Party Planners

"It's a place I built for all those monster out there, lurking in the shadows, hiding from the persecution of humankind. A place for them and their families to come and be themselves. A place void of torches, pitchforks, angry mobs. A place of peace, relaxation and tranquillity." Drac said passionately as I watched with fashionation. "Cool! So, it's like a hotel for monsters." Johnny said as I sighed softly. "Yes, exactly. 'a hotel for monsters'." Drac said a bit annoyed. "Way to sum it up Johnny." I said and punched his arm lightly. "Okay, hop on my back. We're leaving." Drac said walking over to us. 

"Uh how are you gonna do that? There's two of us." I said and stood up, fixing my costume and fangs. "I'll take Johnny first." He said and turned into one of the cutest bats I've ever seen! "Wow that's so neat-o!" I said with an excited smile. Drac was so happy his bat fur covered his light blush. "Oh, man, you're a bat now. I always wanted to fly. What's it like?" Johnny asked, being his talkative self again as Drac picked him up with ease. "This is insane. Wait, wait! I want to stay. Can Frankenstein sign my costume? Can I meet the Invisible Man? Hey, if I stuck my hand in the Invisible Man's mouth, would it disappear?" Johnny asked as they flew a little ways out the window. 

"Hi." I hear Mavis said as Drac stopped and chuckled nervously. "Mavey! What are you doing my sweet little blood orange? Our friend was just leaving." He said and nodded while smiling nervously. "Yeah, he was flying me out the window." Johnny said as Drac chuckled nervously. "This guy, he's so funny." Drac said, flying back into the room and changed back to normal. "Look, you have something on your face." He said dragging Johnny closer by me at the door. "Play along if you ever want to see your precious backpack." He said glaring at Johnny. Mavis flew in as she was bat sized. 

Okay officially vampires are the cutest bats ever! Mavis turned normal with her hands on her hips. "Whoa. So, wait, you didn't have an clothes on when you were a bat? Or were they bat-sized?" Johnny asked, being oblivious to what he said as I lightly punched his arm, making him rub it and looked at me wondering why. "You don't ask someone you don't know that question doofus." I said and shook my head. "Who exactly are they?" Mavis asked and looked at us curiously. 

"Honeybat. You see, it's your birthday and you know I want you to have the bestest, specialest party of your life. So, well I needed some help." Drac said placing a hand on Johnny's shoulder. "You needed help?" Mavis asked in disbelief. "Well, look, I am very good, but I thought it would be even more bestest, specialest if someone closer to your age helped plan the party." Drac said and smiled, kinda calmly.

"You're my age?!" She asked leaning excitedly close to Johnny's face. "Sure. Well, how old are you?" Johnny asked and looked at her as she backed up. "118." She said with a smile. "One hundred and-" Johnny was about to say something when I elbowed him harshly in the stomach and smiled innocently, failing to see Drac trying not to laugh. "Yeah, I'm 121." Johnny said with a small groan as he held his stomach. "Really?!" Mavis asked as Johnny nodded while smiling through the pain in his stomach. "How about you?" She asked and looked at me.

"Oh I'm (Some number in the hundreds (MEANING 100 TO 900!! NOT JUST IN THE 100 HUNDREDS!!! I DO NOT SUPPORT LARGE AGE GAPS!!!))" I said and smiled kindly. "You see? Everything is very, very normal. I'm throwing a party, and they're helping." Drac said putting his hand on Johnny's shoulder. "Sir, there's an emergency." A set of knight armor said appearing out of nowhere. "Not now! Can't you see we're in the middle of something very normal here?" Drac asked as Johnny walked over to the armor and started flipping up the mask. "Johnny." I groaned softly and walked over to him. "Wait, what's going on here? There's an emergency in your precious hotel, and you're not running to fix it? Why? Is it because of them?" Mavis asked as Johnny stopped messing with the helmet and looked into its chestplate. 

"Johnny stop it!" I scolded him in a whisper. "Whoa, look at my face!" Johnny said and started making faces while looking in the chestplate. The armor pushed Johnny away by the face as Johnny came back with fists up then the armor punched him across the room. Johnny came back and started slapping the armor like a girl as did so did the armor. "NO, precious bones. It's not because of them." Drac said as I sat back on back on the chest and gave up on trying to stop Johnny as he embarrassed me. "Good. Then go check on the emergency, and I'll keep them company." Mavis said and smiled at me. I smiled back kindly. 

"No! Anything but that!" Drac begged, holding her shoulders. "What?" She asked a little confused. "I mean, because they need time to plan and if you're keeping them company, then they're not planning. They're company-keeping, and then the plan, it' doesn't get planned." Drac said as I mentally face palmed at his poor excuse again. "Good one." A tiny head on the doorknob said, not believing the excuse as well. "Shut up!" Drac said and glared at it. "Okay. So, maybe if you're not planning later, we can hang out." Mavis said and lifted the mask from the helmet that Johnny was now wearing. "Sounds good." Johnny said and smiled.

"Yes. You hear that? It sounds good. So you will hang out. See you later, my honey. Lovely." Drac said and pushed her out with a fake smile. "Okay, you're not hanging out. Because you are leaving." He said, dropping the smile and searched the wall for something then pushed a stone causing a secret door to open as I watched with interest and stood up. "But the opposite, you said." Johnny said a little upset. "But, sir, the emergency." The helmet from the armor said. "Follow me." Drac said grabbing a torch then walked into the tunnel. Johnny took the helmet off, throwing it down. "Boy, that kid smelled." The helmet said. "Yeah sorry about that." I said and picked up the helmet and place it back on the body armor.

"Sorry about him." I said with smile. "It's alright miss." He said and bowed. I giggled and waved goodbye as I ran into the tunnel to catch up with Drac and Johnny. "Where are we going?" Johnny asked as we followed him. "Just getting rid of you through a secret tunnel so she does not see us." Drac said as we arrived at an area with multiple tunnels. "So, can I ask you a question? Is that real, about the garlic thing?" I asked, so it wasn't so quiet. "Yes, I cannot have it. My throat swells." Drac said, glancing at me. "Wooden stake to the heart?" Johnny asked interested too. "Yeah, well, who wouldn't that kill?" Drac asked sarcastically but there was a dead end. "Hey, look ou-" I was cut off when he ran into it by glancing back at us. I winced as he hit it with a thud. He growled and turned back around as we followed him down another tunnel.

"Ah, here we go." He said and pulled a torch that opened to a room with a big pink silked bed. I heard tiny growls and went under Drac's cape to see what it was. It was fleas. "I'm sorry. I'm a little lost." Drac said softly as the fleas growled and jumped. "Yes, I know it's you honeymoon. I apologize. Go back to doing what you were doing." He said as we backed out and closed the door. "How are you lost? Isn't this your hotel? You built it." I said a little confused that he's lost in his hotel. "I'm not down here much." He said softly and looked at me then at Johnny then back to the front as we were back in the area with many other tunnels then took a different one. "It''s meant to be an exit if humans ever invade." He said as I looked down. 'Why does he hate humans so much?' I thought as I looked down.

"So, we're, like, the first humans here, huh?" I asked and looked up at him. "That's really cool!" Johnny said as we came to a stop. "Ah, boy. I think this is it." Drac said pulling another torch down. A door opened up to show the female skeleton Johnny put his hand through the ribcage earlier, taking a shower. I covered my eyes and listened to her shriek, probably trying to cover herself up. "What's happening?!" She said in a fearful voice. "I'm terribly sorry. My mistake." Drac said quickly. "What is wrong with you people?!" I hear her husband yell then heard something spongey being thrown. I heard steps then a hand grabbing mine gently, uncovering my eyes and pulled me with them. 

I see it was Drac as he let go and walked ahead of us. We did the same routine and took another tunnel. This one being small so we have to duck. "Oh, man. This place is amazing." Johnny said as I nudged him. "Oh, be quiet for once Johnny." I said even though I agreed with him. "Yeah, okay? I could really use some silence right now." Drac said, getting a bit annoyed. We walk down some stairs but then ended but Johnny was too busy looking around and almost walked off until Drac grabbed him and pulled him the other way as we walked back. We now could stand up straight in the tunnel as we stopped for the third time. Drac put his hand on the torch and pulled down. 

"All right, third time's a-" He was interrupted when the door opened to monsters, beating up old time looking zombies. "Drac." One of them said, who obviously is Frankenstein. Drac tried flipping up the torch but it was wasn't working then he gently pushed me over to hide as he pushed Johnny to hide as well. "Yes, Frankie?" He asked and put on a smile. "Hey, buddy, what have you been doing?" Frankenstein asked. "Don't move." He told me gently as I nodded. "Never mind that. What you been doing?" Drac asked, walking towards them as we peeked out. "We wanted to practice our big number for Mavis's party, and then these losers wouldn't get off the bandstand." A werewolf dude said, holding one of the zombies in his mouth. 
