. I slowly got up from the desk and looked around the room looking for any form I supplies that I could use because at this moment I had nothing.

Word count: 792

Sorry I know this is shorter then usual but I'm working on the next chapter that will be way better I promise

And plus I would like to dedicate this chapter to Heartpower50  who has been waiting for this chapter and go check out her stories she has a story about the walking dead who also has a character named Adam!
