
So before you read this first part just know that I kinda confused myself. For the whole book I've only been using places from the MCD series like Okasis and Scaleswind. Instead for this first part I used real countries so let's just pretend its like a separate. region and I didn't just mess up. K thanks.

Your P.O.V

I stared at my computer reading the same question again, and again. In the very beginning of the year social studies was one of the easiest classes we had. The questions were easy and the readings were simple. Now it seems as if each question gets worded completely different, making it difficult to find the answers. I elbowed Garroth in the side to get his attention.

"Who won this stupid war anyways?" I asked.

"The Japanese." Garroth answered smiling, clearly knowing I was far behind him.

"Wait aren't China and Japan right next to each other. Why would they fight?" I asked still confused about the whole subject.

"I- no they aren't right next to each other. Japan is surrounded by water." Garroth said glancing over at my screen. I hit my head against the table.

"Gar, help me I'm stupid." I mumbled.

"Your not stupid," Garroth said leaning over to my table side "your really far down in the reading." Garroth smiled at me as I lifted my head.

"I never found the answer." I said slightly embarrassed. The bell rang just as I finished my sentence.

"I only finished six questions." I sighed closing my computer and picking it up.

"Come here cutie." Garroth said holding his hand out for me to take. I took his hand and walked out of the classroom with him.

"If you wanna stay at my house tomorrow night I'll help you with social studies." Garroth said without making eye contact with me.

"I don-," I stopped myself, "would you?" I asked looking up at him.

"Yeah of coarse," Garroth said letting go of my hand so we could part ways, "see you in a little bit." Garroth said kissing my cheek.


Opening my locker I instantly saw the bright colored sticky note attached to the door of my locker.

I'll never finish falling in love with you.

"Is that from Ivy?"

I jumped and put my hands close to me as if it were an instinct.

"No, it's Garroth." I said turning my wrist so Katelyn could see the note.

"Gross." Katelyn laughed pretending to gag.

"Do you need something?" I asked stepping away from the lockers I had my back pressed to. Katelyn bent down grabbing her literary book from my locker.

"Homework." Katelyn said slamming her hand against the book.


"I just think it would be good for us to have conjoined practices with the boys." Ellie said as I walked to the field with her for practice, which the boys wouldn't be attending.

"I just think, that it would distract everyone there, including Garroth and I." I said almost surprised Ellie was determined enough to keep bringing this up.

"But it would be fun." Ellie said giving me a fake pout.

"Not for the boys, why would they want to practice with us?" I asked certain that Ellie wouldn't have an answer good enough for me to consider it.

"They're horny teenage boys they'd love it." Ellie said throwing her arms out.

"My god you sound like my brother." I groaned mentally face palming.

"It's the truth, they wouldn't care because they get to attempt to flirt." Ellie said taking a glance at me, most likely to see my reaction.

"Maybe if they all agree to it, but only for one practice. Do you even know how much chaos that would lead to?" I asked. Honestly it would be fun for one practice, but no one would be focused.

"Great, then I'll slowly torture every single one of them until they agree." Ellie said. Which only means she'll attempt to convince them.

"Okay you do that." I said rolling my eyes as we approached the field. We entered the dugout setting our things down on the bench. Ellie turned towards another girl who was already in the dugout before we were there.

"Don't you think it would be fun to have practice with the boys?" Ellie asked as if she was starting a petition right in front of my eyes. The girl shrugged taking another bite of the doughnut she was enjoying.

"Maybe." She said simply.

"Seeeee, I'm not the only one who thinks it's a good idea." Ellie said turning to me with her knees bent and arms out.

I rolled my eyes once more pulling my glove from my bag.


I walked to the cafe with Ellie after practice had finished. Katelyn had texted me telling me to come but I had Ellie tag along knowing no one in the group would care. I watched as Ellie waved at a passing car as she tried to put her hair back up into a ponytail.

"Who's that?" I asked smiling at the sight of her struggling to fix her hair.

"I have no idea." Ellie said finally putting her headband up onto her forehead.

"Why are you so worried about your hair, who are you trying to impress." I asked pushing her side. Ellie looked at me and crinkled her nose.

"None of your friends, their all sluts." Ellie said walking partially sideways.

"Ellie! Your so mean." I said surprised.

"I mean the guys not the girls, I'm not that mean." Ellie said.

"Ok whatever you say." I said rolling my eyes.

When I pushed open the doors to the cafe I was instantly hit with the smell of sweets. My friends sat in a big old school booth like always. In the seat was Katelyn, Cadenza, Laurence, Travis, and Garroth. But because of the size of the booth there was plenty of room.

I put my hand on Garroth's shoulder and lifted my feet into the booth, using him as support even though I didn't need to.

"Hi" Garroth said pecking me on the lips as is let my butt fall onto the seat.

"Hey, hey, hey." Ellie said as she sat down and waved her hand violently in front of Garroth's face.

"What?" Garroth asked moving his head back.

"Don't you just love spending time with Y/N." Ellie said more excited then she needed to be.

"Ellie stop." I mumbled knowing what she was going to bring up.

"Uh yeah, where is this going?" Garroth asked.

"Wouldn't it be great to have conjoined practices so you can spend even more time together." Ellie said tilting her head, eagerly wanting an answer.

"You don't want to have conjoined practices with us," Garroth said, "our practices are already crazy as hell."

"So what It'd be fun, and we could scrimmage." Ellie said pouting like a child.

"You guys would not have fun, trust me." Garroth said raising and eyebrow.

"Yes we would, and for the same reason you would, there'd be tons of hot guys." Ellie said.

Garroth opened his mouth like he was offended. "First of all," Garroth said raising his hand and pointing at Ellie, "I am the only hot guy on my team."

I pressed my lips together containing my laughter. Ellie however let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Well your personality is the least hot thing about you." Ellie said extending the joke they have about her hating him when in reality neither of them mind each other.

This time I let out a half laugh at Ellie's comment. Garroth looked at me and pouted even though he knows I don't think 'his personality is the least hot thing about him'.

"Well Y/N thinks I'm hot so." Garroth said sticking his tongue out. I rolled my eyes.


I shut my computer leaning back against the wall with a huff. I slid it away from me being some what satisfied that I finished my homework. Of coarse I only finished with an A because of Garroth's help.

"Now we have to do something fun." Garroth said putting some of his weight on me from leaning on my shoulder.

"Like?" I asked smiling.

"Not homework." Garroth said letting his body slide over and pitting his head in my lap.

I ran my fingers through the buzzed side of his hair and up to the longer part that runs across his forehead.

"Does Ivy still leave notes in your locker?" Garroth asked still facing away from me. I shook my head.

"No, what did you say to her?" I asked smiling.

"Nothing." Garroth said, but it was easy to see he was smirking wildly.

"Yes you did." I said punching his back harder then needed.

"Hey, that was aggressive. We were having a moment." Garroth said rolling completely over and sitting up criss cross applesauce. I breathed out a laugh and smiled.

"I'm serious, I told you not to worry about it and you did something." I said.

"I just talked to her, she'll do whatever I say cause she's obsessed with me." Garroth said shrugging.

"She does not just listen to you." I said confused why she would.

"Yes she does, I have a very sexy controlling voice okay." Garroth said smirking.

"No you don't." I laughed.

"Well tell that to her." Garroth said. There was a moment of silence filled with just smiling.

"Let's play something we'll both be bad at." Garroth said referring to Xbox which we play whenever I come to his house.

"That's impossible, you're always going to be better then me." I said watching Garroth get up to get us both controllers.

"Well you can't be worse then you are at Smash Bro's." Garroth said sitting down with me and giving me a controller.

"Oh I can definitely be worse." I said leaning my head on Garroth's shoulder as he scrolled past screens and opened up Cuphead. Which Garroth has apparently never played before but ended up being significantly better then me. I'll admit I was better at this then at Smash Bros but definitely not that good.

After nearly three hours, which we know is an excessive amount of time, we stopped. And in those three hours we completed only 26 percent of the game.

Garroth leaned back against the wall and exited out of the game, then opening Netflix.

"Whatcha wanna watch." He asked looking at me. I shrugged and scooted closer to him, putting my legs in his lap.

"I don't care." I said.

"So if something just so happens to be scary, will you or will you not hold on to me?" He asked smirking at me.

I smiled and pressed my lips to his answering his question.

Garroth trailed away from the kiss pulling my legs farther across his lap, and lifting me into his lap. He turned a movie on before wrapping his arms around my waist.

Less then twenty minutes later Garroth's door slid open letting in light that my eyes had to adjust to.

"What do you want?" Garroth asked.

"Do I need to sleep on the couch?" Vylad asked.

"Why would you need to sleep on the couch?"

"Well if you two decide to smash I don't wanna listen to that." Vylad said.

"Vylad what the fuck." Garroth said sitting up taller and throwing a pillow towards the door.

"Hey I'm being serious." Vylad said.

"So am I, now go away." Garroth said.

"Fine don't answer me." Vylad mumbled closing the door.

"Sorry." Garroth sighed. I leaned my head back onto Garroth's shoulder. I smiled and kissed his cheek before I moved down onto my stomach pulling him with me.

Again I'm sorry this chapter took so long but thanks so much for 8k reads. It means so much to me everytime someone reads, votes, or comments. :)
