Chapter 6: The skill

The auditions bring so many new faces and new talent that will bring Lost and Found to a higher level. There was people who weren't good enough, and they sadly didn't make it in.

Luke and John saw someone that didn't make it in the audition because she messed up, but she could sing.

She was so talented that they didn't think she deserved to fail like this. So they told Mr.T to audition her again. She passes the second time, and she gets in.

A couple days later, there is an open stage.

Clara said that she wrote it which wasn't true. Eva knew that Clara didn't write it. Yuna got on stage next and performed a song, Demons [by Imagine Dragons], not know that it was published years ago under her Alias. The song wasn't stamped with her stamp for published song so Yuna thought that she just wrote it but never released it. She recorded it like any other songs but rejected songs just stay unreleased and collect dust.

Eva also found Yuna's song really familiar. She thought it was strange because Yuna is usually a strong song-writer so there is no reason for her to plagiarize. But Yuna did say that she wrote it, not many people know this song because it was overshadowed by some of her bigger releases that year. Eva goes up to only Clara because maybe its just a misunderstanding for Yuna.

Eva: "I know you didn't write that song, why have you been telling people that you wrote it."

Clara:"What are you talking about, of course I wrote it."

Eva pulls out her phone and plays the song, only for Clara to stop the song fearing that someone would hear.

Clara:"Ok, I panicked, I didn't write the song. But I was going to tell people but I got scared."

Eva:" Well you got to say the truth, because it always comes out."

Clara says to Eva not expose her and she promises that the reveal won't be from her. Later in the day Freebird comes on in the Java studio. This wasn't good for Clara since everyone heard it. What's even worse was that Yuna's song Demons, so there was no way of escaping it she was getting exposed. Yuna didn't know that her song played on the audio systems, but she came back to people in the halls staring at her with weird looks.

It didn't take long for a meeting to begin, Clara and Yuna were on trial being accused of plagiarizing. Everyone was arguing, Clara was having a mental break down. Yuna was confused because she did write the song, and the paper wasn't stamped so she didn't release it.

Clara: "I didn't know what I was doing!! I did it cause you actually liked me, no one ever likes me!"

Leia:" What you did was the worst crime that a musician can ever make. You took someone else's work and claimed it as your own."

Eva: "She can make up an original song. If its good enough, then she can stay. Couldn't she?" She looks to everyone, especially Mr.T because he has the final decision. He agrees and Clara goes into the recording studio to make a song.

Mr. T: "Now on to Yuna and her song?" Mr. T was confused because she is a very strong song-writer. Mr. T doesn't know that Yuna is Moonlight, but he witnessed her writing songs in front of him. She doesn't need to plagiarize because her own work is already great, she already can make it on her own.

Yuna: " I wrote Demons, its my song"

Someone: "No, cause "your" song came on in the Java studio." They take their phone and play Moonlight's Demons song. Yuna closes her eyes because she recognizes her song, something must have happened. She is not happy, Demons was released and she didn't know.

The year that the song released, Yuna had to approve the list of songs within the album. Demon's was on the back of the page, and no one told her. Demons was approved without Yuna ever knowing because it was her call, no one else's. No one wanted to question her because she's been questioned before and it was changed which lead to the album not having the estimated revenue. The song was later released as a single that it blew estimates off the roof.

Yuna was completely lost as to why that song is playing, she remembers when she recorded it. The song wasn't on the release papers, she never even meant to ever release Demons anyways. She just blankly shocked, she thinks that there isn't anything she can do without exposing her identity. Yuna just takes a deep breath.

Yuna: "I'll prove that I didn't plagiarize, but I need about a week to get everything sorted out."

Everyone don't buy it, but Mr. T thinks that if Yuna can prove it then she can stay, because there really wasn't anything that she could do that could make this worse. He agrees to give her a week.

After the studio, Yuna goes to Angel tears Entertainment, she goes up because she is already known as the CEO's niece, only a few people know that Yuna is Moonlight in the company outside of the family. She goes to Uncle Dan's office and knocks on the door. He says come in.

Yuna: "Hi Uncle Dan"

Dan: "Yuna? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at Lost and Found right now."

Yuna:" Yeah something happened. I performed a song called Demons that I wrote years ago, but I don't ever recall ever releasing it. Now everyone thinks I plagiarized the song. The song wasn't stamped to be released."

Dan: "Demons? That song was, it was on the back of the paper those years ago. I remember because I spilled coffee looking over the list, it wasn't able to fit on one side."

Yuna: "Its just made everyone think that I stole the song. I wanna contain it, but the only thing I can think of is to reveal that I'm Moonlight."

Dan: "I mean it wouldn't be a bad idea because of the popularity of Moonlight. Also it would be easier to not to hide your face, but it would make your peaceful life way more difficult. Its your call."

Yuna thinks about it and...
