
Your P.O.V

"I'm not stupid, and I dont need to be here so stop looking at me like I'm a child." I sat next to Gene on my couch with plenty of room between us so that I could still watch him as he did his work.

"We don't need to talk during this." I said mostly just to annoy him.

"Really, cause I think thats pretty important if your going to tutor me. Unless you want me to tell Mrs Burke that you wont talk to me." Gene said crossing his arms and leaning back against the couch. Gene stared into my eyes for so long that for a second they almost reminded me of Garroth's.

"Do it." I said looking away from Gene for only a second to look at Marcus who stared at me with duck lips until I looked away, "Why would I care, then maybe I wont have to do this."

"Oh princess, you dont want me to do that. I know you don't. What would Mrs Burke think, after all you seemed like such a good choice considering you're friends with the goldens." Gene said sarcasm writen all over his voice.

"Fine then," I said, "you said you're not stupid, what do you need a tutor for."

"I'm perfectly capable of doing the work, I just choose not to. And I wouldn't be throwing the word stupid around when your the one with a boyfriend who takes a sophmore math class." Gene said his arms still crossed as he cracked his knuckles by squeezing his hand in a fist.

"You're lieing." I said instantly without having a second to think about it. What was there to think about, almost everything Gene says is a lie.

"Yeah okay." Gene said now with a smile on his face. "You don't know much do you. I herd you were pretty surprised when you found out Garroth and Aphmau used to make out." Gene said bringing up a conversation I had almost completely forgot about.

"How do you even know about that? You weren't in that class to be able to hear any of the conversation. " I asked.

"I have friends other than Zenix and Sahsa," Gene said raising an eyebrow, "believe it or not."

"It doesn't matter to me that Garroth and Aphmau kissed." I said being only partially honest. "But it must have really mattered to you because you blackmailed Aphmau then too." Gene turned away from me and continued to work on math.

"Really cause if my boyfriend had a falling out with his best friend over a girl he so loved and then continued being friends with, I think I'd be a little suspicious." I acted like I was ignoring Gene and listening to nothing he said, but I was.

"That's wrong by the way," I said changing the subject and pointing to Gene's paper, "It's a positive after you move it to the bottom of the fraction."

"I said I wasnt stupid, I didnt say I was a genious."


"Who was that?" Marcus asked just minutes after Gene left. He was clearly waiting eagerly to ask this and he made no attempt to try and hide it.

"Some guy I have to tutor in math." I said looking down at my phone and swiping a message, that said 'ANSSWEEER MEEE', away.

"Really, cause I'm pretty sure it's the same guy that I saw you kissing after one of your softball games." Marcus said tilting his head and making his eyes go wide as if it made him seem more intimidating. At that moment my phone rang, giving me an excuse to walk away from the conversation. I held my ringing phone up for Marcus to see and pointed to it all while mouthing 'phone call' to him.

"What?" I asked as I answered the phone.

"Tell me how it went." Katelyn said her voice fully animated as she dragged her words along.

"How what went?" I asked making my way up the stairs.

"Um, having to tutor Gene, duh." Katelyn said making it seem obvious.

"Good I guess," I said, "we talked a little bit. Even though I told him I'd rather not."

"Sounds like Gene." Katelyn said most likely rolling her eyes.

"Also, do you think Garroth purposely avoided telling me he takes a sophmore math class?" I asked partailly to find out if Gene was lieing to me.

"Probably, he gets self-conscious, you know that." Katelyn said sounding slightly surprised.

"I know but I dont want him to purposely hide things from me. Especially since it wont bother me." I said closing my room door behind me.

"Yeah okay Miss dont tell my boyfriend that I'm tutoring the guy who tried to steal me from him." Katelyn said trying to mimick my voice.

"Different scenarios." I said laying down on my side while letting my phone balance on my face.

"Yeah okay." Katelyn said again, probably rolling her eyes.


"Are you okay." I asked walking away from Katelyn who I'm pretty sure was talking bad about Laurance to Lucinda.

"Yeah," Sasha said sounding slightly surprised, "why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know we haven't talked in awhile, and I know Gene was mad at you." I said.

"He got over it. He's like a little girl, overreacting about everything." Sasha said rolling her eyes.

"You could still come sit with me, you don't have to sit with Gene and Zenix if their being jerks to you." I said

"No way, I know what your friends think about me." Sasha said furrowing her eyebrows at me.

"I've never herd any if them say anything bad about you, only about Gene." I said.

"Me, Gene, and Zenix are all the same person in everyone elses eyes." Sasha said crossing her arms.

"I dont think that's true." I said only sure of my feelings and no one elses.

"It doesn't matter," Sasha said semiquietly and then we were silent for a moment, "you're tutoring Gene?"

"Yeah" I said quietly not knowing what Sasha was thinking.

"I don't know if you believed him or not but its not something he planned." Sasha said.

"It doesn't matter, he'll still utilize the situation." I said.

"Oh come on do you know who we're talking about, of course he will." Sasha said laughing slightly.

Im trying to get chapters out quicker for you guys especially with quarantine. I want to thank everyone who has ever voted because it is so crazy that this story has over eight hundred votes.
