Let's Talk

So I have been getting a lot of comments about me breaking the fourth wall. Honestly if you think about it, I'm not breaking it. During this movie, it is the 21st Century. Phones do exist and so does Wattpad. Otherwise we wouldn't be reading on here and we'd be stuck on Quotetiv or however you spell it. So technically I'm not breaking the fourth wall. Reader does own a phone. That's why I mentioned the Wattpad part. I also didn't mean to write it twice but it did happen. Anyway, it's still amazing to me how many people have really this book. So thank you for 46.9K reads on here and sorry I'm taking my sweet time on my stories. My book on Author Updates and News will explain what's going on and why updates are slow. Also no I'm not mad. I could never be mad at my dear readers. I just thought I'd let you guys know. I love you! Stay safe and stay happy! ๐Ÿ’ž


Okay so this is an update. I'm still getting "she's breaking the forth wall" stuff. Read the paragraph above. Also, when I said the reader was "somewhere in the hundreds", that doesn't exactly mean only in the 100s. It can range from 100 to 900. That is totally up to you. I DO NOT AGREE WITH PEDOPHILIA!!! And another thing, I know that I phrased "Drac and his daughter are in love" a bit wrong. I did not mean in that way and you guys know that. So please be mature and not take it out of context. I also wrote this when I was 17 so yes, it have a lot of errors in it. Please respect that not every book will be well written as most of us have dyslexia. I love you all very much and just want to get this out there. ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ‘Œ

Also, can we just appreciate that this book has gotten over 121K reads now? Wow! It blows my mind how many enjoy it! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ˜ฑ
