Seeing Him Again

I open my eyes hours later, seeing a hint of sun coming through the curtain. I don't want to fall asleep again, so I sit up and throw my legs over the edge of the bed. I look behind me, half hoping that I had called Justin to come over rather than just dreaming it. But there was no one.

I grab my phone and hit the power button, squinting my eyes at the brightness. I open my messages and just stare.

I'm sorry. I miss you. Call me if you want.

I want to call him. I wanted to call him last night. I wanted to call him every day for the last three months. I can imagine that you're judging me right now because we weren't dating for very long, we didn't even go out in public during that time either. At least, that's what I've been telling myself. I don't understand how I could fall for him so hard so fast. I did though.

I grip my phone tight and head out to the living room. I don't see Katie, but as I walk into the kitchen, I see a note on the table.

Leb, had to get my car and go to work. Thanks for letting me crash for a little while. I'll call you later and check on you. Love you.

I left the note where it was and turned to look for something to eat. I drank a good bit last night but didn't eat anything. I'm starving. My phone goes off as I'm scrambling some eggs and I pick it up to see who it is texting me so early. It's just Katie.

My smile fades as I realize I was hoping it was Justin again. I read her message, just asking if I got her note and that she made it to her car and work safely. I sent her a smiley emoji back and promise to call her later. I transfer the eggs to a plate before sitting down.

I look at Justin's messages from last night again. I scroll up and read some of our past messages. Most of our relationship is in those messages. I smile, remembering what I was doing or thinking while we were texting. One conversation caught my attention, the first time that he brought up wanting to go public with our relationship. I didn't tell him the real reason why I didn't want to. It was dumb. I just told him that I wasn't ready for all of it. What I didn't tell him was that I wasn't ready for the fallout. Someone would say something. I could lose my job for crossing that line with a client. I don't want to go through what Selena did. That last one was the main reason. I loved our little world while we were together. I didn't want anything to pop that.

But in the end, I popped it myself.

A new message comes through, sending the messages away to reveal the new one. It is from Justin.

Good morning. Are you awake?

I can't help but smile. I have to text him back though. There's no way getting around having this conversation. We owe it to each other, at least.

Good morning. Yes, I am awake. I'll be home all day.

I take a bite of my eggs before he messages back.

Can I come over?

I think about seeing him again. I've missed him, but what am I going to do when I see him? Be mad at him, hug him, kiss him?


I finish my eggs fast before putting the plate in the sink and head to be bathroom. I desperately need a shower. Not to mention that I'm still in the clothes I was dancing in most of the night. A knock on the door sounded through the apartment. I curse under my breath, hoping that it isn't Justin already. I need to shower and think about what I'm going to say.

I go to the door anyways and open it. It is Justin and I let out a long sigh. No, wait.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, looking at the guy. It's the same guy from last night. The one I yelled at because I was drunk. Oh yeah, he's probably wondering why I did that, I think to myself.

"I found your driver's license in your bag," he said, holding up my purse. I didn't even realize I had left it last night. I'm grateful, but I have stuff in my bag that I didn't want anyone to see. Like my little notebook that keeps my client schedule. "I only looked in the wallet for your license, if you're worried. I noticed it under one of the stools at the bar and saw that it belonged to you."

"Thank you," I say, really meaning it. "I didn't even realize I was missing it."

We both stand there silent. It quickly becomes awkward. I'm about to say something when he speaks up. "I want to apologize for last night. I'm not sure what I did, but I could see you were going through something. I just wanted to dance with you."

"No, I'm sorry." He deserves an explanation, I say to myself. "I am going through a rough break up. Last night was the first time I've really been out since then and seeing you dressed as Justin just brought back all of the memories."

"Why? It's not like you were dating Justin himself." He doesn't say it rudely, just keeping the conversation going. I realize the mistake I made saying that though. I fake a laugh.

"No," I say, trying to come up with something believable on the spot. "We just both liked his music a lot. Our first date was his concert."

Understanding crosses his face, although I'm sure he's still a bit skeptical. He drops it though and changes the subject. "Well, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for following you outside last night. I didn't mean to come across as creepy or anything. I just saw you earlier in the night and thought you looked great and I wanted to dance with you. Maybe we could go to a club or something some other time?"

Is he asking me out? Of course he is because I just told him that I wasn't in a relationship. As crazy as my life is right now, this takes me back. I don't know what to say. Justin is on his way over; he'll be here in about half an hour if he was coming from his place.

"I slipped a piece of paper with my number on it into your bag if you change your mind. I'm glad I got to see you again."

And with that, he turns and walks away. I shut the door, looking through my purse to make sure nothing is missing. How did I not realize that this wasn't with me when I left? Nothing seems to be missing and I do find the piece of paper he said he put in there. I put it back in the bag; I'll throw it away later.

I'm pulling my shirt over my head when another knock at the door sounds through the apartment. I take a deep breath before going to open the door. Another deep breath as my hand turns the knob.

Justin, the real Justin, is standing there. I thought about what I would say, how I will react. None of that matters now because as much as I wish it didn't happen, what I did I never thought I would.

I start to cry. I cannot stop them from pooling in my eyes and dripping out, down my cheek, and to the floor.

Justin steps in quickly and shuts the door behind himself. I don't say anything. Mostly because I'm using every muscle in my face to try and stop the tears. He stands there for only a heartbeat's moment before pulling me into a hug.

"I've missed you," he whispers as we melt together. I wrap my arms around him as he does the same. It feels natural, to just be standing there with him. For just a moment, nothing matters. Then Justin speaks again. "I heard what you said last night, at that club."

"How?" I ask, leaning back but not breaking away from him. Justin, though, breaks away and pulls out his phone.

"This was sent to me last night," he says, pulling up a video. "It isn't on any social media or anything. It was sent through Instagram messages. It caught my eye because it had your name and the word urgent in the line, otherwise I wouldn't have opened it."

The video is of me yelling at the guy from last night. I still don't know his name. The video was taken from behind me. It's about thirty feet away. There was an entire line of people trying to get in that could have seen it. But how would they have known my name and sent it to Justin himself?

"I-" I have no idea what to say. We move to the couch and sit.

"I meant it when I said that I missed you. I hated how we ended things."

"I did too," I say, letting out a long sigh. How long had I been holding my breath? "I loved what we had though. I wasn't ready to share what we had with everyone."

"And I want to share it with everyone. I still do. What do I have to do to show you that I'm serious?" Justin asks. He's talking in the present tense, I notice.

"Justin," I say, my voice just above a whisper. "We're not even together anymore."

"I want to be," he says, like that simple fact would make everything better. As much as I knew I would hate and regret it, the next words came out of my mouth.

"I want to too but that doesn't mean we are. I'm still not comfortable with going public." I hold up a finger to keep from talking so I can continue. "It's not that I don't want to or that I don't like you enough to do it, but because there are things that would happen if we do. I could lose my job. I would definitely be hounded by magazines, moreso than I am already when they figure out my email address or phone number. I can only imagine how it's going to be if we went public. You have to understand where I'm coming from."

I wait as he digests the information. I hope he understands. I can't tell what he is thinking; his face is expressionless.

"I can't have a relationship I have to hide," Justin says. That isn't what I want to hear. "I deal with the media every single day and although there are things I keep to myself sometimes, this is something I don't want to keep inside. Lindsey, I know you and I know you like to plan out every possibility before making a choice, but some things you just don't know what is going to happen until you do it."

I take his words to heart. I know what he means, but I can't. I can't risk losing my job. That isn't something that I'm going to take a chance on. I look away from him, knowing that if I don't I'll say something other than what I'm thinking. I know that this is going to be the last thing either of us thought would happen today.

"I can't," I say quickly, before I chicken out. "I'm sorry Justin, I'm just not willing to risk my job. I want to be with you, I really do. But this job is my dream."

"And being with someone like you is mine," he says. "Lindsey, I love you."

**CLIFFHANGER!! Before you yell at me, I honestly have NO IDEA how Leb and Justin's conversation is going to end, so that's why it stops here! I have to figure out where I want the story to go from here! So comment what you thought and what you think will/should happen!!! And don't forget that I am making a trailer for this story and it will be posted soon!**
