Chapter 3: Audition

After that fiasco of a fight, the group go to the cafeteria for some food. John is still a little upset from the guy. The group sees on the tv that it's almost time for L7's comeback and everyone is so excited. The concerts sell out immediately and fans have a really good time because so long as no one tries to harm or injure the members. Fans can come up the stairs one by one throughout the concert to get a closer look and some autographs. There is usually no problems and the security team makes sure that no one is cutting in line or trying to run up on stage.

Yuna always gets nervous about the comebacks because it's when the paparazzi's attention is on full alert for the possibility of the biggest scoop: A picture of Moonlight's face. She has to make sure that everything that happens doesn't expose her, because there have been instances where people have actually followed girls home because people believed that they were Moonlight. While nothing might have happened, the fact that innocent women were dragged into this ridiculous chase was absurd. Angel tears Entertainment had to release a statement saying to stop following people home because they were not Moonlight, and that she never comes to the concerts and like watching from home because of potential identity leaks. Now this wasn't true because she did attend, but as a regular audience member and sometimes VIP but alone. She rarely went backstage and that was only once because of an emergency. 

Theo says "Wow, L7 is having another tour, I wonder if they are going to have one near the studio?" "They might, but remember the last time they did, traffic was the worst that week. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE was going to that concert, one way or another." James said with worry. "Yeah, I remember some people actually going to some of the taller building in that area to see if they could see the concert. A lot of them got caught for trespassing" Luke said. Yuna knew how much traffic and how much fans really love L7 that they would risk it. They probably need to issue a public safety and order of peace announcement to prevent fans from doing so, it might make them more rowdy but it would be better long term. The boys started talking about the songs and they're really excited for the songs everyone comes up. 

The announcement for auditions for the studio were posted for next month, everyone was excited for that as well because it meant new talent and new styles to learn from. The studio has kids from all over Toronto come and participate, it usually gets at least 20 kids with only about 2-6 kids being accepted. The low chances give competition and kids can always audition next year if they don't make it. The studio loves the talent that come from all over and a lot of kids that come from the studio actually get more contracts than any other youth studio.

Everyone really likes audition week cause it lets them see new styles and more talent to interact with. Yuna seems to like everything too. The audition this year has about 40 kids and some way more excited then others. This year's song is : Living life in the night by Cheriimoya & Sierra Kidd. 

Everyone was having fun listening to the renditions of the kids. Some did a pop style, others did a R&D sound. Someone did a trap version and another tried with a indie style. There were some people that definitely stood out. Leia and Rachael stood out for their voices, there was someone like Jude that gave the song a little swag. A lot of talent, things at the studio are getting interesting. But Leia looked a little too interested in the band, especially Luke. 

TIME SKIP (1 year, this is canon time meaning it follows the show's timeline now)

The boys are performing "Lost and Found" in the bull pit. Everyone is jamming and Yuna is standing next to Mr. T. Everyone is talking about their experiences at Lost and Found and just having a good time.

The tour is going on. Going on tour means that you are done at Lost and Found Music Studio, but it means that you are officially an artist in the world. While everyone wants to go on tour, they love the studio to want to leave. 
