Chapter 2: New belonging

The next week, Yuna joined the boys in Mr. T's class for an assignment. Yuna never really had music assignments before because she was always just writing songs for L7. This also meant that she couldn't use any songs that she wrote at Lost and Found, otherwise people could find out about her true identity. When she made songs before, her vocals were always covered by loud background noise or instruments. Hopefully her writing style isn't overly unique.

Mr. T says "Alright, so for this month's assignment, we are going to be writing songs about being deeply in love and interpret it anyway you like. You can work in groups if you like. Best song gets featured in the upcoming concert." Everyone in the class got really excited, "Remember, challenge yourselves and make it good. Alright dismissed" Mr. T turns to leave, Yuna has to ask him a question but she gets stopped by Luke. " Yuna, do you know if you're partnering with anyone on this?" She shakes her head, and looks at the other boys to signal the question. They answered that they were probably going to write a song together as a band. "I was thinking of doing it alone" with a low whisper, Luke looked a little disappointed but got over it, "Oh, that's great." "I have to go and ask Mr. T a question, I'll see you later" below a whisper. As she leaves, she can hear the boys tease Luke, she wonders about what that's about.

Yuna walks up to Mr. T's office and knocks on the door. "Come in", she walks in and sees Mr. T sitting in his chair looking at some documents and a computer. "Hi Uncle T", He looks up and see Yuna. "Hey Yuna, is there something you needed?" "Is it ok if I work on my song here?" " Sure" Mr. T points to a couch on the right side of the room and table that looked perfect for song writing. She goes to it and pulls out her laptop and blank sheets for music, and for the next hour she writes a song.

Mr. T finishes his work and Yuna finishes the draft of her song and asks if he wanted to listen to it. He says "Sure, would love to have a sneak peek" "This is called 8 letters [by Why Don't We], this is only a draft"

Pretend it's in her voice

Mr. T listens to the song and is just blown away about how good it is. "Did you just write this?" Yes, is it bad?"Yuna thinking that it's bad because of how little time spent on it. "No no, it's incredible, I'm just blown away by the quality of the song. It fits this month's theme and you did it so easily. " Yuna smiles because Mr. T like the song and her Uncle Dan tells her all about how hard it is to impress Mr. T. "Glad you like it, I might not use it for this assignment though" she says it in a low whisper. She thinks that the song can be added in an album for L7 maybe after a little tweaking.

Mr. T keeps listening to the song because it's so good. Yuna exits the office to go to work on her song for the assignment. She goes into recording studio #3 and starts to write a song about love. One hour... two hours ... three hours... her song comes alive in her hands.

It's called Underwater [by Nikki Flores] by Yuna.

She loves how the song came out, with a little more tweaking it would be perfect. She reworks some of her vocals in the recording studio, she didn't see Luke and Theo come in the studio. They hear some of the song and already love the song. They think it's impressive that she's gotten this far in song writing, especially Luke. Yuna keeps singing until she spots them behind the window, and takes off the headphones.

She waves at them and goes out of the recording room into the studio. "That's such a good song, it's really good" Theo says and Luke nods. Yuna says " Thanks" really low. "What about your songs, how is it going?" "Oh, our song is kinda hard cause we can't seem to think of anything that we haven't written before. Almost seems generic" Luke says, looking at Yuna with a little sadness. The boys were struggling because they had never been truly in love, except for John with Michelle but that didn't really count.

They hung out for a little while longer and just talked about things going on in their lives. The whole thing was calming to Yuna. She felt like she could really open up to them and they could understand her struggles in public at times. Luke and Theo also felt a little closer to this seemingly cold and introvert girl that seemed to always have her guard up. They walk out of the recording room to see students running down the hallway. "What's going on?" Theo says as all three start jogging down to see the fuss. They see it's . . . John? and someone else that they are unfamiliar with, doesn't seem like someone from the studio. John and the person are trying to fistfight which is surprising to say the least. John is so gentle that he doesn't seem to be a person that would start a fight.

"SAY THAT AGAIN!!" John shouts trying to grab him, but is being held back by four guys trying to stop the fight. Someone also keeps the guy John's fighting with in check. Luke, Theo and Yuna go up to John. "John, what happened?!" Theo is really distraught cause John is never angry, like at all. Luke is trying to calm John down, but it doesn't seem to work much. "He said that 'your music is trash just like your trash mom'" John says looking at him with such anger that Luke and Theo have never seen before, but it's rightly had. "Why did you say that?" Theo says while trying not to blow his temper too. "Cause his dad left my mom to be with his mom while they were still married" the guy says while looking at John like he's an idiot. "Well, you shouldn't speak bad about the dead" Luke added. Yuna nods her head in sheer disbelief that someone would be so rude about a dead parent like that, but can understand that an affair.

*The Guy wasn't the child of John's father and his mother, she got remarried and had the guy*
