Birthday Party and Leaving the Hotel

I was at Mavis's party watching everyone have a good time as I danced to the music by Johnny. Mavis appeared wearing her normal clothes with a cape like her father's. "Wow. You look beautiful Mavis." I said and smiled as I stopped dancing. "Thanks. Thanks for the party guys." She said and smiled , looking around. "Yeah, you like our little touches?" Johnny asked as glowing particles made an airplane flying by particles that formed Paris, New York, Moscow, Hawaii but we spelled it Haweewee like how she calls it. "It's amazing." She said staring in awe then smiled and crossed her arms. 

She fell back like a trust fall as Johnny held his hands out to catch her. She disappeared but used her cape to pull him deeper into the crowd. I shook my head and giggled then waved at them to go find someone to talk to and saw Drac walking over with knight armor standing beside him. He started dancing as I stood with the circle and watch his cape come off. He started dancing like a boss! His cape went back on him as the knights pretend to fall over, dying. I cheered as Drac smiled. He pulled me over as we started dancing together. "This is amazing Y/N!" He said as he twirled and dipped me. I blushed softly as he twirled me back up. 

"Thanks. You only turn 118 once right?" I asked and smiled as I kept dancing when all of the sudden I was pulled into a chest. Drac was hugging me. I blushed deeply as I slowly hugged back and smiled. "Thanks for making my daughter's birthday one to remember." He said softly and pulled away slightly. "No problem. She's a sweet girl." I said and smiled softly. "So are you." He said softly and started lean towards me as I started inwardly freaking out but he stopped when a knight armor tapped his shoulder and pointed at Mavis and Johnny. Mavis was kissing Johnny as Johnny looked scared but soon had a small smile. 

Drac quickly appeared in front of Johnny as I quickly walked over. "How could you?! After I shared my pain with you?!" He asked as Johnny looked at him fearfully. "Drac, it was just a kiss." I said softly but he also got into my face, scaring me. "No, she's not allowed to kiss!" He said, glaring at me since I was on Johnny and Mavis's side as I looked more scared. "Dad, I'm allowed to do things. I'm not 83 anymore. I'm allowed to like people or go see the world again." Mavis said and stood beside Johnny. "What?! You saw it! You said you didn't like it!" Drac said and looked at Mavis like she was nuts. 

"Maybe I want to give the village another change. I just need to roll with it, you know, just how to roll with it, like Johnny does." She said and glanced at Johnny as me and him watched what was happening. "No, no, you can't go to the village again." Drac argued, looking at her. "Maybe you can make them see that we could be friends." Mavis tried to reason. "No, that isn't possible." Drac said trying to reason with her too. "Well, you can't be sure. It's all in how you present yourself." Mavis said, now looking like she's upset. "No, that won't make a difference." Drac said, growing upset as well. 

"How do you know?" Mavis asked. "Because it just won't!" Drac argued. "Why? Why won't it?" Mavis asked again. "Because that village doesn't really exist!" Drac yelled as everyone stopped what they were doing and Mavis looked hurt. "What do you mean "doesn't exist"?" She asked as Drac looked down. "What did you do?" Frank asked a little upset. "I did what I had to do." Drac said now looking away with his arms crossed as his friend walked up beside us. "What was it? What exactly did you have to do? Tell me!" Mavis said angrily. "I...I built the town. The staff put it all together. The zombies dressed up as the townspeople. Please. If you really went out there and something happened to you, I just couldn't live with myself." Drac said as Mavis walked a little with her back turned as Drac looked down sadly.

"But you can live with this? Lying to me? Tricking me? Keeping me here forever when you know it's my dream to go out?" Mavis asked, turning to to him and started getting closer to Drac as he backed up everytime she got closer. We heard mumbling as someone brought over Quasi in a wheelbarrow. "Oil?" Murray asked as me and Johnny started to sneak towards the door as Quasi mumbled again. "English, please. Your voice is really annoying." Eunice said. "Wait, I speak frozen." A fly said and flew over to him. 'Of course you do.' I thought a little upset as we were close to the door as we watched. "He says, "Dracula has brought humans into the hotel."" The fly translated. "Humans?" "Stay close, pookie!" People started freaking out. 

"He says, "There is ze humans." He has a French accent." The fly said as we went to walk out but Esmeralda closed the door. How? I have no idea but she did. Everyone gasped and looked at us as Drac shrunk into his cape. "Johnny isn't a human. He's my right arm's cousin and Y/N is his best friend. He's lying." Frank said, getting in Quasi's face. "Yeah, and why is he picking his nose?" Griffin asked looking at Quasi. Quasi mumbled again as the fly translated. "He says, "It's a long story."" He said as Esmeralda started to crawl everywhere on Johnny. "Hey, wait, no! Get off him!" I said and tried getting Esmeralda off him as she messed up Johnny's makeup then crawled over to my arm as Johnny tried to grab her, messing up my makeup too.

We froze to see we were back in the crowd. Quasi mumbled again as everyone looked at us. "He says, "Behold ze humans."" The fly said as everyone screamed and started running around like crazy. "I don't believe. it." Frank said in surprise as we looked at Mavis who was just standing while everyone was running around her. "Is it true? Are you humans?" She asked walking up to us. "Yes." I said sadly as Johnny and I looked down. "We're so sorry." He said as Mavis hugged him.  "I-I don't care. I still want to be with Johnny." She said and looked at me. "And friends with you." She said with a smile. Johnny smiled and hugged her back slightly as I smiled. We looked at Drac who was looking at us sadly. 

Johnny and I looked at each other and nodded. "Well, tough! 'Cause I don't want to be with you." Johnny said and grabbed her hands gently and pushed her lightly away, hating what we have to do. "And I don't want to be friends're a monster and we hate monsters!" I said as we started to walk away giving each other a sad glance but returned to acting. "Goodbye!" Johnny said then did a karate move causing Murray to shrink back and block his face. "Please don't hurt me!" He said and we walked out. I started to softly cry as Johnny patted my back sadly. "It's for the best Y/N." He said softly as I nodded. 
