Drunken Lookalikes

The music is pouring from the speakers, drowning out any chance of conversation between myself and the creative array of guys I am dancing with. I spot Katie every now and then, doing much the same I am; letting guys buy our drinks in exchange for a dance or two.

I've already ditched the majority of my costume. It was getting hot. I'm not sure where my wig went. My button up shirt is tied around my waist, showing off my white tank and new push up bra. I am thankful beyond belief that our costumes didn't include heels. The drinks that have gone into my system mixed with wanting to push Justin and all the drama out, my dancing is loose and my judgement slightly impaired. Tonight, I just want to forget.

Whether the universe has a twisted sense of humor or my half-drunk mind will him here, Justin shows up in front of me. I stop dancing and stare at him. It is an entire minute before my brain connects that the guy standing in front of me is not really Justin. His hair is dyed the same and he sounds like him a little, but it isn't really Justin. It's just the guy that is here with the fake Selena too. I turn to walk away, not wanting to look at the stranger any longer. It is doing nothing to help me forget him tonight.

"Whoa, hey," he says, grabbing my arm and turning me back around to face him. Normally, I would have gotten myself out of there right then, but like I said, my judgement is slightly impaired.

"Please," I shout, yanking my arm out of his grasp. "Leave me alone."

"Come on," he says, following behind me. In' not too sure wehre I am headed. "Why don't you want to dance with me? I'm Justin Bieber, everyone wants to dance with me!"

We are outside now. I don't know why this guy followed me all the way out here. I just want to go home now. My night of fun has been ruined.

"I'm done for the night," I state matter-of-factly. "And you would be the last person I would want to dance with right now."

"Why's that?" The guy seems genuinely confused, as he should be. That doesn't stop me from looking at him with his hair and his clothes and the temporary tattoos. Wow, he really went all out, I think. All I can see is the real Justin standing in front of me.

"How about because you let me just walk out? You opened the door and didn't do anything as I walked out?"

"What are you talking about?" the guy says. I don't register the confusion anymore. I feel everything from the last three months boiling up inside, ready to explode.

"I'm talking about our talks and our secret dates. The way we would just hang out and watch a movie or do something. The way you sent me those flowers and that song. And then, the icing on the cake, when you told me to leave because I said I didn't want us to go public."

I know I am crying now. I have a habit of crying when I get really worked up about something. I am also very aware that this guy, this complete stranger, is standing there doing nothing as I beat my fist on his chest repeatedly. He just lets me scream and hit him.

"Lindsey," I hear a voice calling me from behind. I take a step back and turn around. Katie is standing there. "I've been looking for you."

"Sorry," I say, not sure who I am apologizing to. "I want to go home."

I start walking away, not too sure if it is the right direction or not, but no one tries to stop me so I keep going. Once I get to the intersection, I realize what street I'm on and know where to go. It's about an hour's walk from here to my place. I don't want to walk it, but I also don't stop. I just want to get out of here.

"Leb, wait up," Katie's voice comes again. I slow down just a bit so she can catch up. "What was that about? Did you know him?"

"Sort of," I say shortly. I don't want to answer any questions right now. I just want to curl up in my bed and sleep off this feeling.

"Talk to me," Katie says, laying a hand on my arm. "You can trust me."

"I don't want to talk about it right now," I say. "Can we please just go to my place? You can crash there if you want."

"I'll call us an Uber."

It's ten minutes later when the car pulls up. Thankfully the driver isn't chatty. I give him the address and close my eyes for the entire ride home. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know is Katie shoving me to wake up and get out of the car.

"Thank you," Katie says to the driver and pays him. "Okay, let's get you inside."

My phone buzzes as we wait for the elevator. I find it in my back pocket and look at the screen. It's a text message. I blink a couple of times before my eyes can focus on the white letters. It's a text from Justin.

We need to talk.

I just stare at those four words. Even though I'm tired and not in my usual, stable mind, I know that this cannot be good. I hit the reply button as the elevator doors open. I step in and lean against the metal railing along the three walls and type just one word.


I unlock the door for the both of us and head straight to my room, leaving Katie to fend for herself. I'm not sure if she's going to stay the night or go back for her car and go home. I close the door behind me and strip off the costume, getting into my pajamas. Just as I lay my head down and close my eyes, my phone goes off again.

I'm sorry. I've missed you. Call me if you want.

I weigh my options. I have laid in this exact position for months, hoping for a text like that. To be able to fall asleep listening to him talk about the most mundane of things. I hit his contact information and hover my thumb over the little phone icon. It stays there for just a minute before moving to turn the screen off.

I fall asleep immediately after that.

**Ohh, ooh! Let me know what you think! What did you think about the Justin lookalike? -- He isn't out of the picture yet---  ;) I've got some big plans coming up!  **
