Happy Halloween!


It isn't my favorite day of the year, but that doesn't mean I don't like to celebrate it! And it couldn't have been a better timing this year. I've spent months in what I like to call the "loser" stage- the wallowing, feeling bad for yourself, not wanting to do anything stage. I'm ready to get out of it now and what better way to do that than go to a Halloween Bash, right? It's even a themed one, so costumes were easy to chose! 

The theme is Duos. Katie and I are going together. We didn't want to do the more famous couples because we wanted to make sure we would be the only ones dressed up that way. We went through a couple of ideas though, funny mostly. We thought about a Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus duo. I already have the blonde wig for that from Halloween years ago when I was much younger. Then we settled on The Spartan Cheerleaders. You know? the SNL skit that Will Ferrell was in. I love that clip. We were settled on that one for a day or so but couldn't find any costumes online or anywhere. So, finally, we settled on something that we didn't really need to buy costumes for. 

Drum roll please... 

Our duo costume for this Halloween is Laverne and Shirley! 

I really hope you know who they are, but if not, I'll give you a quick overview. They were two friends that were total opposites but lived together and went through crazy scenarios during the length their TV show aired. I used to watch it with my parents growing up. All we had to do was buy the wigs. 

So that is why I'm currently dressed in a short blonde wig and a blue button up and a giant L sewed on the chest, waiting for Katie to come pick me up. The wig is a bit itchy, but it isn't going to stop me from having a good time tonight. This is the first time I've really gone out since July. Since Justin dumped me. 

I shake my head, not wanting to think about it. Luckily, my phone beeps and I see the text from Katie letting me know she is waiting downstairs. I notice the time, 7 p.m. The sun is almost set already but the night is just starting. I lock up and fly down the stairs to the car. 

"Let's do this!" I shout as I buckle up. I shout partly because I'm excited and partly because the music is up loud and Katie is dancing. She seems just as excited as I am. 

We sing along to the songs as we travel to the club. Tonight the club is reserved for those twenty-one and over only. It is decorated like a haunted house. As we wait in line between Frankenstein and his bride and body painted Spongebob and Patrick, I see the fog pouring out of the open door. The bouncer isn't dressed up but he is wearing a Halloween themed hat and shirt. 

As we get to the front and show our IDs, I peek inside. The first thing I notice are the lights flashing. Orange, white, green. It's already loud and crowded. 

"This is going to be so fun," Katie says as we step into the club. 

I'm hit with the music as I agree. Have you ever been to a concert or somewhere where the music is so loud you can almost feel it going through you? That's how it feels right now. People are everywhere too, dancing in front of the stage, up on the balcony above, over by the cash bar. It's insane, but awesome too. 

"Let's dance!" Katie shouts and I do not object. 

We head to the dance floor and find a spot just big enough for the two of us to move around. I'm not a big dancer but tonight, I don't care if anyone sees me flailing my arms. With the wig and make up I never wear, I almost don't recognize myself when I see my reflection. Tonight, I'm not me. I don't have any problems to deal with. I didn't just break up with a famous pop singer. I don't have a job as a celebrity therapist. 

This is my form of therapy. Forgetting who I am for a little while. 

"I'm thirsty," I say to Katie during a brief pause in music. She nods but does not follow when I turn to leave. I pull my phone out of my bra- the only safe place to keep it tonight- and look at the time. I'm surprised to see that it is already 9 p.m. We've been dancing for almost an hour already. I squeeze into a place at the bar and signal the bartender. "Jameson on the rocks, please." 

I lay down the money as he slides the drink down and turn back around to watch the people. I can just barely make out the crazy wig Katie is wearing. I laugh as I see what- or who, I should say- she is dancing with. It is a guy dressed as a fire hydrant. I assume his other half is a dog of some sort. I also assume that dog is not very happy right now. 

"I can't believe how much you look like him." 

Some girl's high pitched voice breaks my attention from my friend and makes me turn toward it. Her voice is really annoying and she already sounds drunk. I immediately regret it though because I can see why she sounded so shocked. She's talking to a Justin Bieber lookalike. I don't look at him long, not wanting to be reminded that I actually do have problems tonight, but from what I glanced, the girl isn't lying. He does look like Justin. Blonde hair, baggy clothes. 

"Thanks," he says. "I have my other half, Selena, here somewhere." 

I have to admit that his voice sounds like him a little bit, but I can't hear him all that great over the DJ shouting to the crowd as he starts the next remix. As I finish up my drink, I look around at the other costumes in the club. One thing that Los Angeles never does is disappoint. There are all kinds of costume duos here tonight. Elsa and Anna. Romeo and Juliet. Ken and Barbie. Woody and Jessie. The Flinstones. 

I put my glass back down on the bar counter and head out to the dance floor again, feeling a little buzzed. 

** Comment what you think! More Halloween clubbing to continue! And of course more drama! ** 
