
Your P.O.V

"I don't understand why you're freaking out so much." Garroth said attempting to reach across me and open the car door. I slapped his hand away and looked back at him.

"I don't understand why your not freaking out." I said.

"Come on open the door." Garroth said reaching across me again. I pushed his hand down into my lap keeping both my hands on his and pushing.

"I'm freaking out because I don't know what I'm going to do when my mom tells me she hates you." I said looking down.

"Why are you so sure your mom will hate me."

"Because" I said thinking if the way my mom had reacted in the car for probably the hundredth time today.

"Also, your starting to hurt my hand." Garroth said breathly, clearly smiling even though I wasn't looking at him.

"Sorry." I mumbled taking my hands off of his and watching the white marks fade from where I had pushed at him.

"Come on." Garroth said pulling his hand back to him and opening the driver side door to get out. I leaned back and pressed my head against the car seat glaring at Garroth through the side of my eye. I pushed open my door and got out as Garroth did.

I walked through the door with Garroth behind me immediately seeing my mother who was in the kitchen.

"Hi." I said plainly before grabbing Garroth's hand and racing towards the stairs.

"Y/N." My mom said just as toneless as I had. I turned to look at her, she held her hand out and motioned for me to come into the kitchen. Garroth, again, followed behind me into the kitchen.

"What?" I asked. Mom made a hand motion that when from me to Garroth and then back to me.

"This is Garroth." I said motioning both my hands to the right of me where Garroth stood. "There are you happy now." Mom gave me a side eye look and then seemed to look Garroth from down to up.

"You smoke?" Mom asked for what seemed like no reason, as she stood up straight instead of leaned over like she had been.

"No," Garroth said smirking, "Not any more." My mother gave Garroth a confused look as I turned my head to glare at Garroth harder than I've ever glared before.

"Kidding kidding," Garroth said all nervous smiles as he met my eyes. "not a good joke, I get it."

"I'm so good at first impressions, how do you think I scored you." I said attempting to make my voice deeper in order to mimic him. Garroth laughed his half giggle half deep laugh and I hit him in the stomach with the back of my hand. "What is wrong with you?"

"Ouchy." Garroth mumbled making his lower lip slide on top of his top lip so he was pouting.

"Come on, no more questions." I said pulling on the shoulder of his shirt until he was in a position where I could push him forward and up the stairs.

"Y/N." My mom called after I had pushed Garroth over halfway up the stairs, Mom made that same hand motion telling me to come over to her. I blew air out of my nose and pushed Garroth once more telling him to go to my room.

"What so this is the part where you tell me that you hate him." I asked as I neared the kitchen. My mom narrowed her eyes at me.

"Why do you say that." Mom asked

"I saw the way you looked at him in the courtyard at school." I said.

"I could never hate someone that truly makes you happy. I was just worried that this boy was too looks oriented and didn't really care about you at all."

"Garroth isn't like that, not at all." I said.

"I know, I trust you when you say that." Mom said.

"Okay, thanks." I said smiling and nodding my head before I could even think about it.

Garroth sat at the end of my bed leaning forward in his knees. He moved his eyes up to me but not his head. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my forehead to his.


I took a step back, away from Cadenza as she heavily breathed attempting to get me to do her exercises once again.

"Im not doing that, your slobbering all over." I laughed.

"Come on it must have been good luck." Cadenza said her shoulders falling.

"I didn't do your weird breathing exercises last time." I said.

"You did too, you just don't want to admit it." Cadenza fake pouted as she crossed her arms.

"I think you won because of my good luck kiss." Garroth said standing from the bleachers, where he had been sitting, and put his hand behind my head and pressing his lips to mine. He waited a second before deciding to let go of me, leaving me blushing.

"Your mom's here." Katelyn said as she nonchalantly stuffed a handful of popcorn into her mouth. I turned to look at the other set of home team bleachers where my mother was sitting down along with Marcus.

"Yeah I know, she said she would be." I said looking back towards my friends.

"Hey!" Laurance called to what seemed like no one in particular, "he sleeps with your daughter." Laurance grabbed Garroth's wrist pulling them closer together as Laurance frantically pointed to Garroth. Garroth pushed Laurance's side and he dramatically fell into the bleachers. I looked back at the other softball girls who were beginning to form a circle on the field in front of the dugout.

"Gotta go." I said grabbing Garroth's wrist and pulling him down so I could kiss his cheek before running to join the other girls.


The first inning went nothing like any other game we've played before. Oakassis scored 3 times and then left us with scoring nothing. And then just like our other games, the game stayed at the same pace, but this time not in our favor. The game ended 12 to 4 with us losing. We could have lost by less but all of us seemed to have given up. We all left the group circle with unintentional tears, not because we lost, but because the season was over.

"Want a hug." Garroth asked, I kept my head down and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"It's okay, you did good." Garroth said kissing the top of my head.

"Thanks." I said taking a step away from him and sucking in a breath.

"You should go." Garroth said, "Your moms waiting."

"Great," I mumbled attempting not to let Garroth hear. "I disappointed more than just myself."

"Hey, knock it off, you didn't disappoint anyone." Garroth said. I nodded like I understood and walked to where my mother and Marcus stood.
